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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project . headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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payments to svo participants, modernization of the healthcare system, guarantee for volunteers. the kremlin website published a list of instructions based on the results of vladimir putin’s december direct line and press conference. in particular, the president instructed the government to prepare a proposal to speed up the provision of benefits to participants special military operation. a request to improve the system of payments to sbo participants was made during a press conference on december 14. in addition, the government is ordered to submit new proposals for modernizing primary health care by october 15. and, as reported, proposals should be presented taking into account previous instructions, as well as the results of monitoring the implementation of the main activities provided for by regional programs over the past 2 years. the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to consider the issue of creating a common approach to providing social guarantees to participants in volunteer formations. the report must be submitted by 1. well, now
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news of the election campaign for candidates for the presidency of russia in a few days the campaign period in the media will start, it will begin on february 17 and end at 0 o'clock on march 15. the first televised debates between the candidates will take place on channel russia-1 on february 26, this was announced by the head of the correspondent network service at state television and radio broadcasting company andrey polevanchuk. during the draw for distribution between candidates for on-air time on state federal television and radio. channels. so, five campaign events will be held at russia-1 on february 26, 27 and 28, march 4 and 5. on our tv channel the debates will take place on february 27, 28, 29 and march 5, 6, 7. the presenter on both tv channels will be our colleague dmitry shchugarev. in addition, three more channels - the first tv center and otr - will also hold debates on their days. as natalya budarina, secretary of the russian central election commission, said, on each of the channels. all
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candidates are guaranteed one hour of airtime ; the parties that nominated them have the same right presidential candidates. the amount of free airtime is 7 hours. half of the total free time is allocated for debates - this is 3 hours and 30 minutes. three of the four presidential candidates will take part in the debate: vladislav davankov from the new people party, leonid slutsky ldpr and nikolai kharitonov (communist party of the russian federation). meanwhile, the election headquarters of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin has already refused... latency for debates on television, as noted by natalya, secretary of the central election committee budarina, this is the candidate’s right. russia needs to stop participating in the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe and stop paying contributions. this was stated by vyacheslav volodin at the plenary meeting. the chairman of the state duma noted the lack of independence of the parliamentary assembly.
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osce, it's time to say goodbye to the osce parliamentary assembly. the organization is absolutely dependent, politicized, performs all the dances of washington, but the worst thing in this situation is that we we are paying money, so we need to go out and stop transferring funds. and proceed from the fact that until it comes to its senses, there is nothing for us to do there, because there must be principles at the basis of the work of any interparliamentary structure, decision-making by consensus, when we hear each other and develop decisions taking into account the opinions of our partners. new project from the federal tax service. will help future
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entrepreneurs remotely arrange all the necessary services for opening a new business, when the service will go live and our colleague lisa knows how to use it rustam, she joins what's fundamentally new? yes, colleagues, hello, very soon opening your own business will be as easy as checking your bank card balance. in just a few clicks everything is ready. starting march 1 , you will be able to register your own business in russia without leaving your home. this was reported by the federal tax service. the new online business start service will enable russians to quickly and conveniently open a bank account and receive an electronic signature. as an individual entrepreneur or open a company with limited liability, all this remotely without visiting the tax office. according to the head of the government apparatus , dmitry grigorenko, this decision will significantly simplify the procedures for creating organizations and individual enterprises, since at all stages
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a single biometric system will be used to confirm the identity of the applicant. opening an online business is a kind of life situation. basis on which one can see and generally predict how the state changes its approaches to the provision of services and services , that is, today, almost all services, all services that are primarily provided in digital form, are being rebuilt from the position of providing a service to the position of closing a life situation, that is , a set of individual services is compiled or combined into one life situation, and through the life situation to realize the opportunity, to cover all your needs in communicating with the state, how to formalize all this? the procedure is quite simple: first, when preparing documents for business registration the applicant must select the bank in which he will open an account, then agree to the remote issuance of an electronic signature to
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open an account, and only then send all the necessary documents through the electronic services of the federal tax service of russia. to obtain an electronic signature, all applicants will need to go through identification through government services and unified. system for identification and authentication of individuals using biometrics. you can register biometrics at one of 13,000 bank branches. the full list can be found on the government services portal in section of the map of service centers. on time. the new service will be implemented in experimental mode, which will last exactly one year. from march 1, 2024 to march 1, 2025. it is carried out with the participation of the ministry of finance, the bank of russia, the center for biometric technologies, and the experiment coordinator is the federal tax service of russia. conducting an experiment will allow us to evaluate the convenience of the service for individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as to determine an additional set of government and
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commercial services necessary for starting and developing a business, for their subsequent inclusion in the start business online service. the federal tax service of russia will present a corresponding report based on the results.
