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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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we decided to raise 1 million hryvnia for prosthetics for these guys, we will hold a competition and give away 60 premium toys 18 plus toys 18 plus, but they don’t touch cats and dogs, because after the story from the front line of law-abiding people and animals, it becomes clear who the real beast is? anastasia ivanova mowing slavery. within 24 hours, russian aviation, missile forces, artillery and unmanned crews hit more than 100 areas of concentrations of manpower and equipment of the kiev regime, for their own purposes.
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not to mention a lot of other equipment, but and the loss of enemy personnel during the same period exceeded 700 people, reports of the special operation in the material of denis alekseev. footage from the right bank of the dnieper. the russian group there is actively using lancet loitering ammunition, the very stock of which in kiev is still trying to predict depletion, they never run out, and moreover, every time... they arrive clearly on target. on the krasnolimansky front, artillery units inflicted fire on 100 identified targets in one day, of which 60 points were concentrations of personnel apu. the losses of militants in this area were about 300 people. in the krasnolimansk direction , units of the center group of troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled two attacks by assault groups of the sixties, sixty-third mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the yampolovka areas. and chervonaya debravy.
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enemy losses amounted to 290 military personnel, four armored combat vehicles, and nine vehicles. today it became known that russian troops hit facilities used by the armed forces of ukraine in nikolaev, including the oil depot at the mashproekt plant. there military products were produced. representatives of the so -called nikolaev underground reported this to the news. some of the workshops were separated from other workshops , roadblocks were set up, it was forbidden to enter them... military products began to be produced in these workshops, it is noteworthy that workers from western ukraine were brought in to work on the production of this armed forces of ukraine, the services of local workers of the armed forces of ukraine refused. donetsk direction, our units again occupied more advantageous positions, against the backdrop of the advance of russian troops in bogdanovka and far from advantageous position of the militants in the chasyar , there was a smell of frying there, and so it got to kiev, they began to throw reserves in this direction, mostly mobilized ones, which...
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from the point of view of this zelensky, but he will carry out and he will act within the strict framework, strictly implement those developments that have been developed in the pentagon. few people are paying attention to the promises of the kiev authorities that everything will be under control. in the ivano-frankivsk region, tetskashniks gathered people to campaign against russian aggression, but the locals themselves were aggressive against military commissars. but people don’t understand why
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they’re taking everyone across ukraine to fight, generation by generation. ukrainian women are in despair, men are missing by the thousands, they will never know about what is going on at the front from official sources, fortunately there is a foreign press that paints it in colours, like the new york times, for example. for conscripts, trench warfare is a harrowing prospect: soldiers die from artillery, exploding drones, snipers, and in close combat with russian troops. ubiquitous ground... in russia, the legs of thousands of ukrainians were torn off, the bunkers where the soldiers slept last winter were captured by the gruzuns, well, that is , the prospects are foggy, with technology things are also getting worse and worse, but ukrainian ordinary people are unlikely to know about this, kiev is drawing for them a completely different picture of what is happening. denis alekseev, lead. the only chance for peace in ukraine was kiev's conscientious implementation of the minsk agreements. russia's post at the un announced this today. was the best
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scenario for resolving the internal ukrainian conflict, because as a result of the implementation of the minsk agreements, donbass would return to ukraine, if ukraine had done at least something for this, first of all, it would have become a civilized country where the rights of everyone are equally respected, without any discrimination based on political, linguistic or national principle. we must also note the importance of the failure of prevention in the work of the security council. which many of our western colleagues love to talk about, because they all understood perfectly well what was really happening and what it could lead to, but they did nothing, hoping that with the help of the neo-nazi and russophobic monster they had raised on our borders, the west would be able
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to defeat or at least significantly weaken russia. before the presidential elections in... moscow will test a remote electronic voting system. this was reported at the public election monitoring headquarters. in addition, observers will begin training in the capital in the coming days. egor grigoriev will tell you more about how preparations are going for the upcoming vote. remote electronic voting system in moscow will be tested a few weeks before the elections to eliminate failures and test the innovation. voters have previously complained that the system is frequently overloaded. this was explained , among other things, by the need for authentication via sms, which will simplify the procedure with help.
