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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 9:30pm-9:59pm MSK

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9,900 rub. liven x6 pro, give a new start. the meat sauce is hot. life fills you with joy. five actions of oralcept for sore throat for adults and children from 3 years of age. on avito there is an inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. the fire that is burning in a high-rise building in anapa has been assigned the fourth level of complexity. here are the creepy shots. the roof of the building is completely engulfed in fire, apartments on the top floor are already burning, to localize the fire , which spread to an area of ​​1. so far it has not been possible, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations,
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12 residents, 440 people, were rescued from the building using ladders, 440 people, of which more than a hundred children were evacuated, one casualty is already known, this is an elevator operator , which was on the roof at the time of the fire, more than 100 emergency situations ministry specialists and 35 pieces of equipment are now working on the site. lawyers who matched their client in krasnoyarsk began to try experts in the law and allegedly possessors of all-powerful connections who promised to help politician oleg mitval to get rid of the criminal case. according to the investigation , they agreed to resolve it. question for 100 million rubles, but the politician himself ended up in a colony, the defenders, it seems, will follow what went wrong, olga zhurenkova will tell. they finally met face to face, even if they were looking at each other from the screens. convicted ex-politician oleg mitval via video link from the colony and those accused of fraud. lawyers vladimir burtsev and andrey kopelin, the latter was also sick via video link from the pre-trial detention center. according to investigators, for 100 million rubles the defendant offered the odious businessman to resolve the issue with the criminal case. they promised that instead of
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a real one, mitvol would receive a suspended sentence. i did not hear the victim mitwal. according to the investigation, burtsev and copelin first asked for a deposit of 3 million. the remaining amount was 97 million later. from that moment on, they were under the close attention of the security forces. the defendants were caught red-handed while receiving money in a city park. an inspection was carried out, treatment with a forensic identification drug was carried out, and banknotes were collected in the amount of 50,000 rubles. and also a dude money. in court, the state prosecutor read out the transcript of mitval’s telephone conversations with possible fraudsters. your honor, i apologize, injured mitvol, it would be very interesting to hear that fragment when mr. burtsev promised to go to moscow for all my questions. vladimir burtsev denied the charges in a conversation with journalists in the courtroom. do you agree with what you are accused of? definitely, this is
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a provocation in its purest form, i will prove it simply during the investigation, i can definitely say that this was arranged by my colleagues. mr. burtsev is a well-known personality in krasnoyarsk; according to media reports, in recent years he was a former officer who headed the public organization cobra and willingly gave interviews, for example, commenting on the murder of a crime boss. here the reason is most likely financial, because there are huge flows of funds, the second person involved in the case is andrey kapelin, a lawyer in the southern market of krasnoyarsk. this trading platform repeatedly fell into...
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in every possible way attracted attention to his person, a feeling based on the experience of a lot of work, that illegal wood processing is taking place here, in 2009 mitval became the prefect of the northern administrative district, in this post he was most remembered for his fight against the club, where, in his opinion, people with non-traditional sexual orientation were vacationing, remove your hands, remove him too, and remove yours too , according to media reports, one of those who extorted 100 million rubles from oleg mitvol is a supporter of unconventional connections, like... some kind of evil mockery of fate, no less, the trial in the railway court of krasnoyarsk has just started, the defendants face up to 10 years imprisonment. olga zhurenkova, oleg posobin, mikhail shirin, dmitry manyshev, conductor, duty department. a deputy’s car hit a pensioner at a pedestrian crossing in the trans-baikal territory. the investigative committee
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began an investigation into an accident involving a member of the blood legislative assembly, alexei soklakov. according to preliminary data, he may be responsible for the accident that resulted in an elderly woman being admitted to intensive care. pictures of the incident are being circulated online, showing a traffic inspector and a black car that allegedly belongs to the deputy and ambulances, whether saklakov was driving and what condition he was in has not yet been reported. all the most interesting, after a short advertisement, do not switch. when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on heating and air conditioning. penoplex, effective
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for free with alfabank and open an account with free service , alfabank, the best bank for business." this is the same smart speaker, the top smartest speaker, and also top quality discounts up to 50%. realme smartphone for only 1,699 rubles. stress. we are continuing production. large channel for the legalization of suspicious cars blocked in st. petersburg. there, employees
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of the internal security department of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs detained a policeman who, in exchange for bribes, registered cars without any inspection. this is now the version of the investigation. the traffic police officer allegedly received bribes from various car dealerships. with such a patron , businessmen could easily put up for sale an outright collapse. cars with prohibited tuning or even assembled from parts of stolen cars. the money went to the policeman's relatives' accounts. by according to operational data, at least twenty cars were registered in this way. the case materials were transferred to the investigative committee. if the police officer is proven guilty, dismissal will be the least of his problems. in the krasnoyarsk territory , investigators uncovered a large-scale scam involving housing for children in orphanages. fraudsters sold comfortable apartments to orphans and moved them into barracks and dilapidated buildings. the special cynicism is that the probable participants in this...
