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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. here's how to get where you are. you feel like you're on top of the world. he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? evolution occurs in any structure. friends, i invite you
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to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author's program, which will be called a chronicle of diminishing returns. i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at , hello, about the main legal events of the day:
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the correspondents of the program will talk about the duty department and i, maxim movchan. we waited for more than 10 years when they will come for them. suspects of attacking and killing collectors have been detained in the kursk region. the raid took place back in 2010. three money carriers then died. the criminals' loot was 3 million rubles. word to ekaterina lekhomanova. in different parts of kursk , members of the armed gang were detained almost simultaneously. somewhere i had to go into an apartment without clothes. and somewhere the door of a mansion was opened, the suspects resisted to the last. kursk investigators have been waiting for this moment for 14 years, now suspects in the case of the high-profile murder of cash collectors in the village of voroshnevo, in the kursk region, were detained. why do you think they put these here with the old case? this is footage from 2010, a day after the daring attack on a cash-in-transit vehicle. the scene of the crime
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was a former vegetable warehouse, by that time it had become a sort of warehouse for goods from several companies at once. it was there that two employees of a private security company, along with a driver , came to collect the proceeds, but an ambush awaited them at the exit from the base. the main objective the criminals were out to take the cash at any cost. they studied the route of the money carriers in advance and knew how many people were in the car. the means established that at the end of 2009, at the beginning of 2010, the person with
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he was arrested and received a prison sentence, but the identities of the others were unknown for a long time, now the operatives got to them, judging by the situation, in the apartment where they were held searched the home of one of the alleged members of the organized crime group, all this time the probable killers lived in prosperity and prosperity. criminal status wednesday, i what is this? during the searches , one of the accused also laughed it off , pretended that he did not understand anything, and later began to show off an expensive gold ring with the image of the rosewinds, a symbol that in the underworld denotes the owner’s direct relationship to the criminal environment. 19 g in it, it's rose-wind. the rest were found with weapons, hunting knives and a pistol, and a criminal case was opened against the alleged robbers. under the article banditry. now
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operatives continue to work to find possible accomplices of the raid. according to investigation, the criminal group included at least six people. and there is a possibility that they may be involved.
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fugitive billionaire oleg kan, who is accused of contract killing of his competitor. for the first time in many years , the son of a businessman, who was dealt with by a businessman from vladivostok, alexander mostovaya, decided to tell the details of this high-profile case to the journalists of our program. the outcome of the case of the crab king oleg kahn is already close. the parties continue to argue in the primorsky regional court. state associations requested 19 years in prison for the billionaire. the next meeting is heard without participation. oleg kan, he has long gone to the bottom and is on the international wanted list; the billionaire is accused of the contract killing of his competitor valery phidenka. the son of the deceased, anton, also came to the trial; he participated in the debate and gave an interview to journalists for the first time. we are waiting for this process to finally end, and
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for kaan to finally be announced to the organizers of the murder that he is guilty, and we... wish for our whole family, and we have a very large a large family, so that finally all this would end, and kan would be imprisoned for his crime, extradited, a famous bandit was extradited to sakhalin, the far east, so of course it was not easy for us , it was scary, yes it was scary, of course, with valery phidenko, like investigators believe they dealt with the order.
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the formation of oleg kan began. social crab fishing in the far east poaching was carried out in the sea of ​​okhotsk. the catch was illegally exported to the ports of japan and the republic of korea. at the same time, according to journalists used exclusively ships flying the flags of foreign countries in order to escape from the control of the russian authorities. according to documents, live crab was exported at a reduced price, and was already sold abroad at the market price. journalists from eduard petrov’s investigative program were the only ones who were able to ask kahn uncomfortable questions. in response to...
