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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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now, in principle, the same americans can say: listen, well, you took responsibility for yourself, so there will be less help for you, and either later, or let’s do other things, i don’t know how he made this decision, it’s purely emotions, yes, or at some point, but this decision will come back to him more than once, uh, regarding the very same appointments, but we ’re talking about the cheese, it’s clear that this is just the image of a modern vlasov, but well, here’s a carbon copy, yes uh, it seems like a soviet officer took the oath, then he changed everything
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the scoundrel that he became. and it was not for nothing that vladimir vladimirovich, in an interview with carlos, said that in essence this is a civil conflict, right? what else can you call it? elements of civil war? elements of civil war? yes, yes, thanks for the quote. that is, what essentially happens is, here’s an assessment of your own son, to put it mildly, in profanity, here’s all your close relatives, including parents, and so on. explain now that this is not one people, yes, but then where is one people, yes? what if we let's look at...
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more and more war crimes of all that confirms that yes, a change in tactics is taking place, such a trail behind this person is very clear and visible, these are just strategies, more precisely, even regarding terrorist attacks, regarding actions, about small blows and i don’t understand at all how now i’m sorry, was it just that i was here with you? i was just surprised, but when you just take two steps up to your knees and leave, how the guys are fighting, fighting like gods, i said amazing guys there, well, just handsome, two nominated for the title of heroes , young boys, no dashing strength, one call sign is a raven, well, just handsome,
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thank you for coming, yes, this is not because there is something nice to say to each other there, because people really need this attention , when a person arrives who knows who is in the subject, which, but no, it’s just important for me to show them, it’s not about me there, but about...
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the country, so that’s what i want to say, guys, for a long time time under investigation, that is , under repression, or under house arrest, either in bracelets, or in prison, or something else, in general, they are always trying to mold something out of them, and change them from time to time, then this is a communist conspiracy, then this is the hand of the kremlin, then since they are belarusians, yes , then this is accordingly, the old man came up with a partisan detachment, yes, but nothing is working out, now thanks to good people, and there are such good people, and all over the world, they are trying to unite to show the truth, from the kiev court to...
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events with him, he acted there as a speaker, talked about the maidan, how it was there was, and at some point i realized that one of the authors of the german hundred, the heavenly hundred, that in fact even then it was clear that it was invented, he boasted about it essentially as polytechnology, well, not directly, but from his in words, all
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this followed absolutely directly, but again this is a lyrical digression, speaking about the minsk agreement, i would say that this is the moment of our farewell to the europe that we loved. primarily from france and germany, that is, the situation that two powers put up as a guarantor for incredibly difficult negotiations and initially did not plan to implement anything, in fact, this is a collapse of long-term trust, because the question arises: how can one negotiate with them now, not with these leaders, but not with the next ones either, at least all these things should be disavowed, from they should be dissociated, condemned, but this is not even close, that is, it turns out that even with everything
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... the rumors that they are going to appoint a chief coordinator, a chief manager, of ukraine, this is stoltenberg, excuse me, but stoldenberg is a c student, he only confident. feels himself, it means he was going to the state bank, well, he has already borrowed , he, he, he feels absolutely, absolutely confident only within the framework of the temnik, a step forward, a step back, he is in this rank, in this regard he is failing, that is, it turns out, that if stolberg is appointed, if in fact a figure similar to him is being considered, then this is essentially a step towards appointing scapegoats in order to further point the finger at those who ruined all this, because he is already falling apart. attempt to assign gouleiter, but the problem is that the measure for gouleiter is rather weak, well, in fact
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, well, it’s the same, that is, who will rule the entire territory, if a figure like stoldberg is being considered, who cannot cope with this, then chairman fuchs is clearly being prepared here, who in in general , he will have to answer for all this in the eyes of the public and separate himself like a spent rocket stage, well, in general, everything else will go one way or another as usual in the new reality that will be
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announced, he did not just say that that i'm with him, he also fought with tsirsky in 2014, here we emphasized that he supposedly ranked himself among the warriors before the world, who fought somewhere, but he said what, i fought in 2014, which means the war started in 2014, and it was no coincidence that putin gave examples of the bombing of lugansk and donetsk by planes and so on, so there is nothing to argue about here at all, now in relation to...
