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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special powers, who are you all looking at, well, that girl is standing in a scratch, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know , who is the killer, yes, just look.
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look first in the application or on the website , the israeli military has opened another underground complex in the south of the gaza strip, this was reported in... the service, the idf statement attached intelligence materials, information about the route of the tunnel in khanyunissi and its internal environment. the israeli military found safes with money, leftover food and household appliances. soldiers continue to explore the complex from the inside. meanwhile , israeli fighters repulsed further attacks from lebanese hezbollah. the idf launched an airstrike on two military posts in lebanon. the situation in the middle east is heating up, israel...
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has adopted a resolution to impeach the minister of homeland security, alejandra mayurkas. as a result of this vote, there were 214 for and 213 against. the resolution was adopted. well, the voting has begun rather symbolic. impeachment can only be approved by a majority in the senate, and it is represented by the democratic party. the white house has already called the decision of the house of representatives unconstitutional, as reported by the press service. let me remind you that.
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marcoso issues two articles of impeachment. it is alleged that he willfully and systematically refused to comply with existing immigration laws and violated the public trust by declaring that the situation at the mexican border did not pose a threat. i start with the oil filter.
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to lead. philip trofimov studios. big update. artificial intelligence can significantly help with what the user writes on the internet himself, can correct errors, shorten the text without changing its meaning, putting it in order if possible in general, improve the style, at a minimum, it will place fewer frankly illiterate messages in those sections of the sites where?
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the maximum number of resources on the internet to ensure the functionality of this function. correcting grammatical errors in user text is also obviously useful, but not unique, albeit with a slightly different logic. exists, probably, in all browsers and for quite a long time, more interesting is what in yandex is called improving the text style, this is already a pure task for a generative neural network, but there is a nuance here: if the gpt models themselves, one of the office scenarios, for example, require changing the style for the desired
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task, well, as an option to create an entire business letter from a couple of phrases, then in the yandex browser the writing style can be improved, but not changed. our approach to tinting models. was to preserve the author 's style as much as possible and avoid, you know, this despiritualization of the text, bringing it to some kind of almost machine-generative form, no, it seems to us that the result was quite good, indeed organisms are preserved, and some author’s words that penetrate the network , as an example was already given today, the word neurobrowser, it seems to not exist, but... she is able to leave it as is and offer it in the final versions of the text, in other words , focus on the author's style, the model should preserve it as much as possible. and during the presentation of the updated browser
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, they showed how you can insert a picture drawn, again from the world network, into text written for a blog and edited by a neural network, but you only have 10 attempts to draw and do it for now. a separate skill in the alice assistant that needs to be called and which will make it possible to generate through the yandexart neural network, but in general we have plans to improve the so-called ux or the interface of this function, so that it will be more convenient to generate and insert images directly into the text, here i think we will definitely do this, in general the set of functions of the new version. somewhat reminiscent of an open beta test, it works, it has a clear script, but in fact
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every element promises to be improved based on the results real use, probably because embedding the functions of generative neural networks in browsers is an obvious trend, to one degree or another it either already exists, or was announced in google chrome, vikrosoft edge, in the promising alternative browser arc, so all this can be considered as a new stage of browser competition at a new neuro level. well, if there is jandex gpt in the news, that is, sbergigachat, this generative neural network passed the exam to qualify as a general practitioner. she replied to 100 questions scored 82 points with a passing score of 70. and what is important, the exam was oral. the standard ticket contained tasks in three areas: therapy, surgery, and obstetrics and gynecology. a set of questions, including those regarding diagnosis, is assigned to them. examination and drawing up a treatment plan, the model is said to have been trained for six months together with experts from the
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almazov national medical research center. in total, the model was fed with 42 gigabytes of medical data, textbooks, methodological manuals, scientific articles and real ones, but of course, anonymized medical records. it is assumed that such a model will be able to help real doctors as a so-called second opinion. the neural networks themselves , as they promise, will not treat anyone yet. dear ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, amazon has 3% cashback on sbp for everything, it doesn’t matter what you want to give, this, this, or even this, the main thing is that the gift is profitable, get out your phone numbers, buy gifts on ozone psbp, profitable. register on cashback. 3%
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gifts with a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything and 200 days interest-free. and now alexander’s economic news, russia is strengthening control over the import of ecuadorian and dutch roses through the european union. tell us, what part of these flowers reaches our market via this route? tatyana, more than 40%, for now on to other topics. 328 billion rubles annually, this is the total effect.
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russia and eu countries. 41% of these flowers enter our market through the eu; they are often contaminated with quarantine objects. previously, the service had already sent requests to these authorities to conduct an official investigation and take urgent phytosanitary measures on all identified cases of violations of international and russian phytosanitary requirements for supplies cut flowers to russia. however, upon notification of rosselkhoznadzor. the competent authorities of european countries do not respond, violations of russian and international phytosanitary requirements continue. infected flowers carry viruses that are dangerous for our greenhouse plants, according to rosselkhoznadzor, because of them, for example, you can completely lose the harvest of tomatoes and peppers. the damage to the country's greenhouse farms from each individual virus can reach about 10-12
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billion rubles per year. roscelik may pay dividends based on the results of last year, about this journalists. said the head of the company, mikhail osievsky. he did not specify the timing of the size, but said that this year the operator may place shares of one of its subsidiaries on the stock exchange . as a result of this news, the price of rostelecom's shares soared. in the last session, they grew by almost 6.5% and closed trading at 79 rubles. 83 kop. the german government has downgraded its gdp growth forecast for this year. if last fall it was estimated at 1.3%, now it is only 2%. about this. a week before the official report , reuters reports with reference to its own sources. according to the agency, the forecast was worsened due to low growth rates of the global economy. the ban by the federal constitutional court to redistribute budget money that was supposed to go to fight the pandemic had an impact. reuters also reports that the german government plans to sell up to 30% of unir shares next year.
