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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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what-steel, bakhmud, immediately the associations are going right, and zelensky is now, as part of his tour of such a secret tour of countries, so that by friday he will arrive at the munnkin security conference with new signed, which means agreements that they will exist for the rest of his life support, he is very afraid of the appearance of some new symbols, he is afraid that avdiivka will become a new word that the whole world will know about, because that is where all the attention is now focused, and... it was precisely for this situation that he cleared the military command, he needed his own general, who would carry out his orders , which were given to him from above, although forbes warned him the day before, just yesterday he said: listen, the risks are huge, you will now remove reserves, sending them to avdievka, we are the west for you we don’t give shells, how are you going to repel the offensive of the russians, who are breaking through the front with tons of gliding bombs, which are simply demolishing neighborhoods there, the journal wrote before and says: well, in general, mr....
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coordination and almost immediately send for unblocking the avdeevka fortified area , which we are already cutting in half, three brigades are there in their buried, let’s call it, strongholds, i will remind you, this is an air defense point, these are honest buildings , the anniversary quarter and, therefore, the huge building of the industrial center of avdeevka koksakhim underground , because they can’t leave, just to understand, they’ve been there for a few days.
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it’s impossible to do, we control the entire open space from drones, this is a manifestation of this stupidity, because war is a series of mistakes, we caught them, struck with iskander complexes, cluster munitions, but again now this information is being clarified, but apparently, in several waves with high-precision weapons, cluster munitions, which are fired in two bangs, let’s call it that, first submunitions are scattered, at least into missiles
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, what events - to hold avdeevka, although it is necessary to withdraw, in general this should have been done earlier, now they will no longer be able to fully withdraw ramshtein, he is not ramshtein, this is the munsken conference, he cannot, on the contrary, he had to be at the myunskin conference to deploy avdeevka, he tried to do this, that’s why here now he thinks, he’s stupid, he thinks in categories of dates, he thinks in categories, yes he thinks in categories, nothing should taint his speech with any negatives, therefore ... now they will completely drown out all this, but in some part , of course, they will still make attempts now, anyway, we have not completely destroyed the reserves, they are approaching from different sides, it’s still the nationalists who are now trying to repel for our upcoming unit, they understand that no one will take them prisoner, there are very serious battles going on there, relax in some part, it is clear that ukraine is experiencing enormous difficulties, but we need to proceed from the fact that they do not care about this temporary pause.
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these are weapons, i remind you that the americans , as they say, are burdening the european union, paying, building factories, just a few days ago, solemnly, which means scholz opened a new plant for the production of shells from the rain metal company, which will produce 2000 shells per year, well of course within the limits figures, when we are already approaching 4 million per year, this is not serious, but nevertheless we understand that these streams, they will converge, these are f16 aircraft, which are accumulating in large numbers in the near future anyway. they will appear at the front , they will also work with long-range cruise missiles, so what is happening now at the front is at the front - this is a manifestation of the courage of our soldiers, but i also wanted to know, vladimirovich, to address one aspect related to military-industrial complex, because now there is a front without a rear, it’s just not not working, that’s clear, it’s training people, it’s military factories, which are now in emergency mode with three shifts, just expanding, recruiting people, working, we now have... such a very
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serious revival of the civilian sector, private, which is now starting to work for the military-industrial complex, and we now see that our legislators are paying a lot of attention to changes. conditionally in peacetime, it has now been submitted to the state duma, which means an amendment not to charge state duty for for the provision of vehicles that convey humanitarian aid, but most importantly, the military acceptance that we now have, this cycle, which is scheduled, it yields the best and most reliable weapon in the world, we see this at the front , how it works, but the annual test cycles in some parts are a very drawn out thing. and new organizations that are now producing armored vehicles, some other equipment, they are actually in line for a year to deliver, that is, civilian the sector is already sending their equipment that has been tested at testing grounds, but the military cannot do anything, they need help here, to change some part of the type, because just as
