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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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together chose the people, princes, and governors, this approach is a democratic election of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choosing traditionally only innovatively, progress helps us improve the process, dec is truly a godsend, vote quickly, clearly, from a smartphone laptop, there are millions in russia, for people who, without movement, have a convenient solution, call the elections home, take a portable box, there is a mobile voter, with the swinging way of life , a traveler can vote freely anywhere, so we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, be calm at the site, video control is in place, in addition to the cameras at the site, like heroes from a fairy tale, observers stand, monitor the legality, in general, everything is technologically advanced, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at the central election commission website.
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yaroslav the wise generally takes such a pro-ukrainian position now, why? he became a liberal, studied in america, at harvard, somewhere in colorado, well, he drowns for the kiev regime, and he decided, by inserting this dispute, so to speak, to stop the tackerization the international community to publish their own and historical maps. he published four. there is one there, well, yes, yes, the empire of chengis khan, but he hints that we also have claims, but we are a peaceful nation, so it doesn’t matter. in general, we don’t pretend , but for some reason he is tsakhiagin elkbekdorsh , he published a map of the soviet union, on which he wrote the mongol empire, i can’t understand, that is, in my opinion, even mongolia is not particularly included in this composition, then he really wanted to answer, to which he responded, he showed yet another stupidity, well, you’ll get along with the liberals, i don’t know, it ’s transmitted by airborne droplets or somehow published in x there is such a network, which, in my opinion, is prohibited in russia, you are present there.
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you see, right below - yes, here is the mangal empire, this, this is a map of the soviet union, tsakhiagin lbdorzh, the fact is that genghis khan’s horse did not set foot on the kola peninsula and even kamchatka, despite its relative proximity, on the banks of the okhotsk there was no sea, maybe he wanted to write the empire council, i don’t know what he wanted, but somehow, to put it mildly, he doesn’t know history, by the way, by the way, from the mongol empire with outlines. well, no, i’m saying that the horses of chengis khan were not in murmansk, and they did not even set foot on the baltic coast. in fact, besides this curiosity with tsakhiagiinn elbdorj, it somehow gives me pleasure to pronounce the name of this man. a serious topic, it seems that the new york times and sushated press decided to bring this topic with possible negotiations to the fore, as if nullifying the entire ideological, the entire ideological basis of this big one.
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and no, here we are, when we remember the minsk agreement, this may be the last evidence in the modern world of diplomacy in its brightest manifestation, because a diplomat, he must be able to negotiate with people who are unpleasant to you, here in minsk gathered, on the one hand, vladimir putin , alexander lukashenko, but our president spoke as a mediator, on the other hand , poroshenko, alland, merkel, and it is clear that these people did not have any sympathy for each other, but a diplomat. should on the basis,
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if you like, of cynicism, if you like , of realpolitik, this very word, which bismarck once put forward has become abusive in the western liberal tradition, abusive, but... why are you selling us real politics again, and what should be different? they say values, modern diplomacy , that’s how we imagine it, it was basically born during the thirty years’ war, the peace of westphalia, when europe entered the war, destroying each other simply to death, the germans demolished german cities, the tragedy of magdeburg, when the germans simply demolished the city, completely destroyed it on the basis of religious hatred, that is it seemed that...
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poroshenko, merkel and the half-mad alland, who, in my opinion, did not understand at all what was happening there, why they took him there, and said: “guys, when we signed, we were not going to do anything, in principle , they were not going to do anything, this whole history of our more than thirty years
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of relations with the west, there is only one evidence, when they sign, they are not going to do anything, so if the professional, diplomatic principles are destroyed, as in this one.” we have a school in minsk, i think in russia there are those, the fifth gymnasium on mendeleev street, which means in memory of the meeting on the elbe, the heroes of the meeting on the elbe, they corresponded a lot, this is such an element of public diplomacy, they tell me, they say, and you know that in
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the west, families who these veterans were forbidden to mention these events at all and maintain any contacts, that is , even the very message to the people... german business is discouraged, if the market decided, germany would be the first to reach an agreement with russia, and, of course, they would set conditions and so on, what should germany do
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? this is the true europe that protects western europe, its heart from russia, and... they are ukraine’s heart, then it protects the heart, they themselves are not confused, where is their heart, then their essence is this, but history shows that they competitors in the market for grain , agricultural products in general, for logistics... at this time, we don’t know who to talk to, we don’t have a legal basis, you know, a contract
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is a law, this is international law, a law that is interpreted like this, how they want to do it, it is impossible to implement it in any way, what kind of agreements are possible during a religious war, but thirty years of religious war has turned into a war of sovereign states, a sovereign war of sovereign states was born there, negotiations are possible when it comes to religion. without a return to a true understanding of sovereignty in europe and the west, popular sovereignty if we are talking about the usa and true sovereignty if we are talking about europe, in principle there is nothing to talk about with them, it will be an endless scholz in a circle than putin said that these people do not represent the national interests of their state, when the speech absolutely ends, yes, well, vladimir franzovich, of course tomorrow in minsk we will argue with him, yes again. on his show - but today he brought me to what i agree with, not only with him, but
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there is a good point here, i also think that now there can be no negotiations with the americans regarding kiev-ukraine, i don’t know, maybe someone is doing something, i think that this is wrong, this is the first thing, they will not give any result, in particular for the reason that i spoke about - they wanted, they dreamed, they worked purposefully , they waited until they were reunited, then germany
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could develop into full power, like a european power, and apparently they tried, but our raeder, the americans felt that, in particular, it was against iraq, against the invasion of iraq, did not support it, so they decided that enough was enough, and then it went downhill, why am i saying that this is absolutely true, for now...
