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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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now, regarding all sorts of things, i can’t help but say about trump and everything that is connected with this, so to speak, wonderful person, but for some reason we forget that under him , completely insane people were introduced, no, well, of course biden, this biden here is the collective biden, he of course crossed this line in terms of numbers, he defeated trump, in terms of the number of sanctions imposed against us. but
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firstly, after all, the first lethal weapons went to ukraine under trump, there was one problem there, there was a difference from the point of view of relations, well, or rather there was one and a half problems, yes, that means there is a difference in attitude towards russia and the situation in ukraine between biden and trump, the first was the difference on who to bet on in the war through ukraine against russia and western allies.
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i didn’t know, but joseph rainet biden, excuse the rude russian word, junior, he clearly knew who he was dealing with. ukraine is synonymous with corruption, so to help ukraine, and so that they don’t steal a little bit into their own pockets, well, this is impossible, that’s one and a half differences, otherwise the approaches there were very symmetrical, but in the end, i want to say.
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this is what i even from the point of view of rational things, i kind of saw that it was and i see now that it was a big european war, but emotionally i had doubts that this european burger, burgher, burgher , a burger, it turns out to be a very funny play on words, meat, it will be possible to go
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to war with russia for the sake of absolutely, as it seemed to me, from the point of view of rational politics, illusory things, but i’ve been here for the last few weeks.
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well, turn back, they don’t understand and don’t even try to think about what’s the worst thing about this situation over how much the world has changed, and tucker carson, of course, is a good guy, but not an eagle, i can’t understand one thing, why do you call biden a grandfather, well, he has grandchildren, but well, this is a different matter, otherwise it turns out grandfather, grandfather, he is 9 years older than me, then i also turn out to be a grandfather, well, i am a grandfather.
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and we don’t know this guy, not you, but thank you very much, the process has begun, today we received a message that the guy will finally have a prosthetic leg, so a big thank you to everyone who helps the front and the front-line soldiers, that we are not frustrated, there really is a civil society in russia. now, about this special
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military operation, literally two words, yesterday i watched your reports, i personally really like them, because it takes me back to my youth. in 1996 i graduated from the general staff academy, since then i have visited many crisis points in various regions of the world, what is happening now in the special operation zone cannot be compared with any military conflict, i honestly can’t even imagine, how is it possible in such conditions? organize combat operations, combat , logistics support, how to organize interaction with local authorities, all law enforcement agencies, special services, so conclusions will naturally be drawn from this...
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events in the world, this morning israel carried out more than 40 airstrikes on rafah, there now 80% of the total population of gaza is concentrated, at the same time airstrikes were accompanied by artillery fire from land and sea, the casualties
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are enormous, today, if we take the number of casualties in wars and conflicts of the 21st century, then the losses of the civilian population. in the gas sector are off the charts, for example, in yemen the daily allowance of the civilian population was 15, in afghanistan during the americans’ stay there it was 43. in syria the height of the civil war was 95 now in the gas sector 2 weeks ago there were 250, now they are already talking about 300, this is huge, this is day, these are the average daily casualties among the civilian population, if we take real losses, no one really knows them, they officially report that 2800 were killed, 6300 wounded, how many there are under the rubble is unknown. i want to say that the claim of the south african republic
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proceedings against israel regarding genocide continue in the international court ; moreover, nicaragua has now begun the procedure of bringing a claim against germany, as you call it, great britain, canada and the netherlands, alleging that they are involved in providing assistance to israel in armament.
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official conversation there said that biden warned bibi to ensure
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that during the shelling of rafah, people do not die there, and that there is a meat grinder going on there all day long, if the united states stopped supplying weapons and ammunition, they would stop to support politically in the un security council, netanyahu would not have been able to stand it for long. and the us president can afford to take an openly anti-israeli position. no, it can’t, because...
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in sixteen countries of the arab world, the americans were unpleasantly surprised that those surveyed said that the main threat to the middle east is the united states and its policy in this region, which had not happened before, and the questions were asked by one arab american organization and one organization that is based in the middle east is
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also such symptomatic signs that say a lot: uh, the gas sector, uh, there are acute humanitarian problems there, today they are on the verge of starvation, only according to the data that we know, approximately 400,000 people, so what if sanctions will be imposed against israel, the united states and nato countries? israel declares to netanyahu that it is doing everything, un officials say no more than 10% goes there, it has come to this, there has always been a problem with water, there is no water, people who go for water are specially followed for them israeli snipers, just yesterday...
