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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the ukrainian armed forces' reserves in the selidov area were hit by two precise combined strikes. at this moment , one and a half thousand ukrainian armed forces military personnel were forming up at the training ground. the first failure of the new commander-in-chief syrsky. no victory on the battlefield, they will be on the screens. ukraine continues to make uplifting films about virtual successes in ssu. payments are mainly made abroad.
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but the audience, the locals, have not believed in this for a long time. shot down an american missile over the ocean with four laser salvos. new details from the most daring ufo antics have been revealed 60 years later. why did eyewitnesses loosen their tongues right now? why is the ministry of internal affairs looking for kaya kalas? the demolition of soviet monuments is total russophobia, in a call to tighten it up. students from about putin and kazan covered the famous hit of the 2000s , now they sing it in other regions, why is it so popular again? well, let's start, of
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course, with the uniform hysteria that today has swept the ukrainian blasphere, where they are vigorously discussing the likely consequences of russian strikes on the outskirts of the village of selidov in the west of donbass, this is still a territory occupied by the kiev regime, where, among other things, a large training ground of the ukrainian armed forces is located. in fact, he reportedly became the target of our missiles with cluster warheads, and they flew in several waves, so the enemy’s manpower losses are most likely simply enormous, there is information about the co-liquidation of militants, in some sources we are talking about nothing at all about 1500, of course, it is pointless to wait for official confirmation from the junta; moreover, information has appeared about the personal ban of commander-in-chief syrsky to even somehow mention the fact of serious losses, however, in this case , silence is perhaps akin to a sincere confession; it will impact, including directly on advanced, and stanislav bernval will explain why, stanislav, hello, as far as i understand, the very guys who were soon to move to... no contact,
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presumably, yes, besides them, perhaps, were destroyed foreign mercenaries, as well as militants banned in russia, also died in azov. the city of selidovo, temporarily occupied by ukrainian troops, is on everyone’s lips today. the russian aerospace forces launched a series of missile attacks on the ukrainian training ground, which is located 35 km from donetsk. at the training ground at that moment , combat coordination of ukrainian armed forces personnel was taking place for transfer to the front line. the number of dead and injured may. ukrainian information dumps immediately indirectly confirmed that the blow hit the right place, but without details, it is clear, further more. the ukrainian propagandists began to prepare for the fire by 15:00 moscow time. here are quotes from one public page: don’t listen to rusnya about our losses in selidov. our losses are a maximum of 200 people, and not 100, 500 million, as the rusnyaviye write. end of quote. and indeed. selidovo is a strategic
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rear area for the ukrainian armed forces, and the concentration of military force and equipment there is very, very high. selidova is one of the junction stations where it is convenient to transport military equipment by rail and transport personnel, in fact, selidov is such a rear area, and where units of this ukrainian armed forces unit are formed. kiev bandar regime, which subsequently, after some kind of combat coordination there or some kind of training, can subsequently be transferred to the line of combat contact. they will certainly try to hush up the topic quickly in ukraine, since these losses could seriously hit the image of zelemsky himself and the new commander-in-chief syrsky. military experts suggest that one of... the elite reserves was located in selidovo
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the new commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who was planned to be thrown into battle in the coming days , but now, apparently, will not happen , at least for now, perhaps the bulk of the losses of the armed forces of ukraine on...
