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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the city defense committee adopts a resolution, which states that to use all the forces of the management of military construction and prisoners of war, prisoners are not always our enemies, among the prisoners there may be those who sympathize with us, as you see your future fate, get married, start a family, work calmly so that i was confident in the future.
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now briefly about the main economic events of the day. the russian economy is growing faster than expected in the west. this conclusion was reached by the international monetary fund. thus, the imf confirmed the previously revised forecast. this year they expect russian gdp to grow by two. russia grew stronger
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than we expected; this year we revised its indicators and increased them by 1.5%. therefore, this is clearly an area of ​​positive growth. by the way, the imf was criticized for this last year, but i think now everyone sees that the numbers are genuine. india remains interested in participating in the sakhalin-2 oil and gas project. tas was informed about this by the ministry of oil and natural gas of the republic. countries are open to negotiations and are ready to cooperate if they are satisfied with the terms of the partnership. our country remains attractive from the point of view of investing in oil and gas assets. russia took first place in terms of foreign investment in the iranian economy. ambassador to tehran alexey dedov noted that russian energy companies are now successfully operating in the republic. our country was also a leader among foreign investors in 2022. in the same year, mutual trade turnover increased by... 20% and reached almost
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$5 billion. and diasoft's capitalization by the results of the ipo on the moscow exchange exceeded 47 billion rubles. the software developer reported increased investor interest. we managed to attract more than 100,000 people. as a result of the placement, the share of free float is expected to be 8%. experts note the increased interest of the it sector in ipos. last year , astro and software companies successfully entered the stock exchange. it was economic news, briefly. i opened the application, selected the car brand, avita will select everything for that, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, i need halva. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit debts. hello neighbors, how much
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do you rent for? i won an apartment in sticker mani , do you hear, irina bought french fries at a tasty point, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the group airplane, do you want a version, do you want an apartment and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty point application, all day on legs and... my back gets tired, because of work i am sedentary lifestyle, sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. mom, guess who started a new job today? many vacancies on avito work. you will find not just a job, but your place. smart choice. this is when
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you compare offers for a product directly in yandex search. when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you gave a million rubles, or mega jacuzzi wins every second ticket, buy on the website. from branded stores in stolota. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance. and it has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting. don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket. grow with us! formula adaptek engine oil takayama protects the engine by instantly adapting to any mode of operation. takayama - adaptive engine protection. who will take the trophies and
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rule in both the real and digital worlds. games of the future. subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. maybe a fellowship? appetite anywhere! only dad will tame it! if you have an appetite, a snack won't hurt! sausages, dad can! divide in half! prices on yandex market, discounts up to 50%. when paying with an alfabank card! if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy for half price. this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. thompson coffee machine for only 21.999. fambio i eldorado.
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a sesame bun, two meatballs, and the sauce. brand new equipment, inspiring sale of electronics on avito. russian crews of the sud-25 destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in
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the special operation zone. footage of combat work was published by the ministry of defense. attack aircraft from the center group of troops attacked enemy positions with unguided s-13 missiles. at the same time, the crew. had to fly to at extremely low altitudes and work in conditions of strong interference created by the electronic warfare stations of the ukrainian armed forces. the task was eventually completed successfully, the target was hit. our pilots returned to their home airfield. today we completed a combat flight. the goal was to defeat the enemy in the fortified area. the flight was carried out at an extremely low altitude, with strong resistance from enemy weapons. according to the report of the advanced aviation. the equipment worked normally, no problems were identified during the flight. today is a memorable date for residents of lugansk republics: the region celebrates the anniversary of liberation from the nazis during the great patriotic war. the assault on voroshilovada,