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the headquarters of the russian presidential candidate vladimir with the chairman of the central election putin maryana lysenko in ufa held a number of meetings with the medical community at the republican children's hospital, she
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was told about the staffing level, the equipment, the very better quality, but purchased before the sanctions. losenko, herself the head physician of the second moscow hospital, knows all the complexities of medicine. internally, she noted problems with the production of equipment and the need for pharmaceutical independence, which should be enshrined in a specialized national project. we turned to vladimir vladimirovich putin during our meeting with trusted representatives, co-chairs of the headquarters, so that the national healthcare project could be continued taking into account the challenges that modern times dictate to us. adult medical staff are wonderful. remembers medicine at the turn of 2000 ; today these are highly psychological centers. proxies of presidential candidate vladimir putin continue to collect orders around the country. he noted more than once that direct dialogue with people is important. in the vladimir region, the co-chairman of the candidate’s central election headquarters was presented with
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a proposal in the field of culture. the main thing, of course, is the adoption of a relevant law and the continuation of the national project. one of the ideas from the youth of the region. schoolchildren and students are asked to create a sports card. all these proposals are collected at the central election headquarters. the single candidate for president of russia from the political parties new people and the party of growth, vladislav davankov, also met with the youth. at the moscow college of information technologies ithub he was shown the equipment of the classrooms. classes, by the way,
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are often remote; already from the second year , up to 40% of students work in their specialty. dovankov considers it important to take the example of college as a basis and reflect it in his election campaign program a local approach to the educational process. noted the candidate, the young teaching staff and the mentoring system. it was important that the students, firstly, worked in their specialty, and secondly, found themselves in the city where... they were born, it was important that the person solved some specific problem, and, as you say, was some kind of it’s an artifact, but this task should be creative and research. in the best communist traditions, the presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov was met in kaluga with flags, banners, bread, salt. bread is the head of everything. the bread will go away, there will be a song. and there were a lot of songs, although from the excitement during the meeting with the candidates for the highest government position, many forgot the words. together with activists of the communist party of the russian federation, the candidate
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laid flowers at the monument to vladimir lenin . nikolai khritonov plans to meet with residents and the workers of the experimental construction device plant. presidential candidate from the ldpr party leonid slutsky is preparing an appeal addressed to the russian minister of defense, asking to introduce uniforms for assault units, the idea belongs to konstantin golovin. he was visited by a candidate for central. there, a svo participant undergoes rehabilitation. golovin is the same stormtrooper whose video reading poetry spread across social networks not so long ago. tolkova, a fighter with broken legs, read the lines while artillery and tanks were working on him. he was actually saying goodbye to life. leonid slutsky supported the volunteer’s initiative to erect a monument to stormtroopers. in the upcoming elections, military personnel will be able to cast their vote. the process is also controlled at the public headquarters.
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katkov, nor on his work activity. he continues to help everyone who wants to receive an education in russian. report from kaliningrad by marina naumova. yes, that's it, let's open it. that's it, the apartment is yours. the apartment is ours. boris kotkov has pleasant troubles. he is looking for furniture for a new two-room apartment in kaliningrad. the regional authorities provided it to a pensioner deported from latvia. that is, everything is there so that you can live now.
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thanks to the participation of boris katkov, who brought roman kaplan to study in kaliningrad he even made sure that he and his wife, also an ikbfu student, were immediately allocated a family dormitory. i wrote the atych language exam better than many latvians, but this does not mean that it is easy for me to teach exact science on it. at the moment , there are 59 students from latvia studying at the baltic federal, in many respects, of course, this is... thanks to the fact that we have a representative office there, this year we have 16 people enrolled, he is having a hard time being
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separated from his family in latvia, where he lived for 57 years, there are children, grandchildren, their common big house, the most joyful event was the arrival of the wife, with whom she had been together for more than half a century and had never been separated for a long time, to her beloved husband. having visited her husband, she had already returned to riga, but only to pack her things and prepare to move to russia. marina naumova, evgeny bekish, alexander naumov, valeria popova. elena bedyak, maria slyaguzova, vesti kaliningrad. us vice president kamala harith today again hinted that she is fully prepared to govern the country if the need arises. and thus...