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but now it turns out illogical, now after zaluzhny did not write
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a statement, that’s all crumbles, why? because i apologize if there were talented generals whom zelensky invited to serve so that they change the strategy, so to speak, of defense to some kind of strategy of small big victories, then tell me, does this mean that this means zaluzhny, being the commander in chief... awarded, if only he had written statement, everything would have worked out, everything would have been smooth, now regarding the ukrainian military, what are they afraid of? firstly, everyone in ukraine says that sirsky is the most loyal person to zelensky, but the lazy one doesn’t talk about it, it strains the military, i tell you i want to say why? because they
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understand that all politically motivated decisions of zelensky will be implemented. through sirsky at the expense of the military, now it could be avdeevka, tomorrow it could be konstantinovka, the day after tomorrow it could be slavyansk, where he will again announce another fort, and people will die, these soldiers will die, this is very annoying for them, why, because out of the entire new leadership of the armed forces of ukraine there will not be a single one who will stand up and say no, you understand, so when they say, and what the mood down there in the army, in the army. you are the one who served in the army, authority is of great importance, the authority, so to speak, of a general, the authority of any leader in principle, and even more so during a war, this is of enormous importance, if these people do not have authority, they want to earn it at the cost of their lives ukrainian soldiers, demonstrating some kind of political result, then i very much
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doubt that they will gain such authority among the military, now regarding the discussion of all this information:
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it’s not cheese, it’s generally sticking to cheese they will not bear this responsibility anyway, he is a gray man, he is zelensky’s shadow, relatively speaking, well, whoever will make claims against the shadow will make claims against him, zelensky, and the last point, i want to say, he did not start by chance. he has a very short time gap for these rotations, he can do it now, even i don’t take march 31, i take may 20, this is the very last deadline, if he, he is at this time, he can remove someone appoint, after may 20 he can appoint someone, but he will no longer be able to remove someone, not because he’s forbidden, but because the one he’s filming will say who you are,
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absolutely right, that’s all. plokhuta, igor viktorovich. because this man - uh, when i worked in the presidential administration, there was maidan, and the guys from the internal troops were placed right in the corridors, on the floors, they were given carpets. sleeping bags, some kind of dry drink , they were just lying there, lying, resting, the units were rehearsing in the yard, then they went to do their work on the maidan, and
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one of the unit commanders, that is, on at that time, plakhuta was the leader, in my opinion , of one of the northern units of the internal troops of ukraine, and he directly headed, often appeared with us and led what are called operational activities, and... that is, he was a defender of the state, legislation, what they now say is that he was yanukovych, there was no yanukovych, he was a defender of the state of ukraine, he was in contact with the maidanists, and he negotiated quite often, even he directly withdrew internal troops, parts of the internal troops and berkut, when there had already been a military coup and the maidanists, say, wanted to kill or maim all those who remained in the city of kiev. his fate was so amazing that in all the materials of the criminal cases that were against berkut, against
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the head of ukraine, he was not there, in none of the cases that were in the prosecutor general's office, then closed there, he was nowhere appeared, then the same person went to the front, he led in ukraine, there was, there is, let’s say, a military structure, there is... there is positions that exist, but there are no functions, i won’t talk for a long time, so he was moved around these functions, that is, he did not fight anywhere, he did not lead any unit, that is, he seemed to be at war and was not, that’s the claim these jingoistic patriots to him, not for the maidan, for the maidan, of course, because he, because he did not wash away with blood, did not answer for his sins, as they say, they are changing him, he did not answer in war, this man, zelensky... the head of territorial defense, what is territorial defense, this is actually at all checkpoints , they are armed, these are the local population , these are activists,
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others were a frequent guest in this wonderful program of yours, for example, vadim tryukhan, he is one of the leaders of the territorial unit in the kiev region, so this one an experienced person, he knows how to disperse maidans, he knows how, he knows the situation on the other side, so zelensky bought it, just like that he washed it, washed it, washed it, without criminal cases he took it and installed it as the head of territorial defense, if from me as a citizen of ukraine the question is, if this person is found innocent, and he led a unit, including the berkut of the internal troops, then why not now release all the other berkut members, and the troops, why if their boss is not guilty, why are the subordinates already guilty, that is understandable it’s clear that they bought it... that zelensky, as a politician, wants to use it purely for political purposes, why, what is the problem, now it concludes that the subordinate is guilty, the boss is not, wait, wait, but a very important point
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this is why zelensky needs such a person , with such a, you know, complex biography, to disperse, to disperse, yes, to disperse, what is zelensky afraid of, zelensky is afraid of protest alone, remember the month of november, he is afraid of one thing, and what is the ukrainian one afraid of? this half-dead half-fool saidar with this mug and he says: we’ll go to kosach to clean up and to kosach, well, to the ivanovranki region, boy, they’ll cut you with hawkers there
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, just go there, i explain to him so that he doesn’t interfere, but kosoch and he will think that usuto come with a resolution, when young people came out in lviv yesterday, they say demobilization, it was in lviv that they came out, when groups come out in kiev, when they drive all over ukraine... ovakov was the minister, he purchased military helicopters and civil helicopters in france, he he bought armored vehicles, he bought these water cannons, and there were german ones there, and so on
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and so on, where is all this for? tymoshenko did not support the law on mobilization, why is that why they did not support two steps forward, of course, because when everything they say that well , there will be a watcher from the seven, please tell me , if ukraine still needs a watcher, it’s someone who doesn’t trust anyone, who pushed whom, who pushed whom, who plays the finger, not this same guy.
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who 2 years ago was applauded by the us congress, in the british parliament, in general, where is he and what, where did he go, why does he, why does he need a person who will sit next to zelensky and watch him and of this level, this is what happens , volodya, well, that’s what you’re for you will be me, someone is an adult, someone is an adult, so it turns out that he stole everything. that's all, see you tomorrow, what happened on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies joined in to incite regional local riots, the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring
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confusion and confusion into his soul, in this... it’s already a shame, because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can... reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, recipe give in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, this happens in any structure evolution?


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