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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the police are looking for them; the russian ministry of internal affairs has put the prime minister on the wanted list under criminal charges. europe will be able to use the profits from russia’s frozen assets; how will this be formalized? where are the funds going to be sent? we saw the territory of positive growth, the international monetary fund gave an optimistic forecast for the russian economy, what are the numbers? it didn’t work out that way,
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another embarrassment with the us president occurred at a joint press conference with the king of jordan. how do they assess biden's condition in the states themselves? vladimir putin instructed to speed up providing payments to participants in the special operation and by march 1, consider the issue of general approaches to social guarantees for svo volunteers. the list of the president’s instructions based on the results of the combined direct line press conference , which took place in december last year, was published on... the kremlin, among the instructions to the government, also submit a proposal to increase subsidized air routes in the far east, deadline until march 1, until march 15, the cabinet of ministers must submit a proposal to determine optimal tariffs for travel on the m12 east highway. also vladimir putin ordered the creation of a special economic zone in the belgorod region, which will include shibekin. and among the tasks outlined by the president is to extend preferential mortgages at 2% in new regions to secondary housing.
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law enforcement agencies, tas reports that but, citing sources , this may be due to the destruction of monuments to soviet soldiers on the territory of the baltic state. in addition, estonian secretary of state taimar peterkop has been put on the wanted list. commented on what was happening press secretary and president of russia dmitry peskov. these are the people who are responsible for the decision, who, well, in fact, are an outrage against historical memory, these are the people who take hostile actions towards the historical memory and towards our country. sad news , colonel general, hero of the soviet union, valery vostrotin, died at the seventy-second year of his life. he commanded the ninth parachute company of the 345th guards regiment in afghanistan. the feat of our soldiers is
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based on the film by fyodor bondarchuk. that's what the director said in an interview with our channel. today this is news, i’m just going through some kind of bad streak, he’s not only a senior comrade for me, i had and still have some fatherly feelings for him. and of course, this was my debut, i was 38 years old, a late debut in directing, with the scriptwriter yury korotkov, valery aleksandrovich spent months telling stories of both his life and his biography, so of course he has.
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in the purest sense of the word, the blessed memory of valeriyevich is great, great for me a loss. valery vastrotin was born in the chelyabinsk region, studied military science at the sverdlovsk suvorov school, the ryazan airborne school, the frunze military academy and the general staff academy. since december 1979, he served as part of a limited contingent of a group of soviet troops in afghanistan. seriously wounded in july 1980, after lengthy treatment, returned to duty, served as commander of an airborne company, chief of staff, deputy commander of a parachute battalion since 1986, commander of the 345th separate guards parachute regiment. this unit included the ninth company, which became famous thanks to the battle for height 3234. our soldiers
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held the defense in this area for more than 12 hours, thanks to their victory it was possible to unblock the road to restore supply to the soviet troops. the story formed the basis of the film. led the ministry's group for the delivery of humanitarian supplies to afghanistan. the fsb prevented sabotage at a fuel and energy infrastructure facility in the leningrad region. the terrorist attack was reportedly prepared by a ukrainian citizen. he was detained in the gas control area. the suspect was arrested until april 9. a court in the moscow region toughened the sentence for sociologist boris kogorlitsky. in russia he is recognized as an enoagent and included in the list of terrorists and extremists.
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instead of a fine, he was sentenced to 5 years in a general regime colony. kogorlitsky was found guilty under the article on justifying terrorism. according to investigators, he published the video.
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automated monitoring of the media, internet sites and social networks has been introduced. this integrated approach allowed us to first carry out special military operation, discovered and deleted more than 360,000 terrorist and extremist materials on the internet, of which over 37 thousand were related to the activities of the ukrainian special services and neo-nazi organizations. issues of gasification of krasnoy. matvienko noted the positive changes that have occurred in the region recently. you,
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as the head of the region, have truly immersed yourself in all the problems, although you knew them before, having extensive work experience. the federal center is important, they immersed themselves in the problems and did not just talk about it openly, but you also see how problems need to be solved, how the region needs to be developed, these are environmental issues, of course, transportation, school education, and medicine, i think that this is a good opportunity based on the visit of the working delegation to the federation website , outline general measures, general support measures for the accelerated development of the krasnoyarsk region. a single service for starting a business will appear in russia; it will allow a novice entrepreneur to receive the necessary services easier and faster. register a business,
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electronic signature and opening a bank account, all this can be done at once on one website. it will also be possible to carry out all the necessary procedures completely remotely using biometrics. there will be a new service. launched as an experiment for now, it starts on march 1. service for opening a business online is a kind of life situation on the basis of which you can see and generally predict how the state is changing its approaches to the provision of services and services, that is , today, almost all services, all services that are primarily find themselves digitally rebuilt from position. services in the position of closing a life situation, that is , a set of individual services is compiled or combined into one life situation, and through the life situation the opportunity is realized, well, to close all your needs in communicating with the state.
