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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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you will understand why we named the program that way, i look forward to seeing you. powerful strikes on neo-nazis, destruction of heavy equipment and militants of the ukrainian armed forces, we will show footage from the front line. political confrontation in washington. the democrats are trying to push through the allocation of new billions to ukraine, and what the republicans are demanding from kiev. the rains have been replaced by perfect ones. yes, which regions will soon
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be covered by frost, and where, on the contrary, houses are going under water? farmer protests are plunging europe into chaos, what the angry farmers threaten the authorities with, and how all this will affect the economy. european union? artillerymen from the west group of troops destroyed the fortification of the militants' ammunition depot in the kupinsky direction. hurricane multiple launch rocket system crews worked on the positions; aerial reconnaissance helped identify the target, during which the movement of militants and heavy equipment, as well as a large number of cargo vehicles, was noticed. all this was eliminated by a series of missile strikes by our military, and hurricane crews perform similar tasks up to 10 times a day. we are working against the artillerymen. we work behind our rear
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enemy, in order to hide our movements and the like, we try to do this at night, we constantly monitor air surveillance posts, beware of birds, so that nothing is dropped on us, we are not exposed, and also about the progress of a special military operation fighter bomber the su-34 struck the enemy in the kupa direction, destroyed personnel, and fortified armored positions. it allows you to carry out targeted strikes without entering the enemy’s air defense zone. according to the intelligence report, the combat mission was completed flawlessly and the crew successfully returned to their home airfield. the us senate approved the allocation of $60 billion for ukraine, but democratic votes are not enough to implement the funding. military
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assistance to kiev is included in the overall package; a total of $95 billion is provided, including assistance to israel and taiwan. now the sending of money will have to be discussed in the house of representatives, and it is controlled by republicans; so far, speaker mike johnson is not going to bring the bill to a vote, as they write in the media. at the pentagon stressed that they had not sent new supplies to kiev since december 27. the delay in the release of military aid has already greatly weakened the armed forces of ukraine. this was announced in guzda. due to congressional inaction, we have already seen shortages on the battlefield. we have seen the depletion of weapons supplies and this has impacted the ability of the ukrainian military to respond to russian attacks. a group of republicans proposed to allocate money to kiev only in the form of a loan. they write about this in the american thehi. in addition, as journalists report, citing sources in nato, the u.s. they do not plan to invite ukraine to the alliance.
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maria skorodilka will talk in detail about the new priorities of the west. this is how the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, with a sad face in an interview with german journalists, either complains or evokes pity. no one has canceled the policy to fight until the last ukrainian. there is usually no money for weapons, but instead of a counter-offensive they admit that the ukrainian army is going on the defensive. well, the situation at the moment, the situation is tense, characterized by massive offensive actions by the enemy in many directions. kiev is heading for some kind of victory, the chancellor is looking for money and is doing everything to ensure that there are more shells for the armed forces of ukraine, factories are being built in the story of scholz and , despite protests, they are pompously laying the foundation for a new one in lower saxony on camera. thanks to ukraine, the german authorities
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plunged the country into a debt trap, they write on social networks. the real debt in the organization is already over 17 trillion euros, economists state, but journalists openly state that germany has long been ruled by the united states, foreign tours, the german chancellor brings nothing but nicknames. some state department officials are already calling scholz biden's dog, reporters say. social networks are full of memes, but meanwhile, political scientists note, the ukrainian conflict is just a way for the west to justify the existence of nato. the collapse of the alliance is a matter of time, and speaking of its own security, the european union can no longer count on the united states, the eurozone countries are already alone, because washington is in no hurry to help ukraine. american newspapers report that several us senators offered to provide assistance to ukraine, but strictly as a loan and if ukraine demands
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weapons, let them pay for it with their mineral resources - the article says. us military experts no longer hide that ukraine is just a pawn in the hands of washington. when i asked at the very beginning of the conflict, what is our strategic reason for participating in the conflict, what is the mission, what is the goal, you know what they said, they changed the wording from we are helping our ally ukraine, although this country has never been our ally, neither one nor the other, stated that they want a change of government in russia and ukrainians in this battle are just firewood for the fire, we bring clarity, providing assistance to ukraine, financing ukraine. this is the cheapest way for the united states to strengthen its security. there is nothing to talk about here. who is fighting, the ukrainians, who are killing the ukrainians, and the usa and europe are simply supplying them with weapons to take revenge on russia. washington still pretends to believe in the impossible, in kiev’s victory over moscow, but this dream cannot
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be achieved even if all ukrainians are killed for it, the french media write. well, dreaming of victory, the united states is playing around with the interests of its rulers elites are saving their assets in this country, but...