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an example, there are already ready-made armored vehicles that are assigned to units, but the subcontractor who must produce frames for machine guns, because according to the documents of this... it is an element, which means a machine gun, although the same plant can make them, they have them, they are ready, but they cannot, because the law applies to those, this everything is worth it because those are a problem, in this situation, this is not even a question for the army, they cannot overcome the standard that is here, this is for us, as a civil society, so that we help faster; this depends on the standard, on whom the standard depends, i think that this is an amendment to legislation at different levels, the duma, this is the duma, i think. that this is a thought, and we will, of course, raise these questions here, one of the very respected commanders turned to me, he said: listen, here are the means of small-scale mechanization, i throw a piece of paper there in all seriousness, it comes out with proposal: yes, of course, that means give 100 million rubles. in 10 dashes 12 months we will make
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prototypes, i say, let’s make it simpler, let me give you a shovel, to this respected commander. so that you just wave a shovel for a couple of days, and then tell me how much time you will need, as was said, and not, well, then we’ll now talk to the black diggers, who have experience in producing these machines, i think in three days everything will be, there will be prototypes, there’s just no way to come up like that and shoot the bastards and say, what are you bastards doing, what 100 million, what prototypes in 12 months, who needs them in 12 months, right? it’s necessary here now, yes, i completely agree with you, that’s why there are a lot of excesses in some part on each side, that’s why such a balanced approach is important, it’s important that both the front and the army, legislation and civil society think the same way in the same
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direction, that now all the structures of denis valentinovich and manturov are thinking in this direction, but such things don’t happen about them, the date is 100 million in 12 months there the young guys are sharp, they are there right away. came, from the point of view of such a small comment, and the private industry , which is now getting on the rails of supplying to the state, is only going through this path of certification of receiving everything, and not admiration for the work of the munpromtorg, because there is practically 24x7 support, they close any question, then what concerns the ministry, so here we need to go deeper into legislation related to putting it into service, these letters are related to our army, because annual cycles tests - well, that's you and me...
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and if we had not laid the foundations for today's success, nothing would have happened if, after the murderous reform of makarov and serdyukov, nye had not returned to the step, and would not have started by reviving the school
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, we wouldn’t have an officer corps now, although you had a lot of people who said, don’t we need it all, we’ll buy it all, and i ’ll tell you even more how many of these people stood here, one of them was almost a stadidat. i want to show you footage of the parade in moscow. pay attention to one young man cadets. kremlin cadets are on the march. according to tradition, the ceremonial column on foot is closed by the moscow higher combined arms command of the orders of lenin and the october revolution, the red banner school named after the supreme rscsr. as the first moscow revolutionary machine gun.
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his family is in russia and these people are respected and sympathize with their grief. his father is a colonel in the soviet army, a worthy man, his mother is very worried, there is no pressure on them, including, by the way, the attention of journalists is now being tried to maximize remove, no, can you imagine if a similar situation had happened, can you imagine what would have happened to these people, if the situation had been the other way around, if stalypin’s corpses had been declared there and the murder had been announced, as vladimir vladimirovich very correctly says now, they are not only dust stalypin, we remember how it began. began with the ashes of the hero of the soviet union, intelligence officer kuznetsov
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, now they are trying, first, and then kuznetsov, what a shame, that’s why we are not them at all, first they started with vatutin, remember, and then there was kuznetsov, you know, for these 10 years, before our eyes, we simply witnessed how the maidan, in general, grew into an anti-terrorist operation. then, with the light hand of petro alekseevich poroshenko, on june 2, when the bombing of lugansk planes began, i believe that from that moment a civil war began, and then it grew into an interstate conflict, now we are in a period when it can develop into an intercontinental conflict, if the americans continue to pursue their policy in ukraine in the same way as they are pursuing now, i don’t exclude even such options, although you know, in these 10 years i’m at the very beginning. i predicted that, after all , they would most likely try to pit us against europe , but i didn’t think that it would go even further, yes, that
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we could just get involved in a big, big nuclear conflict, it’s not clear at all for what and for what and to whom it is , who really needs this conflict, of course, the ukrainians did not want war, this is absolutely obvious to me, i continue to assert and convince that the overwhelming majority of ukrainians would like to end the conflict and not would like this...