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hospitals in dnepropetrovsk and kharkov, as sources report, began to admit the first wounded nazis are already around 16:00 moscow time, in many cities you can hear the incessant sirens of ambulances in the city itself. dova, according to eyewitnesses, local residents are being driven home. the sbu is conducting raids throughout the city in search of those who could provide the russian military with information about the military coordination that took place at the training ground. the city is closed to entry and exit. of course, russian intelligence did an excellent job here, we will not discuss how, in what way, by what methods, but of course, the sbu will try to find. yesterday, at the same training ground , the seventy-second brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the fifty -third brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the dance on the humps continues, no conclusions have been drawn, by the way, here is
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a video from november 23 selidov's military personnel are stunned to watch how , in the distance, along the training ground where they pass , their brothers-in-arms are located, our missiles are arriving, advancing on... along the front line to occupy more advantageous positions in the krasno-limansky and donetsk directions of the northern military district, respectively, the total enemy losses in these in two sectors of the front there were over 600 personnel, and another 250 militants were eliminated on the southern donetsk front. report from the front line in the dpr by pavel prokopenko. light
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correction of the target is most often used at night, but sometimes it may be necessary in daylight hours. corrections in shooting are made not only by people, but by the main direction of law. 1:24, but the weather, the last few days in the donbass, was outstanding, there was a very dense fog, but today it is relatively clear, you can work, and the front began to move again, the rains washed away the donbass black soil, you need to bring the shells carefully, you can either slip or just get bogged down, the d-20 howitzer is in action - a simple, reliable mechanism, faultlessly accurate, fires from a closed position, camouflage is such that even during work. artillerymen of the first slavic brigade of the first army corps work near donetsk, sending shells 15 km to enemy fortifications. they say to their brother
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that well done, they got it, let ’s do it again, it’s already there, as they say, it’s already well-trodden, you just don’t notice how they fly in and out of there, they’ve become quieter, they’ve become quieter. well, keep quiet, they realized who they started arguing with, artyom is loading the gun, through his eyes we see the whole process of work, yesterday’s student right after university he went to the front for his parents, for the donbass, he says the result of his work is visible, the front is moving away from his native gorlovka, there is less shelling, in some cities schools have begun to open. when i get home, i see children walking in the streets. there are three people working with the gun, but there is also a fourth in the crew. pumbaa, when he was still a puppy, joined people. now the formidable guard of positions can smell someone else a kilometer away. when you are not alone at night, you can chat with him, play with him, pet him. well,
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what a dog. yes, the eyes are smart. artillerymen the first slavic forces dismantled another fortified area. the coordinates for the next shooting have already been determined. this calculation still has a lot of work to do. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kondanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, vesti, donetsk people's republic. they paid $4,000. to find out the route of escape abroad, ukrainian border guards reported on the capture of a new batch of men who tried to hide from service in the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of transnistria. as it turned out, they followed maps drawn up for money by some internet assistants. it's interesting that in as a report on the work done , the border service published an entire mini-film. here you will also find footage from a drone, tracking down forest plantations among the colonists, and even jazz motifs in the background to give the video of this plane a cinematic feel.
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well, such a careful approach to content , apparently for good reason, on the one hand, they intimidate potential lightning fugitives, they won’t be able to hide, on the other hand, they are clearly trying to entertain subscribers with videos claiming to be satire, but ukrainian militants, by the way, are also not lagging behind, and in the absence of real victories, which can be captured on video, they are clearly ready to simply invent them, evgeniy nipot will confirm, hello, well, the factory has succeeded, the apu is working without interruption. alexey, hello, without interruption, but with lunch breaks, mass price artists are served last. the camera, the motor, began, began to rivet the next victories, spectacularly with explosions, extras, the use of technology, everything to squeeze out a tear from the viewer, to cause a rapid heartbeat. for this reason , similar footage appears when suddenly near the valiant the defenders of the forest checkpoint with a yellow-bladed rag, an explosion is heard, all to the accompaniment of epic music.
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the kiev regime regularly organizes such filming , they tried to raise the morale of the population, painting the image of a victorious procession with professional lighting, compensating for falling banners with hoisted ones, but clearly at the command of the operator and try to give a false start, it will knock down not only the tripods on... "a lie to the neo-nazi regime of vladimir zelensky is needed precisely on an industrial scale, and the more failures, the more deception is needed, the more deception, including cinematic, there are no real victories, stories about them are needed, such videos appear in ukraine when the country’s armed formations do not have everything at the front.”
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no matter how successful the fakes were put together, and no matter what hollywood was created in the virtual space around this topic, but it will not be so convincing compared to real events.then, on the one hand, on the screens they created the image of successful throws, on the other, they drew lampoons about the russian military, who for some reason are moving on western technology, about the atrocities that were allegedly said by local residents brought by bus to the right place, at the right time, greeted with the flags of dry land and foreign...
