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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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participants in the presidential campaign and their representatives continued their election activities in different regions. more details about everything. anna voronina. five tv channels, three radio stations, free airtime for campaigning for all registered presidential candidates. media representatives at the election commission center held a draw today to determine which candidates will get which slots. the total amount of free airtime provided is 7 hours or 420 minutes. free airtime will be provided on weekdays, that is, starting from february 19, for 17 days of the campaign period. for joint campaign events of candidates, that is, for debates, half of the total amount of free airtime is allocated, this is 3:30 minutes or 210 minutes. during the presidential election campaign, state television and radio broadcasting company will provide a record amount of free airtime for...
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discussed the need to change the public transport system, here i saw a wonderful production, production our russian trolleybuses, electric buses, which i believe are the future, this is environmentally friendly transport, which is now gaining momentum in different cities, but unfortunately, so far only in moscow and st. petersburg. the ldpr candidate, leonid slutsky, spoke about supporting the younger generation. for these purposes, among other things, he proposes to direct the fees of those cultural figures. gifted children, for the development of gifted youth, for the development of centers for children's creativity, for cultural centers in the village, for what really today is important for the future of russia, a corresponding letter will be... sent to
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prime minister mikhail mishustin. anna voronina. the kremlin website published a list of instructions that vladimir putin gave to the government following the state council meeting on december 27 last year. before the summer, the cabinet of ministers must develop a mentoring concept and actively involve russians with great services to society, including s. vo participants, in relevant work. in addition, today the instructions of the head of state on results of the dekarbel format results of the year. in particular, by the twentieth of this month , measures should be taken to extend preferential mortgages of 2% to secondary housing in the dpr, lpr, kherson, zaporozhye regions; in the belgorod region, a special economic zone will appear by mid-may, which will include the city of shibekina. the united states, instead of looking for a way out of the palestinian-israeli conflict, is provoking a catastrophe throughout the region. about this today. sergei
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lavrov said in his speech at the middle east conference of the valdai club. as the head of the russian foreign ministry noted, washington is doing everything to prevent a vote in the un security council on a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in gaza. about the consequences of escalation. about ways to resolve the arab-israeli conflict, in the material of elizaveta khramtsova. the valdai club middle east conference traditionally attracts the attention of the press, but this year the interest is so high that there is barely enough space for journalists at the forum site. in addition, the discussion is taking place at what is called a high level. among 50 experts from 16 countries, scientists, former and current ministers, that is, those who, on duty, are looking for ways out of the crisis.
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back in the middle of last year there was a chance to solve many of the problems that were preventing the middle east from moving forward. saudi arabia and iran , through the mediation of china, have taken a huge step towards each other. the same riyadh negotiated with the houthi movement and yemen was closer than ever to ending the humanitarian catastrophe. but now the passage of ships in the red sea is under constant threat, and the us and britain they chose a method that has long been known for its ineffectiveness; it deals blows by name. of course, palestine is still in the first days after the event. on october 7, moscow insisted on a ceasefire, but the west, at best , offers a humanitarian pause, which does not bring peace closer, and apparently, one should not count on it in the near future either. taking into account the uncompromising attitude of the israeli leadership, we see this uncompromising
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attitude to continue the military action in gaza, now extending it to rafah, we do not looking through. all the countries of the world are involved, so to speak, the usa , and european countries, russia and china, which was not important, and many african countries, even
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latin america, that is, in general, this is such a seething conflict that has been simmering for many years, the hope is that it will...
