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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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trivial, it seems to me that they simply took unused ukrainian railway cars that were trapped there, mostly coal gondola cars and covered cars, that is , yes, these are heavy entities, there are quite a lot of tanks and practically no platforms, in my opinion they are still part there were loaded ones, hidden, you can load them there, some bales not in use, into coal cars, but the remains of some coal dust were there, in fact... if ukrainian nationalists at least sometimes looked into history textbooks, they would now we weren’t so surprised. the tactics that the russian army used are very ancient and were invented even before trains appeared. it is called a walk city and involves the creation of mobile protective structures. it is believed that russian troops began using them in the mid-15th century. these are either fortified carts, or full-fledged wooden walls on wheels, which could... be fastened together, forming chains
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of fortification, as historians say, if it weren’t for the city walking, modern russia could would not exist. the donbass great railway wall, essentially their analogue, only protects not from cavalry arrows, but from more serious weapons. in the form in which we see this whole chain of cars, they can also serve as an anti-tank barrier. the composition is good. an engineer barrier, from behind it you can fire at the enemy, light artillery can be placed behind it , uavs are now actively used, operators can hide behind the cars behind the railway embankment, by the way, it also serves as a bridge. of course, the super train is a temporary fortification; it was assembled at a time when ukraine was still capable of some kind of attack; now a breakthrough can only be dreamed of, and taken at the same time.
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it’s not easy to drive somewhere in 2.0 carriages. this is what, for example, the longest train in the world looks like, which runs across australia, but at its maximum even it pulled no more than 700 cars, while having eight diesel locomotives along the entire length of the train. so, in theory, the great donbass wall can be dragged somewhere in parts, but experts suggest that the cars will simply be used for the needs of peaceful donbass. if, as they say, there is no longer a need for... such a train, then the cars can be used from this place, purposefully in the interests of the national economy. in general, one gets the impression that by launching articles like this, the western owners of square are making opaque hints to kiev, saying that you should go ahead and adopt the experience of the russians. we won’t be surprised if zelensky and company soon start asking their allies for more than just tanks and planes. but
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old freight cars. in ukraine they offered include the remains of tsarist prime minister pyotr stalypin in the exchange fund. the grave of one of the most famous statesmen of our history is located on the territory of the kiev pechersk lavra. actually, it was the director of the reserve who took the initiative to put stalypin’s ashes up for auction. the russian orthodox church noted that this situation once again proves. kiev treats the ancient monastery exclusively as a commercial object. details from varvara nevskaya. symbol of crime.
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one idea is to put it into an exchange fund, no matter how it looks or sounds. we have dead heroes, we have living heroes who are in captivity, we have our ukrainian prominent figures who are buried within the russian federation, abandoned and no one knows where they are. if we say that the process of real independence of ukraine has begun, it should begin, among other things, with the return of our symbols of our figures. this was stalypin's will, to be buried where he would be killed, that he would die. from 1905 to 1911 they tried to kill him 11 times. september 1 in 1911, terrorist dmitry bagrov succeeded in shooting the prime minister at the kiev opera. four days later, stalypin died, to understand what his name meant for the entire russian empire, it is enough to remember one historical fact: the farewell to the body of the great reformer lasted. for more than
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a day, thousands of kiev residents came to say goodbye to stolypin; it was his law on zemstvos in the western provinces that reduced the influence of large polish landowners in favor of ukrainian russians. and belarusians, it was his reforms made an undeniable contribution to the economic, humanitarian and cultural development of ukraine. stalypin saved more than a million ukrainians, yes, by resettling them during these years of the stalypin reform from land-poor ukraine to the fertile lands of western siberia. it was precisely these million people who did not fall into the famine situation of the thirties. i do not unconditionally support this initiative; i consider it simply blasphemous. i hope that in ukraine the majority of the population really knows history and appreciates stalypin as a person who has done a lot. but stories real, official kiev has long preferred the alternative. ostopenka is one of the ideologists of ancient ukraine, and
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stalypin’s grave is not the only thing that bothers his eyes. he called the remains of the russian commander, field marshal general, pyotr rumyantsev of transdunay, objectionable. in this zoo, we will not trade our memory, that’s the point, they want us to trade our memory so, what happens, this is our history, our culture, we will not agree to this, we will take care of it ourselves together with sensible ukrainians, which are there