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germany and france, let's see how it goes, as they say, an autopsy will show, i
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agree that this will be an extremely unsuccessful visit for zelensky, at least, i'm more interested here in the french, yours dear macron, this is absolutely fantastic, we never, let alone never, sometimes miss this information, yes, well, and kind of pay attention. macron was supposed to arrive, but due to security reasons, or rather the lack thereof, he did not make a visit to ukraine for what reason, in order to sign. guarantees of security, you generally understand that the situation is absurd, that is, a person based on the impossibility of flying in on security issues must guarantee this security, we do it all just like that, well, yes, well, i can say for sure that kirkurov is much bolder, yes, he was in gorlovka and there was a great guy who spoke there, well, really good guy , the only thing i have is a big, i have a big
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request to various bloggers, telegrammers, please do not post the exact addresses, because well, it will fly there.
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germans and or rather poles and ukrainians, here i am i ask myself a simple question: why, strictly speaking, farmers? that's why european farmers rebelled against ukrainian ones? well , it’s just, probably, because ukraine became an agricultural country, if the metallurgists would have rebelled in the metallurgy, you know? that is, if we were talking about the export of heavy metallurgy , mechanical engineering or something else, mechanical engineers, metal workers would rebel, the question is not that farmers are doing this, the question is that this is not happening in one country of the european union, this is not some kind of relationship between a single country the european union, this is not the perception of ukraine in principle as a european union, that union, where through blood, through the hardships of deprivation of people, it is trying to enter a closed door, for what? well, these are absolutely obvious things,
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you see, they are striving there, just as the americans and the british are already saying today. you, ukrainians, don’t count on a summer summit on nato, you won’t see anything good there, nothing good will happen for you there, but they continue to impose the opinion that ukraine’s security guarantees lie exclusively on the path of ukraine’s entry into nato, but we are already spanking along this path, we are already spanking, ukraine has been spanking along this path for the tenth year, but there is no security, there is a bloody path, but there is no security. but maybe this is not the right path, maybe we need to look for some other way of security. by and large, for ukrainians who don’t want war, who want to stop this war, in general it makes absolutely no difference to them how their security will be ensured, i know exactly what ukrainians want, they want to live peacefully in their country, to give birth to children, to go to work
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, so that military commissars would not run after them, would not drag their children to war, they would not bury them after 2 days, so...
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to be mobilized, especially since he is in the rank, he is active, that is which is very secret, and of course, i think that if you look at a luxury car.