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all the orphans, i didn’t even understand that it was money, because it was like that, in the bag, she snatched me from the house in the morning, on the way to work, took me to her bag, threw me like this, i said, what is this, well, you gave us, well, like what we earned, this is a percentage, svetlana enina blames her for everything the realtor's alleged accomplice natalya rosheva, she is also a season away from meeting with the journalist. did not refuse, investigators are sure that the official is only pretending to be a victim, but in reality the victims were five
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orphans. enina allegedly persuaded them to sell apartments in the center of minusinskaya. in return, children from orphanages received barracks for outskirts of the city. instead of a comfortable apartment, one of the victims was offered housing in a wooden house like this. the living conditions here are of course deplorable , the roof is leaky, the windows are wooden , the sewage system is not installed, the heating is stove, in the siberian frosts they do not live here, but survive, galina politsina had debts for utilities, she was told that she would remain on the street if she did not sell apartment on the right terms, he said, if they throw you out of here, then what happens to you because of such debts like you can’t stay here, they’ll put you in some room 10 km away, you’ll have to live there with two children.
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initiating a criminal case will receive at least some compensation. under the article of fraud on an especially large scale, svetlana enina and her
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probable accomplice face up to 10 years in prison. while the official is settling into the pre-trial detention cell, the deceived orphans are settling into the houses in which the scammers settled them. despite the difficulties, victims try to enjoy the little things. galina politsina, for example, plans to make a room out of an old kitchen for her youngest daughter, about whom she has already has been dreaming for a long time. alexandra mostovaya, denis bezlakovsky. ruslan abubekerov, vesti duty honor from the krasnoyarsk territory. and we return to the terrible fire that continues to rage in high-rise buildings in anapa, as eyewitnesses report, as a result of the violence of the elements in a residential building. the roof has partially collapsed, rescuers and police are evacuating people from nearby buildings, the fire has been assigned the fourth level of complexity, the flames have engulfed an area of ​​1,000 km, half a thousand people have been evacuated, one casualty is known so far, the chairman of the investigation committee of russia alexander bastrykin took personal control of the investigation into the criminal case into the poisoning of a resident of vladikavkaz,
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a sixty-five-year-old man died after taking a sip from a bottle purchased in a store, which instead of mineral... turned out to contain acetic acid, despite all the efforts of doctors, they couldn't save him. the police sealed the warehouse of the official distributor of the djerbuk brand mineral water. my colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs in the republic of north ossetia alania are figuring out how to get to a store in the city vladikavkaz received mineral water that is hazardous to health. currently , bottles of mineral water from this manufacturer have been seized from the man’s household and retail outlet, witnesses are being questioned, and they have been confiscated. at the request of rospotrebnadzor, all mineral water of this brand was temporarily blocked in the fair mark labeling system; the company’s products are represented in 84 regions of the country. the restoration of the chief state sanitary doctor for the republic of north ossetia lania suspended the sale of jermuk products in the region until
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the results of the study are received. we recommend that citizens do not consume products of this brand until everything is clarified. circumstances of the incident. in turn , representatives of the jarmuk group company deny the possibility of acetic acid getting into bottles at the enterprise. according to them, the production process is fully automated and has a closed cycle. horses, people, and endless lines of horse-drawn carts rushing through the streets are mingling with tourists in ancient suzdal. some city guests are entertained like this, others are run over at high speed, even our colleague was demolished, he suffered a fracture. road inspectors checked the cab drivers and... the oncoming coachman turned out to be a malicious offender, as the police stop galloping horses, andrei romanov will tell you. the horses snort and shift from foot to foot in the cold. tourists in carts wrap themselves in a blanket, grumbling people demand to continue their dormouse rides around ancient suzdol. the coachman has no time for the passengers yet, he is talking to the traffic police officers. inspectors have a large-scale attack on horse-drawn vehicles
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carts, check the presence of stops with which to support the sled. much better than a reflective element , no one left the traffic police without protocols, cab drivers don’t like to know how to observe the subtleties of traffic, but they love to be indignant and demand not to interfere in their business with many shades of gray, now they transferred it to the map and then i i end up sending people what, why have i been doing this for like 20 years in a row, now i
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only have problems like this, which is why for 20 years no one needed me problems in... in the field horse rides around suzdal accumulated over the years; carriages and carriages periodically got into accidents. tourists fell from their horses. the situation reached a critical point at the beginning of 2024. in the center of suzdol, where the movement of horses was prohibited on that day, a cart hit our colleague, vesti correspondent igor ogeenko. the journalist was diagnosed with bruises and a fracture. our film crew went to suzdal and it turned out that the culprit of that accident, after a serious accident, calmly continued to ride the tourist. we are now riding on this sleigh, on burai's horses, let's ride around suzdal and see what it's like? will there be some kind of excursion? yes, yes, when such arrogant behavior of cab drivers was brought to wide attention, the story of the collision with igor ogeenko, the investigative committee became interested. a procedural investigation into