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the news about the possible death of oleg kan due to pancreatic cancer. the billionaire's lawyers called it a deliberate hoax. they said that allegedly oleg kan died, you communicated with him. i can’t comment on whether i communicated or not, and i can’t comment on you either. therefore, officially this is true, isn’t it true? i don't know. local publications wrote that oleg kan’s health could have been damaged by two major fires, which reduced the number of his assets in just one month. burned in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, and in vladivostok , the zuma restaurant serving asian cuisine, considered the hallmark of the city, burned to the ground. burnt walls and a concrete floor are all that remains of a restaurant serving japanese cuisine. fire destroyed the building fully. now, as we can see, the area is fenced off. renovation
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work is underway as the restaurant is being rebuilt. according to unofficial data, the income of oleg kan's crab empire could be more than 25 billion rubles a year. by the way, the prosecutor general's office is collecting information as part of another criminal case. to recover about 350 billion rubles from the scanner, as for the case of the murder of valery phidenok, there are still a couple of hearings left before the verdict is announced. the next meeting will be held on february 27, oleg’s lawyers are scheduled to speak at it... kana, a fugitive billionaire himself, in all likelihood waiting out the storm somewhere abroad, learns about his sentence from news reports. alexander mostovaev, vladislav dubtsov and dmitry timofeev. vesti, duty station vladivostok, primorsky krai. restoration of the ice fortress after a powerful fire in the moscow writers' house and residents are counting the damage; investigators are finding out who installed the roof heating system, which most likely became the source. vitaly kormazin was looking into who is compensating people for huge losses. there it was
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the ceiling plinth, which successfully fell off yesterday, and apparently, it’s all falling off in a circle. dmitry suris doesn’t recognize his apartment, there are rusty stains , swollen furniture, shorted-out equipment, the water has already been pumped out, now everything needs to be dried with special equipment, the affected part of the house is de-energized, electricians are powering the apartments bypassing the defunct system, let’s throw wires so that this is at least something turn on. five bags of saved belongings, the rest to be thrown away, everything is lost, everything is simply lost, that is, well, there is no home, nothing is possible to save, because all the sofas, everything was wet , everything was damp, all the furniture was ruined, because it was all swollen from moisture, the roof above her apartment was on fire the brightest , the beam that fell onto the balcony melted the plastic, thank god, everything just stopped here, because otherwise all this fire would have gone into the apartment, now hundreds of people are working on them. builders and installers are restoring the gable roof day and night, repairs and restoration are proceeding at a very fast pace,
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according to residents, there was nothing in this part of the house on friday, but now you can see that the frame has been installed, the first floors have been installed, and the repair team employees have even started painting the sheathing. the building of the house where singer natalya sturm lives was also damaged, the brickwork was destroyed , the roof was damaged, fumes ate into the walls, i cleared my throat the next day, my first overnight stay was after the fire, and that’s it, of course. all lungs are brown macrota. the chairman of the housing cooperative, which day , investigators visited the office with a stanometer, they were interested in the anti-icing system. it was its malfunction that most likely became the cause fire. in 2020, a burnt roof system was installed by an individual entrepreneur. how does it work, what is it, what? these will be the investigative authorities. well , this should be a person to monitor, i understand correctly, an individual entrepreneur. well, let's not discuss who does what, what and how. the circumstances of the incident are under the control of the head of the investigative committee at the prosecutor's office. the moscow prosecutor's office monitors
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compliance with the housing rights of citizens living in an apartment building. supervisory support of activities on eliminating the consequences of the incident. the question that still remains unanswered is at whose expense will the repairs be carried out in the apartments of the victims? natal kormazin, ilya novikov and anastasia roif, lead: duty department. to two foreigners who scalped a resident of a moscow region electrical station. they left the young man disabled and passed a sentence. it was these people in the dock who almost killed a nineteen-year-old boy. let me remind you that last summer, terrible footage appeared on the internet in which a young man was bleeding and holding onto head. these were the consequences of the conflict that occurred between the victim and the defendants. it’s terrible to imagine, but the reason for the massacre was that the fiends simply didn’t like the students’ hairstyles. they beat the guy half to death and cut off his colored hair along with his scalp. after this, the inappropriate couple ran away. the young man ended up in the hospital, the court sentenced each participant
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in the attack to 3 and a half years in prison. in a multi-million dollar exhaust, a large-scale special operation of several law enforcement agencies at once, a major channel was stopped smuggling of precious metals, rhodium, platinum and palladium, which were more expensive than gold, were exported to europe under the guise of construction mixture, where the group members mined whole truckloads of such raw materials. investigation of sultan zeganov. the leningrad customs post of the moscow customs, the starting point of long-distance roads for thousands of truckers who transport russian goods abroad, is where they fill out declarations and check waybills, but some journeys end here before they even begin, if the cargo raises big questions among security officials. this is operational footage of fsb operatives and soldiers bursting into the measured life of a customs post. guards and police, this is a joint operation in the case of a gang of smugglers, surveillance was carried out on
