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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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performs all the dances of washington , but the worst thing in this situation is that we also pay money, so we need to go out, stop, transfer funds based on the fact that until they come to their senses, there is nothing for us to do there, because there must be principles at the basis of the work of any interparliamentary structures. making a decision by consensus, when we hear each other and develop a decision taking into account the opinions of our partners. a machine gun was thrust into the loophole, shooting began, the gunshots and the powder charges themselves caught fire, i began to throw them away and shout:
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payments to svo participants, modernization of the healthcare system, guarantees to volunteers. the kremlin website published a list of instructions based on the results of vladimir putin’s december direct line and press conference. in particular, the president instructed the government to prepare a proposal to speed up the provision of benefits for payments to participants in a special military operation with a request to improve the system of payments to participants of the military military operation. addressed during the press conference, which took place, let me remind you, on december 14. in addition, the government has been instructed to present new proposals for modernizing primary health care. reportedly, proposals should have been submitted taking into account previous instructions, as well as the results of monitoring the implementation of major activities provided for by regional programs over the past 2 years. well, the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to consider the issue of creating a common approach to providing social guarantees.
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hello, the protesters have not yet succeeded in stopping the unlimited supply of ukrainian food, however there are successes. farmer protests across the european union continue. spanish farmers have been blocking traffic on the highways for a week now and have no intention of stopping. protests are taking place in catalonia, madrid, navara and other regions. we don't want to waste any more time on papers and documents, we are farmers, we are people who care about the land, about animals, about your health and about your food. spain's agriculture is suffering from a record drought, with olive oil production falling
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to around 610,000 tonnes last season, a drop of more than than 50%. the catalan authorities have reduced agricultural irrigation by 20%. spanish farmers are now faced. central and eastern europe suffered from duty-free ukrainian exports, which is why polish farmers went on a federal strike that will last until march 10.
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five checkpoints on the borders with ukraine have already been blocked. protesters spilled approximately 9 tons of grain while trying to block the path of three trucks. the general position of the eu is this: we are trying to find solutions that will help provide maximum economic support to ukraine, and which at the same time will be able to protect sensitive sectors, especially as regards our agricultural producers. in moldova, farmers were inspired by the example of their european neighbors; more than thirty tractors blocked the road on the border with romania. the protesters are demanding about $22.00 from the government as compensation to medium and small farmers who have suffered the most from the crisis of the last 2 years. moldova, as a candidate state for membership of the european union, certainly follows the success of farmers in the european union and
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sees that, in principle, the european union is the national government of the member countries of europe, they are ready to respond to these demands of farmers, while they do not see the same reaction from the outside. and the moldovan government of moldova has declared a course towards european integration, therefore all those dividends that european farmers receive should also, well, in the opinion of moldovan farmers, go towards moldova. the european countries where protests are taking place at the end of 2022 produced almost half of all products in europe. they collected 205 million tons of grain produced more than half of european meat, 35 million tons. the largest producers are france, germany and poland. the protesters' successes, although small, are still there. the german government failed to simultaneously cancel the benefits for diesel and introduce a tax on agricultural machinery. in romania , the government has increased subsidies for diesel
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fuel, but it is too early to talk about the results. the fact is that the farmers’ actions were supported by far-right politicians. this is the alternative for germany party, and in france. national unification, which means that it will be possible to draw a line under the protests after the completion of elections to the european parliament in 2024. rospotrebnadzor stopped the sale of several batches of jermuk water to check the products after the incident in north ossetia. today, a man died there from a burn to the esophagus, who the day before was hospitalized after taking a sip of mineral water. according to the head of the republic, instead of water in the new one , it is closed. bottles of jermuk turned out to be vinegar, sergei minyailo reported this in his telegram channel. currently, according to rospotrebnadzor, specialists in north ossetia and moscow are now checking the confiscated water shipments. divide in half, prices on
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alfabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. famous russian foreign scientists, doctors and experts gathered in moscow to discuss.
