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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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and we start with the latest news about the progress of a special military operation, the su-34 fighter bomber struck the enemy in the kupinsky direction. the personnel, fortified positions and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. high-explosive bombs with a universal planning and correction module were dropped on the target. it allows you to carry out targeted strikes without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. according to the reconnaissance report, the combat mission was completed flawlessly and the crew successfully returned to...
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the artillerymen also successfully completed the next task of the central military district, crews of multiple launch rocket systems destroyed the enemy's location in the krasnolimansk direction. having arrived in the designated areas, the fighters hastily brought the vehicles into combat position and covered the positions in the ssu with rockets. the fire was fired from a distance of more than 10 km. as a result, over twenty militants were killed and wounded. in addition, a pickup truck that the militants used to move between their positions was destroyed. having convinced themselves that the target had been hit, the rszzu crews promptly left the firing point. the goal was due to the accumulation of enemy manpower, we worked with two vehicles, respectively, the target was quite wide along the front, and it was necessary to split it into two sections.
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the vehicles are in generally good condition, they have not come under enemy attacks, we are always confident in our technology , in the southern donetsk direction artillerymen of the vostok group are working on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine , the enemy is not allowed to relax by the crews of the acacia self-propelled guns, they are hitting with new shells with an increased flight range, increased the effectiveness of shelling and crews of the rszzo grad, and thanks to what about this our war correspondent will tell you. the gloomy sky and low clouds today are perfect ; by the way, in such weather the activity of ukrainian reconnaissance drones is noticeably lower; the acacia self-propelled artillery unit of the thirty-seventh brigade of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group is moving to a combat position. this crew is now mainly working on enemy strongholds in the vicinity of novodonetsk, on the southern flank of the front in the dpr. is winter a plus or a minus for you?
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of course it’s a minus in terms of camouflage, but in general, it seems to me that it makes no difference what the weather is, in winter and summer one goes to work, how the machine shows itself in battle, during our entire time of work the machine never seemed to let us down, the crew is constantly maneuvering, we need to move quickly here, because the entire line of combat contact is observed by ukrainian drones, including kamikazes; dozens of them are circling in the sky, looking for a target, constantly trying to attack our equipment. recently , new shells with increased magnification began to arrive at the front. flight range over 20 km, this significantly simplifies life for our crews; they do not have to get close to the line of combat contact, which means the risk of receiving a retaliatory strike is much lower. the task of the artillerymen is to observe the front line and suppress any enemy activity. most often, you are a technician, such are the targets when more manpower is working on clearing. and this is a hail multiple launch rocket system. calculations for these installations have also recently begun to be received. new shells, more
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effective and powerful, they are now flying with us much further, let’s say, it has increased somewhere , well, about about kilometers, probably seven and eight, now it’s already kilometers, well, probably 24, somewhere in the area of ​​this 25-27, we work quickly, quickly, it is necessary that the enemy did not have time to detect us, they quickly worked and left, a significant part of the ukrainian equipment that was in the novodonetsk area was destroyed during the counter-offensive of the armed forces of ukraine, according to the soldiers, the enemy was noticeably exhausted, but according to... our movements of the enemy, drones are also constantly monitoring the place of possible behind breakthrough, the equipment is immediately sent. during breaks between combat work, the rocket launchers are hidden in the forest belt. the top of the vehicle is covered with a camouflage net like this so that the installation cannot be seen from the air by enemy drones. a unit of the vostok group of forces repelled three attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in the areas. and ravnopol,
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bomber strikes, as well as artillery fire, hit strongholds in the vodyanoye and priyutnoye areas, destroyed two temporary deployment points, as well as a field ammunition depot. edward. has greatly weakened the armed forces of ukraine, as they say in the state department. the delay in releasing military aid
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has already. because of congressional inaction, we have already seen shortages of everything on the battlefield, we have seen depletion of stocks, weapons rounds, and this has affected the ability of the ukrainian military to respond to russian attacks. a group of republicans proposed to allocate money to kiev only on credit, they write about this in the american zakhil. in addition, journalists report, citing sources in nato, that the united states does not plan to invite ukraine to the alliance. he will talk in detail about the new priorities of the west maria skorodilka. this is how the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, with a sad face in an interview with german journalists, either complains or evokes pity. no one has canceled the policy to fight until the last ukrainian. there is usually no money for weapons, but instead of a counter-offensive, asyrsky admits , the ukrainian army is going on the defensive, well , the situation at the moment is tense, characterized by massive offensive actions by the enemy in many directions, because of this, the ukrainian army is retreating and is forced to go on the
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defensive. loud statements by the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine for residents of germany sound like a sensation, as it is, because the german authorities assure that millions of euros spent on ukraine from the pocket of germany, supposedly... are only bringing kiev closer to some kind of victory. the chancellor is looking for money and doing everything to ensure that there are more shells for the ukrainian armed forces. the story with scholz is being built by factories and, despite protests, so pompously, on camera in lower saxony they are laying the foundation for a new production facility of the vayanovo giant ren-metal. today is our victory, a big holiday, a new plant for the production of shells will help us in our work. the germans are outraged, thanks ukraine, german authorities loaded. the country is in a hole of debt - they write suseti. the real debt is already over 17 trillion euros, economists say. well, journalists openly declare that germany has been ruling the united states for a long time. from his foreign tours, the german chancellor brings nothing but nicknames. some state department officials are already calling scholz biden's dog,
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reporters say. social networks are full of memes. meanwhile, political scientists note, the ukrainian conflict is just a way for the west to justify the existence of nato. alliance collapse, question time, speaking of '.
