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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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to which the major replied: never say that again. later the video disappeared and was taken by people from the government. jacobs suffered from pangs of conscience for some time, and then sold the story to television networks. it thundered for a short time and was forgotten to this day. and suddenly there was another person who allegedly saw footage of the air battle. louise elizondo is a regular guest on american television channels and a veteran. counterintelligence, here the media are busy again, drawing missile flight trajectories, counting shots, by the way, there were four of them, it’s beautiful, and even logical in its own way, according to statistics, most often unidentified objects are noticed by the military at strategic complexes, the objects themselves have some , let’s say, taste preference for terrestrial systems of armed warfare, especially the most dangerous ones, which...
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i think that the history of the sss, it is somehow, well it is deliberately thrown into the mainstream media, in order to interrupt this or that agenda, which could be negative for washington, and the migration crisis, there is a crime crisis, drug addiction or endless international crises, but this suggests that, of course, american society is in such a deep crisis, but is trying to escape from current problems through escopism. in recent years, washington has increasingly had to resort to this. their old scarecrows, then the air force will release a report on encounters with aliens, then suddenly the senate will admit that ufos are not a fiction, but the americans believe and discuss, a cultural code after all. an important feature of the american mentality is the so-called clip thinking and especially thinking based on comics, having become accustomed to living on comics, in fact, to believe in anything, as long as it was beautifully drawn.
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it’s no problem for an american, which is why it is in the american public consciousness that all these legends and myths and folklore associated with aliens and men in black occupy a very important place. the story of sixty years ago fits well into the general trend: the more comic book bubblegum there is in the news, the less sick old people from the white house of the pentagon there are, but the cartoons turned out to be really beautiful. joe biden called the house today representatives to quickly approve the bill on military assistance to ukraine, which a little earlier still passed a vote in the senate, but however, the republicans led by mike johnson have already made it clear that they do not intend to compromise until the presidential administration is concerned migration problem, well, the president himself, meanwhile , found himself in another awkward situation, forcing even his supporters to doubt their cognitive abilities. read more about everything from our staff correspondent in the united states, dmitry melnikov. democrats took the senate by storm,
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spending the entire night in debate; at 5:00 a.m. the house voted to pass a bill on emergency defense spending, a third of which was for ukraine. america is a superpower again, the authors of the project rejoice. today we will make putin rue the day he dared challenge america's leadership. we will also convey warnings to others, such as the leaders of china, not to test us. 70 for, 29 against, a week of tough debate and 4 months of argument and bargaining. as a result, a group of republicans led by senate caucus leader mcconnell voted with the vast majority of democrats. opponents of sending money to kiev, remaining in the minority in the chamber, accuse fellow party members who voted in favor of conspiracy. pop open the champagne, senate democratic and republican leaders are halfway to kiev.
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they have 60 billion dollars with them, i don’t know in cash or not, but they are dragging your money to kiev, they have neither time nor money to deal with our border, the republicans’ demand to ensure...
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the republican migration crisis the majority promises to block it immediately upon arrival, and the main opponent is still the speaker of the house mike johnson, for whom this will be a key test, but there is already a holiday in kiev, zelensky is recording a video with gratitude, although there is no money or weapons from the united states yet. .. will not be soon, we hope for fundamental support and believe that america will continue to remain a leader. the aid package approved by the senate includes money for israel. us president meets king of jordan, key player
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in the middle east. reporters are shouting about negotiations for the release of hostages. joe biden doesn't answer, but the first lady persists. queen rania by the hand in order to quickly hide from the television cameras. entering the white house takes some time, after which the conversation is behind closed doors, but already at the joint exit to the press, the president forgets the names of the distinguished guests and that one of them is, after all, a king. let me welcome the king, he is a good friend, abdul, welcome back to the white house, buddy. and by the way, barack is peeking around the corner over there. queen rihanna is currently dating jill. the expression on the king's face at this moment is stronger than any words. queen rania, by the way, an ethnic palestinian, was called pop singer rihana by biden. turning to the portrait of barack obama on the wall, he began searching for the crown prince.
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queen crown prince hussein. where is the prince? i thought he came out with us. oh well, never mind. washington, through the mouth of biden, with the help of a prompter, declares.