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the security of john bolton, and he is quoted by the magazine politics. according to trump's ex-adviser, the former president's threat and his desire to leave the alliance is frighteningly real. bolton claims trump has been serious since 2018. then he almost made the decision to really withdraw the country from the alliance. and modern statements by the american ex-president that european allies are not spending the necessary amounts on collective defense supposedly reinforce the intentions of a speedy disconnection. a powerful gas pipeline explosion occurred in the very center of iran, as reported by local media. the subsequent fire and its consequences were so large-scale that residents were able to film what happened from a distance of more than 60 km. footage
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of the area in flames is spreading on social networks. the blown up artery lies near isfahan, and natural gas flows through it to large cities, including the capital of the islamic republic. fire services already. localized the source of the fire and shut off the pipeline to clarify the circumstances of the emergency. information about there are no casualties yet. and this is footage of a terrible accident in texas. there, a car crashed into an emergency room in the city of osten. journalists report one death, at least 10 more people were injured, including children. some were rushed to other medical facilities for treatment of their injuries. the police have so far made few comments about the cause of the incident. but the latest statement claims the driver entered the hospital building unintentionally. and now the weather is changing to thaw and freezing rain, and many russian regions are expecting abnormal frosts, and so in tatarstan, in the saratov and orenburg regions. it will be
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around -30 in the next few days. and the cold weather is coming to the urals, where the temperature will drop below normal by 8°. severe frosts are predicted in siberia. this is how it is in the tomsk region today. region, tomorrow in moscow the temperature will drop to -20 , cold weather will begin on the highways of khabarovsk, also restrictions have been introduced in the capital region due to bad weather, passages for passenger buses are closed on two sections of roads, according to information from the traffic police of the region - this is approximately 80 km on the section a-376 khabarovsk, klidego, vanina. another section, access to komsomolsk-on-amur. problems arose due to sudden temperature changes. the day before it got warmer here, according to weather forecasters, thermometers in february showed a stable plus for the first time in a hundred years.
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snow porridge formed on the roads, and on wednesday night frosts struck again and ice appeared. today in komsomolsk on the amur it is -12, and tomorrow it is expected to drop to -20 below zero. and in the rostov region, the village of grushevskaya literally went under water, all because of warming and heavy rainfall. houses and roads are flooded, and residents evacuated. my colleague also has all the details in the yard, there was a lawn here, alexandra perfileva is there. the area is completely flooded, which is flooded, water also comes from there, the bathhouse is flooded, the boat is prepared. water flooded entire streets and neighborhoods. residents travel on inflatable boats. russian venice, as the village of grushevskaya, rostov region, was called on social networks. basically, like this, now if there is water. it will come here, there will already be water in the house, there will be water in the floors.
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the situation is very difficult, there is water every day rises by 5-7 cm. elena tinisheva’s yard is completely flooded, and she is worried that in the near future she may be left without electricity. in the first few days, literally the water above the water level rose by more than 30 centimeters, we hope that at least everything will be fine with electricity, which is not the case anywhere... there is no break, now the water level is 39 cm. it’s all about the intense snowfalls , because of this, the tuzlov river, on which the village stands, overflowed its banks. according to weather forecasters, such a february in the rostov region happens once every 20 years. region is experiencing a period of extreme warming, in just one day the temperature rose during the day to +7-12°, this is the climate framework. the second half of spring, in such small rivers there is a very low run-up speed, that is, melt
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water, large water, it very quickly goes downstream, passes downstream, and accumulates either in larger reservoirs, or goes directly into the sea of ​​​​azov , everything is in the water, everything is in the water, look, the houses are all standing in the water, they have been suffering from floods since december, for example, nikita was forced rent an apartment for my wife and child, the floors have collapsed here, it turns out in the hallway in the bathroom in the cold hallway, everything completely went inside me, it’s all because of the water, and a crack appeared, it turns out that the house has fallen away, but weather forecasters are sure that this is a period of such emergency warming is nearing completion, from thursday, colder air masses will begin to break into the region, so the weather conditions will...