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the drivers of this truck. according to the documents , there is a construction mixture inside, but the security forces know that this cargo is not only worth its weight in gold, but a canopy of platinum. 5.5 tons of ground automobile catalysts, including platinum, rhodium and palladium worth 70 million rubles. employees of the fsb of russia , together with the ministry of internal affairs of russia, identified and stopped a large smuggling channel for export from russian federation of precious metals. in one of the european countries, criminal groups of individuals consisting of citizens of russia, lithuania, azerbaijan and ukraine organized an illegal purchase of waste materials in the territory of the city of moscow. automobile catalysts containing precious metals. an automobile catalyst is essentially a complex air filter, a device that cleans the exhaust gases of a car engine from the most toxic impurities. precious metals are used for its production, including very rare. for example, rody, his price on the stock exchange used to soar 10 times higher than gold. only 30
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tons of it are mined every year all over the world. here, platinum palladium is also an element of the platinum group, the largest. world deposit in norilsk, extremely rare precious metals that are used in optics, organic chemistry, even nuclear technologies, they are very much valued among jewelers, strict accounting is kept for the extraction of priceless ore, but criminal groups have long mastered their way to get to such treasures. u i have in my hands a catalyst that has used up its resource state, but it is all the easier to consider its structure, essentially it is a honeycomb, which we see in the section... it is on them that sputtering of precious platinum group metals is applied. in 2022, the export of scrap and waste of precious metals from russia is completely prohibited, but the hunt for catalysts continues. if you leave the car without this device, the engine will work the same as before, the car will simply poison everything around with its exhausts, but hunters
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precious metals, of course, do not care about this. that is, roughly speaking, an attacker can easily cut down, say, replace the flame extinguisher. and the owner may not even understand this, yes, that is, visually it will be closely similar, the only thing that will be visible from the welds is that this is some kind of replaced part on the exhaust. there are, of course, very few precious metals in one single catalyst, so the hunt is on for entire batches of such devices. the problem is international: in london, a group of platinum hunters stuffed so much a hand that even set criminal records. in the middle of the day, robbers lift parked cars with damkrat for...
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all these dozens of offers to buy catalysts, some of these companies are registered with a special account in the federal assay office under the pretext of reselling valuable parts to russian refineries, some even have a license for primary processing, how many catalysts are ultimately sent to the plant, and how many abroad, of course, it is almost impossible to check where a private person gets the goods from, the buyer, as a rule, he doesn’t ask either, from 700 to 1500 rubles, that’s the maximum, but why is it so cheap? everywhere they offer 3,000 per kilogram, i don’t want to deceive, that is, that is. as part of a journalistic experiment, we agreed to meet with one of the merchants. with two spent catalysts we head to the workshop. she hid in the labyrinths of one of the processing plants in the north of moscow. it’s high time to cover these dusty corridors with platinum; so many precious metals have been carried through them in recent
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years that such a strict cut, yes. buyer catalysts without asking questions, he takes the package. goods leads us to a secluded room where company employees, using special equipment, grind valuable parts into bulk raw materials, and there are bags and sacks with still intact devices. a platinum group metal hunter pours precious ceramic chips onto a scale and then uses an analyzer to evaluate the precious metal content. this time he is disappointed. obga 0.021. like 0.032, the specialist estimated two catalysts at 20,400 rubles. paid, of course, in cash, so it’s easier for black accounting , that’s it, thank you very much, whether the parts we sold containing fractal metals reach the refinery or go abroad through several intermediaries, only the buyer himself knows this,
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the transaction is not registered anywhere, the ministry of finance notes any manipulations with precious ... buyers often end up in the hands of large smugglers, and they do everything to take raw materials abroad, most often to the baltic states. it was there that the truck, detained at the customs post in moscow region. investigators of the investigative department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the city district of khimki, moscow region, have opened a criminal case on the grounds of crimes provided for in articles 191, 30 and 226 note 1
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of the criminal code of the russian federation. preventive measures in the form of detention were chosen against the defendants. on the account of fsb police officers, this is already the fourth distribution channel that has been successfully stopped in recent years. 5 years, in total more than 42 tons of precious raw materials were seized for a total amount of more than half a billion rubles, but the black market automotive catalysts bring such benefits to their tycoons that even the threat of long periods behind bars does not stop them, and in order to completely eradicate this criminal business, more than one major special operation will be needed. sultan zeganov, alexander bikorevich, vladimir overin, lead, duty unit. in ryazan, another verdict was handed down in the case. net. this time, a member of the group was accused of double murder and dealt with his roommates, who might have known how the ex-resident was preparing for terrorist attacks on public figures.
