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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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but the first issue for discussion is through the ministry of justice, we invited the minister of justice, chyushchenko, konstantin anatolyevich, please, i give him the floor. vladimir putin instructed to develop a concept for the development of mentoring in the country for the period until 2030 . according to the document posted on the kremlin website, a digital platform will appear in russia based on the unified information system good of the russian federation, which will help support mentors. politicians. in addition, the president instructed the cabinet of ministers to organize support for schools social activities and youth theaters, including updating the material and technical base. vladimir putin also signed a number of instructions that relate to benefits for residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as well as the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics. according to the documents, the cabinet of ministers must take measures to extend preferential mortgages at a rate of 2% to secondary housing in these regions; a special economic zone will be created in the belgorod region. it was also instructed to launch
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the zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher programs for health workers who moved to work in a village with a population of up to 50 thousand people. under this program, such health workers are entitled to a one-time payment of 1.2 million rubles. depending on qualifications. when you pick up a profit debit card, you immediately open everything. opportunities for incredibly profitable conditions: high percentage on cashback balance on purchases up to 3%. with a profit card, it doesn't matter whether you spend or save, in any case, incredible benefits are with you. bank ural-sib. russian troops in the southern donetsk direction destroyed in a day two infantry fighting vehicles. the m3 seven artillery system and
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an electronic warfare station, while the enemy lost up to 250 troops there, the ministry of defense reported. also, over the past 24 hours, our air defense systems shot down 63 ukrainian drones and three highmers shells. the latest data on the progress of the special operation is traditionally collected by our colleague denis alekseev. he's live again. denis, welcome again. it is obvious that the ukrainian armed forces are failing. but it seems that the new command and this... series of punctures, failures, somehow wants pass it off as a success, does it work out, and of course , for western curators, yes, an amazing nearby, generally interesting situation is developing, our troops continue to deliver high-precision strikes on the critical infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, one is more effective than the other, and the armed forces, what is important, the ukrainian tsypso, on this they are trying to make money, well , at night there were flights in dnepropetrovsk to fuel and lubricants and ammunition warehouses, on the ukrainian internet. they didn’t even deny them, local
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authorities stated accurate hits, directly or indirectly, but signed off on helplessness of their air defenses, specifically emphasizing the relevance of military assistance from partners, they say it is necessary to continue pouring dollars into the ukrainian army, in the western press it is as if they are preparing to confront beggars from kiev, since another publication, for example, here is a german build, an article in which they make it clear , berlin is working hard to replenish its reserves of shells, but ukraine needs, well, too much. meanwhile, our troops occupied more advantageous positions in the donetsk direction. the paratroopers are confidently moving towards chasafyar, with the armed forces of ukraine killed and more than 300 people were wounded. five unrealized attacks that resulted in significant losses for the ukrainian troops. armored vehicles, 25 special transport vehicles, and a tank were destroyed. here, by the way, is footage of his destruction; the attempt to recapture the support turned into failure. a point near artyomovsk, the militants
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tried to help themselves with a tank, but when ours flew into the pidron, everything became clear, it became clear right away. in the direction of krasny liman, the center group also made good progress , despite the aggressive retaliatory attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. in the krasno-liman direction units of the center group of troops improved the situation along the front line, and also repelled two attacks by assault groups of the sixtieth and sixty-third mechanized brigades.
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they are trying to carry out a rotation, it is important to understand that they are a tired fighter, a decommissioned fighter, so it is in our interests that the military personnel sit in the trenches for as long as possible. rocketeers. destroyed the ammunition depot of the 126th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the result of the work of the russian air defense was 63 downed drones per day. and literally within a few hours the information appeared, until not confirmed by our ministry of defense, russian long-range missiles targeted a reservist who had just arrived at the donetsk front. in selidovo, there was a transshipment point. and general 200 syrsky supports the status of a butcher. in ukrainian public pages they are already writing that any information about the exact... presidential powers of vladimir zelensky will expire on the night of may 21, verkhovna rada deputy alexander dubinsky stated this, he
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explained that at the moment there is no legitimate way to extend them. perform duties head of state legally, zelensky will only be able to do so until the new president takes office. but this is necessary. elections, which, as is known, kiev did not hold after long rallies. zelensky has once again extended martial law in the country and, accordingly, mobilization; conscription continues to be tightened, including in the western regions. but the vyinkoms are increasingly encountering stiff resistance from local residents. more details about the situation, stanislav vasilchenko. military commissars in ukraine, in order to fulfill the plan for sending to the front, they act according to a proven scheme, they are nightmares and...
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don’t worry about the surroundings, don’t worry about me, don’t worry about me, they set a trap in lvov, they are luring people to the recruitment center of the armed forces of ukraine, supposedly they are simply giving advice on how to earn more money from the army. in fact, there is an entrance to the center, but the exit is only to the front, and there things are so bad for the armed forces of ukraine that exclusively black humor reigns in ukraine. subpoenas, who needs subpoenas? avdeev, komarenko, bakhmut, guys, all the agendas. a new move by the kyiv authorities. denunciations in ivanovo-frankivsk offer women to hand over for a fee draft dodgers. the work is remote, you only need a smartphone, just right for mothers on maternity leave. the essence of the work is to find out where a person of military age lives or is hiding and transmit the data to the tsk. weekly payments, earnings up to 3,000 hryvnia per day.