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the former name of lugansk, began on the night of february 13-14, 1943. this year, a historical reconstruction was organized in lugansk, it was all over. red army soldiers in modern lugansk are storming a building, this is a historical reconstruction dedicated to the day of the liberation of the city. according to legend, german troops have settled in the house and red army soldiers are now going around it to clear the building. a small red army detachment conducts inspection of the yard in search of entrenched fascists. suddenly, a new one appears from the flank. enemy. information has been received that a detachment of italians has entered the red army from the left flank, so they are moving forward to clear the next building and prevent the enemy from entering it on their own. one of the red army soldiers remains here, he covers his comrades from the rear. passers-by
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look in surprise at the red army soldiers who suddenly appeared in lugansk. someone honks from a car, and some lugansk residents themselves join in the reconstruction. look, fascists there is. the detachment is commanded by a real military officer, sergei kolomensky. the history teacher has been fighting since he was fourteen. with the rank of major, he freed the dangerous one. today. one of the ideologists of the lugansk reenactors movement, this came about 40 years ago as an idea, as a new type of recreation and a new type of, say, event where you plunge into history, this is not news, some respect the first cavalry army, others respect the patriotic war of 812, mine personally hobby, my love is the red army from the moment of birth, the ranks of reenactors as well as diverse as the red army, there are retired students. maxim drazdov, a student of physics and mathematics and a future teacher, approaches reconstruction with mathematical precision, everything
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must correspond to the period, since i was young, then inexperienced, then i was not on the banner of dying first, but there was pride in the fact that they called, that they trusted the fact that for reconstruction, one of the most important things in any reconstruction is preparation for the action itself, you need to choose clothes that will fully correspond to the period, every button. belt everything else should correspond to the soldiers of that era. the place of attraction for lugansk reenactors is the museum of the memory of donbass society, which contains exhibits from various eras, the civil war, the great patriotic war and the northern military district. much of the exhibition was found and assembled independently. in the thirteenth year, we conducted a search along the route of this cavalry corps. well, this is what was found, you see, a grenade, here is a magazine,
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here is a saber, the voroslovsk operation lasted almost a month, in the battles for the liberation of the city 10 thousand soviet soldiers died, the red flag was raised on february 14, 1943, after 212 days of occupation. stanislav shiva, kirill genser, dmitry pyrkh, ekaterina tehmanovich, conduct lugansk. italian. the capital of the 2006 winter olympics is digging an olympic hole for itself. 2 years before the start of future games, the olympic venues are only on paper. the biggest scandal is the 140-million-euro bubbles track, which is time to be tested, but there is neither a track nor even anyone willing to build it. why this happened, our own correspondent looked into italy asya emelyanova. italy was lucky with the olympics three times, 1956, winter in the picture, 1960,
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summer, here is the time with the opening at the olympic stadium and 2006 turin, to understand what the 2026 olympics will be like, believe me, it’s worth going back to this olympic past, dress warmer and go north snow, this is italy with asya emelyanova, to the start, attention, march! in picture 2024, everything is completely different
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from the video in picture 2026. the state of preparation, as in the saying, the horse was not lying down, not a nail was driven in, in the italian analogue, not a bolt. the torch on the roof of the ice palace went out in 1956, but no one had yet begun to repair the facility where the curling competition was to take place. it's really time to light the torch. but from the olympics in the picture so far there are only memories and faded symbols of 1956, the ice palace of the fifty-sixth, the bobsleigh track of the fifty-sixth, and even the main calling card of the city, the springboard, also of that era. the 56th olympics glorified the picture throughout the world; on this former glory, the bid was won, promising that the brightest the competition will be held here, downhill. curning, cross-country skiing, and most importantly - bob, sled and skeleton. pista olimpica de bob,
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olympic babesleigh track. if you believe the map, then we are in the very place where in november 2024, that is, in 8 months, italy promised to hold test competitions of the new track. no, we are definitely in that very place, because there are fragments of the old one, but no one is building a new one. started. the owner of the legendary bar bob, which stands near the ruins of the old route 56, has long been mentally ready for demolition. you can sacrifice history for the sake of olympic prospects. are the bulldozers still not moving? i’m not a builder, but i know for sure that the track took 3 years to build in russia, 3 years in china, and 3 years in turin 2006. do you have snow here? do we have snow? it’s hard to believe, but there is no one willing to build a highway for 140 million. this summer , not a single application was submitted to the competition for the construction of the luge and bubble track. the same thing, failure
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on the second. tired of waiting for news from the picture, they announced that they would build.
