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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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limit yourself, a cash loan from post bank with a comfortable payment from 1,000 rubles. enough for what is necessary and what is pleasant. come for the money. post bank. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it, join us megamarket, megamarket, just grow with us, this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. pullet highsens tv for only 42.99 in enfiido and eltarado. buy with a card from the magnit application, play. win smart equipment,
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chocolate milk in magnet stores, give time to your loved ones, magnet, new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, check linstinct. the pain can be different, it doesn’t matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. oh, where's your lined swallow? i won a new sticker! the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special at a tasty point, scanned the application code and won a car from blueprints, believe it or not, a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty and daughter application. do i start it with an oil filter?
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filter by car brand, oh, and for mine there is one, i opened the application, selected the car brand, avita will select everything for that, hello, directly the on-air legal program is hosted by the duty department, in the studio of maxim movchen. lawyers who matched their clients in krasnoyarsk began to try experts in the law and supposedly possessed of omnipotence. connections who promised to help politician oleg mitvel get rid of a criminal case. according to investigators , they agreed to resolve the issue for 100 million rubles. but the politician himself ended up in a colony, and the defenders, it seems, will follow. olga zhurenkova will tell you what went wrong. they finally met face to face, even if they were looking at each other from the screens. convicted ex-politician oleg mitval via video link from the colony and those accused of fraud. lawyers vladimir burtsev and andrey kopelin, the latter also via video link. i'm sick in jail. according to
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investigators, for 100 million rubles. the defendant was offered to resolve the issue with the criminal case against the odious businessman; they promised that instead of a real one, mitval would receive a suspended sentence. i didn't hear it. according to the investigation, burtsev and kapelin first asked for a deposit of 3 million, the remaining amount of 97 million later, from that moment they were under the close attention of the security forces, the defendants were caught red-handed in the moment the money was received in the city park, an inspection was carried out, treatment with a forensic identification drug, packages in the amount of 50,000 rubles, as well as money from the joke bank in the amount of 2,950 rubles. 950.
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what can i say, this was arranged by my colleagues. mr. burtsev is a well-known personality in krasnoyarsk. according to media reports, the former officer led the public organization cobra in recent years. he willingly gave interviews, for example, commenting on the murder of a crime boss. there is a reason, most likely financial, because there are huge flows of funds. the second person involved in the case is andrey kapelin, a lawyer at the southern market of krasnoyarsk. this trading platform has repeatedly appeared in the criminal chronicle due to shootouts and so-called raider takeovers. the person who suffered in the criminal case is no less interesting; mr. mitval himself was sentenced under article of fraud to 4 and 2 years. in addition, he is like a magnet, actively attracting his colleagues in the workshop. already in pre-trial detention, mitval became a victim of a major deception. scammers allegedly faked it passport, then issued a duplicate sim card and
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withdrew 25 million rubles from the accounts. another 136 million were withdrawn using a fake power of attorney to banks in the united arab emirates. oleg mitval often got into scandals in his business. started building in the late eighties, and later entered the civil service. in 2004, he took the post of deputy head of rosprirodnadzor in every possible way to attract attention to his person. the feeling, based on extensive work experience, is that illegal wood processing is taking place here. in 2009 , mitval became prefect of the northern administrative district. in this position he most of all, he remembers the fight against the club, where , in his opinion, people with non-traditional sexual orientation vacationed. take your hands off. take it off too. and you take yours away too. according to media reports, one of those who extorted 100 million rubles from oleg mitval. is a supporter of unconventional relationships, some kind of evil mockery of fate, nothing less. the trial in the railway court of krasnoyarsk has just started, the defendants face up to 10 years in prison. olga zhurenkova, oleg posobin, mikhail shirin,
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dmitry manyshev. news, duty department. from in the north caucasus region, the combined detachment of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the irkutsk region returned. police officers carry out official business trips for 6 months.