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everywhere. the white house is fending off questions about biden's condition and preparing for the president's routine physical. shouldn't i add the most important analysis for the country, but biden will not take a cognitive test; the result is known in advance. i have known this president since 2009. he is not only my boss, but a mentor. i spent countless hours with him in the oval office and on the road. and i think for me, you are asking my personal opinion. he has a sharp mind, he is aware of all matters. on the advice of political consultants, the president now turns all his blunders into jokes, but the overwhelming number of americans have no time for jokes, 86% believe that biden is too old to be president, and to survive until the end of this term,
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the task is not easy, to take over the management of the country, vice president kamala haris is preparing herself. the numbers show how much americans don't trust the country of camel harres, even worse than... finding this moment, it's a reflection of joy, because you know, it comes in the morning? time to express what we feel in haris's inability to clearly express her thoughts is one of the reasons for the distrust of voters, the second is the lack of the necessary political experience, and what is worse is unclear. alternative harris herself, as a loser to trump in advance, can still become the former first lady, call on michelle as a queen-intercessor from... the ongoing chaos is wanted by more and more american voters, however, the first lady herself, although she began to appear on television screens
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more often, while absolutely refuses to lead america in these truly dark times. in the meantime , president biden is calling on the house of representatives to follow the example of senators and approve the aid package to ukraine as soon as possible, but republicans in nizhny novgorod the house is going to hold the line and promise to ignore the senate bill. 500 people who were tortured by executioners from the ss division galicia. as noted at
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the russian embassy in canada, despite the facts, otava, in fact, failed the laxmus test for covering up nazism. well, moscow, in turn, intends to continue to seek punishment for both the nazis and their accomplices. today it became known that the names of several baltic leaders, including the prime minister of estonia, kai kalas, appeared in the wanted section of the russian ministry of internal affairs. according to card, they are looking for her as part of criminal proceedings. he will not remain silent, he will continue to strongly support ukraine and advocate for strengthening european defense. this is how kaja kalas reacted to the fact that she was wanted by the russian ministry of internal affairs; she clearly does not repent, although she has nothing to be proud of, except perhaps her status as estonia’s first female prime minister. kalos took the post in 2021. since then she has been actively continuing in the russophist republic. politics. the height of cynicism was the scandalous demolition of the t-34 monument tank in border narvia, which
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had been part of the petersburg province. the city has the third largest population in the republic, almost 90% of the inhabitants there are russian, but the tank, which became the personification of the breakthrough on the leningrad front during the great patriotic war and the liberation of narva, was removed, despite all the protests. kaja kalas, who then led the fight against historical memory, called in august 22 for its removal to estonia as soon as possible. all soviet memorials, after just a few months of dismantling , almost 2 and a half hundred monuments were already waiting. a fifth of them were sentenced to execution without waiting for any laws at all. kaya kalos showed herself to be probably the most ardent russophist in the post-soviet space. she went so far as to give the command to exhume the corpses of our soldiers who took part in battles with the nazis on the territory of estonia. that is, just a real necrophiliac could have gotten to the point of exhumation, she did it, and
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she is a woman, while the key law that would have banned soviet symbols in estonia was never adopted, the president refused it to sign, they say is contrary to the constitution , but the dismantling continued, in the estonian city of khokhla yarvi a year ago in varvarsk they demolished the monument to those who died in the great patriotic war, these personnel, the work was reported only half an hour before the start, covered themselves with the decision of experts at the state chancellery. it is for this reason that its leader, estonian secretary of state timer peterkop, is now wanted. and this is just the beginning that was noted in the russian midi; one must answer for the crime against the memory of the liberator of the world from nazism and fascism. this is how this monument was buried in flowers on a memorable date and, of course, on victory day hundreds of grateful city residents came here ; dismantling it was a crime not only from a moral point of view, but from a legal point of view, experts say. this is a violation. russian-estonian state agreement of the ninety-first year, which is the only basic
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agreement so far. thus, given that this agreement stipulates the fact of mutual recognition of russia and estonia, estonia questions its recognition as state. but the british newspaper telegraph called kallos the new iron lady of europe, essentially for what the prime minister of estonia was spreading everywhere. russophobia, closed the borders to russians, called on our people, quote: to overthrow vladimir putin, convinced the west not to negotiate with the russian president. according to kalos, estonia has an undeclared war with moscow. that is why in the ukrainian conflict she so ardently supports neo-nazis, sends them weapons and rejoices at the terrorist attacks of the kiev regime on the crimean bridge. estonia has become a springboard to accommodate a huge number of different components of the military infrastructure of nato countries. the most striking are the various centers, the so-called tsypso centers
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of information and psychological operations, from the territory of which attacks are carried out on... our country, and if nato, nato bases in our view, are a small piece of territory fenced with a fence, then here is a whole country, this is nato's springboard for a future offensive against russia. estonia is eager to attack on all fronts. kallos has repeatedly advocated economic isolation of russia and called on the european union to impose liability on third countries for circumventing western sanctions. at the same time, her husband, who is engaged in cargo transportation, continued to do business with russia even after the introduction of these restrictions. when was this revealed? a loud scandal almost resulted in her resignation from the post of prime minister, then she sat, but now the chair is shaking again. estonia has already collected 30,000 signatures for her resignation, according to the latest opinion polls, this is supported by 2/3 of the population of the entire country, so kalos could easily lose her political immunity, being on the wanted list, and then it’s not far from extradition. after our victory in ukraine, after
