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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let us tell you how this day is remembered in history. right now, hello! on february 13 , 1842, nicholas i signed a decree on the construction of a railway from st. petersburg to moscow. in europe and the usa, railways were already being built at full speed; in russia, many were against it, saying that in winter the tracks would skid. by the way, alexander pushkin believed that in case of war it was better to maintain off-road conditions and make it difficult for the enemy to attack. first they built a trial tsarsko-selo road, and then nikolaevskaya, as the railway was called. from
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st. petersburg to moscow, a straight line with one bend. according to legend, the autocrat drew a straight line on the map, but his finger got in the way, and so there was a bend. but in reality, the cause was uneven terrain. the track width was determined to be five feet, which is a little more than one and a half meters, wider than in europe. over the course of 10 years, 34 stations and terminals were built in both capitals. they were designed by architect konstantin ton. the first train went from st. petersburg to moscow in 1851, spending less than a day on the journey. this road was then considered technically the most advanced and longest double-track railway in the world, 644 km. with at that moment, massive construction of the railway network began in russia. on february 13, 1917, mata hari, the most famous spy of the 20th century, was arrested in paris. her real name is margaret zelle. she was born in holland, married a military man and left with him.
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intelligence, and then offered her services to the french intelligence services. everyone suspected that mata was a double agent and was arrested, accusing him of transferring secret information to the enemy. the trial was closed, the case materials are still classified. she was sentenced to death so as not to reveal her connections in high society. mate hari has become the hero of many books, films, songs and many other works of art.
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on february 13, 1956, the state flag of the ussr was raised over the first soviet scientific station in antarctica; it was named peaceful in honor of one of the sloops of the expedition of foday belengauzen and mikhail lazarev, who discovered the ice continent. its development began actively at the beginning of the 20th century. the british, argentines, and chileans took the lead, and now we are catching up. the expedition was equipped by the academy of sciences,
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mirnoy station served as the main base for a long time our antarctic expeditions, from here caravans departed for the inland vostok station. today , a group of polar explorers remain here, continuing scientific research. exactly half a century ago, on february 13, 1974, alexander solzhenitsyn was expelled from the soviet union. he came from a peasant family, a front-line soldier, arrested in 1945 for criticizing stalin. after release. became one of the founders of camp prose. khrushchev liked his story - one day of ivan denisovich, was published and brought the author has enormous popularity. but during the brezhnev era, when stalin’s repressions began to be hushed up, solzhenitsyn was no longer published. in the first round of the cancer building on august 14, he transferred his manuscripts for publication to the west. solzhenitsyn was awarded the nobel prize in literature. the authorities organized persecution of him, but the writer did not give up. and...
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the gulag archipelago was publishing abroad, the politburo met about this, someone offered exile, but the head of the kgb, yuri andropov, suggested getting rid of the objectionable writer otherwise, he was captured. and germany's plane was forced to land. the decree of the presidium of the supreme council stated a quote: for actions discrediting the title of a citizen of the ussr, they will be deprived of citizenship and expelled from the ussr. in ninety-one , solzhenitsyn was completely rehabilitated and an apology was made to him. he returned to russia and ended his days in his homeland. today, his activities and books still cause a storm of controversy and diametrically opposed assessments. this is what this day was like. stories. you are watching the program parliamentary hour. hello. we will tell you about the main events of the state thoughts for this week. need not.