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ladies, the isolation cell, of course, is not her cozy office in the city management department, but the woman does not lose her inherent sense of style, yenina stood in front of the television camera in a fur coat decorated with a massive brooch, the official agreed to give an interview only to our film crew, we asked if she really profited from orphans, i even i didn’t understand that it was money, because it was, she snatched my bag from the house in the morning on the way to work. she took me there and threw my bag, i said, what is this? well, you gave us, well, like what we earned, this is a percentage. svetlana enina blames her alleged accomplice, realtor natalya rosheva, for everything; she also
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refused to meet with journalists this season. investigators are confident that the official is only pretending to be a victim, but in reality the victims were five orphans. yenina allegedly persuaded her. sell apartments in the center of minusinsk, in return , children from orphanages received barracks on the outskirts of the city. instead of a comfortable apartment, one of the victims was offered housing in such a wooden... house , the living conditions here are of course deplorable, the roof is leaky, the windows are wooden, the walls are cracked, the sewage system is not installed, the heating is stove, the siberian frosts do not live here, but survive, come on let's see in what conditions people are forced to take a shower, this wooden bathhouse, there are cracks in the building, it's -27 on the street and here it doesn't feel like... it’s warmer, how they wash, of course... it’s difficult to say, of course, orphans with a difficult fate were blindly believed by officials, they say that the woman
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more than once resorted to threats and blackmail, galina politsina had debts for utilities, she was told that she would remain on the street, if he doesn’t sell the apartment on the right terms, he said, if you’re thrown out of here, then what happens because you don’t keep here because of such debts, they’ll put you in some room 10 km away, will you go there with two children? investigators believe that after the official was involved in the scam her accomplices, a lawyer and a realtor, entered. they made deals. was purchased for our victim, he had a comfortable , nice apartment in the city center, which was sold for allegedly one and a half million, without transferring any funds to him, they purchased this house for 530 rubles. naturally, no difference in price was handed over to the victim. igor belous. now also under investigation, it is curious that when meeting with orphans, belousov kindly called himself
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uncle igor, promised to help the disadvantaged with the paperwork. how warm is it uncle? igor communicated with orphans, he greeted journalists so coldly in the pre-trial detention center. at first he seemed to agree to the interview, but when we asked him uncomfortable questions, he abruptly changed his mind. the lawyer doesn’t allow you, he doesn’t allow you, i have no involvement. the first of the criminal trio to be detained was igor belousov, then the operatives left.
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victims of deception by local officials, they sometimes have to seek the housing required by law through the courts or with the help of journalists. our colleagues from the eduard petrov investigation program in detail they talked about a scandalous story from buryatia, where a barracks village was built for orphans. personally ashamed? i personally am not ashamed. the unscrupulous developer sergei damshoev, who erected rotten sheds on the territory of an abandoned poultry farm, became a defendant in a criminal case after this interview. local officials illegally misappropriated more than 190 million rubles. having hastily put together cold barracks. after lengthy legal proceedings, graduates of orphanages finally received new comfortable apartments. much better. we are very happy. children's pupils houses from krasnoyarsk. region believes that after the initiation of a criminal case, he will receive at least some compensation. under the article of fraud
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on an especially large scale, svetlana enina and her probable accomplices face up to 10 years in prison. while the official is settling into her pre-trial detention cell, the deceived orphans are settling into the houses in which the swindlers settled them. despite the difficulties, victims try to enjoy the little things. galina politsina, for example, plans to turn an old kitchen into a room for her youngest daughter, which she has long dreamed of. lead the ministry of internal affairs for the north caucasus federal district is on duty from the krasnoyarsk territory. head sergei bachurin held a meeting with representatives of the clergy. leaders of religious denominations thanked law enforcement officers for their patriotic work with the youth of the region. they also noted the importance of preserving the memory of the exploits of the heroes of the internal affairs bodies. the meeting participants paid tribute to the deceased employees during an excursion to the headquarters museum.
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what we were proud of is what we got; a large-scale special operation continues in tyva the eradication of the prohibited movement of the au, this is the so -called prisoner criminal unity. fsb fighters detained active participants who not only imposed a criminal ideology on the residents of the republic, but... a large-scale series of arrests and searches immediately exposes the criminal side of the life of the group members: pistols with magazines packed into inconspicuous boxes, a clear confirmation of this, according to the security forces, the leader of the local unit artysh
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dazhivaa, together with the leaders of the cells that were part of the kara sherik organization, deployed to the republic is in a flurry of activity. as part of the operational support of the criminal cases brought against them , facts were documented of the creation by its leaders of an organized criminal community, which controlled interregional channels of illicit drug trafficking, and extorted money from representatives of business structures protecting highly profitable interregional road transportation. intercity transport in tv was allegedly under the complete control of even the va, they extorted money and property from the carriers,