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with the help of, well, let's say, electric energy will deliver coal from the deposit to the loading point, this is being done insofar as we are fighting.
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the president decided that a world-class university should appear in sokalin, why? because we live and work with new energy, as we have already said, here is the first step, which was made from ng, the next step is hydrogen, and in order to produce hydrogen, and we are already starting to produce hydrogen this year, it will be a small plant and in a few years a large plant. we are building a small plant with mipt, bauman university, with the academy of sciences, with...
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will be carried out in the interests of offshore projects, there are scientists there, engineers there, students who study there, which means they participate in these, in these works in interests of the national economy, they will be future specialists, this, by the way, is science and university 4.0, which we are doing now together with sber and ministry. energy, what is this one of the details, what volumes do you want to reach, what
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directions, tell us, and just now in the plans, what are the goals for hydrogen? well, look, hydrogen is the fuel of the future, in the future there will be buses, cars, tractors, trains that run on hydrogen. now rockets mostly fly on hydrogen, so oxygen, hydrogen and multi-ton rockets fly into space, they are serviced by uh super-specialists, imagine in the national economy what it will look like, yes, so here we are - the first step we will take to do in the industrial production that we are doing with rosatom, this is 30,000 tons per year in order to supply the asian-kion region, then there will be 100,000 tons. that is, we believe that this is the fuel of the future, another topic,
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we can talk a lot about it, but now i want to understand exactly what has changed, transport accessibility, there were questions about this topic, what has changed now, here 1 2 3, that means , look, there are significant changes, we used to be a dead end, well, that is, the weather is not the weather, you will arrive or you will not arrive, is there airplanes, now this problem has been solved radically, our aviation company... sakhalin has become the main aviation company in the far east, that is , first of all, you can fly to sakhalin, and this is correct, because from here you can fly to any region of the far east.
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this is oil and gas production, from these base cities you can directly fly directly to khabarovsk, that is, we have very developed aviation, we have a completely updated railway, we have new ships that transport large cargoes, which carry passengers, it is very comfortable, for example, to go to the kuri islands and back for both tourists and residents of the kuri islands. together with aviation - this is absolute accessibility, and the traditional question at the end of the interview is just recreation, tourism, what are you expecting this year, what is the flow of tourists, based on what you just said, and medicine, what has changed? well, let's start with medicine, because today i signed an agreement that we have an international-level clinic, this is
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a team, a medical team from oskolkovo, where rosatom is also present, by the way, this is a national... national level company, a private company, private medicine, and we are now a seven-story building, modern, with modern operating rooms, modern, modern equipment, modern technologies and services, we are doing so that sakhalin residents-kurenchans did not fly away from the sakhalin region anywhere, neither to moscow, nor to st. petersburg, nor to japan, nor to korea, in order to be treated, so that they could be treated on the spot, at home, yes, moreover, we we invite all people. and which are, well, let’s say, in the far east, and just in ours, i use the services of our aviation company aurora, so now regarding tourism, look, for those who dive to depth, maneron is international diving, for those
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, who goes downhill skiing, this is a ski resort, mountain air, there are also restaurants, there are also the kuril islands, the baransky volcano, which means a hot mountain river, which means flowing from the crater of a volcano, which means steam, sick, medical, baths, well it’s just wonderful, well, it’s clear that when you drive around the kuril islands,
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you constantly meet bears, foxes and other animals, well, i’m sure that many who today... visited the pavilion of the sakalinsk region will come and see it in the summer live, welcome, thank you very much, we were glad to see you, come to sakalin, now economic news, briefly: the moscow exchange resumed trading on the stock market after a two-hour stop, according to the site, the cause of the failure was an error in the main server, in such cases the exchange switches to backup server, this procedure usually takes a little over an hour, on the eve of the moscow exchange. warned bidders that on february 13 and 14 , technical work would be carried out at the site to update the trading system. in december, russia increased oil production by 300,000 barrels per day to 9.5 million barrels. this is stated in the latest opec report. as for global demand, this year the organization expects it to grow by 2,250,000