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the president set the task for schools to work in one shift. all tasks are under parliamentary control, how did deputies work during the regional week? analytical assistance, the possibility of access to a simplified rental system, which will have fewer benefits, feeding homeless animals will become easier, the initiative will allow regions to directly finance shelters. whom will deputies include in the list of socially oriented non-profit organizations? the changes will make it possible to register outbuildings in a simplified manner here in such suburban areas. how long has the dacha amnesty been extended and what else can be registered as property? so that families gradually increase this value of family reading, when business is not only about money, the state duma extends support for sellers of children's books, textbooks, as well as the achievements of science, support
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for scientists, protection of the country's sovereignty, mortgages for people, not developers, changes in rules transportation of pets, these and other topics are further in our program. these 7 days deputies worked in their electoral districts, the regional week is an opportunity to hold a personal reception, discuss key issues that concern citizens in the regions: assistance to svo participants, construction of schools and studies in two shifts, support for large families of athletes, equipment of cars for people with disabilities, these are just a few topics. read more in the review by alexander shavirin. the head of the communist party of the russian federation faction gennady zyuganov took part in sending the next humanitarian convoy to donbass. boxes containing food and medicine and medicines, warm clothes, shoes, trench stoves, equipment, everything that our soldiers needed, this help
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was collected in all regions of the country. in fact , there is not a single region, region, or republic left who would not participate in this selfless assistance. festive, he will arrive in the coming days, and we will congratulate the guys who will celebrate the birthday of the red army, vice speaker of the state duma 121 convoy, convoy, in fact, irina yarovaya in the kamchatka territory, together with employees of the prosecutor's office, discussed the laws adopted by the state duma in the field of security and support for soldiers, participants in a special military operation, at a meeting with teachers... from kamchatka universities and technical schools, the parliamentarian spoke about innovations in the targeted training mechanism: employers have the opportunity to publicly apply for the training of qualified personnel in a specific university at the expense of the budget for a specific specialty with a guarantee from their
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parties to a specific workplace. in the tver region, the reception of citizens was held by the head of the united russia faction. colleagues decide, but the question is not about writing an order to punish someone, the question is is to decide on the merits. vyacheslav volodin worked in his constituency in saratov. in the leninsky district, he visited school no. 1003, where the construction of
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a new building is being completed. it will be able to accommodate 275 students. the residents themselves approached the speaker of the state duma with a request for help with the construction of the extension and found a solution. after completion of the work, the school must... switch to single-shift training, it will be possible to organize extended-day groups, sections and clubs for students, one-shift and only this way, you’re not against one shift, are you? you don't have a second shift needed? need not. the president set the task for schools to work in one shift. funds are allocated for this purpose. before this, work must be organized. the chairman of the state duma also visited saratov school number 86, which is located in the military construction village, formed many years ago. it is in demand, but there are no conditions for swimming. vyacheslav volodin plans to implement a special program in his constituency, the construction of six swimming pools at schools, attracted resources have been found for this and the project has been implemented will begin with the eighty-sixth school. if
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we are talking about a swimming pool at a school, it should definitely be built into the school system, and a mandatory transition vyacheslav viktorovich, here i am a graduate of this school, you and i and my two children are studying here now, we still believe you, also vyacheslav volodin met with directors and teachers, representatives of parent committees of saratov schools, discussed issues. shortage of personnel, overcrowding of schools, the need for repairs, as well as the organization of extended day groups. head of the a just russia faction for true, sergei mironov took part in the founding conference of the velorussia movement. the organization will tackle the infrastructure challenges of popularizing cycling in the country. it is necessary to create a special one in cities and not only in cities. routes equipped with the opportunity to stop somewhere, starting from the fact that you
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can recharge your phones there, and finally you can get water there, maybe there is water. social activists can count on support , said sergei mironov. according to the deputy, it is important to resolve conflicts between transport and pedestrians, creating comfortable conditions for everyone. one cyclist cannot defend this position, but an entire organization can handle it. chairman of the financial market committee anatoly oksakov visited civil school number two, one of the best in the chuvash republic. designed for 500 students, today it accepts almost one and a half times more. teachers and parents turned to the deputy for help. the project is currently being prepared and is almost ready. i will appeal to the russian minister of education with a request to support this project, i hope that in next year in the tsivilsky district, or rather even in the city. the chairman of the social
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committee, yaroslav nilov, visited the avtovas plant in talyati. today there is a conversion of vehicles for manual control for people with disabilities . such cars for disabled combatants should be free, the deputy is sure. the bill is being prepared for submission to the state duma. work also continues on the initiative to introduce a certificate for... the leadership of the region, visited the branch of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, perinatal center at the university, i talked with
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students, they talked about measures to support families, but a family in disbelief is generally a sacred thing for us , now to do everything possible to ensure that every family feels the care of the social state. nina ostanina noted that the purpose of her working trip was to collect as many examples of effective family support at the regional level as possible. to then present them at large parliamentary hearings that will take place in the state duma. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, vladislav alekseev, duma tv, parliamentary hour. we will return to the work of deputies during the regional week in the second part of our issue, now to other topics. the president of russia instructed to extend the far eastern and arctic mortgage program to all participants in the northern military district, and in the event of death to their families. age and marital status restrictions have also been lifted for them.