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well, this is a very, very primitive, let’s say, a very primitive linear approach to justify why you don’t need to invest money, but it has nothing to do with the reality that
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happened there, vladimir rudolfovich, you are this the round of debates on ukraine began with the topic of amazing corruption, fantastic , in fact, the chief state auditor has already admitted that they are warming their hands on government procurement, ah-ah-ah, well, in ukraine itself, in this regard, i want to tell one story, which is already 7 years old, which i didn’t tell the media, in principle, as long as i... watched, it never leaked. 2017 ukraine is already an associative state after the vote in december 14th, everyone is talking about the minsk agreements, there is not even a hint of an independent dpr, lpr, recognition and the european union is allocating several million euros as part of macro-financial assistance to ukraine for the equipment of thirteen border checkpoints for the reception of so -called illegal refugees. ukraine is an associative country in the eu program, because it means that in 1414 the european union suffered from illegal refugees, and our associative fraternal countries also need to be equipped, and well, of course, no one canceled state acceptance even in the european union, a delegation
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of the european union is coming to see how these 13 points were built, but i don’t remember the name a man, let's call him pierre, a frenchman , a diplomat, the head of the mission, they didn't come to look, but the house seems to be there, there are showers, these mean illegal immigrants can wash themselves, there are couches, medical aid, something else, plumbing, the furniture is very good, well ok. accepted, let's go to another point, no - says general furashki, ukrainian , let's eat, well, well, we, we have a strategic partnership, why don't you go now without eating, but it will soon get dark, we have to go for several hours, let's eat, they eat for an hour, they eat for two, as for me they said, well, we have to go already, no, no, no , we haven’t raised a toast for the friendship of europe and ukraine yet, in general, there they are already with a scandal, with grief, with great delay, they arrive at the next point, one technical employee of this mission suddenly ... looked at the inventory number under the table, and the number was the same as at the previous point , legs appeared at the table, the table overtook the delegation while it was raising toasts
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to, this is the level of corruption in ukraine, everyone knew about it, it rose , the story continues, a terrible scandal arose, because that the head of the mission turned out to be just an honest, decent person, in the end he followed all the european instructions that were written, a few weeks later he comes again to... and i don’t know, so he leaves the hotel in the center of kiev and some people incomprehensible in leather jackets, his poor fellow was beaten so much that the man barely remained alive, the seventeenth year, everything is still good, europe also criticizes russia only for the crimean history, there is still no occupation and there is no one of our own on the horizon, this is about the question of the level of theft, which was then. which everyone in the european union, in the european parliament knew about and continued to throw millions of euros into this furnace. now , by the way, yesterday, literally in the evening, all
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the largest political groups in the european parliament finished working on the next resolution on the inadmissibility of kremlin agents and employees of fsb counterparties there, there is a very long name in the european parliament, they will vote on thursday. this means that they are offering it to deputies because they need to create some kind of new information. the ukrainian army does not have a curtain of victory, there are no political ones either, except for slogans at the level of the european parliament, this means that the resolution also prohibits deputies, assistants, from inviting people who, on suspicion, may be associated with the kremlin, they are prohibited from using the television studios of the european parliament, from being present at all, then there is something that has descended to what absurdity, they defined the concept of a kremlin agent, yes, that means we need to appeal to the elected deputies from the baltic states, in fact , one of the authors of the resolution is our former komsomol member sandra kalnita, this is a friend that lithuanian, which you often like to show with angry speeches from the european parliament, they developed it, developed,
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by the way, by a group of christians.
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the european parliament is idiotic and should not be like that, that is, we need to return to the national principle of forming the european parliament, when countries will delegate or in countries, well, this was the case before the seventy-ninth year, before the elections, another aspect that i would like to draw attention to, sometimes it’s none of my damn business. discuss russia, especially give advice, how to fight and how, who should do what, especially from the russian authorities, but i don’t understand why those in power in russia, starting with president vladimir vladimich, have such a big, kind heart and such a short memory, probably because in russia, well, russian people with a russian soul, what do i mean, in many european capitals, including riga, in front of the russian embassy, ​​a terrible portrait has been hanging for a year and a half, not even of putin, but of some monster vaguely
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reminiscent of vladimir.
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the beginning of a special military operation the turnover of the port of riga, lepa and the baltic ports in general began to grow, which is what i’m talking about, it began to grow, now it is not falling, it is falling, no, slap everyone’s business , everything is the same as slap, for example, see which business belongs baltic structures in russia and slam it all, well, the husbands of prime ministers there, for example, are absolutely right, that’s what i’m hinting at, and just calmly slam the armored supplies to our military factories.
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no business, no, well, here’s another idea, why if in tallinn, prague and in riga they can display destroyed russian tanks literally with dried russian blood in front of the embassy and simply in the center of cities, why can’t destroyed leopards be placed in front of the german embassy in moscow, in general , i generally proposed something else, i did not propose at the army 2023 exhibition, i proposed to give out the saw, that is before...


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