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their safety, there is nothing to talk about here, who is fighting, ukrainians, who is being killed, ukrainians, and the usa and europe are simply supplying them with weapons to take revenge on russia. washington still pretends to believe in the impossible, in kiev’s victory over moscow, but this dream cannot be achieved even if all ukrainians are killed for it, the french media write. well, dreaming of victory, the united states is lobbying for the interests of its ruling elites, saving their assets in this country, but most importantly, they want to return those allocated earlier. loans, this money is needed for inciting conflicts in other countries , journalists emphasize, it turns out, only business, no friendship, nothing personal, maryalka, news, and now footage from telegram channels is iran, there is a powerful explosion then a fire occurred on the main
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gas pipeline line in the central part of the country, no casualties have been reported yet, the pipeline was shut down until the causes of the emergency were clarified, and a change of thaw, with freezing rains, many russian regions are expecting abnormal frosts, so in tatarstan, the saratov orenburg regions, in the coming days there will be about - cold weather is coming to the urals, where the temperature will drop below normal by 8°. severe frosts are predicted in siberia. there is a storm warning in the tomsk region today. the region will be covered by a blizzard and heavy snowfalls in the irkutsk region, and the thermometers in the northern regions will drop to -50. operational services are already in full readiness; today the cold weather will begin in the capital region. tomorrow in moscow the temperature will drop to -20. restrictions have been introduced on the highway in the khabarovsk territory due to bad weather. the passage
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for passenger buses is closed on two sections of roads. according to information from the regional traffic police, this is approximately 80 km on section a-376, khabarovsk, lidogo, vanina. another section is the entrance to komsomolsk-on-amur. problems arose due to sudden temperature changes. the day before it suddenly got warmer here. according to weather forecasters, thermometers in february showed a stable plus for the first time in a hundred years. snow porridge immediately formed on the roads, and on wednesday night frosts hit again and ice appeared. today in komsomolsk on the amur it is -12, tomorrow it will get colder to 20°. and in the rostov region, the village literally went under water grushevskaya, all due to the warming of heavy precipitation, houses and roads are flooded, and residents are evacuated. alexander perfiliva has all the details. the yard was also completely flooded, there was a riot here, they are there. turnover , which is flooded, water also comes from there, a bathhouse is flooded, a boat is prepared
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, water has flooded entire streets and districts, residents move around on inflatable boats, russian venice, that’s what the village of grushevskaya, rostov region, was called on social media, basically like this, now there’s water , if he comes here already, there will already be water in the house, there will be water in the floors,
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the situation is very complicated, water, big water, it goes downstream very quickly, passes downstream and accumulates either in larger bodies of water, or goes directly into the sea of ​​azov, everything is in the water, everything is in the water, there, the houses are all standing in the water, they have been suffering from floods since december, for example, nikita was forced to rent an apartment for his wife and child, my floors collapsed here, it turns out in the hallway in the bathroom and...
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the area is not expected, which means there is a chance that the big water will go away soon. alexandra perfileva, news: in full. now economic news, alexandra, the transition to a digital ruble is also beneficial for banks, as experts say, tell us what the economic effect could be. tatyana, hundreds of billions of rubles, now i’ll tell you more. 328 billion rubles annually, such a total effect can be brought to businesses and banks by the digital ruble, this is evidenced. this amount is included in
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the optimistic scenario, which provides for the active implementation of the new instrument by the central bank, banks and businesses. if the regulator promotes it minimally, and the rest only comply with the requirements, the result will be 109 billion. but in any case, the benefits will exceed the costs. we estimate the costs of businesses and banks for the introduction of the digital ruble at 35.10 billion rubles, which is not comparable to the potential benefits that market participants can receive in all the development scenarios considered. it will play an important role in the spread of the digital ruble. retail experts say new tool will cut costs on traditional processing fees non-cash payments, so a business can save about 60 billion rubles per year. moldova saved half a billion dollars thanks to supplies from gazprom in just a year from november 2021. this was stated by the head of the
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moldova-gaz company vadim chaban. for anyone interested in the details of signing the supply contract. natural gas between jsc-molova-gaz and pjsc gazprom in october 2021 , once again i clearly explain the advantages of these transactions using numbers. this is not rocket science. you just need to compare the stock market value with at the price provided by gazprom. this difference results in savings of $553 million between november 2021 and november 2022. previously, he said that gazprom could become again. the only gas supplier to the republic, if the price is favorable, this was confirmed by the ministry of energy of moldova. in turn, former prime minister of the country ion chicu noted that a return to supplies from gazprom will allow us to abandon fraudulent schemes when russian gas was purchased under the guise of european gas, after three or four intermediaries. support for kiev from
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the european union exceeded the marshal's plan in terms of percentage of gdp, that is, the assistance that europe received from the united states 40.