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almost 64 billion rubles were allocated from the budget, and the main goal of the program is to solve the problems of accelerated development of genetic technologies in four areas: biosafety, agriculture, medicine and industrial microbiology. today we see several directions in medicine, this includes
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the fight against bekhtarev’s disease and oncology.
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exploratory research, which is mainly carried out within the framework of firstly, this is the conduct of fundamental state assignment and grants from the russian science foundation. another important, i would say, priority area, which is developing at a very rapid pace in our country, is nuclear medicine. it must be admitted that radionuclide diagnostics is already becoming such a routine procedure for identifying not only malignant diseases. formations, but in such areas as cardiology and neurology, modern methods of therapy based on the use of various radioisotopes for medical purposes, they find everything wider use for the treatment of various cancers and other diseases, such as the brain.
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this year we are due to launch an oncoosthalmology center at our site in gadchin. secondly, in the same place... it enters the center on the basis of this same thing. i want to draw your attention to the cyclotron created by rosatom and rosatom, the national base is important, there is a second channel on it, the second part is the production of a radiofan preparation. third, we have created the only vivarium in the country now, in which we can carry out comprehensive preclinical trial of a radiopharmaceutical. in addition to a substantive discussion of almost all areas of medicine. future , here within the framework of the forum there are also some interesting stands as part of the exposition, where solutions in the field of genetic, biotechnologies, neurotechnologies, projects in the field of regenerative medicine, biological safety are presented, a very interesting event, it will last the whole day tomorrow, we will keep an eye on everything and tell you about it on
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the air, colleagues, yes, varvara, thank you, varvara nevskaya was in direct contact with the facts, she monitors the work of the forum. the situation in the gas sector and ways to resolve the crisis in the red sea are being discussed in moscow today. the middle east conference of the international discussion club valdai and the institute of oriental studies of the russian academy of sciences opened in the capital. the forum is being held for the thirteenth time, and six thematic sessions have opened within its framework. it is noted that the conference is attended by 50 foreign and russian specialists, as well as current political figures from 16 countries. also. representatives of expert scientific communities from lebanon, the united arab emirates, algeria, pakistan, the united states, egypt, india, but also other countries. the theme of the conference is a time for decisive action, a comprehensive settlement for the sake of stability in the region. the participants are discussing ways out of the middle east crisis, taking into account the escalation
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of the conflict between israel and palestine, of course, especially since the situation in the region is in the center of attention of the international community. besides. the issue of strengthening cooperation in economic sphere, right now, literally these days , apparently, the palestinian crisis has come to a certain climax, i don’t know what will happen, something could even happen at the gi conference, but it seems to me that the valdai club, the idea of ​​holding middle eastern... of course, this is an absolutely turning point for the entire middle east. the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, was the guest of honor at a special conference of the valdai international discussion club.
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during his speech, he noted that the current escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict has already complicated the situation outside the gaza strip. this is the western bank of the jordan river, syria, iraq, and the red sea. according to sergei lavrov, moscow proposed projects from the un security council. calling for a ceasefire, but due to the uncompromising attitude of the israeli leadership, the normalization of relations is still far away, and this conflict is the main factor of instability in the middle east, and the foreign minister also said that the united states is trying to exclude russia from international efforts to resolve the crisis. i noticed that the united states is betting on its own dominance in the region. we need to look for a way out of this catastrophic reality. a way out that would make it possible to prevent a catastrophe; palestine,
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israel, and the entire middle east, our american colleagues, are being pushed into a catastrophe. also, during his speech at the middle east conference, sergei lavrov said that russia continues to work on the restoration of syria with the participation of arab countries, thanks to this will be able to overcome the consequences. their ability to act effectively when not interfered with. now oh wait, freezing
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rain continues in the european part of russia. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist at the faubus center, alina kotelevskaya. she joins the facts live. alina, welcome, are other regions of russia threatened by freezing rains? you know, warm air is heading to the south of western siberia, so now they need to prepare for freezing rain. such as...