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russia is like such an ark for people who look at this life sensibly and are ready to combine traditions with technological modernization, this is a very real thing, if things happen this way, it happens, and if russia has this chance to implement, i believe that this is quite realistic, and by the way, on this occasion i have always said, well, this is sort of a general opinion, but nevertheless we need to talk more with westerners, including about traditional
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values, about what actually this is it what can i say, the west offers as supposed progress, a disgusting thing, because in the west and in america, in europe there are many people who cannot tolerate this, but they are in such a situation that it’s kind of like either they can’t, or don’t want, or are afraid to act, but in fact there are many such people, you also need to talk to them on this topic, by the way, with the same carlson, but his audience is exactly the kind of people for whom this it would be really important to say a few words about the reaction of western elites to the interview after all putin is really hysterical, really, so to speak, completely stupid. statement, well, let’s take at least the same scholz, yes, who said that, well, you know, talking with a falling asleep biden, well, clearly a falling asleep biden, yes, he said, well, this is a ridiculous interview, well, of course it’s ridiculous, of course. because when it came to the explosion of the northern streams, it became completely obvious that you, olaf, yes, so to speak, the tin of the king of heaven was involved in this, yes,
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in fact, more, more , more meaningless, more insignificant and more it seems to me that germany has never seen an anti-national politician than scholz , or at least has not seen it for quite a few years, he is a traitor, in fact, germany, if we talk about the nation state, he is a traitor to its national interests, yes, because that is why... it was he who found this interview ridiculous, because it hits him with a completely direct message: you knew about this, you knew that these pipelines would be blown up, you knew that this would damage the german economy, you knew this would lead to a drop in income, because people will be laid off, you knew all about this, before industrialization, you knew anyway - you kind of went for it, talking about what he didn’t know seems completely pointless to me, because in place americans, i would specifically tell him about this,
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i would say that they are absolutely controllable and absolutely dumb, he will never in his life be able to say that he did this, even when, so to speak, he resigns and so on, although i think that sooner or later this will come up, like so many
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other things, but scholz is simply outspoken gravedigger of both the german economy and german sovereignty, if there was at least something of him there, a more shameful role than he played, as it were, yes, well, at least in modern times, but it’s impossible to even imagine, just like that, this schmuck , so to speak, will go down in history, but that’s exactly what an absolute nonentity is... i don’t need to be convinced, i think absolutely, so to speak, i am sure of this, that ukraine is an absolutely artificial formation, like the so-called ukrainian nation, this is proven by history and facts , but, but, i
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i think that theoretically, after the ninety-first year, ukraine, of course, had a chance to become something different, well, of course there was, for this it’s just very schematic, it was necessary to observe at least three things: in geopolitics and security to be absolutely neutral, and absolutely neutral , for the east to be a guarantee of the security of the country of the west, for the west to be a guarantor. security of the countries of the east in the economy to develop joint economic projects not in conflict with each other with the east from the west to be a transit territory so to speak and so on other free zones trade whatever you want in domestic politics, don’t divide people, as it were, yes inside ukraine into right ukrainians and wrong ones, although it’s right with bandera, but with muscovites it’s wrong, this is absolute stupidity because it guaranteed wounds or a late conflict, these three things, in principle, were absolutely achievable, nothing like that the question here was not: that the so-called ukrainian political elites, well, firstly, did not do any of this, and secondly, they, in principle, their level of training, their level of self-awareness, in principle did not correspond
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such state thinking, by the way, is one of the problems of all post-soviet elites, with rare, sharp exceptions, all post-soviet elites and, by the way, this is a pebble, so to speak, of the late ussr, all of them were not ready, in principle, to understand state, true state interests of their countries, they are not interested in this even now... look at examples, so to speak, of those countries that sometimes behave absolutely stupidly, do not see further than their own nose, yes, even their reaction to the beginning of special military operations, an attempt to distance themselves from russia , yes, now they play some kind of games all the time, this is actually myopia, it seems to them that they are very cunning, but cunning, this does not mean, so to speak, strategy, this does not mean intelligence, that’s it. the same thing happened to ukraine, by the way, ukrainian political projects were always buried by those who considered themselves the ukrainian elite, they buried them. and led
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modern ukraine, along the path of degradation, to what is happening now, to this very war. by the way, i'm closing, one of the problems is total lie. indeed, you are right, we talked here about the fact that the americans are trying to invent a story for themselves, ukraine is trying to invent a story for itself and thinks that if it invents it, it will work. in fact, only self-destruction will work, because sooner or later an internal conflict enters, here is an interesting example, by the way, with this syrsky, yes syrsky. that means he was born in the vladimir region, as they say, he graduated from mvoka, yes, that means he was this very lieutenant, a platoon commander in the soviet army, that’s all the rest, etc., etc., etc. , today, in my opinion, yes, a refutation from this very, from the general staff of this ukrainian army, all this is not true, this is all not true, yes, you don’t know, this is all not true, question , but like silence, it’s not so much, it’s not so much, but in the example of syrsky it’s very clear.
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what is all modern ukrainian state mythology? what happened here on february 24-25. social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to a rally, all pr agencies tied to the west have switched off in order to encourage regional local riots, the main task:
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg
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stepanov, and we are... the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. “syrsky is alive, his relatives are alive, those who studied with him are alive, those who served with him are alive, but everything is not like that, but how can he be, that means, a reanimated ancient ukr, who was cloned from a cell, no, then there is an absolute, one hundred percent lie, they can’t explain how, you just have to lie that it’s not so, this is what the whole ukrainian state ideology, their whole
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pseudo history is based on, and it seems to them that this is a good way, yes, so to speak, to deceive everyone, to build a nation on this, to build a state, yes, you can say, you know, technologists like to say , you know, every nation is based on its own mythology, mythology, mythology is different, if your mythology does not fight with facts at all, if it is absolutely absurd, if it is internally conflicting, so to speak, and brings only self-destruction, she and you will destroy, because instead of those simple three points that i said that they did in the field of geopolitics of security, they decided that they would be a springboard for pressure on russia, from the point of view of the depression of the economy, they decided that they would be russia deceive, steal, and then they will create projects that will harm russia, from the point of view of domestic politics, they quickly divided it into right and wrong ukrainians, while they absolutely chose them as their heroes.


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