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helps families with children purchase housing, helps improve the demographic situation, three percent rural, far eastern, arctic, as well as... unacceptable situations when , for the sake of profit and the targeting of preferential mortgage programs, someone took out 10 mortgages, which ultimately led to a speculative increase in prices for apartments in new buildings, and those who really need were unable to improve their living conditions, everything must be done, so that preferential mortgages increase housing affordability. interest rates
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are reduced at the expense of the state, and developers immediately increase housing prices, forcing people to take out larger loans. it is unacceptable. we plan to discuss the issue with the ministry of construction, apartment prices must be under control. our task is to provide people with housing, not developers with excess income. help an orphan, support a young mother in a difficult situation, save a stray cat. people who do such important things from the bottom of their hearts on a charitable basis will themselves be able to count on state support. the state duma adopted it in the first reading. a project that expands the list of socially significant non-profit organizations will be able to receive the right to tax preferences, funding from the budget and other privileges centers for placing orphans, helping families, as well as animal shelters, they are really looking forward to this help, our film crew was convinced of this.
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well, let's talk to you about pregnancy, about the psychology of pregnant women. they also talk about how impulsive and sensitive expectant mothers are, and how uncertainty, poverty and fears can push women into a corner, from where some see only one way out - to abandon the child. at the charity foundation, women save more children's lives. before the light appears, we communicate with many, and this is such happiness in at some point to see that people who were just on the brink of an abyss are now flying like eagles, looking around , having many plans for life, giving birth to more children, it’s amazing, the fund’s account has more than 4.00 babies who might not have been born,
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andryusha is one of them, his mother reveals the reason for the doubts that tormented her. i had at that moment when i became pregnant with andrei, when my husband left, i had a question: will i be able to bear a third child, alone, support arrived in time, and the young woman managed it, the fund was created just for this purpose, so that they can come here in critical moments , volunteer psychologists help expectant mothers, solve financial issues for many, buy food, clothes, pay debts for housing and communal services, but most importantly, they created a so-called route for mothers so that they...
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this is not just an expansion of the list, it the opportunity to receive assistance, primarily financial assistance, that is, these are direct subsidies, which today can come from the municipality or subject, this is the opportunity to receive information, analytical assistance, the opportunity to gain access to a simplified rental system, which will have fewer benefits. such structures will also be subject to a preferential tax system. those who defend the rights of children, who protect families, who agitate for normal treatment of children should certainly receive tax preferences, here the rate is significantly lower, significantly multiple, i would say, lower than the rate, there are benefits for real estate tax and transport tax. another point to expand the list of social ngos is animal shelters. feeding
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homeless animals will become easier, initiative will allow the regions to directly finance shelters in order... because they do not interfere with his life, but the cat, despite everything that people have done to him, he reaches out to them, he wants to communicate, he really, really loves people so that to bring assistance to animals to a new level, to shelters ... this is the room, i think everyone faces this problem, again , i repeat, it’s hands, that is, if we want to help animals with dignity, and we cannot
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rely on volunteers alone , because a volunteer will be able to come help us today, tomorrow he won’t be able to clean up after the cats, we need employees who will go to work and do their jobs conscientiously. when discussing animals, deputies see the problem more broadly; this work is focused on people. caring for homeless animals allows us to provide. freedom of movement on the streets, restrictions on the spread of infectious diseases carried by animals, well, in general, limiting the population of stray animals, so indeed all the non-profit organizations listed in this bill are social oriented. the bill was also supported by the public; there are now more than 50,000 socially oriented ngos in various areas in the country, but expanding this list with two points is vital. after all , thanks to these organizations, someone can hear something so long-awaited and sincere from their child. when andrey comes up, he will say, mom, i love you, right at such moments, tears well up in my eyes. elena zhelnina, andrey
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tarasov, anna melikyan, lana tyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. activities of foreign states. organizations can be considered undesirable if they threaten the security of our country. the initiative was discussed at a meeting of the commission to investigate the facts of foreign interference in the internal affairs of russia. currently, legislation allows only non-governmental foreign companies to be included in the list of undesirable organizations. however, as practice has shown, organizations established by government agencies of foreign countries can also pose a danger to russia’s sovereignty. about it said the head of the relevant state duma commission.