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a report of a road cart hitting a federal tv channel correspondent on the territory continues. they wanted to have me interviewed by the moscow investigator on instructions, but apparently the investigative committee of the vladimir region decided otherwise, accordingly, in thursday i will be waiting at my house for the investigator with whom we will talk, i will provide him with all the necessary documents, extracts including this one on a disk, which i had done for a fracture of this right hand, the police, meanwhile, counted the cab drivers, naturally those who works... in accordance with current legislation, state-owned vehicles are not subject to registration with the state traffic inspectorate of the russian federation. if kucher is caught drunk by a traffic police inspector, he will be removed from
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control, but not for long, until he sobers up. the driver does not have a driver's license, and it will not be possible to deprive him of the ability to drive a horse. now the authorities of the vladimir region are thinking about how to find justice for the stubborn drivers. this topic became one of the key ones at the regional government retreat in kavrov. celebrations are ahead. the solution to the problem is under the control of the governor of the vladimir region. the requirements for horse-drawn carriages are not clearly stated in our federal legislation , the issue of liability, since let’s say the driver is translating there, transports people, then the question is who insures the people, what age might they be? the one who drives a horse-drawn cart, yes, should he know some rules, let’s say, yes, of the road, or at least just safety standards, this is not written down, we will not
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wait until it is regulated, we will appeal to the federal assembly, but we ourselves must adopt standards at our regional level, we must determine by the road safety commission where horse-drawn carts can travel on what streets on which they cannot drive, where to determine parking areas, and so on. the authorities intend to discuss new places, parking lots and routes for the movement of carts with cab drivers, they will listen to the opinions of tourists, but with an eye on the safety of equestrian entertainment. ideally, according to experts, the authorities should eventually take full control of this area, establish a single operator and a ticket office for selling tickets for horse riding. only in this case will it be possible to finally bring the now dubious business out of the shadows. andrey romanov, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty department. extreme police chase.
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the inspector's bravery will certainly be appreciated by his superiors; the drunk lady will have to give up her rights for a long time to pay a large fine. in detention centers trash blogger andrei burima on social networks, he is also known as milstroy, was put on the wanted list by the russian ministry of internal affairs. it is not specified under what specific article he is wanted, is it known that
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we are talking about some kind of criminal offense? this is not the first criminal case in burim’s biography. according to media reports, he is wanted in belarus for draft evasion. in the united arab emirates due to some conflict in a nightclub. the marathons continue.
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and i’m for shabuddinov, now it’s impossible to recognize right away, during the time in the detention center he gained more hair on his body, finished reading the stage directions, started reading exupery’s novel, shabuddinov’s name is included in the criminal case, it’s time to add it to the book of records, he’s the youngest billionaire in the country, the very first blogger who was caught for fraud, and according to version.
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it’s worth finding out if they found a mountain of these green tablets at ayaz’s place on presnenskaya 12, and it’s likely that we naturally, something was mixed into the coffee and we naturally consumed it. while ayas appeared before themis in person, another information defensewoman appeared before the moscow city court via video link, also trying to escape from the pre-trial detention center. elena blinovskaya looked pitifully into the lens of the official video camera, cried and asked to be allowed to go home to her children. now they have started to get sick, and this, of course , is very important for me, as a mother... the debt of the person accused of tax evasion in blinovskaya is growing every day, today it is already almost one and a half billion rubles, and there is no way to pay it off, consider arrested, this is also due to stupidity, it is doubly offensive to be behind bars, it’s all because of the party that the marathon queen threw while she was under house arrest, a friend came to the party, who is a witness in a criminal case, which means blinovsky was categorically determined to see her until the trial prohibited, that’s how the palace turned into a cell, wearing
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a prison shirt. girlfriends in the special contingent of season number 6, although not a hotel, blinovskaya still has her own feminine joys there. our season six has always been progressive, and this is one of the first detention centers where, let’s call it a prison salon, it appeared, that is, there you can dye your hair and get your hair done. in season 6, we organized yoga at one time, and these were the first classes in general in the whole country, and we had an absolutely incredible event there, when in... in the courtyard , employees and prisoners practiced together on mats, and as a result, in this since blinovskaya failed to challenge anything, the court recognized the legality of placing a mother of many children in custody, her spiritual practices in stone walls will continue for at least another month and a half, with colleague ayaz shabuddinov at blinovskaya, as if one fate of a billionaire, the court also left in the season number this, it’s in the neighborhood, the accused can even exchange letters, if they get bored, suddenly another
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marathon will be born . alina. the sad story of a foreigner with a sweet tooth, who flew to st. petersburg from germany for a date with a girl, and now these dates seem to be taking place behind bars, it’s all about gummy bears with a bitter aftertaste of criminal code. in the luggage of the foreign tourist they found a bag of sweets with marijuana, and the drugs were not even hidden; a cannabis leaf was drawn on the package with the bears, but passionate romeo until the last convinced the customs officers in pulkovo that these were just candies.
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with a terrible fire in a high-rise building in anapa, we quickly receive news agency feeds, and so, according to the official telegram channel of the prosecutor's office of the krasnodar region, the high-rise building in which the fire is raging was built without design and permitting documentation, it was occupied only after the series legal proceedings. it is known that by this moment the roof of the house had completely collapsed, the flames were going down the floors, the fire had already affected about three dozen.


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