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alina skachkova has details. for 7 years now , maxim ivankin, a man listed as a terrorist, has not left his cell. his former partners are in prison, potential witnesses have been killed, and he himself is about to hear another verdict. a member of the network organization banned in russia is accused of double murder. the court sentenced. find maxim sergeevich ivankin guilty. in 2020, ivankin already received 13 years for planning, together with his accomplices, explosions, seizures of buildings , and attempts on the lives of famous public figures. these footage shows the same combat training. the participants spent them in the abandoned children's camp karasik near penza. are you ready to carry out a combat mission? welcome? the squad is ready for the assault. start the assault. carbines, shotguns, pistols, homemade bombs, volumes of prohibited literature, just a small list of what. found during searches, and ivankin and his team allegedly took money for not only a prohibited, but also an expensive arsenal from the sale of drugs. in 2017, the security forces caught him doing just that, but ivankin managed
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to escape, he took with him an accomplice and two acquaintances, ekaterina levchenko and artyom darofeeva. after some time, two of them, men and women, decided to return and give evidence incriminating both themselves and their accomplices. so that no one finds out about the terrible secret organization, ivankin and his partner. ivankin’s accomplice alexey poltovets fled the country after the massacre, now interpol is looking for him, but ivankin himself has nowhere to run, the jury unanimously dubbed him a murderer,
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he will spend the next 24 years in a maximum security colony. alena skachkova, duty officer. smuggling antiques from european countries a resident of the capital came across. porcelain figurines, silver dishes, antique jewelry . the enterprising gentleman ordered parcels with these utensils from european countries in the name of his relatives and... apparently, planned to resell them. the customs office quickly realized that the cargo of antiques, which the recipient valued at 90,000 rubles. costs much more. for example, the price of that silver fruit bowl alone exceeds 200,000 rubles. in total , customs officers intercepted five parcels from england and austria, in which they found 60 products, despite the cost of goods stated in the documents at 90,000 rubles. an examination showed that these were decorative items. art of the 19th-20th centuries, their valuation is 2 million rubles. customs officers immediately opened five criminal cases against a possible antiques smuggler. during the investigation
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, antique lovers were given a written undertaking not to leave the place; he faces up to 7 years in prison and a substantial fine. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on honest detective. and our episode was completed at this point in the studio by maxim movchan. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. let's look before everyone else. where is vasnetsova? release the smuda. vasnetsova. right now, in reality, you know, i’m not very comfortable. did they kill someone again? yes, what is it that you have no sleep or rest. subscribe and watch. that's it, or we'll die on the asphalt. just lie there for now. we are now for the rescuers and back. three years.
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a machine gun was inserted into the bainitz, it began shooting, uh-huh , the shots caught fire, the gunpowder charges themselves, i began to throw them away , shouting, i surrender, i surrender, i don’t shoot, yesterday these were brave soldiers who paraded through paris in parade formation, and here we see completely different soldiers, in general this is an archive, we are working to study the history associated with the prisoners.
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we will tell you what this day in history is memorable for right now. hello. on february 13, 1842 , nicholas i signed a decree. on the construction of a railway from st. petersburg to moscow. railways have already been built in europe and the usa in full swing, many in russia were against it, saying that in winter the roads would be blocked. so, by the way, alexander pushkin believed that in case of war it is better to maintain off-road conditions and make it difficult for the enemy to attack. first they built a trial tsarsko-selo road, and then nikolaevskaya, as the railway was called.


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