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now personnel from the government coordination center, today we will continue to discuss the progress of implementation of significant projects aimed at solving priority tasks to improve the quality of life of people, and today let's look at the next largest block, which includes 15 of the 42 strategic initiatives that were launched about 2 years ago at the initiative of the president. each of these areas serves as a driver for the technological growth of our country, and
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what is very important, they are all part of systemic decisions that are made by both the president and the government and are fully synchronized with national projects and government programs, well, with all comprehensive measures to support various industries. overall this gives good results, enterprises not only adapted to working in new conditions. they rebuilt the cooperation chain and logistics, and what is very important, they are increasing their capacity and gradually occupying market niches that were vacated after the departure of a number of foreign companies. according to preliminary data, industrial production at the end of last year, you know, grew by 3.5%. and primarily due to the dynamics of the manufacturing sector, which has now reached 7.5%. including demonstrated record rates. our machine-building complex is about 21%, so denis valentinovich? and the president recently
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, at a meeting of the council on science and education, emphasized that the priorities of scientific and technological development should be closely connected with all the key challenges in the economy, in the social sphere, in the field of security, and of course, the whole is aimed at achieving sovereignty - in all areas. it is from such approaches that we must proceed when implementing government initiatives, which... include a wide range of activities from design and development work to commissioning operation of innovative systems of science-intensive equipment. about 200 billion rubles were allocated for their financing from the federal budget over the previous two years. and the current one provides for over 122 billion. at the same time, the amount of funding from extra-budgetary sources is twice as high. last year it reached 228 billion, which indicates significant interest in these areas among private capital. such projects not only
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strengthen the domestic industry. well, what is very important, they create additional incentives for our energy sector, for transport, for agriculture, for medicine, and for many other areas, successes in which directly affect very specific aspects of the lives of our people, they improve the environment, help entrepreneurs reduce their costs, which means... progress has been made in terms of unmanned transport systems, now they are being actively tested when transporting goods both on our roads and by sea, in particular, on the basis of kamaz , the production of highly automated trucks and organized traffic on the highway has been established 11, moscow st. petersburg, which, well, actually takes logistics between the two largest cities in the country to a completely different new level. within the framework of the initiative it is clean. energy: about two dozen green power generation facilities have been built with a total
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capacity of 340 mw. well, including the krasnogorsk small hydroelectric power stations, which were recently launched during our trip to korochaevo-cherkessia. the wider dissemination of such technologies allows not only to increase the reliability of energy supply to the regions, but also, which is very important, to reduce the share harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and thereby, of course, improve the condition. environment in populated areas, we provide assistance to innovative developments in the fields of hydrogen nuclear energy. russia has enormous potential here, both in the field of lng production. we are working on modern solutions that help preserve people’s health, increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of complex diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. for remote health monitoring. is being created line of high-tech products, patients will soon have access to continuous
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monitoring of vital indicators. we also have a lot of inventors, craftsmen and enthusiasts of their craft who have a lot of interesting ideas, and to implement them, those talents need help. we pay very serious attention to supporting technology startups, and at all stages from the birth of the first idea.
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training of highly qualified personnel for industry; for this purpose, advanced engineering schools were opened on the basis of 30 universities, but by the end of this year their number should increase to 50. of course, at the same time we are updating educational programs, introducing new formats of internships and internships, and most importantly, we are trying to get
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children interested in technical professions from school. dear colleagues, i now propose to listen to the reports of the curators of our socio-economic development initiatives; we will dwell in detail on the key indicators, primarily in terms of the resulting effect for both citizens and industries, which is very it is important that each project must be brought to completion to specific practical solutions ; carefully observe which of the stated tasks were solved and which were not solved; this can only be done with careful attention.
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the whole world now has in the context of the middle east crisis, sergei lavrov today made his assessments, the situation that is especially developing after october 7, according to the head of russian diplomacy, back on october 15, that is , a week after the events in israel and in the gas sector, moscow made a proposal to the un council said that it was necessary to move to a ceasefire, but instead they only adopted a resolution with a rather toothless form.
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until october 7, literally the day before, prospects for solving many problems were visible, this concerns, for example, the situation around yemen, where the movement was already in fairly close contact with saudi arabia, everything was moving towards a settlement, but then we saw an aggravation in general around this country around now shipping in the red sea, sergei lavrov emphasized that russia, of course, stands for free shipping, but also the solution resorted to by the united states and...
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relations between saudi arabia and iran through chinese mediation, the same course allowed the return of syria to the league of arab states. in addition, a dialogue began on the normalization of relations between syria and turkey with the assistance of russia and iran. so the regionals are proving their ability to act effectively when they are not interfered with, and the unprecedented aggravation of the situation in the gas sector, returning to the main topic of today, of course, requires effort not only on a ceasefire, but on creating conditions that are reliable and legally binding, which will ensure that the status quo...
