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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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after october 7, according to the head of russian diplomacy, as early as october 15, that is , a week after the events in israel and in the gas sector, moscow made a proposal at the un council that it was necessary to move to a ceasefire, but instead there was only a resolution was adopted with a rather toothless formulation that a humanitarian pause needs to be held, but in general, this is the policy pursued by the united states and its allies, it does not bring us any closer to peace, well...
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shipping, but also the solution to which russia, of course, stands for free the usa and great britain resorted when they began unauthorized strikes on a sovereign state, they, of course, also do not bring any prospects for easing the situation and... of course, prospects were visible in other parts of the world, but now we see that the conflict is still only growing. the course has already made it possible to normalize relations between saudi arabia and iran through chinese mediation. the same course made it possible to tie up the return of syria to the league of arab states. in addition, a dialogue began on the normalization of relations between syria and turkey. with the assistance of russia and iran, so
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that the regionals are proving their ability to act effectively when not interfered with. and the unprecedented aggravation of the situation in the gas sector, returning to the main topic of today, of course, requires efforts not only to establish a ceasefire, but to create conditions that are reliable and legally binding.
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military action in gaza, now, extending it to rafah, we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of the situation in this sector and it is necessary, nevertheless, to achieve a ceasefire, create conditions, as i have already said, for a reliable, sustainable political settlement. well, in order to come to peace and defend our rights. the palestinian people, they emphasize, first of all need to achieve peace of agreement among themselves, between their factions, for this it is necessary to hold a new inter-palestinian conference, according to the head of russian diplomacy, moscow expects to hold such an event in the foreseeable future. elizat khramtsova, ivan panamarenko, andrey verishchagin, news. in russia there will be a single service for opening business, it will allow a novice entrepreneur to obtain the necessary services easier and faster. register a business electronic signature from. open a bank account,
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all this can be done at once on one website, and all the necessary procedures can be carried out completely remotely using biometrics. the new service will be launched, but as an experiment, it will start on march 1. the service for starting an online business is a kind of life situation on the basis of which you can see and generally predict how the state is changing its approaches to the provision of services and services, that is, today. almost all services, all services that are primarily provided digitally, are restructured from the position of providing a service to the position of closing a life situation, that is , a set of individual services is compiled or combined into one life situation, and through the life situation the opportunity to close all one’s communication needs is realized with the state. diamond producers criticized the g7 countries' sanctions against russia. the industry warned of monstrous
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side effects, including sharp price increases. aleksey fedorov was looking into who would pay for new interventions in market mechanisms. fantasy galley and diamond. alexey has been working since 1995, the work is complex, several processing techniques are combined here, he has gone from a student to a production manager, now he has his own cutting company, he has worked with different stones, but he gives preference to siberian stones, produced by alrosa. spent a lot of time in different countries, this is lyon, this is congo, this is tanzania, angola, everywhere i worked with diamonds, and i can say that ours. diamonds are among the best in the world. and europe decided to protect its market from these best stones. since january 1, the eu and g7 have banned the import of them from russia. from march , indirect supplies will be subject to sanctions. however, to block the flow of russian diamonds, they must first be recognized. i have
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a 10 carat rough diamond in my hands. when a batch of such stones reaches a buyer in europe, each one is thoroughly checked. the most reliable and affordable way is a microscope. it can be used to evaluate cleanliness light, size, but it is impossible to understand where this stone was produced. it is rough diamonds that russia mainly supplies for export; this is more than 90% of all production. europe plans to begin tracking the origin of the stones in september. there they propose to send all extracted raw materials to the belgian antwerp, register, label, and then send back. this does not suit the big players. first of all, india. it is said that it is necessary to use the blockchain, that there must be some kind of unique grid. which you can scan on a stone, when we are talking about russian stones, and this is primarily the majority of small stones, yes, that is, this is a huge number of stones, on each of which this grid will have to be applied, these are additional costs, which also result in the final cost for the consumer, the final cost for
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the buyer who will be engaged in cutting, which is india. other market participants are also against the sanctions, even the debirs corporation, for which a ban on competing diamonds from russia should be profitable. in addition to the jump in prices for stones, the company expects a narrowing of export geography. the american report also criticized diamond sanctions. they fear that belgium will control the entire market for precious stones, and such a monopoly is detrimental to business. diamond exporting countries do not want to be dependent on only one center, but on diamond imports. of course they want to be able to supply diamonds not only to ankverk, but also.