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but there the precipitation fell in the form of snow, significantly impairing visibility. in the sverdlovsk and chelyabinsk regions, a sharp deterioration in the situation on the roads was associated precisely with snowstorms. the russian plain today and tomorrow is a battlefield between a frosty anticyclone and warm air, and freezing rains are precisely a consequence of this confrontation. the anticyclone , moving from the expanses of the kara sea today , was located above kome and continues to expand to the south. the atmospheric front, which yesterday moved northward, carried. under its onslaught it turned back and today or tomorrow it will again be over the black earth, and the whirlwind that today circling over the volga region will cause worsening weather in the southern urals and western
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regions of siberia. the precipitation zone tomorrow is clearly limited by the anticyclone with its frosty air. in western european russia, precipitation will be intense due to its duration. the frontal section is backed by another area of ​​high pressure from europe, and there is simply nowhere for it to go. and given that... conditions for freezing rain will persist in the western regions, the situation in the region will be very difficult. ice will reach altai tomorrow, but they are not predicted to be so intense and long-lasting. perhaps the most difficult weather is forecast for tomorrow in the bryansk region, where prolonged freezing rains are expected, and the ice thickness can in some places reach a dangerous 5-10 mm. in bryansk itself, freezing rain will fall at a temperature of -1-2°, but it will begin...
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thaws, accumulation of wet snow and ice. well, in the south of the region the temperature rises until it rains. on thursday there is a sharp increase in frost, at night -20°, during the day no higher than -16 until the end of the week at night -25:30, during the day about 20 below zero. need to say that in... in the second half of the week , abnormal frosts will cover both siberia and the urals, most of the russian plain. last night, twenty-degree frosts were kept in the north of european russia by the volga eddies. tomorrow the frosts will intensify already in the middle volga, on thursday this whirlwind will reach baikal, opening the way for frosty air. in the coming days, moscow will be on the western, rather cloudy periphery of the anticyclone, so the frosts are not predicted to be so intense. in moscow this evening it's about -7
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at night in the house. rainfall unlikely tomorrow afternoon -11:13, on wednesday and thursday the capital will be in the zone of a slow-moving front, so there will be snow in the capital, 10-12 degrees below zero during the day, well on saturday again down to -5. as part of the all-russian winter spartakiad of the strongest , individual races in biathlon, which take place in zlotystya, have ended. about the results from the scene, our colleague alexander abramov. skiers and biathletes are having another housewarming party. this winter , two new points appeared on the skiing and biathlon map of russia. just recently , skiers opened a new track in kazan in in the village of mirny, here is the spartakis first major competition at the ski and biathlon complex named after svetlana ishmuratova. zlatous, chelyabinsk region, southern urals. the stands are sold out on all competition days. for svetlana shmuratova, a native of zlatoust , the opening of a new complex in her honor is
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no less important. two victories in turin in 2006. the emotions are the most positive, i ’m really happy, how touching it is, even this is cooler for me than winning the olympic games, because here is the support of the whole city, here is the support of everyone people of our wonderful city, i am happy that there is such a wonderful complex of international level in the small town of zlotyst, it is small, but it is the sports capital of the southern urals, the consultation was the most important thing, it...
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were filled, i thought there would be no yes, but people still come, it’s very pleasing, i hope that competitions will be held here in the future and this atmosphere will remain the same at other tournaments. the third medal discipline in biathlon within the framework of the spartakiad is an individual race. the specificity is that there are no penalty loops, it is very difficult to work out misses with your feet, and for each miss a minute is added to the time. so this is the very discipline of biathlon where a surprise is possible.
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squeeze at the beginning, bring the race to the end at the end, but of course, shooting is very careful, fighting for every shot, because the penalty is a whole minute. 85 participants took to the start, including winners and prize-winners of world championships and world cup stages, and evgeny sidorov won, representing the krasnoyarsk territory. hardly a name biathlete evgeniy sidorov is widely known to the public. after the award, he admitted that he did not make a single mistake on four shooting ranges for the first time in his career. he was 28 seconds ahead of his closest pursuer. the spartakiad reveals new names. these starts would be comparable to the olympic games there, because we are not allowed anywhere. and we were all preparing precisely for this start. and i am very glad that it was in such a race in the individual that i was able to win it. because i have never shot 4:0, in an individual race...


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