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and moscow expects that such negotiations will take place in the foreseeable future. vilzat khramtsova, ivan ponomarenko, andrey verishchagin, olga belotserkovskaya. news, i present to you sergei viktorich. the federal security service announced the detention of a citizen ukraine, who was preparing a large-scale sabotage at a fuel and energy infrastructure facility in the leningrad region. they took him literally sleeping, so the defendant did not deny his guilt. moreover, this is not the only terrorist recruited by kiev who has recently been caught by the russian security forces. details in the material by igor pihan. belarus, he is suspected of sabotage in tula; according to the investigation, on february 6 at a railway facility, he set fire to an electrical substation,
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acting on instructions from the ukrainian special services. he called me on the phone, introduced himself to yuri, and said that because of moskovsky’s sin, he offered me a job. either i agreed to come, destroy the transformer substation, set it on fire. they arrested voronezh, where the extremist arrived for new acts of sabotage, where fsb officers prevented the series. of arson at social facilities, a criminal case was opened, according to the fsb, this citizen of belarus has already been convicted, it was established that one of his curators, a native of kharkov otarari danko, was unable to carry out his plans as he was detained by law enforcement officers, but i repent of what i did, and this is the leningrad region, in the frame there is another sbu saboteur, a man planted an explosive device on a fuel pipeline, fsb special forces detain him red-handed. hand, holding, holding, violators, the suspect turned
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out to be a foreigner, he came to russia to commit sabotage, an investigation is now underway, all detainees face long prison sentences, they are identifying the remaining participants in the crimes, where were you supposed to get the blasting device from, me using the telegram messenger, they indicated the coordinates and places where i could pick them up. bookmarks, where can i get these explosive devices? intelligence services of western countries and ukraine are actively recruiting saboteurs, promising big money, relocation and even work, but as a rule they only pay advances and not always. operatives have already prevented 419 such crimes, countering extremism, neo-nazism and the spread of destructive ideas on the internet, discussed at meetings of the national anti-terrorism committee in moscow, the meeting was chaired by the director fsb alexander. bortnikov. the collective west, using the ukrainian factor , has launched an unprecedented anti-russian
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campaign. targeted disinformation is actively disseminated through the internet, nationalism and extremism are popularized, xenophobia is incited, the cult of violence is imposed, and mass unrest is provoked. the west and ukraine have also launched a real information war on the internet against russia. fakes, outright lies. hacker attacks, their main tools. in order to counteract massive dissemination of terrorist and extremist content in russia , a system for protecting its information space has been formed using a legal, methodological framework, organizational and technical tools. new software tools are being introduced to identify the blocking of materials containing ideas of neo-nazism and other forms of radicalism, as well as calls for mass antisocial actions. information security centers have been created in 73 regions of the country to monitor the internet. from february
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2022 roskomnadzor blocked and deleted more than 37,000 materials that were associated with ukrainian neo-nazis, and identified more than 360,000 extremist materials. igor pikhanov, news. polish farmers are going to block all road checkpoints on the border with ukraine, as well as railway junctions. in belgium. five thousand tractor drivers blocked the roads to europe's largest port of antwerp, and in france the trade union is threatened with renewed strikes if the authorities' promises are not fulfilled. well, the center of farmer protests the eurozone is now concentrated in spain, what is happening there in the material of our european correspondent daria grigorova. thousands of protesters, hundreds of tractors and other agricultural equipment blocked the entrance to spain's largest grain port, the port of oragona. the police meet the protesters, special forces are ready to disperse this demonstration. it’s no
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coincidence that this is where cheap agricultural products come from third countries, for example, in 2023, the port of taragona handled 2,2000 tons of ukrainian grain, and this is a problem, say the protesters, one of those who came to block the port - their products have sanitary defects, are harmful to health and the environment, but this also has a positive effect on lowering prices. we cannot compete in price with grain that comes from ukraine, but in terms of quality, yes. in addition to limiting the import of cheap agricultural products from outside the eu, farmers oppose the bureaucratic regulation of the market with ever-new environmental restrictions. another problem is the lack of fertilizers from russia.
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first from the catalan administration, then from authorities of spain and the european union. the column of tractors stretches for a couple of kilometers and the equipment will remain here for a long time. the union has already announced that the port blockade will last at least 36 hours. spain is now the center of european farm protests. trouble on the border with france. spanish tractor drivers blocked traffic on the highway connecting the two countries. the situation is further aggravated by drought,
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due to abnormally warm weather last year. last year we had. drought, devastation, the land should have yielded 4 tons of grain, but we only collected a ton. in on monday, tractors blocked the center of spanish lyon; the day before in madrid, the police did not spare trade union activists. the protest ended in a brawl. now truck drivers have also joined the protests against the agricultural policies of the eu and the spanish authorities. protests in spain have been going on for a week now, but it seems they are only gaining momentum. dyregor. spain sergei shaigu expressed deep condolences in connection with the passing of the hero of the soviet union valery vastrotin, it was he who commanded the 345th guards regiment, which included the very ninth company that fought the legendary battle with the mujahideen in afghanistan, but this is of course not the only glorious page
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in the career of the colonel general, the memories of his friends and colleagues in the material by yegor grigoriev. 35 years of the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, there are only a few days left until the significant date. valery vastrotin managed to write down congratulations to the paratroopers, his comrades in arms. the disease haunted him for several years, but like a real warrior, the colonel general did not show it. those who didn’t know didn’t know, everyone thought that valery sanovich, he was always such a bustar, everyone knew that valery sanovich was always on horseback, so he, well, he behaved, let’s say, with heroic dignity. like a real commander. valery vastrotin ended up in afghanistan in 1979, stormed amin’s palace near kabul, was wounded, already the commander of the 345th separate guards parachute regiment, in 1986 he returned to afghanistan, the regiment included the famous ninth company, which fought for nameless heights 32 -34, 32-28. in january 1988
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, the soldiers held the defense for 12 hours and repulsed attack. superior forces of the afghan mujahideen unblocked the road to the city and resumed supplying the soviet troops. vostrotin then became a real commander for his soldiers, whom they followed, without exaggeration , all their lives, and he was a mountain for the soldiers. every loss is a tragedy, so i was not afraid of any rash orders to report problems to the higher command, which was sometimes angry, but appreciated. when the regiment commander came to us, well, in fact , we really are like that...