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to believe that for zelensky and his interests, as well as the interests of great britain standing behind zelensky and for it means mentor biden and so on, that for all these gentlemen it is worth giving your only life. they work for export on a broad front, bloggers in the rear shoot footage about the heroes, although real footage of the heroes is much more interesting to content consumers real catastrophic problems of ukrainian personnel. they present films about their beards to foreign festivals to melt hearts, the narration is told
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on behalf, sometimes on behalf of animals. in general, they are still trying with all their might to fill the information and film space. most likely, in all these volumes there are some that are supplied to ukraine, there are some protected articles for propaganda. and so they use these things for propaganda, because , strictly speaking, that’s all that happens. that, what kind of ukrainian films are being sent abroad is due to the fact that inside the country, viewers, to put it mildly, are turned off by works that are far from the truth, in which the characters cannot give anything more connected than the glory of ukraine, but the peremok factory works at high will produce fantastic, deceitful videos and films in
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the interests of the kiev regime until the change ends, joe biden today called on the house of representatives to quickly approve the bill on military assistance to ukraine, which nevertheless passed a little earlier vote in the senate, but by the way, the republicans, led by mike johnson, have already made it clear that they do not intend to compromise until the presidential administration takes care of the migration problem, but the president himself, meanwhile , found himself in another awkward situation and made him doubt his cognitive abilities even supporters. read more about everything from our staff correspondent...
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warning not to test us. 70 for, 29 against. a week of tough debate and 4 months of argument and bargaining. as a result, a group of republicans led by the leader of the faction in the senate mcconnell voted with the vast majority of democrats. opponents of sending money to kiev, remaining in the minority in the chamber, accuse fellow party members who voted in favor of conspiracy. open the champagne, democratic leaders and... republicans in the senate are halfway to kiev, they have 60 billion dollars with them, i don’t know in cash or not, but they are dragging your money to kiev, they have neither the time nor the money to deal with our border. the republicans' demand to secure their borders first, in recent days drowned in demagogues about supporting us leadership in the world, which will collapse if we do not give
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weapons to kiev. voices that this will only bring more meaningless victims and will not give victory at the front. heard in the senate all last night, one of the consistent opponents, senator vance, voiced his arguments in an interview with tucker carlson. ukraine will not be able to win the war against russia, even western support of hundreds of billions of dollars will not help the ukrainian military, yet the senate, which in its ideas always lags behind reality by several years, adopted the decision to send another 60 billion to the ukrainian government, which is... i would like to make a couple of points about this bill: first of all, allocating a new $60 billion to a hopeless war in eastern europe will only lead to an even greater reduction in the population of ukraine. this is a terrible, terrible bill from a policy perspective. now the bill adopted by the senate must be considered by the house of representatives, where
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the republican majority, fueled by the migration crisis, promises to block it immediately. a test, but it’s already a holiday in kiev, zelensky is recording a video with gratitude, although there is no money or weapons from the united states yet, and there won’t be any soon, we hope for fundamental support and believe that america will continue to remain a leader. the aid package approved by the senate includes money for israel. meets the king of jordan, a key player in the middle east. reporters are shouting about negotiations for the release of hostages. joe biden does not answer, and the first lady persistently drags the queen by the hand in order to quickly hide from the television cameras. entering the white house takes for some time, after which the conversation was behind
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closed doors, but already during a joint appearance with the press, the president forgets the names of the distinguished guests and what one of them is, after all.
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first in one direction, then in the other direction, but finally calms down in the place marked for him on the floor. the day before , the sixty-two-year-old king of jordan personally participated in the release of humanitarian aid over the gaza strip. the king in military uniform gives a thumbs up after sending the cargo, but what about the president of the united states? it was as if they were playing ping. poor foreign leader didn't know where he was located. he named them king abdul and queen.
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i think for me, you are asking my personal opinion, he has a sharp mind, he is aware of all matters. on the advice of political consultants , the president now turns all his blunders into jokes, but the overwhelming majority of americans have no time for jokes. 86% believe that biden is too old to be president again, and holding out until the end of this term is not an easy task: vice president kamala haris is preparing to take over the country. about how much americans do not trust the country.