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kiev is trying to assess the consequences of the russian strike on military installations of the armed forces of ukraine in the selidov area. according to information from our ministry of defense , places where enemy equipment accumulated, artillery systems, as well as hundreds of foreign mercenaries of ukrainian militants were destroyed. stanislav pernvald will tell you what the ukrainian side says about the losses.
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a city temporarily occupied by ukrainian troops selidovo is on everyone’s lips today. vks. russia launched a series of missile attacks on the ukrainian training ground, which is located 35 km from donetsk. at the training ground at that moment , the former coordination of the armed forces of ukraine personnel for transfer to the front line was taking place. the number of dead and wounded may reach one and a half thousand people. ukrainian information dumps immediately indirectly confirmed that the blow hit the right place, but without details, it is clear, further, more. the ukrainian propagandists began to burn out already by 15:00 moscow time. here are the quotes from one public: don’t listen to rusnya about our losses of vselidov. our losses are a maximum of 200 people, and no 1500 million, as the rusnyaviye write, end of quote. and after all, selidovo is a strategic rear area for the ukrainian armed forces, and the concentration of military force and equipment there is very , very high. telidov is one of the hub
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stations where it is convenient to transfer. the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, who was planned to be thrown into battle in the coming days, but now, apparently, will not happen, at least for now, perhaps the bulk of the losses of the armed forces of ukraine at
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the vselidov training ground, where the russians struck iskandars, made up the forces banned in russia by the terrorist organization azov, that is, our intelligence did an excellent job, which promptly revealed a priority target, which made it possible to quickly hit it accurately, there are many different nazis in one neoz. sources began to receive the first wounded nazis already around 16:00 moscow time. in many cities you can hear non-stop sirens from ambulances. in selidovo itself,
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according to eyewitnesses, local residents are being driven home. the sbu conducts raids throughout city ​​in search of those who could provide the russian military with information about the military coordination that took place at the training ground. the city is closed to entry and exit. of course, russian intelligence did an excellent job here. we will not discuss how, in what way, by what methods, but certainly rbu will try to find yesterday. at the same training ground , the seventy-second brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the fifty-third brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were previously hit by russian missile attacks. well, the tanest on grubli continues, no conclusions have been drawn. here, by the way, is a video from november twenty-third years from selidov, the landowners are dumbfounded and watching in the distance. at the training ground where they pass, their brothers-in-arms are located, our missiles arrive. stepping on a rake is apparently a ukrainian bloody sport. against the backdrop
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of the situation in selidova, of course, glovky syrsky suffered the most, he didn’t have time to take office right away, and he got himself into trouble. nevertheless, he fully justifies his unofficial call sign general 200. dear ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, and azzone cashback is 3% on sbp for everything, no matter what you want give, this, this, or even this, the main thing is that the gift is profitable, get your phone numbers, buy gifts on ozone pbp at a profit, register on, cashback. 3% from sbp, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, i give them, now
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has overwhelmingly passed a resolution to impeach homeland security secretary alejandra mayurkas. as a result of this vote, there were 214 for and 213 against. the resolution was adopted. impeachment can only be approved by a majority in the senate. represented by the democratic party. the white house itself has already called the decision of the house of representatives of congress unconstitutional, as reported by the press service. let me remind you that mara is sentenced to two articles of impeachment. it is alleged that he willfully and systematically refused to comply with existing immigration laws and violated the public trust by declaring that the situation at the mexican border was not dangerous. armed forces of the usa
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and great britain. gave objects to the houthis, as reported by the arab media. american and british fighters carried out a raid in the north of the coastal province of hadeidah in the red sea. they attacked positions of the yemeni ansar allah movement, ostensibly to prevent a threat to shipping. meanwhile houthi representatives condemned the strikes and accused the coalition military forces of aiding israel in preparing bombings on the border rafah in the gaza strip. us central command has this information.
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come on, sanka, all our hope is in you, well , old age is not a joy, yes, leaving gracefully, a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either , because irkutsk loves you, the duma has no taste for you, i’m now my colleagues, i i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look, that’s it, that’s great, ice three!
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.


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