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barrels per day. the rise of the global economy, in particular the usa and china, will have an impact here. at the same time, in opec separately. celebrated india, calling its economic growth phenomenal. russia took first place in terms of foreign investment in the iranian economy. ambassador to tehran alexey dedov noted that russian energy companies are now successfully operating in the republic. our country was also a leader among foreign investors in 2022. in the same year, mutual trade turnover increased by 20% and reached almost $5 billion. and the capitalization of diosoft following the ipo results on... the moscow exchange exceeded 47 billion rubles. the software developer reported increased investor interest. we managed to attract more than 100,000 people. as a result of the placement, a share of shares. free float is expected to be 8%. experts note the increased interest of the it sector in ipos. last year , astro and softline successfully entered the stock exchange. it was
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economic news. short. rospotrebnadzor stopped the sale of several batches of jermuk water to check the products after the incident in north ossetia. today, a man died there from a burn to the esophagus, who the day before was hospitalized after drinking a sip of mineral water. according to head of the republic instead. the duty department received a message that a resident of vladikavkaz was admitted to the republican clinical hospital with burns to the upper respiratory tract; police officers immediately went to the scene and found that the man had bought a box of well-known mineral water at one of the retail outlets. the entire
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batch of mineral water has been sent for examination. our employees also sealed the warehouse of the official distributor, the manufacturer. the driver responsible for the train collision in chelyabinsk region was drunk, this was reported to the investigative committee. let me remind you that the driver drove to a stop sign. traffic light signal resulting in a collision between two trains. 12 freight cars derailed. no one was injured in the accident, but it took more than 14 hours to restore traffic. with details maria valieva. a railway accident in the chelyabinsk region in berdyaush paralyzed traffic for several hours. due to a collision between a diesel locomotive and a freight train, 12 cars derailed. passengers who were unable to leave on time were accommodated.
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food packages, which include drinking water, increased comfort, water, canned food, pate, cookies are provided, that is, well, a food package. passengers began arriving around one in the morning, when they planned to arrive on the train, received timely sms alerts, and accordingly contacted us for information about further actions. the movement of trains and electric trains is gradually being restored. investigators are checking. the cause of the accident was a diesel locomotive driving through a red traffic light. the driver who drove the train was there. v drunk, after a medical examination alcohol was found in his blood. in the central interregional investigative department for transport
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of the investigative committee of the russian federation , following a report of violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway transport , a pre-investigation check was organized. the actions of responsible persons of the railway are checked under article 263 of the criminal code of the russian federation. investigators were able to find out that the wine. accident, undergo a medical examination in your place i asked my assistant, he agreed, then the driver went straight into the cab, continued the feast and ran through a red light. now for such an emergency flight he could face up to 7 years in prison. maria valieva and valeria sapegina, news. now about the weather, freezing rain continues in the european part of russia. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist at the center, faubus alina. she joins the facts live. alina, welcome, are other regions of russia threatened by freezing rains? you know, warm air is heading to the south of western siberia,
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so now they need to prepare for freezing rains. such footage was posted this morning by residents of the samara region. the combined road vehicle, which had arrived to sprinkle reagents on the icy track, slid along it. ultimately, the driver chose to stop to avoid crashing into a ditch. the risk was great. previously near bryansko. region, under similar conditions, municipal special equipment failed to cope with the responsibilities assigned to it. it was slippery this morning in the saratov region. in some areas , the movement of buses and freight was limited cars after the freezing rain, the roads really shone like glass; it was incredibly difficult not to fly off the road. well, in the balashovsky district they even canceled classes. the children tried to get to school on all fours in the morning, but this did not make the task much easier. it would be difficult to stay on your feet. bourget, where freezing precipitation was also observed today, but at the same time it became sharply warmer, for example, in vorsk the temperature increased from -1 to zero in just 6 hours.