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about the detention of participants in the banned movement in tyva in the summer of twenty-two , a cell of fifteen people was already covered, all of them were serving sentences in correctional institutions of the republic and recruited young people, through them they collected money for the so-called common fund, but now law enforcement officers managed to unravel a larger network. nine more persons from among the leaders of the participants in this criminal organization were detained, and they chose a preventive measure in the form of detention. in all related criminal cases, 52 persons were brought to justice, from 46 of whom were taken into custody. the actions of dozens of those arrested have already been classified under eight criminal articles, including extremism, extortion and drug possession. as vska emphasized, the decriminalization of the region is in full swing, and it is possible that new arrests should be expected in the near future. maxim shevchenko,
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maria bukata, lead the duty department. more than 10 tons of fish were seized by the red wings from illegal trafficking in moscow. moscow police officers and russian fsb officers came out of illegal traders. according to investigators, the businessmen bought the catch from various groups of burconiers, and then they prepared it for sale and packaged it in warehouses in unsanitary conditions; there were no documents for the product, which included fish listed in the red book. in the pavilion of one of the shopping centers in the northeast of the capital, police purchased fish products and sent them for research. experts confirmed it. that this is russian sturgeon, presumably obtained by poaching. the sellers did not have documents confirming the legal origin of the goods. products, which almost ended up on the capital's market, was seized and sent for examination, and a criminal case was initiated. horses, people, and endless lines of horse-drawn carts rush
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through the streets in a rush through the tourists in ancient suzdol, entertaining some city guests and knocking others down at high speed. even our colleague was demolished... his colleague had a fracture, road inspectors checked the drivers, every coachman he met turned out to be a malicious offender, just like the police stop galloping horses, andrei romanov will tell you. horses snort and shift from foot to foot in the cold, tourists in carts are wrapped in a blanket, grumbling people demand to continue sledding through ancient suzdal, the coachman is not yet up to the passengers, he is talking to the employees. without moving, they study the driver's documents and are even interested in the readiness of the horse's hooves for the winter season, you see , horseshoes, fils, spikes, everything is fine with her, almost every driver has violations, for example, many did not bother to equip the carts with reflective elements,
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the drivers decided, they say for traveling at night , it is enough to wrap the sleigh with a cheap garland, this kind of lighting? wow, now it’s hard to see in the light, it’s better than a reflective element, much better, no one left the traffic police without protocols, cab drivers don’t like to know how to observe the subtleties of traffic, but they love to be indignant and demand not to interfere in their business with a lot of shades of gray, now they have transferred it to the map and then i end up with people , why have i been doing this for like 20 years in a row, now i have... i only have such problems, why has no one needed me for 20 years? problems in the horse sector walks around suzdol accumulated over the years, carriages periodically got into accidents, tourists fell from horses, the situation reached a point at the beginning of 2024 in the center of suzdal, where the movement of horses was prohibited on that day, the carriage hit our colleague, news correspondent
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igor ogeenko. the journalist was diagnosed with bruises and a fracture. our film crew went to suzdal and it turned out that the culprit of that accident calmly continued to give rides to tourists after a serious accident. we are now riding on this sleigh, on a brown horse, let's go for a ride. i’ll hang around, let’s see how it is, there will be some kind of excursion, yes, yes, when such impudent behavior of the cab drivers was brought to wide attention, the story of the attack on igor ogeenko, the investigative committee became interested. a procedural investigation into a report of a collision with a freight cart on a federal tv channel correspondent on the territory of suzdyl continues. they wanted to have me interviewed by the moscow investigator on behalf of me, but apparently the investigative committee of the vladimir region decided. otherwise, accordingly, on thursday i i will wait at my home for the investigator, with whom we will talk, i will provide him with all the necessary documents, extracts, including
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this ct scan on disk, which i had done for the fracture of this right hand. meanwhile, the police counted the laborers, naturally those who work officially, and the figure turned out to be impressive. today in the city of suzdal there are about 70 people who are self-employed and... are not subject to registration with the state traffic inspectorate of the russian federation. if kucher is caught drunk by a traffic police inspector, he will be suspended from control, but not for long, until sobering up. the handler does not have a driver’s license, and it will not be possible to deprive him of the ability to drive a horse. now the authorities of the vladimir region are thinking about how to find justice for the stubborn drivers. this topic has become one of the... key at the off-site meeting of the regional government in kavrov. the celebration of the millennium of ancient suzdol is ahead. hundreds of thousands of people will come to the city. uncontrollable carts can pose a real danger of solving
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the problem under the control of the governor of the vladimir region. requirements for horse-drawn vehicles for drivers , the issue of liability is not clearly stated in our legislation, federal legislation, since let’s say there is a driver who translates and transports people, then the question is. who insures, that means people, what age can be the one who drives a horse-drawn carriage, yes, should he know some rules, for example, yes, about road traffic or at least just safety standards, this is not written down, we will not wait, while this is being regulated, we will appeal to the federal assembly, but we ourselves must adopt the rules on our own at the regional level, we must determine by the road safety commission where horse-drawn carts can... drive on which streets, which they cannot drive on, where to determine parking areas for them, and so on. the authorities intend to discuss new parking areas and routes for the movement of carts with cab drivers, they will listen to the opinions of tourists,