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are, that this grave is preserved and that it receives due veneration, the most famous ethnic ukrainian buried in russia is nikolai gugol. but to talk about the inclusion of his remains in some exchange lists proposed by kiev, compare to madness, this couldn’t be better, i remember a quote from pyotr stalypin: they need great upheavals, we need a great russia. varvaranevskaya, anna pogonina and olga alvukhina. news. why do we know so little about our families? this question is printed in the title in a rather confused tone. a recent article from tabloid bilt, whose authors decided to think about how... it already happened that the ancestors of a significant part of the germans were nazis. it would seem that the answer is quite obvious; it is enough to know a little history, and not so long ago. but seriously, this publication appeared after the scandal surrounding anna lena berbock. let me remind you that the head of the mitov rg was allegedly shocked by the information about her grandfather,
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who not only served in the wehrmacht, but also fanatically followed hitler’s criminal ideas, that is, the biography is very eloquent and certainly deserves close attention attention, but now they are exactly the same. the mansky media are turning everything around as if the berbak family files were absolutely groundlessly used by some kind of russian propaganda, and moreover, a kind of anti-crisis narrative was urgently launched in the spirit that if earlier they were shy about fascist roots, now it’s not a sin to abound in them, boris will confirm ivanin. in germany, it is as if they have forgotten the lessons of the terrible history of nazism. and they began to actively stir up their dark past, but not for the sake of repentance. under the heading why germans know so little about their grandparents, their descendants immediately talk loudly about what their families were previously afraid to talk about even in a whisper. a convenient excuse to publish unsightly
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facts was the tears of the head of the german foreign ministry , annalena bervo, when the victims of the holocaust were remembered in the bundestag. the minister herself, the granddaughter of a notorious nazi who participated in the attack on poland in 1939, read the forbidden one.
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former soviet republics in the baltic countries in ukraine, where the actual rehabilitation of nazism took place since the 90s, there were marches. the ss men were in the baltics , the rehabilitation of the forest brothers in ukraine , the banderaites and the esin division. well, since this is not prohibited in the baltic countries, which are part of the european union, then why not try to open the averton window in germany itself? the german actor francis fulton smith is proud that his grandfather fought in the wehrmacht, served in ukraine, reached the crimea, was captured there, and now francis calls on him, the fascist, to sympathize, imagine all this suffering. the actor himself several years ago played the role of hermann gerring, the second influence of a person in nazi germany
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after hitler. the film is called , here is the poster: good goering, a good storyline brother of the reich minister, who allegedly helped jews during the war to hide from ethnic cleansing and not end up in concentration camps, but few people remember about his brother now, that’s why the title is good goering , where ober gruppenführer ss happily drinks wine and plays the piano, clearly provocative, distorting historical truth. and now ordinary germans are openly posing with portraits of their ancestors in nazi uniform, like this one, for example, a lawyer from dresdn. that is, what was previously shameful in germany is now absolutely normal, the masks have been dropped. many millions of germans passed through the wehrmacht, much fewer through the waf, but they left a much more sinister mark on history. therefore, it would not be a great exaggeration to say that almost every german family has a pred.
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lieutenant general of the ss troops, and the ancestor of the minister of finance of the federal republic of germany was a wehrmacht general who participated in the operation to blockade leningrad. wehrmochte served under the leadership of polish prime minister donald tusk. european politicians used to deny any connection with the nazis, but not now. and in italy , the ultra-right who came to power are reviving the fascist legacy of benito musalinia. the supreme court has ruled that the so-called roman salute of raising the right arm in the air in public is no longer a crime. the averton windows weren't just cracked open here. opened wide, this is a revenge of the human-hating
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ideology of nazism, which was in the 20th century, and as the president of russia correctly stated in his recent interview, answering the question of what russia is struggling with, because hitler died almost 80 years ago, the president said that although hitler died, his idea lives on, and it lives on thanks to those adherents, these are ideas that today openly declare that they have nothing to be ashamed of, that for the german and...
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before the main match, he stayed at home, grumbling in the virtual cinema.
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one thing you've probably noticed while buying snacks for the game is that drink bottles have gotten smaller, there are fewer chips in packages; as an ice cream lover, what angers me most is that boxes of ice cream have decreased in size, but have not become cheaper, this is a rip-off. the american public is tired of being treated like idiots. about the deceived americans, right to the point. the one under whom inflation in the united states soared to its highest level since the carter era speaks about rising prices. most americans believe that the us president, who will turn 82 in the fall, is too old.