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the only thing she didn’t see was joe biden, despite a tradition in which us presidents are interviewed before the main game, he stayed at home, grumbling in the virtual cinema. when buying snacks for the game, you probably noticed one thing, bottles of drinks have become smaller, there are fewer chips in packages,
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what angers me most as an ice cream lover is that boxes of ice cream have decreased in size, but have not become cheaper, this is a rip-off, the american public is tired. about the us president, who in the fall of deceived americans is right on target, the one under whom inflation in the us talks about rising prices has skyrocketed to its highest level since carter. most americans believe that turning 82 is too old for another term. it is extremely unlikely that we will see a sudden stabilization, this is clearly age-related dementia and people are worried about what she says.
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the united states did not become dark; austin, who
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discovered new problems with the bladder, immediately transferred his powers to his deputy kathleen higgs. but the hawks are still unhappy, there are villains lurking around who are looking for ways to strike at our forces, and even if for a few hours the chain of command at the strategic level is being disrupted, this is not something we can tolerate in the united states. even before the interview with vladimir putin , america began to label itaker carlson as a villain, and after these words, he definitely won’t be able to get out of the blacklist. the most shocking, very disturbing thing for me was the city of moscow, the largest city in europe, 13 million people, and it is so much better than any city in my country that i could not even imagine. my father spent a lot of time there in the eighties when he worked for the us government, there's almost there was no electricity, now it is much cleaner, safer and more beautiful. the architecture
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of the city, its food, service, everything is better than in any city in the usa. how did this happen? father. tucker led the voice of america, was a professional propagandist, so about moscow without electricity, of course, is on his conscience, but not compliments to the russian capital from carlson jr. are most feared in the united states. tucker did not sit idle in moscow, he visited not only the kremlin, but they write that he also met with edward snowden. what if i took it from my ex? an nsa employee, an interview exposing the deep state, and what if it was reserved for... elections, for democrats this could turn out to be much worse than a superball without biden. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and timofey mukhin, usa news. well. continuation, some more observations from tucker carlson following his trip to russia, after an interview with vladimir putin, the american journalist naturally compared the russian leader with the american one and concluded that joe biden
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is, quote, incompetent and out of his mind. if this were boxing, the doctors would have called off the fight. i say this as an american, i am a patriot of america and i am heartbroken when i see that the president is out of his mind and that in my country they consider it very rude to talk about it.
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“can i hug you,” he answered, but this is more than one on you, the other on you, this is a very multi-layered story. just last year, the well-known tucker carlson was asked by a gentleman who is against abortion. he was a murderer, and do you consider intimacy with dad with rauul castro? it was the cubans and venezuelans who responded to this long ago, now it’s the pope’s turn. their sunday meeting was on
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service in the vatican dedicated to the canonization of the pope and another figure from argentina. antula, a wandering, mendicant nun, she wrote curious letters that were sent to russia. how to promote the cause of the jesuits, and the pope is argentine, he is a jesuit, this is one of the former missions of the jesuits in the heart of south america, cosme and damyan, in our opinion, cosma idimyan. there are two opposing views on what the jesuits did here. on the one hand, it turned out that the jesuits were saving the guarani, who were being hunted from the neighboring brazil, hunters for indians who turned them into labor, on the other hand, weren’t all these epidemics spread in such crowded missions, well, for example, smallpox, and also the jesuits
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monopolized the trade in quinine for maleria, and the current argentinean pope is an isuit, knows how to gently lay, favored today by his compatriots, already at a separate audience, he, who guards the interests of his catholic order and his throne, everyone remembers, firstly, christian traditions in south america are already taking on bizarre forms, this is the main catholic church in the brazilian capital , brazil. but what is happening now with the invasion of evangelicals, former brazilian president jair bolsonaro, is who miley placed in a place of honor at his inauguration and who is closely associated with the catholics' rivals, the evangelicals. secondly, miley himself is miley before the weekend among the israeli leadership who admired him.
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after all, he promised that his shock therapy would solve everything, and he spoke about his compatriot dad, here’s another thing, on top of everything else, he talks about social justice, this is central part of his vision, and social justice means that stealing the fruits of one person's labor and giving it to another is contrary to the ten commandments. naturally, dad will never forget this to his compatriot. meanwhile, while on the apennine peninsula, he dismissed, for example, the federal one.
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in general, it’s carnival week in argentina, there’s a lot of fun, but many people are not in the mood for jokes. sergey brilev with the assistance of nicolasani and jose pe, news from latin america. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. no matter what caused the pain, if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. register your business for free at follow your dreams. just
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