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no precipitation is expected in the rostov region in the coming days, which means there is a chance that the large water will go away soon. alexandra perfileva, lead the way! french farmers held a protest in the center of paris, they went on a demonstration demanding fair control of prices for dairy products. demonstrators on tractors blocked the street in front of the home for the disabled. there are several stacks of hay on the road with decorative figures of cows. dairy farmers proposed to deputies from the national assembly to solve the structural problem with pricing. according to them, due to low purchasing prices at large enterprises, they have difficulty supporting the economy; they accumulate debts. we have already lost and are still losing many jobs in the dairy sector, but what 's worse is that more people are dying every day because of them, one after another. we stop production, our countryside is dying and emptying.
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us and british forces again attacked houthi targets. arab media reported this. american and british fighters carried out a raid in the north of the coastal province of hadeidah in the red sea. they attacked the positions of the yemeni ansar allah movement, ostensibly to prevent a threat shipping. meanwhile , houthi officials condemned the strikes and blamed coalition military forces. now it’s news to alexander’s economy that the transition to a digital ruble is beneficial for banks as well, experts say. tell us what the economic impact might be. tatyana, hundreds of billions of rubles, now i’ll tell you more. rub 328 billion every year, such a cumulative effect can bring businesses and banks a digital ruble. this is stated in a report from the jacob
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partners company and the central university. this amount is included in the optimistic scenario, which provides for active implementation. a new instrument on the part of the central bank, banks and business, but if the regulator promotes it minimally, and the rest only fulfill the requirements, it will be 109 billion, but in any case the benefits will exceed the costs. we estimate the costs of business and banks for the introduction of the digital ruble at the level of 30-50 billion rubles, which is not comparable to the potential benefits that market participants can receive in all the development scenarios considered. retail trade will play an important role in the spread of the digital ruble, experts say. the new tool will reduce the cost of traditional commissions for processing non-cash payments, so businesses will be able to save about 60 billion rubles a year. moldova saved half a billion dollars thanks to supplies from gazprom in just a year from november 2021. this was stated by the head of the
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moldova-gaz company, vadim chaban. for anyone interested in details. i will once again clearly explain the signing of a contract for the supply of natural gas between aou moldova-gaz and pau-gazprom in october 2021. advantage of the said transaction. this is not rocket science. you just need to compare the exchange value indicators with the price provided by gazprom. this difference results in savings of $553 million between november 2021 and november 2022. he previously stated that gospo. may again become the only gas supplier to the republic if the price is favorable, this was confirmed by the ministry of energy of moldova. in turn, former prime minister ion chicu noted that a return to supplies from gazprom will allow us to abandon fraudulent schemes where russian gas was purchased under the guise of european gas through three or four intermediaries. in japan, there is a sharp decline in the national currency, which will negatively
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affect the economy. thus, the kyoda agency commented on the situation on the stock exchange in the country's ministry of finance. on tuesday. the dollar strengthened by almost a percent; they began to fetch more than 150 yens for it. meanwhile, back in january it stood at 140. the weakening of the exchange rate is beneficial for large japanese corporations that sell goods abroad and receive revenue in foreign currency, but at the same time also the costs of imported goods. the country's products are growing, including energy resources, which japan traditionally lacks. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are the dollar 91 rubles 20 kopecks. euro. 98:19 that’s all i have for now, wars are ending, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, to win for it, there is such work , to be a defender, when you
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become a professional, it becomes your life's work, a military matter, live when called hearts, join yours. kiev is in shock after the russian strike on ukrainian armed forces facilities in the selidov area, accumulations of military equipment there were destroyed, artillery systems were eliminated, hundreds of foreign mercenaries and neo-nazis were eliminated. stanislav bernwald found out what the ukrainian side says about its losses. the city of selidovo, temporarily occupied by ukrainian troops, is visible to everyone today. on the lips. the russian aerospace forces launched a series of missile attacks on the ukrainian training ground, which is located 35 km from donetsk. at the training ground at that moment there was combat coordination of ukrainian armed forces personnel for transfer to the front line. the number of dead and wounded may reach one and a half thousand people. ukrainian information dumps immediately indirectly confirmed that the blow hit where it needed to be, but
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without details, it is clear: further, more. ukrainian propagandists are starting to burn out. already by 15 o'clock moscow time, here are quotes from one public page: do not listen to rusnya about our losses in selidova, our losses are a maximum of 200 people, and no 100, 500 million, which the rusnyayas write, end of quote, and after all selidova is a strategic rear area for ukrainian armed forces, and the concentration of military force and equipment there is very , very high. telidov is one of the junction stations where... it is convenient to transport military equipment by rail, transport personnel, so in essence selidov is such a rear area, and where the unit is formed...