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a threat to security, sovereignty, interference with elections may also be considered undesirable. the state duma continues to work on a dacha amnesty. vyacheslav volodin sent a bill to the relevant committee that will allow for a simplified procedure to register ownership of a bathhouse or, for example, a summer kitchen built on a summer cottage. people asked for this. let me remind you that for residential country houses and land plots this procedure is valid until 2031. this week the document was accepted for the president's signature state duma law that extends the amnesty for dacha property for common use. details from maria burkova. larisa
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vladimirovna has been working as the chairman of the local snt for almost 7 years, she controls every centimeter of her partnership, and you can feel it: the roads are cleared, the houses are well-groomed, all the documentation is in order. the chairman of the snt is not so much a boss as a business executive. everything should work. and accordingly, documentation is maintained in accordance with our legislation, that is, we monitor that the sites are formalized, legally registered , and the building on the plots as well. larisa admits that all this would have been impossible without the dacha amnesty introduced by the state duma. with the introduction of the dacha amnesty, of course, it has now become much easier for my gardeners to formalize all this, and the number of registrations has also increased exponentially, because... exception from the process of obtaining a building permit, it, of course, greatly simplifies the registration process itself. in 2022, the dacha
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amnesty for residential building plots was extended until march 1, 2031. for common objects use, of which there are clearly fewer, was left until january 1, 2024. not everyone made it in time. our citizens who use summer cottages and garden plots. had time to register the land and the real estate located on it, but the property that was in common ownership was missed; earlier, some owners of the partnership company were unable to register structures such as water towers, booths, and some technical structures, for non-compliance with the legal status of land plots. state duma paid attention to this and in the third final reading adopted a law that will help partnerships not to lose common possessions. in this law, we are extending the period
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for this amnesty regarding registration. let me remind you that more than 15 million people have already taken advantage of the dacha amnesty. we are talking about buildings that were erected on the common lands of partnerships before 2004 . these are, for example, water towers, gatehouses, the government building, and the entrance group. public roads can also be registered in a simplified manner. what's for this need to? to do this you need failing documents. for the land and a declaration from the chairman of this company, their other documents, a technical plan for operation is not needed, this greatly simplifies the registration of common property. deputies note that if the simplified registration is not extended, this will place a financial burden on gardening partnerships, which cannot be allowed. in addition, unregistered objects may be recognized as unauthorized buildings and may
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simply be demolished. this. a great benefit for our gardeners, not only for the chairmen of snt, but also for you and me, for ordinary gardeners, because we can be sure that our infrastructure will be easily formalized, not through the courts, because if this law had not been adopted by the state duma, then we would have to legalize our public property exclusively through the courts. extends the deadline until march 1, 2031. thus, there is a simplified registration procedure
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for such summer cottages, for example, a bathhouse or a summer kitchen. the bill also proposes to formalize ownership rights to houses forged for two families. now such objects can only be legalized in court, for which cadastral work must be carried out. deputies note that the initiative was developed at the request of the citizens themselves. maria burkova maxim. see in the second part of our program: small and remote, the state duma extends benefits for small bookstores, making steel stronger, vaccines more effective, the achievement of science for the benefit of the country, as well as changes in the conditions for transporting pets. public control,
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how many cameras are they filming here? no, cameras are needed so that voting can be observed. there are observers at the site, and all important places are under constant video surveillance. tables of members of the election commission. places for issuing, storing, moving all ballots into redemption bags, voting boxes and places for counting ballots, and completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be viewed by candidates, parties, public observers, and, if necessary, you can rewind the recording and watch it again. everything is transparent and under control.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. what happened on february 24-25 ? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all pr agencies tied to the west were involved in order to encourage regional local rebellion. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion into their soul confusion. this is the surest path to victory in
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the war.


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