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summon michelle as queen intercessor from the ongoing chaos, more and more american voters want, however, the first lady herself, although she has begun to appear on television screens more often, while she categorically refuses to lead america in these truly dark times. president biden calls on the house of representatives to follow the example of senators and approve the aid package to ukraine as soon as possible, but republicans in
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the lower house are going to hold the line and promise to ignore the senate bill, that is, not even begin to consider it. dmitry melnikov and nikolay koskin, news from washington. an unidentified flying object neutralized the warhead with laser beams without attracting attention. national headlines today appear on the pages of western tabloids, which seem to be absolutely serious about how aliens stopped us preparations for nuclear war. well, however, such articles do not mention current events, but an episode sixty years ago, when a test launch of an american atlas rocket over the pacific ocean was allegedly disrupted by a ufo, they say, the saucer appeared next to the one that had already separated the prototype warhead very quickly put it out of action. to confirm something. even publishes a short video, although it is just a reconstruction in 3d graphics format. well, however, on the other hand, it seems that some pentagon veterans have already decided to speak out
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, they say they dealt with classified archives where the original recording is stored, in addition, there were also alleged witnesses that, according to them, they personally observed an alien attack on the notorious rocket . in short, the story is potentially loud, but vadim looked into whether it should be believed zavodchenkov, vadim, hello, why is all this happening all of a sudden now? decided to remember. well, alexey, does anyone want americans to look more to the sky than to the sides? what else did america need before fully returning to the realities of the cold war? russian enemies already exist. all that remained was to revive the tales about aliens. the story, which is being discussed again in the media, took place in 1964. a ballistic missile is supposedly shot down by beams. a mysterious device, on screen reconstructions made according to descriptions eyewitnesses, but a real video recording of the incident also exists, at least that’s what
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the former say. us air force employees, for example, lieutenant jacobs, according to him, he was one of the first in the company of his boss and some government agents to see the ill-fated film. the major looked at me, the people in suits looked at me and asked: are you kidding me here, i said no way, sir, it seems to me that we just saw a ufo, to which the major replied, never say that again. later the video recording disappeared, it was taken by people from government. jacobs suffered from pangs of conscience for some time, and then sold the story to television networks. it thundered for a short time and was forgotten to this day. and suddenly there was another person who allegedly saw footage of the air battle. luis elizondo, a regular guest on american television channels and a veteran
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of counterintelligence. and so. they count the shots , by the way, there were four of them, it’s beautiful, and even logical in its own way, according to statistics, most often unidentified objects are noticed by the military at strategic complexes, the objects themselves have some, let’s say, taste preference to earthly systems of armed struggle, especially the most dangerous ones, which include missile weapons, and
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if this is true, then everything falls into place. i think that history is again somehow being deliberately thrown into the mainstream media, in order to interrupt this or that agenda, which could be negative for washington, yes, the migration crisis, there is a crime crisis, drug addiction or endless international crises, but this suggests that, of course, american society found itself in such deep crisis, but
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is trying to escape from... through escopism, washington has increasingly had to resort to its old scarecrow in recent years, then the air force will release a report on encounters with aliens, then suddenly there will be admissions in the senate that ufos are not a fiction, and americans believe and discuss the cultural code, after all. an important feature of the american mentality is the so -called clip thinking and especially thinking. built on comics, accustomed to living on comics, in fact, to believe in anything, as long as it is beautifully drawn, an american has no difficulty, therefore, it is in the american public consciousness that all these legends and myths, folklore associated with aliens and people in black, occupy a very important place, the story of sixty years ago fits well in the general trend, the more
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comics in the news... in glasses, the fewer sick old people from the white house of the pentagon, but the cartoons turned out to be truly beautiful hollywood. vadin zavochenkov is entertaining ufology. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. why is the ministry of internal affairs looking for kaya kalas, the demolition of soviet monuments, total russophobia, calls for... to tighten sanctions against moscow, to overthrow the russian president, why are they even demanding the resignation of the estonian prime minister in tallinn? russia, traditional, modern.


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