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it is precisely detachments of this kind that could well
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be there, there in principle, there could also be foreign mercenaries, that is, again, well , unfortunately, there is no factual information about the units yet, but i think it will emerge one way or another within one or two days, there especially when the first necrologies are published, it will probably be clear which brigades the dead and hospitals mainly belonged to. in dnepropetrovsk and kharkov, according to sources, they began to receive the first wounded nazis already around 16:00 moscow time. in many cities you can hear the constant sirens of ambulances. in selidovo itself, according to eyewitnesses, local residents are being driven home. the sbu is conducting raids throughout the city in search of those who could provide the russian military with information about military coordination, which took place at the polygon. the city is closed to entry and exit. definitely worked great here.
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they watch how their brothers-in-arms are located in the distance at the training ground where they pass, and our missiles arrive. stepping on a rake is apparently a ukrainian bloody sport. against the backdrop of the situation in selidovo , of course, commander-in-chief syrsky suffered the most; he didn’t have time to take office right away before he got himself into such a mess, yet he justifies his unofficial call sign, general 200, completely and completely. now sports news: danila, russian nikita kucherov's puck helped him continue to lead the nhl bombers race
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this season. tell us, what was the score of the last match? tampa kucherova beat boston 3:2 in shootouts, and nikita already scored 90 points for the season. the pursuit of ovechka on zagresk continues, a few hours ago alexander scored another goal , this time in the game against colorado. dropped to 58 goals, and the washington striker scored in the sixth match in a row, this has not happened since 2018, and this is his 305th goal in most in nhl history and the fourteenth goal this season, but this is not enough for the team. washington lost to colorado 3:6 and is still outside the playoff zone. in the continental hockey league , all participants in the playoffs of the western conference were determined in the last way. dynamo minsk won, kazan akbar also made it to this stage, salavat yulaev won his third victory in a row, defeating the vanguard 7:2.
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dynamo moscow player nikita gusev, meanwhile , became the first hockey player in the history of the khl to scored 80 points in two regular seasons. it was his goal in overtime that brought the capital’s dynamo team a victory over avtomobilist away. regular time ended in a 1:1 draw, after goals. blecker and andrei mironov. thanks to this success , dynamo rose to second place in the west. the motorist is fifth in the east. the first matches of the 18th finals of the champions league ended yesterday. in leipzig, everything was decided by one goal from brahim dios for real madrid. therefore, the result is 1:0, an away victory for the royal club in germany. mancity, guardiola too class dealt with his opponent. it was copenhagen. english. we didn’t play away , we planned to decide everything in the first half, de bruyne scored in the tenth minute, but the hosts were able to come back, however, bernardo silva scored before the break, right
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at the end... the third goal was scored by foden 3:1 in favor of city . st. petersburg zenit defeated the brazilian santas in the final match of the equality football cup in doha. the match ended with a score of 4:1, zenit scored goals from vyacheslav karavaev, alexander mostovoy, pedro and claudno. this victory was third for the st. petersburg team in three matches played at the tournament. therefore, sergei semak’s team won the kator equality cup ahead of schedule, where he also participated.
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victoria slevko completed the top three. for men at a distance of 20 km, evgeniy sidorov came first, which became the main sensation, because the former skier won his first significant victory at all-russian starts. he made no mistakes on four stages and showed a time of 54 minutes 10.9. the second place was taken by belarusian anton smolsky, who performed outside the competition. vasily tomshin came third.
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russian freestyle wrestler, twenty-eight-year-old sergei semenov won a gold medal at the european championships in bucharest. in the final fight of the weight category up to 130 kg, semenov defeated the representative of turkey ryza kayal with a score of 4:2 and became the european champion for the first time in his career. previously , russians and adlet chyulyubaev won bronze medals at this euro.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special data, who are you all looking at, well girls, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected?


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