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they are sweeping everyone off the streets, not paying attention to reservations, and there is no one left to work. the mayor of dnepropetrovsk, without mincing words, demands that the kiev authorities withdraw their people from the streets. dogs, otherwise the city economy will simply collapse. i am writing this post when the entire energy system of the city and all infrastructure is hanging by a thread. dear bosses, political leaders, ministers and intelligence officers, please remove your dogs until the end of the war. every time we have, if not a rocket, then a soldier, everyone who can eliminate the accident is either under house arrest or without armor in the shopping center. the kiev regime is deliberately throwing mainly the older generation over forty into the meat grinder. years, those in whose memory there are still memories of normal life, the commonwealth of peoples, those who remember at least a little real history, and not the frenzied propaganda of russophobes, as in the famous biblical story, when moses led the jews through the desert for 40 years, waiting
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for those who remembered the times of slavery to die in the desert, this is how today zelensky makes sure that those people who remember the times of the unity of russia and russians and for whom... as a butcher and general 200. stanislav vasilchenko, ivan among the ukrainian military he is better known as kuznetsov, news! twice as many soldiers and nuclear weapons. the military leadership of poland does not hide its plans. what to prepare for and how this will change the balance of power in europe and throughout the world. according to the plans of the polish ministry of defense, by the end of the year the armed forces of this country will number 220 thousand
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soldiers and officers. just 10 years ago the number was 95. well, the final plan is 300,000 military personnel by 2030. the polish army will thus become the most. expelled from europe, in addition, they want to update most of the military equipment: aircraft, artillery, 1,500 tanks, which, by the way, is more than germany, france and italy combined. in warsaw states that all this in order to quote, to counter the russian threat, as another argument, supposedly poland also wants to get nuclear weapons, not to produce them themselves, of course, to take american ones within the framework of the nato program of joint nuclear missions, the wishes of the polish leadership were voiced in the media general jaroslaw kraszewski, bluntly stated: poland should have nuclear weapons in a few years. poland is here. a very powerful farpost, because they are now taking loans for several generations ahead and have gone through unprecedented
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purchases of weapons, equipment, but it is enough to give an example, purchases from south korea of ​​thousands of tanks, k-2, black panther in a new version, there are 980 artillery installations, there are a lot of aircraft, the question arises of what to do with this armada that they will create, because that the total number of tanks will simply be greater than that of the rest of the countries combined, here the poles, of course, are building their position as... the new curator from america among the europeans. nato's program for the deployment and storage of american nuclear weapons arsenal has been operating in europe for many years. the bombs are stored in germany, italy, the netherlands, belgium and turkey. they monitor these weapons and control them, all the same, of course, the americans themselves, the europeans, in essence only provide territory. and now the poles are ready to provide theirs. this will mean that nato missiles with nuclear warheads have come very close. as to the russian borders, and even on the territory of a state that pursues an openly russophobic foreign policy, year after year
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increases spending on military needs, unlike, say, belgium or germany, where even in the leadership itself there are more and more of those who would like there to be no american nuclear bombs on their territory, but no one asked the europeans during the cold war , they don’t really ask, now, but the weapons remain, and also about the poles, the plans... of the polish government to bring military spending to a level of 4% of gdp, which will be an absolute record among all nato countries. even the united states itself does not reach this level. according to the adopted alliance summit back in 2006 according to the decree, all nato countries must spend at least 2% of their gdp on defense to quote: maintain the bloc’s combat readiness. and at the same time, most western european countries do not want to spend so much money on defense, the level of 2% is still consistent. the so-called american vassals in eastern europe, even poland and the baltic countries, despite the fact
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that the standard of living there is much lower. donald trump, by the way, while still president, more than once criticized germany and france for their reluctance to finance nato, and now, being a presidential candidate, he says that he will not protect europeans if they have a conflict with someone. europe must pay, this is a quote from trump himself. and the western liberal press, in particular the political publication, is already in a panic. writes almost about the impending collapse of nato. meanwhile , the fsb prevented sabotage at a fuel and energy infrastructure facility in the leningrad region. the terrorist attack was prepared by a citizen of ukraine. he was detained in the area of ​​the gas distribution station and had already confessed that he was going to mine and blow up the pipeline. he was informed about where the explosive devices were located in a telegram channel. the suspect was arrested until april 9. details from igor pikhanov.