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by extending it to rafah, we do not see prospects for the rapid stabilization of the situation in this sector and it is necessary, nevertheless, to achieve a ceasefire fire, to create conditions, as i have already said, for a reliable, sustainable political settlement. well, in order to come to peace and defend their rights to the palestinian people, the palestinians emphasize, first of all...
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another embarrassment occurred with the us president joint press conference with the king of jordan at the white house. said white house press secretary karine jeanpierre. at the last briefing, journalists , citing the special counsel’s statement about biden’s age-related infirmity, requested jeanpierre to meet with the white house doctor. but
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the press secretary avoided answering this question. is it possible to talk to the president's doctor? why has he still not been invited to come talk to us after the special counsel's report, which doubts the president's sanity? look, you see, speaking of the special prosecutors' report, in two in words, the special prosecutor, as far as i remember, is obviously a republican, he is a prosecutor, not a medical doctor, he is not a doctor, and it’s not his business to say, hockey players from russia and belarus were extended the ban on participation in international competitions for another season, the decision accepted by the international hockey federation at a meeting in zurich, a message on the organization’s website says: the return of national... national teams, the composition of tournament participants is unsafe. we are talking about competitions planned for the twenty- fourth and twenty-fifth years. concerning winter olympics, which should take place in
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the twenty-sixth, a decision has not yet been made. they promise to announce the verdict no later than march. russia is still on the list of potential participants and is included in group c. as part of the all-russian winter spartakiad of the strongest , the individual biathlon races, which take place in zlatousye, have ended. he will tell you about the results from the scene. my colleague alexander abramov. skiers and biathletes are having another housewarming party. this winter , two appeared on the skiing and biathlon map of russia new points. just recently, skiers opened a new track in kazan in the village of mirny, and here is the first major competition at the svetlana and shmuratova ski and biathlon complex. zlatoust, chelyabinsk region, southern urals. the stands are sold out on all competition days. for svetlana shmuratova, a native of zlatoust, a discovery. complex in her honor, an event no less important than two victories in turin in 2006. the emotions are the most positive, i’m really happy, how touching it is, even this is
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cooler for me than this... winning the olympic games, because here is the support of the entire city, here is the support of all the people of our wonderful city, i am happy that there is such a wonderful international level complex in the small town of zlatoust, it is small, but it is the sports capital of the southern urals. the consultation was the most important thing - these are higher hills, steeper slopes, so, but our track is such that it passes all homologation, that is, we can hold cross-country skiing competitions and... according to biotlony, to be honest, i’m impressed with this complex, i’m there's really a lot here i liked it, uh, besides this, the amazing atmosphere is created by the fans who come even on weekdays and stand, well , i’m surprised because the stands on weekends were full, i thought today it wouldn’t be like that, but people still come, it’s very pleasing, i hope , that in the future
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competitions will be held here and... this atmosphere will remain the same at other tournaments. the third medal discipline in biathlon within the framework of the spartakiad is the individual race. the specificity is that there are no penalty loops. it’s very difficult to make up for mistakes in the din, for each miss, a minute is added to the time. so this is the very biathlon discipline where surprises are possible. this is what happened in the men's race. the tactic was to accelerate into the first round and see how i would fare in relation to other athletes. and just keep this speed, or if it starts to fall a little , then increase the pace with each lap, but everything was going well , so i wasn’t in a hurry, the most important thing here is to correctly distribute the forces in the laps, five laps and 20 km are run by guys, 15 girls , distribute your strength, do not become soured in at the beginning, to bring the race to the end, at the end , and of course, the shooting is very careful, the fight for every shot, because the penalty is a whole
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minute, we started with 85 participants, including winners and medalists of the world championships and world cup stages, and won by evgeny sidorov, representing the krasnoyarsk territory. it is unlikely that the name of biathlete evgeniy sidorov is widely known to the public. after the award, he admitted that he did not make a single mistake on four shooting ranges for the first time in his career. it was 28 seconds ahead of its nearest pursuer. the sports games reveals new names. these starts are exactly there for the olympic games. because they don’t let us go anywhere, and we were all preparing for this very start, and i ’m very glad that it was in just such a race in the individual that i was able to win it, because i’ve never shot 4:0 in the individual race i never took high places. among the girls, the winner of the individual race was natalya shevchenko, who made only one mistake on four shooting ranges, as part of the spartakiad in
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zlatouse. the elephants will still compete for medals in relay races and mastartes. alexander abramov, vladimir shabbalin, andrey melnikov and alexander stalmashevsky. news: chelyabinsk region.
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"investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and..."


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