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a dangerous path, if biden understood everything and answered as he answered, the republicans will say, this means he lied, and a criminal case must be opened against him, for improper storage of documents, if he does not understand, he must be removed, in accordance with the twenty-fifth amendment to the american constitution, the liberal new york times, in a series of devastating articles , suggests a third option. joe biden should not run for reelection. the impression the president makes in public is not so much one of decrepitude. only extreme fragility, like a light bulb that still burns as long as you keep it dim. would you like to understand in whose hands the switch is? i've been having a bad feeling for the last 2 years because i don't know who's running this show, is it jel biden, is it obama from his mansion. i don't know what will happen, but now is a very scary time. for michelle obama
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and the bookmakers, the bet that she will become the backup is 15%. from the governor of california. trump, of course, would prefer a proven rival, a sworn one. crooked joe biden just announced he won't be doing a big interview during the super bowl. i'd be happy to replace him. you can’t stock up on spare parts here, but for sick leave the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, fell into bed again and immediately ended up in the intensive care ward. after that, the us department of defense did not cover up the scandals. austin, who has discovered new bladder problems. immediately transferred his powers to his deputy kathleen higgs, but the hawks are still unhappy. there are bad guys lurking around looking for ways to strike at our forces, and disrupting strategic-level command even for a few hours is not something we can tolerate in the united states. the villains even before the interview with vladimir putin, they began
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recording itaker carlson in america, and after these words he was blacklisted. definitely won't get out. the most shocking, very exciting thing for me was the city of moscow, the largest city in europe, 13 million people, and it is so much better than any city in my country that i could not even imagine. my father spent a lot of time there in the eighties when he worked for the us government, there was almost no electricity there, now it is much cleaner, safer and more beautiful. city architecture, its food, service -
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blood, abrasions and deep fang marks. disgusting photo shared today by the so-called minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba, he allegedly became a victim of aggression, but strangely enough, not russian, dog, he says, someone’s dog suddenly attacked time walks from... clung to the shin, but however, the bites turned out to be non-fatal , so now the character states that dogs still need to be loved, although a reasonable question arises as to whether representatives of the bandera junta love them, and relationships with cats the kiev regime has developed very peculiar ones, as evidenced by a note from the business insider publication dedicated to cats themselves; they, it is argued, are increasingly serving in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, as mascots, supposedly creating home comfort directly in trenches and supposedly enjoy universal respect, but in reality... we are most likely talking about cynical exploitation, against which animals, for obvious reasons, cannot rebel, anastasia ivanova will reveal the details. not wearing dark glasses with a sign. in
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a yellow and blue vest, but the message is the same: the cat-puck, languidly illuminated by a candle, asks for help from angry ukrainians so that they chip in for equipment for the armed forces of ukraine. well, of course, it’s not an animal who is begging for donations, it’s the vsu officer himself named lishchuk. pr at the expense of a cat in extremist social networks has already gained more than 20 thousand subscribers and more than $80,000 in aid, as he says in an interview with foreign media. where all the money went is truly unknown. but here's a fan. there are pucks already in chile, a ukrainian militant is boasting in japan, or these are no longer just fans, sponsors of kiev terrorism. cats, dogs, and other animals that are close to military personnel, they, well, evoke positive feelings in people, and naturally, people try to donate not only from the territory of ukraine, as a rule, to current accounts there are those on which...
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“afu soldier, if an animal comes to you , feed it, you leave, take it with you, no, and these animals are hungry, torn, in terrible condition, wounded, rotting, and you see it all with your own eyes, this is a pain, they actually use them to attract
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funds, and then get rid of them. there are often cases when our military correspondents write that they use dogs to undermine our positions, they just hang explosives on the dogs and send them to our fighters in trenches. ukrainian militants they use any method as long as they are given money. in turn, sponsors promote themselves at the expense of crippled warriors. porn actress from lvov, yulia senyuk, aka jezafin jackson , swims in the pool with vsushniki without arms and legs. not just like that, of course, but for subscribers.
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the tragedy that is happening in ukraine today would not have happened. sabotage of the minsk agreements, 9 years have passed since the signing. who is to blame for the fact that the peaceful path was not chosen, they discussed the torture of testing drugs even on newborns. new, monstrous facts: western before the liberation of mariupol, pharmaceutical companies conducted experiments on people, including children. russia's gdp increased, so we still considered 3.5%. according to the latest data , 3.6. above forecasts.


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