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there’s just no living space for a person there it happened, the colonel general himself acted in films, he was very much asked, black shark, documentary film brotherhood of war, the path, the directors saw in vastrotin something that an ordinary actor would never get, he was real, essentially played himself, the idea was to attract him, because he was
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a real, real general, an incredibly charismatic and organic person, bitter words from a friend and today the minister of defense. valery alexandrovich proved himself to be a true professional and patriot of his homeland. over the decade of our joint work at the ministry of emergency situations
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russia, valery vostrotin has always been distinguished by integrity, decency and reliability. our friendship has not been interrupted for a single day since then. head of the union of russian paratroopers, chairman of the council of the moscow branch of the military brotherhood, leader of the all-russian organization of military disabled war veterans, hero of the ussr.
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friendship, the fact that they knew valery vastrotin, his fellow soldiers, they mourn, they promise not only to remember, to continue the work, the glorious work of the russian paratroopers. egor grigoriev, olga alvukhina, inna loschenova, dmitry naido, lead. well, now the footage we receive from anapa, according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations, 440 people were evacuated from a burning residential building, including 112 children, there is one victim, the attic of a multi-storey building caught fire about 3 hours ago, the area. the fire was 1.00 m long, extinguishing is now ongoing, the prosecutor's office of the krasnodar region reported that the house was built without design and permitting documentation.
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russia has all the tools to ensure the country’s biological safety; only the covid-19 virus database contains several hundreds of thousands of varieties. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova spoke about this today at the forum of future technologies. scientists, doctors, experts gathered at the world trade center in moscow. what developments? will change medicine, see the report by varvara nevskaya. genetic bio- and neurodevelopment, creation of artificial organs and nuclear medicine, technologies of the future that make it possible to make the lives of patients better today. the forum is a key event for presenting advanced scientific solutions and developments, only at development of one of the most important areas of genetic technologies, russia has already allocated 64 billion rubles. today we see several areas in medicine, this is the fight against ankylosing spondylitis and
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cancer, and reproductive health, and in all these areas we have developments in medicines and tests and technologies that make it possible to prevent, treat, and most importantly increase life expectancy, the same goes for biosafety and... here is our work within the framework of the covid-19 pandemic and other infections that circulate on the territory of the russian federation, on the territory, by the way, of foreign countries. with the use of genetic technologies in russia , medicines and vaccines are already being successfully produced, new strains are being created that can be used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, another priority area that is developing at an incredibly fast pace is nuclear... the price should come into operation this year onco-ophthalmology center at our site in gadchin, the second one, which is also part of the center, on
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on the basis of this, i would like to draw your attention to the cyclotron created by rosat, we , with rosat, have an important national base, there is a second channel on it, the second part is the development of a radiofan preparation, third, we have created the only vivarium in the country now, in which we can conduct complex preclinical testing radiopharmaceutical. breakthrough developments are presented at the rosatom stand. the corporation's radioisotope products make it possible to carry out about 1 million diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in russia annually. by 2025 line drugs will be expanded to 25 items. rosatom historically produces an extremely wide range of products. we have the widest range of heating products. we have 14 enterprises involved in its production. this includes the production of radiopharmaceuticals. mostly radiopharmaceuticals. here eye tracking technology,
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an innovative development of the fmba of russia , allows patients to communicate with the outside world using the movement of their eyes alone, and the patient can interact with the screen only with his eyes, that is, he can only type text eyes, report your well-being only with your eyes, and this is especially important for immobilized patients who cannot speak, for example, who are after, for example, severe operations. in the intensive care unit, and with the help of eye movements and visual attention, we are trying to understand whether the patient can respond to some neuropsychological tests and can communicate with the doctor. dozens of the most important topics for domestic medicine are discussed as part of the business program by leading scientists, doctors, experts, representatives of government, business, state corporations of knowledge-intensive enterprises. the forum of future technologies will last until february 14
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