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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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dear friends, i invite you to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you. some eu countries have increased supplies of russian gas, and the austrian ministry of energy is concerned about dependence on our fuel. they would like to refuse gas from russia, but the contracts are valid until 2040, and it is quite difficult to find an alternative.
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alexandra will tell you what’s happening in the market nazarova. russia covers most of austria's needs for natural gas. the ministry of energy of the republic notes that the market is making too little effort to reduce dependence on our raw materials. moreover, deliveries are breaking records. the share of russian natural gas is still too high, although it has decreased significantly since the summer of 2022, in recent months we have seen it increase again. long-term supply contracts will be valid until 2040, the parties agreed on this back in 2018, but now the austrian ministry of energy calls for preparation withdrawal from agreements. they are simply afraid that ukraine will completely block transit, because everything that comes to austria now goes through ukraine, secondly. austria is under pressure
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from brussels, which calls, in general, to voluntarily abandon russian gas by 2027, so austria , for these two reasons, is trying to find some alternative suppliers in advance, but this is extremely difficult to do. austria has the opportunity to receive pipeline gas from norway and lng through a terminal in the netherlands, however, this is not enough, experts say. over the past year, the republic imported more than 7 billion. cubic meters, more than half from russia, including thanks to our supplies, for the first time in two decades it became a net exporter of gas, that is, it shipped more to its neighbors than it purchased. the austrian energy ministry is going to analyze the consequences of a possible refusal of russian gas, but experts are confident that a sharp rise in prices cannot be avoided. if austria sets itself the same goal as germany set to finally kill all its production, which means its economy, it will achieve this here. 100% of the gas is not from russia, but it intends
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to continue cooperation as long as it is not prohibited, restrictions are not introduced, and not everyone in parliament will be ready to support them. russian natural gas is not subject to sanctions in europe and is imported from several countries, via pipelines or through lng terminals, if... wants to phase out russian gas, an appropriate regulatory framework must first be created. many european countries they not only continue to purchase gas from russia, but even increase volumes. as reported in our media, these are, for example, belgium, the netherlands, spain and france. thus, in january-september last year, lng increased by 41%. in turn, spain in january of this year increased purchases of russian lng by more than a third compared to the same month a year earlier. as a result, we took
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third place after algeria and the united states in terms of volumes of supplies of this fuel to the kingdom. many european energy companies are still considering gas supplies from russia to as one of the options for diversifying imports in the context of increasing eu dependence on american lng. another opportunity to diversify supplies, at least on paper, is to make more active use of turkey’s capacity. the country has opened the gas reverse route to europe through the old balkan corridor. and offers to book 10-11 million cubic meters per day, when a turkish state-owned company says that it is an exporter, it usually resells some foreign gas and, above all , russian, in this regard, the turkish gas hub formally earned, although this has not been officially announced, and these are rather just intermediary services and re-exports, this is not an alternative to russian gas, this is simply the purchase of russian gas from an intermediary, a kind of illusion that... meanwhile, russia
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has repeatedly stated that it is ready to supply gas to the european union directly via the surviving nord stream 2 pipe, but they are in no hurry to return to the project. despite the damage to your own economy, hello to the neighbors, how much are you renting for, i won an apartment in a sticker, do you hear, irina bought potatoes in delicious point, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the group airplane, do you want a version, do you want an apartment? i talked about sbp, now i’ll get out and tell you about sbpay, download the sbpay application, link your bank account and you can pay for
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just like at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and you vote. how will your ballot be saved? hello, this is the fifth studio program , my name is yuri bogdanov, today the focus is on the situation in the middle east, what is happening in the region is being discussed today in moscow at the middle east conference of the waldai international club, we will discuss the most pressing issues with one of the conference participants, vasily kuznetsov, deputy director of the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences. vasily alexandrovich, hello, hello, yes, let's start with the situation in rafahi, how you assess it as...
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because it poses a tough choice , monstrous both for palestine and for the region, the political consequences will hardly be better, well, the humanitarian consequences, they will be for the egyptian government, the egyptian government on the one hand cannot afford to accept refugees palestinians, on the other hand, it, of course, cannot afford to look indifferently at what is happening in the gaza strip.
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how likely do you think this is, and could a full-scale war break out between egypt and israel? well i think yesterday there were rumors that egypt might suspend the kandavit agreement, then there was a statement by the egyptian minister of foreign affairs that the kamdavit agreements will remain, no one will refuse them, in general, the truly kamdavit agreements have gone through different times over the few decades of their existence.
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their existence there, given that the north of the gas sector is destroyed. another question concerns the possible participation of syria in what is happening. there was a statement that syria is ready for new warriors. against israel, this is reported with reference to the head of mit. how likely do you think such a scenario is and is damascus now ready for some kind of military action? i think that this is rather an official position that is quite consistent with the general rhetoric of damascus for many decades, but
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it seems to me that at the level of real politics, damascus will also try in every possible way. avoid war with israel. let's go through the information agenda, we don't have much time, but there are still enough topics that we would like to discuss. joe biden speaks on preparing a plan to end the fighting in gaza for 6 weeks. he stated this at a joint press conference with king abdullah ii of jordan. in particular, he stressed that israel should not conduct a military operation in the city of rafah in the south of the gaza strip without a plan to ensure the safety of palestinian civilians living there. but we in general.