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there is one built just in time for the olympics, we are in piedmont in the town of pariol, here is the pearl, the pride of the top of turin 2006, it cannot be otherwise, because the state has invested 110 million euros in this, no security, no fence, we get into italy’s olympic past completely unhindered, oh... passion lives here, passion lives here, the motto in which turin 2006 opened, nothing lives here since 2011. this stadium has hosted 20 competitions, including the olympics. the inheritance turned out to be unaffordable; 1.3 million euros a year for the tiny town of chisana is a default. yeah, well, here’s the route, its final
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part. the last time spectators sat here was in 2011, 13 years ago. transform a professional track into a children's slide called utopia. training camps for thirty athletes throughout the country did not pay for anything. the stadium in cesana is also a cemetery for amiak, 50 tons, which was used to cool the track. thorin 2006, entry allowed for vip guests. well , most likely it was hanging here somewhere. if only there was a bubbling track, there are such olympic monuments scattered throughout the valleys of piedmont, ten minutes from chisane, the town of pragilato. here they are in all their glory, two
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the main olympic springboard, 140 m long, this one is 104. it holds a record, by the way. belongs to russian dmitry vasiliev. for the tiny village that lived, this object was supposed to be a godsend, a leap into a great sports and tourism future. they stopped jumping here immediately after the olympics. the springboard was no luckier than the sled. as it turns out, there is always little snow here. but this is the main stand. everything here has been stolen. it was inside under the spectator seats. restaurant, they even took out a huge multi-ton kitchen block, and here they cut off all the copper cables, like in cesana, there is no security, no fence, even the glass is no longer there, they are twisted, we are inside, either the former coaching room, or the press center, a road sign, how they
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brought it here, and well, the grand prix 2008, it was 2 years after the olympics. after that it was all over, there are more jumpers in italy than bubble skaters, but the mayor’s office also couldn’t figure out what to do with the springboard in order to raise one and a half million a year for maintenance, gifts from the olympics, like a disservice. another olympic site, turin 2006, the hotel is next to the ski jump with 120 seats, because on the mountains, i see unwashed dishes and furniture. a hotel next to an abandoned ski jump is still a profitable business, who will go here voluntarily if the view of the mountains comes with a free view of the olympic cemetery. well , judging by the labels, they still tried to revive it during the pandemic, a three -star hotel, a jumping hotel for jumpers, that’s what it
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was called, italy is also chronically unlucky with the olympic villages, although turin ca n’t complain, budget apartments unsold after the games quickly found yours tenant. in 2012, buildings inside the village were taken over by visitors from africa. 1300 people , italian colle, as it was called, even the police bypassed it for 7 years, what future awaits the olympic villages 2026 is unclear, because it is unclear where they will be, collapsible wooden modules are traveling in plans on maps for the umpteenth time, the need to build something... then in the picture now it also raises doubts, why, if in the end there will be nothing in the city besides curling and downhill, neither bub sleigh, nor cross-country skiing, there is not enough for them.
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have grown, they promised to raise the springboard for 3 million, today they are talking about forty, the renovation of the biathlon ski stadium in anterselva has also become more expensive, 20 times 41 million. the snowboard track has risen in price from 33 million euros to 90. the olympic village in milan from 99 up to 200, there are 70 objects on the list, but only 20 of them are olympic, everything else is tufana, tufana, tofana resort. look, the elevator between three resorts from tafan kalige and attafan karaba, for example, costs 95 million euros.
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what does the olympics have to do with it? nothing to do with it, it's just to to please the owners of private ski resorts in the dolomites. but is this a scam? it is a divorce between the inhabitants and nature. the film will still get something good after the games, a calling card. hang a curtain, i think, yes, to present medals, exactly, it costs 10 million, 10, not bad, yes, well, such a good curtain, 2 years
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by olympic standards is almost tomorrow, italy will not have time to dig this grave for itself, that’s understandable, if you look closely at the construction work posters around the picture 2021, 2021, this was all started for the championship peace. because the way things are going in some non- olympic disciplines, italy is already guaranteed victory. the 2026 games may go down in history as one of the most scandalous. this is
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italy sucking emelyanova, chividyamo. see you. four cylinders in a row turbocharged, 215 horsepower. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is implemented by the strategic agency. initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the fund roscongress. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place
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for ideas of citizen initiatives to be formed. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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what role can russia play in resolving the crisis around yemen and what will happen to the gas sector after the end of the israeli operation. these topics are being discussed today in the middle eastern valdai. sergey lavrov will take part in the conference. frosts down to -25 are predicted in central russia for this week. there is a yellow weather danger level in moscow. let's ask our meteorologists about forecasts. weapons, as well as
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secret documents. ukrainian security services in mariupol discovered a mined cache of the armed forces of ukraine, the footage is published by the fsb. the resort towns of antalya are going under water, streets and houses are flooded on the turkish coast, public transport is not running, and rain is predicted for another 3 days. the central election commission today held a draw for distribution between presidential candidates and the parties that nominated them.


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