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come, destroy the transformer substation, set it on fire. he was arrested in voronezh, where the extremist arrived for new acts of sabotage, where fsb officers prevented a series of arson attacks on social facilities, and a criminal case was opened. according to the fsb, this citizen of belarus has already been convicted; it has been established that one of his curators, a native of kharkov , otarari danko. couldn't implement my plans for how raskay was detained by law enforcement officers about what he had done. and this is the leningrad region, in the frame there is another sbu saboteur, a man planted an explosive
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device on a fuel pipeline, vsb special forces are detaining him red-handed, i’m holding him, i’m holding him, the suspect turned out to be a foreigner, he came to russia to commit sabotage, an investigation is now underway, all detainees are facing threats long prison terms, identify the remaining participants in the crimes, where from? where can he get these explosive devices? intelligence services of western countries and ukraine are actively recruiting saboteurs, promising big money, relocation and even work, but as a rule, they only pay advances and not always. the operatives have already prevented 419 such crimes, countering extremism, neo-nazism and the spread of destructive ideas on the internet, discussed at a meeting
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of the national anti-terrorism committee in moscow, the meeting was chaired by fsb director alexander bortnikov. the collective west, using the ukrainian factor, has deployed unprecedented anti-russian campaign. targeted disinformation is actively disseminated through the internet, nationalism and extremism are popularized, xenophobia is incited, the cult of violence is imposed, and mass unrest is provoked. the west and ukraine have also launched a real information war on the internet against russia. fakes, outright lies, hacker attacks, basic ones. their tools. in order to counter the massive spread of terrorist and extremist content , a system for protecting it has been formed in russia. information space using the legal, methodological framework, organizational and technical tools. new software tools are being introduced to identify the blocking of materials containing ideas of neo-nazism and other forms of radicalism, as well as
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calls for mass antisocial actions. in 73 regions. countries have created an information security center that monitors the internet. since february 2022, roskomnadzor has blocked and deleted more than 37.00 materials that were associated with ukrainian neo-nazis, identified more than 360 thousand extremist materials. igor pikhanov, news! when it seems that things can’t get better, pinoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penoplex, effective
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the all-russian organization of military disabled people , warrior, which he headed. according to updated data, the cause of death was a serious illness with which he had been struggling for the last 2 years. valery vastrotin was born on november 20, 52 graduated from the ryazan higher airborne command school in the chelyabinsk region. in the eighties he commanded the 345th guards regiment in afghanistan. it included the ninth parachute company, which entered the battle for height 3234. he was wounded twice, once seriously. until 2003 he served as deputy head of the ministry of emergency situations, and then was a state duma deputy. condolences were expressed by the head of the ministry of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and the minister of defense sergei shaigum. throughout all years of military service. positions in government bodies authorities, valery alexandrovich proved himself to be a true professional and patriot of his homeland. over the decade of our joint work at the russian ministry of emergency situations, valery vostrotin has always been distinguished
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by his integrity, decency and reliability. our friendship has not been interrupted for a single day since then. valery alexandrovich made a significant contribution to the development of the veteran movement. based on the battle, the film ninth company of condolences in connection with the death was made.
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kiev regime, he noted that kiev had no industrial potential left, and continued support from the white house will only lead to new victims, his guest, republican senator james david, agreed. that's what's really crazy, i think what's ultimately very cynical is that everyone knows this war will lead to the destruction of ukraine, i've had conversations with fellow democrats, they say they want to fight russia to the last drop of ukrainian blood. the question of the advisability of further tranches to the kiev regime has been discussed in the us political elite for the last few years. months. the senate today still voted to allocate $95 billion to ukraine. israel and taiwan. 60 of them will go to kyiv. but many politicians tried to prevent the new tranche. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson open. called on
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the authorities to strengthen the southern border rather than spend money from the budget. arand paul, senator from otkintuki, believes that active assistance to ukraine will tie the hands of the future administration. in an interview with fox news, he clearly laid out the scheme that democrats could use. according to him according to him, if the future president wants to pursue a different policy, the blues will try to impeach him. therefore, they are already preparing the ground, understanding that biden may lose the election. his support. with the press prefix, new videos appear that have been anti-since 1950; during his presidency, he lost more than 11% of his rating. every day the cognitive abilities of america's forty-sixth leader are questioned. over to you.
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look, you see, speaking about the special prosecutors' report, in a nutshell, the special prosecutor, as far as i remember, obviously a republican, he is a prosecutor, not a medical doctor, he is not a doctor, and it’s not his place to say. an abc news poll shows that 86% of americans believe that joe biden is not fit for a second term, especially since in fact vice president kamala haris,
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who is younger and more energetic, is ready to replace him at any time.
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instead, $60 billion is being prepared to be sent to ukraine. natalya goncharova, vesti. major fire in anapa. the attic roof of a high-rise building caught fire there. the fire area is 1.2 m. rescuers are evacuating residents. and as reported by the ministry of emergency situations , 12 people have already been rescued. 70 firefighters and 22 pieces of equipment are on site. meanwhile, the regional prosecutor's office has already announced that the building
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has been built. without design and permitting documentation, just skate cleanly, we pass on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win, just kiss it, it’s beautiful to get on the ice. this is skill, come on, shank, all our hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes, it’s a beautiful thing to leave, a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk he loves you, you are beyond my taste, the coach now clashes with his colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain to you, don’t look, don’t look, you’re on the side.


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