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which brought the cyclone made its way to the urals, but there precipitation fell in the form of snow, significantly impairing visibility. in the sverdlovsk and chelyabinsk regions, a sharp deterioration in the situation on the roads was associated precisely with snowstorms. the russian plain today, tomorrow, the battlefield of a frosty anticyclone with warm air and freezing rains are precisely the consequence of this confrontation. the anticyclone , moving into the expanses of the kara sea today , was located above kome and continues to expand to the south. atmospheric. the front, which yesterday moved north, bringing warmth, turned back under its pressure, and today or tomorrow will again be over the black soil. and the whirlwind which is circling over the volga region today will cause worsening weather in the southern urals and western regions of siberia. the precipitation zone tomorrow is clearly limited by the anticyclone with its frosty air. in the west of european russia, precipitation will be intense and long-lasting. the frontal section is supported by another area
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of ​​high pressure from europe, and it simply has nowhere to go, and given that conditions for freezing rain will remain in the black soil of the western regions, the situation in the region will be very difficult. ice will reach altai tomorrow, but they are not predicted to be so intense and long-lasting. perhaps the most difficult weather is forecast for tomorrow in the bryansk region, where long-lasting freezing rains are expected, and the ice thickness can in some places reach a dangerous 5-10 mm. in bryansk itself, freezing rain will fall at temperatures. -1-2°. it will start at night and continue until mid-wednesday. on thursday, precipitation will turn to snow and the temperature will drop to -4, but on the weekend it will be zero again in the city. sharp temperature fluctuations are predicted in barnaul. today at in the capital of the region it was -12, tomorrow it will be 10° warmer. at the same time, snow, blizzards, drifts on the roads and gusts of southwest wind up to 25 m/s. well, in the south of the region the temperature rises to
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otti. or the accumulation of sleet and freezing rain. on thursday, there will be a sharp increase in frost. at night -20, during the day no higher than -16, until the end of the week at night -25:30, during the day about 20 below zero. it must be said that in the second half of the week , abnormal frosts will cover both siberia and the urals, and most of the russian plain. last night, twenty-degree frosts remained in the north of european russia along the volga eddies. tomorrow the frosts will intensify already in the middle volga, on thursday this... will reach baikal, opening the way to frosty air. in the coming days, moscow will be on the western, rather cloudy periphery of the anticyclone, so the frosts are not predicted to be so intense. in moscow this evening around -7 at night to -15, precipitation is unlikely. tomorrow afternoon -11:13. on wednesday and thursday, the capital will be in the zone of a slow-moving front, so there will be snow in the capital, 10-12 degrees below zero during the day, and on saturday again down to -5. expensive
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friends, i invite you to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same aspiration, a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at .
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these are the facts, we continue, vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council, here is the footage we received from the kremlin press service. today you and i have the opportunity, the need, to exchange information on current issues, we are through the ministry of defense, through the ministry of foreign affairs, but the first issue for discussion.


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