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in the states, before this, before the time of trump, i would say, the white house always tried to take , albeit a pro-israeli position, but to take into account the interests of the palestinian side, starting from the time of trump and now this is not is happening. the statements that biden made , they show, firstly, the divergence of interests between israel and the united states, and secondly, they show the presence in the united states of some kind of rational understanding that it is necessary to rectify the situation, to move away from this pro-israeli unilateralism , but to the extent that they are now able to get away from it,
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i’m not even talking about what you mentioned about refusing to support israel, of course there will be no refusal to support israel. it cannot be, but how much more are they even capable of taking a balanced position is a big question. how possible is a deal between hamas and israel now, do you think? well, to some extent it is possible, but so far both sides are pushing it. let's see. how, what could iran do in this situation? could iran move to more active use of its own?
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try to prevent direct clashes with israel, but do you think washington’s response to the shelling of american military bases in the region is over or should we expect some more actions? i guess, that it’s over for now, well, until the next provoking events, that is, the united states will also try not to escalate it for now, no, well, everyone will try to avoid a big war. everyone will try to do this, except perhaps israel, but to what extent this will work out, sometimes it happens that everyone is trying to prevent war, it still happens, tell me, how do you evaluate the operation, history shows, yes, how do you evaluate the operation against the houthis, is it possible see some success there and how do you evaluate the actions? the so-called coalition, again, your
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forecast of how events will develop, some say that without a ground operation it will not be possible to solve this problem, it... washington will not agree to a ground operation at the moment, well, i agree with this point of view, because the geography of yemen itself is such that this cannot be done without a ground operation, let me remind you that the city of sanaa is located at 2700 m above sea level, this is a high mountain and what kind of air strikes there are, they cannot inflict serious defeat, cusitis as a result of the fact that...
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this must be used, this must be used. vasily aleksandrovich, thank you for your comment, thank you for taking the time to answer the questions. we will closely monitor developments. let me remind you that this was the fifth studio program. the council of the european union announced a preliminary agreement that will help europe use the profits from russia's frozen assets. they want to use the funds to help ukraine. in the meantime, brussels is looking for money for the armed forces of ukraine, large-scale projects are taking place in europe itself. protests. in germany, france, poland and italy. maria skorodilka will tell you what the protesters demand. the people here are very bright. on the streets of cologne, düsseldor and esan, carnival,
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costumes, masks, politics everywhere. here, cardboard zelensky is torn by the question of whether or not ukraine should be in nato. of course not, the trump caricature shouts back. and also macron, the german finance minister, linner, seeing a piggy bank with a debt brake lever. and of course, scholz is completely empty- headed. residents of germany do not hide their emotions. the odious statements of politicians are accurately parodied. dear german citizens, i love you. there are no problems in our country. endless price increases are not a problem. more green and stuffy politics is not a problem. more weapons from ukraine, no problem. in the meantime, some are laughing evilly at scholz, while others are on the verge.
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scholz, to each what he deserves, scholz knows nothing, the minister of energy, lintyai, but the head of mit is simply stupid, the germans write, but the authorities do not listen to the people, the german chancellor travels around the world, looking for money for the armed forces of ukraine, well, when persuasion no longer works, as usual move on to intimidation.
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they won’t be able to - ex -alliance general erhard bühler told reporters, sirens don’t work, there are no bunkers, even in the berlin metro you won’t be able to hide from the bombings, it’s almost all on the surface, which means that before scaring the people of germany with war, it would be good to learn how to protect your own population, well, at least from constant floods - the expert states. over the past year, russia has noticeably strengthened its position and achieved success in military tactics, despite sanctions, said the head of the norwegian intelligence service. stenson: ukraine completely depends on the support of the allies, while most of the western equipment that kiev has already received has been lost, the expert emphasized. ukraine's overall needs for
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shells are three times greater than its capabilities. the fate of ukraine will still be decided in moscow, said former military adviser to angela merkel, erichvat. the german government lacks realistic political goals regarding the situation in ukraine. the europeans, in principle, have no strategy, so the conflict will be resolved without their participation between moscow and washington. the german media has slipped into black and white thinking, and not the germans suddenly participating in the war. experts emphasize, and if these trends continue, the united states and its allies may very soon be accused of the erosion of the international order, the article says. maria skorodilka, news!
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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houses without electricity and overcrowded emergency rooms. what are the consequences of freezing rain in central russia and which regions will experience a sharp cold snap. the situation in the gas sector is the restoration of safe navigation in the red sea. these and other topics are discussed today at the valdai middle east conference. sergei lavrov will take part in its work. weapons, as well as secret documents of the ukrainian security service.
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drugs, and also extorted money from businesses and citizens, that’s what the investigative committee also said. the investigative committee, in cooperation with the fsb of russia, exposed the criminal activities of participants in the extremist aoe movement banned in russia on the territory of the tva republic.


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