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but with an eye on the safety of horse-drawn entertainment. ideally, according to experts, the authorities should eventually take full control of this area, establish a single operator and cash desk for sale of tickets for horse riding. only in this case will it be possible to finally bring the now dubious business out of the shadows. andrey romanov. beautiful life today they tried to get out of arrest, the so-called queen of marathons elena blinovskaya tried to challenge the court decision, and her colleague, the master of thinking of billionaires ayas shabuddinov, came
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under escort to find out if his ticket to the cell would be extended, how are things going now these persistent sellers have successful success, alina skachkova knows. at the tagansky court of the capital there is still there have never been so many millionaires, all this business flock flocked for one thing: to see their guru, and i’m for shubudinov, now you won’t immediately find out, during the time in the detention center he gained more hair and body, his name is included in the criminal case, it’s time to add to the book of records, he is the youngest billionaire in the country , the very first blogger who was caught for fraud, and according to investigators, one thing is inextricably linked with the other, the blogger is obsessive like a trader in the market together. was an adherent of business courses, but they believed, they say the guy from the village will certainly make them rich, as a result , there are already fifty victims who have lost their money, for example irina, she gave away the last 3000 for nothing. i
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honestly applied absolutely everything that was recommended there, but the result was zero, that is, i did not earn anything . the main complaint against shabuddinov is essentially that the blogger firmly guaranteed success for each student, and in order to achieve it, they had to buy new courses. the cost of one of these reached up to 5 million. the fans, as if in euphoria, brought any money to the coach, the reasons for this very euphoria now also have to be clarified. we found 12 green tablets in ayaz’s house on presnikskaya, and we all remember that coffee was always liked at these events, and it’s likely that they naturally mixed something in our coffee and we naturally consumed it. while ayas appeared before femiday in person, another information defensewoman appeared before the moscow city court via video link, also trying to escape from the pre-trial detention center. elena blinovskaya looked pitifully into the lens of the government video camera, cried and asked to be allowed to go home to her children. now they have started
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to get sick, and this is of course for me as a mother. blinovskaya, accused of tax evasion, has a debt that is growing every day; today it is almost one and a half billion rubles, but there is no way to pay it off; the accounts have been frozen. it’s also stupid, it’s doubly offensive to be behind bars, it’s all to blame for the party that the marathon queen threw while she was under house arrest. a friend came to the party and is a witness in a criminal case, which means blinovskaya is strictly forbidden to see her until the trial. this is how the palace turned into a cell, outfits into prison uniform a friend in the special contingent. season number six, although not a hotel, blinovskaya still has her own feminine joys there. season six has always been progressive for us. and this is one of the first detention centers where, well, let’s call it a prison salon , that is, where you can dye your hair and get your hair done. in season 6, we organized yoga, and these were the first classes in general in the whole country, and we had an absolutely incredible event there when... we
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practiced yoga together in the courtyard mats for employees and prisoners. as a result , this time blinovskaya failed to challenge anything. the court recognized the legality of placing a mother of many children in custody. her spiritual practices within stone walls will continue for at least another month and a half. as for billionaire ayaz shubuddinov, in the next few minutes the tagansky court in moscow will decide whether to continue to leave the blogger in pre-trial detention. alena skachkov, oleg ivanov and dmitry maslennikov, lead the duty department. the astrakhan policemen covered themselves. a winter drug farm with an underground hemp garden that produced a harvest all year round, organized by a certain forty-seven-year-old lady, whose name is not disclosed in the interests of the investigation. the gardener approached the matter with all diligence, ordered seeds online , provided the shoots with constant lighting, monitored the temperature, even humidity, and in the end she managed to collect and dry almost a kilogram of the crop, but she will no longer be able to sell it. now the summer resident will probably return her own winter garden only in 10 years. the entire operational news feed
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of legal news is in telegram channels. duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation and we watch daily episodes on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our episode is now complete, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. now on the russia-24 channel again the main facts of this day. vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council. here is the footage we received from the kremlin press service. today you and i have the opportunity and need to exchange information on current issues through the ministry of defense through the ministry foreign affairs, but the first question for...
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vladimir putin instructed to develop a concept for the development of mentoring in the country for the period until 2030. according to the document posted on the kremlin website, a digital platform will appear in russia based on the unified information system good of the russian federation, which will help support mentors in the areas of public activities and youth policy. in addition, the president instructed the cabinet of ministers to organize support for school theaters, including by updating the material and technical base. also vladimir putin signed a number of instructions that relate to benefits for residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. according to the documents, the cabinet of ministers must take measures to extend preferential mortgages at a rate of 2% to secondary housing in...


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