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the balance of power changed, the security architecture changed. roads to europe's largest port of antwerp have been blocked, and in france trade unions are threatening to resume strikes if government promises are not fulfilled. well, the center of farmer protests in the eurozone is now concentrated in spain. what is happening there in the material of our european correspondent daria grigora. thousands of protesters, hundreds tractors and other agricultural machinery were blocked from entering
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spain's largest grain port, port aragon. the police meet the protesters, special forces are ready to disperse this demonstration. while the protest is proceeding peacefully, farmers are lighting fires and exploding firecrackers. this port was not chosen for the action by chance; it is here that cheap agricultural products come from third countries, for example, in 2023, the port of taragona handled 2,200 thousand tons of ukrainian grain, and this is a problem, say the protesters. one of those who came to block the port, a farmer ramon rojo. their products have sanitary defects, are harmful to health and the environment, but this also has a positive effect on lowering prices. we cannot compete in price with grain that comes from ukraine, but in terms of quality, yes. in addition to limiting the import of cheap agricultural products from outside the eu, farmers oppose the bureaucratic regulation of the market with ever- new environmental restrictions. another
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problem is the lack of fertilizers from russia.
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spanish tractor drivers blocked traffic on the highway connecting the two countries, aggravating the situation is still drought, due to the abnormally warm weather last year. last year we had a drought, devastation, the land was supposed to produce 4 tons of grain, but we only collected a ton. on monday, tractors blocked the center of spanish lyon; the day before, in madrid , the police did not spare trade union activists. the protest ended in a brawl. truck drivers also joined the economic policy of the eu and the spanish authorities. protests in spain have been going on for a week now, but it seems they are only gaining momentum. mikhail blakhin, news from teragona, spain. we'll be back after a short advertisement, here's what we'll tell you about.
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the same as 20 years ago. students from kazan sang the famous 2000 hit about putin and are now singing it in other regions. why is it so popular again? download the сpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything via an nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code. sbp and download, pay conveniently. two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers. only at a tasty point. formula adadac of takayama motor oil protects the engine by instantly adapting to any modes of its operation. takayama - adaptive
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so, partygoers are rocking out to an easily recognizable track about the president of russia back in the 2000s; this sincere confession of sympathy for vladimir putin has become a hit, but now the usual female voices several male ones were added, and the music itself has seriously changed, because, as it turned out, we are not just talking about a club remix, the old composition was completely rethought, a completely new sound... the song appeared thanks to students from tatarstan, and now not only russians sing. anastasia ivanova got acquainted with the current musical agenda. they returned our 2002 and didn’t even expect how much it would suit them. although the students danced in samara, they began to rock in kazan. it was there that they recorded a cover of a song like putin, foreign students from several universities joined. hence such polyphony.
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von vasil, like putin, so as not to drink , like putin, so as not to offend, seemingly already familiar words, simple background, slightly changed music, but a completely new wave of popularity, the authors of the video, of course, asked for a repost, but then, that their cover would get almost 2.5 million views, they definitely didn’t expect it, they say they sang absolutely sincerely, the guys from six countries and i decided to make a video for a famous song by someone like putin, we we ourselves did not expect such a resonance of events that our video, but it will be liked by very many people , the video is still distributed in various social networks, in various groups, we love, value and respect our president of the russian federation very much, that’s what people in samara thought when they started to include at student parties , a song about the head of state; by the way,
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the original composition was recorded. a hit for several decades is ready. one of the performers of the original song shared her impressions of the cover. on one side of me of course, i was surprised by the renewed popularity of a hit like putin, considering that it was written already in 2002. but on the other hand, this is expected, because now in general there is such a request for old songs that were once popular, but this song really sounded from every, as they say, iron, why do young people download, well, because the name of vladimir vladimirovich now on the lips of the whole world. but now this is not only a song about an ideal man, but about the fact that residents of other countries want the same president, how is that the way? phenomenon the success of this song is due to... the fact that
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the popularity of our president in the world community is growing, the rating of our president is growing , more and more of his admirers are becoming all over the world, respectively, songs, creativity related to our president, and direct mentions of our president, they are also popular , confirmation of the reaction of people, praises students for their original performance, expresses respect for our president in the comments, rightly notes that the songs are about...
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but it goes on, collects tens of thousands of likes, true popular recognition.
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apparently he's running away there.


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