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and how do you look there in germany? by the way, many are returning, these russian germans , to altai, in particular, yesterday this also happened, how free thought penetrates there, germany, how this happens, you ask a question on television, a question, yes, well, how... this is just that , that it was said that we allegedly
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lost the war on their information field, no, margarita and the brilliant working structure, just show that despite all the crazy prohibitions, we find a way to get our word across, so that’s also very good, well, there are structures there that know and can, but we won’t tell you about them so that they don’t get shut down, now advertising, after which we will continue with a new lineup. february 13, a memorable date in russian military history, february 13, 1945, liberation of budapest. soviet troops liberated the city of budapest. hungary started the war as an ally of germany, but by that time it was itself occupied by the germans. the soviet soldier brought freedom to the hungarians. for more than 100 days, our troops fought for budapest, losing over 80,000 people; a medal for the city of budapest shone on his chest.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire alarm. detector, safety begins with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations. of course, it’s interesting, what’s happening, the very figure of syrsky, which we talked about, such a classic vrus, vlasovets, i feel sorry for his family, those living here are worthy people, well , no one is immune from this, the question is why? well, it’s clear that syrsky, by and large a suicide, as soon as everything does not go as planned, he will immediately remember that he is russian, he will immediately be seen as an agent of the kremlin, it is no coincidence that the lost man positions himself in this photograph, who knows where in the fields with his wife, both in camouflage, armored armor,
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very in vain petro poroshenko is already buttering up one of the ukrainian regiments and says: “ they say that we will give everything we have, well , give it back, it will be easier to deal with you later, but the fundamental question is different, now the decisions that sirsky makes are the same as he took during liberation of the artyomovskaya battle for bakhmut , a meat assault, now he abandoned the elite azovites, well, okay, these bastards must
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ultimately put all of mother earth to death, no one will take them prisoner, after...
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attempts to declare
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that the army should be engaged in mobilization are the most crooked thing you can imagine. it will be easy for a rotation team like this to come into such a match, for example, which came out with thirty percent strength and will simply drive them to the square and make them rush to sign contracts for joining.
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solves nothing on the territory, although this was already trampled on in 1914, although it is no coincidence that i am talking about the constitution, because now zelensky’s main problem is that every day he looks at the calendar like it’s shagreen skin, because just a little more a little, and his legitimacy will be called into question by everyone, which is why there are intrigues that they will try to drag ermak into the position of prime minister, because perhaps he will be the only one who will have at least some kind of legitimacy in the power structure. painfully subtly feeling the wind, of course, not a political weathervane, but just a weathervane, compared to it it’s a stone, vadim karasev spoke out, courageously gathered
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himself and expressed his attitude towards the nato course, you look at the country, it’s a modular country , a module assembled within the framework of an empire, which means it’s either going to work so, to pursue such a policy in order to preserve it within this territory.
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time to shoot a video, blink, because, well, well, this is horror, but of course i understand that now is the time, but vadim, control yourself
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, even manicured ones, yes, radion, you know, well, of course i like these revelations, and it hasn’t been 10 years, yes, that is , no one asked her questions about the choice of ukraine, that is, 10 years ago on the maidan, that they were shouting, screaming, we need panties, yes, that is , circled panties. on the basis of ukraine, defending your right to be a ukrainian there never arose, but the reality never arose, russian belarusians, ukrainians, as it were, were never
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subjected to any kind of. from the approach there from well because there was one religion, one history, the language was essentially divided into dialects i was alone, because only now they understood it, now i’m left, i understand ukrainian speech with horror, it’s terrible, no, well, i’m just listening and the tragedy is that i look at the people around me, they don’t understand,
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we'll skate cleanly on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice , this is a skill, come on, sank, all hope is in you, well, old age not a joy, right? leaving beautifully, a whole art, well, losing you we can’t either, because irkutsk loves you, send you to the duma nevka, coach i ’m now my colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look, don’t look around, good, good, go ahead, you ended what?
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and what was i thinking, if i were you, i would punch myself in the face, that’s it, that’s cool, ice three, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24.
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the fact is that there is much more here, but there are rows of these, in general, with underlying meanings, because well, i want to remind you that the donkey is still a symbol of the democratic party of the united states, in fact , coming to pashinsky is an attempt by zelensky to bargain, but to catch everyone’s well- known sins one, then a second , then a third, to get at least some kind of internal stability, which is naturally becoming less and less for him, and will become even less
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if he holds out there until march 31 because... the process of his delegitimization will only be to accelerate, and surrounded by his own gang, a gang of not just nazi drug addicts, yes, with much greater vices, here the interesting point is that by exchanging one donkey for another, yes, he laid a very big face on himself, and not only the fact is that all the responsibility is on him, that now, in principle, the same americans can say: listen, well, you took responsibility for yourself, so there will be less help for you, right? either later, or let's do other things. i don’t know how he made this decision, it was purely on emotions, yes, or at some point, but this decision will come back to him more than once. regarding the very same appointments, yes, we are talking about syrsky, it is clear that this is just the image of a modern vlasov, yes, well, a carbon copy, yes, it seems like the soviet officer gave it.


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