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russia has repeatedly confirmed the stability of its system; we have a large margin of safety, tools to minimize these consequences are not always available. experts believe that in the future, without russian diamonds, the global market will face a deficit; without the development of new deposits, reserves will last for about 12 and a half years, while at the same time, our country is provided with production for 40-50 years, which means that there is definitely less jewelry in russian jewelry stores it won't. alexey fedorov, ivan malyshev, konstantin. veselov, news. russian soldiers who were rescued from ukrainian captivity talk about monstrous the conditions in which they were kept. there is talk of systematic beatings and even bullying by doctors. more details anton stepanenko. alexander mikhailovich suris
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gave his military debt to his soviet homeland back in the seventies. he served as a rocket scientist in western ukraine. after 50 years , i started volunteering to repay my debt to russia at 68. when i started doing it calmly. then again the same thing and until the sixth, on the sixth there was a major attack, i don’t know why, but zhenya and i were left with two people left, a grenade launcher fired when before my eyes blue green, then there was a special detention center,
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the central prison of zaporozhye, there for 3 weeks, then the dnepropetrovsk prison, there for another week, that’s where they pulled out the fragments, a month later, the chief surgeon, you know what he said, he says he doesn’t need a tampon. narano says to tie the salt shaker with salt, the final point of transfer was the prisoner of war camp in lvov west, were there any punishments, was there a system of punishments? and here this is my captivity, i think so, that is
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, treat it humanely, naturally, stepan pavlik and dmitry rudenko were captured together, when they arrived at the observation post, they didn’t know that they were being watched by a russian reconnaissance group, in captivity, well, according to the stories, it was scary, what the men said there among themselves, and so, well, the discussion on the internet when they were conducting it was scary. there were bad thoughts in the hallway, when they had already brought them there to the basements, the boys fed them and made coffee, they gave them coffee made from sugar, tea, whatever you want, they gave you cigarettes, well, it was normal, they weren’t in the camp yet, where for they will be specially prepared, fed what the guards give us, we give exactly what we eat ourselves, perhaps not at the same table, we treat them like people, in no way, and not our prisoners, well... we must somehow be people in relation to them,
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so that they somehow we felt that we were not some kind of animals. anton stepanenko, valery vinokurov, news: zaporozhye front. it was you who stole your grandfather's dirk at the age of 7. that's what the men from the yard told you, you're a fighter! you were the one who was never afraid of a fight. it's with you, she's calm everywhere. this is on you, friends. well, again the sad news of this day is gone from life, the hero of the soviet union, colonel general valery vastrotin, he commanded the ninth parachute landing company of the 345th guards regiment in afghanistan. the feat of our soldiers formed the basis of the movie.
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now for the news of the last minutes, vladimir putin approved a list of instructions based on the results of the combined direct line press conference, which took place on december 14, 2023. vladimir putin instructed the cabinet of ministers to extend preferential mortgages at 2% in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions to the secondary housing market. in addition, it was instructed to submit before march 1 offer. to increase subsidized air routes in the far east. the kremlin instructed the cabinet of ministers to submit a proposal by march 15 to determine optimal tariffs for travel on the m14 east highway. it was also ordered to create a special economic zone in the belgorod region, which would include shibekin. the document was published on the kremlin website. in addition, he was quoted by an active news agency; as soon as new reports appear, we will return to this topic. italy is having difficulty preparing for the 2026 winter olympics, as it is reported that many of the key facilities
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have not yet been built; there was a plan to save money by bringing part of the competition to turin, which already hosted the games in the mid-2000s. the problem is that a significant part of the infrastructure there has fallen into disrepair, and repairs will cost almost the same as building from scratch. our own correspondent tasya emelyanova will tell you what the italians are going to do. italy was lucky with the olympics three times, 1956, winter in the picture 1960 summer, here the time with the opening at the olympic stadium. and 2006 turin to to understand what the 2026 olympics will be like, believe me, it’s worth returning to this olympic past, dress warmly and to the north of the snow, this is italy with asya emelyanova, to the start, attention, march! what was the holiday like? what
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was the election video like? the fizz of mocha with your morning italian coffee? descent in the alps, slopes with natural snow, ecological wooden olympic villages in the heart of the dolamite alps. we are preparing, and you in the picture 2024 everything is completely different from the picture in the video 2026, the state of preparation, as in the saying:
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and even the main calling card of the city, springboard, also from that era. the 56th olympics glorified the picture all over the world, on this past glory, the application was won, promising that the most exciting competitions would be held here, downhill, curling, cross-country skiing, and most importantly, bob, sleigh and skeleton. pista olimpica debob, olympic bobsleigh track. if you believe the map, then we are in... in the very place where in november 2024, that is , in 8 months, italy promised to hold test competitions of the new track, no, we are exactly in that very place, because the wreckage there is an old one, but no one has started building a new one. the owner of the legendary bar bob, which stands near the ruins of the old route 56,
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has long been mentally prepared for demolition; for the sake of olympic prospects, one can sacrifice history. but the bulldozers still don’t move? i’m not a builder, but i know for sure that in russia the track took 3 years to build, in china 3 years, turin 2006 took 3 years, and you have snow here, and we have snow, it ’s hard to believe, but to build a track for 140 million, no there were no people willing to take part in the competition for the construction of a subsleigh track this summer. not a single application was submitted, the same thing, failure on the second, tired of waiting for news from the picture, they could say that they are building...
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italy has one, built just in time for the olympics. we are in femont, in the town of pariol, here it is, a pearl, pride, top. turin 2006. it couldn’t be any other way, because the state invested 110 million euros in this. no security, no fence , we enter italy’s olympic past completely
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unhindered. passion lives here, the motto that opened the tourin 2006, nothing lives here since 2011. this stadium hosted 20 competitions, including the olympics. the inheritance turned out to be unaffordable. 1.3 million euros a year for the tiny town of chisana is a default. yeah, well, here’s the route, its final part. and the last time spectators sat here was in 2011, 13 years ago. turning a professional track into a children's slide utopia, training camps for thirty athletes throughout the country, did not pay for anything. stadium c
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cesane is also a cemetery for amiak, 50 tons, which was used to cool the track. turin 2006, entry allowed for vip guests. well, most likely it was hanging here somewhere. if only there was a bubbling track through the valleys of piedmont, such olympic monuments are scattered 10 minutes from chisane in the town of progelato. here they are in all their glory, the two main olympic jumps, the long one is 140 m, this one is 14. the record on it, by the way, belongs to the russian dmitry vasiliev. for the tiny village that lived, this object was supposed to be manna from heaven, a leap into a big sports and tourist one. they stopped jumping here immediately after the olympics. the springboard was no luckier than the sled; there was still not enough snow here, as it turned out. this
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the main stand, everything was stolen here, there was a restaurant inside under the spectator seats, even a huge multi-ton kitchen block was taken out, and here all the copper cables were cut off. like in cesana, there is no security, no fence, not even glass at the... road sign, how did they bring it here? well, here’s the 2008 grand prix, it was 2 years after the olympics, after that it was all over. there are more jumpers in italy than bubble skaters, but the mayor’s office also couldn’t figure out what to do with the springboard in order to raise one and a half million a year for maintenance? gifts from the olympics are a disservice. another olympic venue. turin 2006. hotel next to the ski jump, 120 seats, view of
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the mountains, but i see unwashed dishes and furniture. a hotel next to an abandoned ski jump is still a profitable business. who will come here voluntarily if the view of the mountains comes with a free view of the olympic treasure? well, judging by the labels, they still tried to revive it during the pandemic, a three -star hotel, a jumping hotel for jumpers, that’s what it was called, italy is also chronically unlucky with the olympic villages, although turin ca n’t complain, unsold after the games budget apartments quickly found their tenant; in 2012, buildings inside the village were taken over by guests from...
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renovation of the biathlon ski stadium in anterselva also became 20 times more expensive, 41 million.
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the snowboard track rose from 33 million euros to 90. the olympic village in milan from 99 to 200 there are 70 objects on the list, but only 20 of them are olympic. everything else is tufans, tufans. they won’t demolish it, it’s too expensive, the future generation of italians will receive from
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the 2026 olympics. medal parade ground, medal square, what is this, what is this, i missed it, medal square, to hide the springboard in the picture , repair the skeleton, yes, but what will they do with it, i think , hide it, what else, hang a curtain, i think, yes, to present medals, exactly, it costs 10 million, 10, not bad, yes, well such a nice curtain. 2 years by olympic standards is almost tomorrow, italy will not have time to dig this grave for itself, this is understandable if you look closely at the construction work posters around the picture, 2021, 2021, this was all started for the world cup, the world cup has passed, the work is still going on , i can still understand 2020 a year, there was a pandemic, covid, it stopped. but in
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2021 it was possible to accelerate, especially since all objects now have special commissioners. italy risks screwing up in 2026, internationally . faster, higher, stronger or more expensive is useless, judging by how things are going in some non-olympic disciplines, italy is already guaranteed victory. the 2026 games may go down in history as one of the most scandalous. this is italy with sosimel's chivid yamu. see you.
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what happened here on february 24-25? social networks, calls, mailing, fake news, come out all western-linked pr agencies joined in the rally to encourage regional local riots, the main task being to capture the enemy people not physically,
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but ideologically. that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed, because we are russian, this was a real hybrid war.
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the police are looking for them; the russian ministry of internal affairs has put estonian prime minister kajo kallos and secretary of state timer on the wanted list for criminal charges. what could be the reason for this decision? financial trick: europe will be able to use profits from frozen assets of russia, how will it be formalized, where are the funds going to be sent? we saw the territory of positive growth, the international monetary fund gave an optimistic forecast for the russian economy.


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