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earlier, the authorities were forced to nationalize it due to the catastrophic losses associated with the abandonment of the russian one. we see completely different soldiers, in general it’s archive, we are working to study the history associated with prisoners, television broadcasts were dropped at the front, in enemy positions. the staliningrad city defense committee adopts resolutions stating that all forces are to be used to control military construction and
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prisoners of war. prisoners are not always our enemies; among the prisoners there may be those who sympathize with us. as you see your future destiny, get married, start a family, work calmly, so that i can be confident in the future. in germany, ukrainophobia and hatred of for visitors from ukraine has already reached unimaginable proportions, as they write in the local media. this week, in one of the cities near düsseldorf, a teenager was almost killed due to xenophobia. a violent brawl occurred in a diner. a fifteen-year-old migrant there. came with friends and spoke loudly in ukrainian, the cafe visitors did not like this, a fight broke out, an unknown man hit the ukrainian on the head with a bottle, and then disappeared, so the teenager’s article says. hospitalized, the attacker is still the police are looking for. and a day earlier, in the city of oberhausin, ukrainian basketball player vladimir ermakov was stabbed to death
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and his colleague was seriously wounded. this is what bilda writes. two german schoolchildren were detained on suspicion of murder. according to preliminary data, ukrainian athletes quarreled with them on the bus. and when they got to the stop, the teenagers began to knock them down, and then took out knives. eermakov died from his injuries in the hospital, and the other ukrainian died. so far we cannot name the reasons for the attack, why this argument occurred, why he hit him with a knife, and also whether this was a pre -planned crime or not, and now the weather in moscow in the coming days will be abnormally cold, as weather forecasters warn, how much will it be on the thermometers and how long will the frost last, and also whether to wait? capital of new freezing rains. olga mikhailova has all the details. the big ice continues. in the european part of russia, freezing rains will fall again today. what
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areas will they cover when they finally stop? how long will abnormal frosts return to moscow? this is the weather, a joint project russia 24 tv channel and the faubus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello. the central region will continue to experience ice conditions today. ice rains that covered european russia. last weekend weakened by tuesday, but did not stop completely; it was unlucky for bryansk and pskov, for example, to get caught in the final precipitation the day before, as there were numerous accidents on the roads, as well as the volga region. districts of the samara and saratov regions have turned into a skating rink. in saratov itself, several bus routes had to be canceled to limit work gagarin airport. however, i note that ice was not the only problem that residents of eastern european russia faced in orenburg, for example, the day also began with freezing rain. due to weather conditions
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, school classes were canceled, but by noon the temperature had become positive. the raid quickly melted, rivers flowed through the streets and a dense fog descended on the city with visibility up to 1 km. today, alas, weather conditions on the russian plain will remain potentially dangerous. it continues to spread across the region. this warm front of the atlantic cyclone, in the zone of which freezing rains may fall; they are again expected in the saratov region, as well as in the black earth region in the western regions of the country. for example, bryansk will again suffer from bad weather; a cloud has already begun to form in the city, and this process will continue until the middle of the day. the diameter of the bare deposits will be 2.4 mm, by the evening rush hour the freezing rain will stop, but the roads and sidewalks will be covered with snow, what could they become? even more slippery. i will also note one more anomaly, which is now develops in the european part of the country. in the north of the region, the arctic
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anticyclone is intensifying, and as a result , the temperature is dropping. already this night, twenty-degree frosts have established themselves in the entire east of the russian plain, the fleet reaches the middle volga, and tomorrow it will descend to the spurs of the southern urals. however, the cold spell will be short-lived. at the end of the week , another warm atlantic cyclone will move into our country. it will take over the entire north of the region, so the temperature there will rise sharply, along with the risk of new precipitation. freezing rains. in moscow today tomorrow -10-11°. at night, the air can cool down to 15-16, but in the evening, on thursday, it will snow, and this will mark the beginning of a new warming. already on friday, the temperature in the capital will return to the climatic norm; on the weekend it will exceed 0.minus3 on thermometers. now our joint column with roscosmos is a photo from orbit and today we will look at how the transport network in eastern siberia is developing. the image so far shows only a clean white
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construction site, but the outlines of the future airport facility can already be discerned in it. this irkutsk region, badaibo district. the extraction of mineral resources, including gold, is actively developing here, but the old airport with a single dirt runway could no longer cope with the load, the new one will cope. price. air harbor structures 7 billion rubles. according to plans, by 2025 badaibo will be able to accommodate medium-haul aircraft, such as the dry superjet 100 or 114. that’s all for me, goodbye.
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what happened here on february 24-25? social networks, calls, sending fake news, go to rally, all western-linked pr agencies joined in to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory. the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional people from the state, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses. there are chats where you get tasks, today we scare belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they took to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed.
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because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
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and frosts will be replaced by thaws in tatarstan, saratov and orenburg regions in the coming days it will be about -30. let's ask our meteorologists about forecasts. the rostov region is going under water; due to heavy rainfall , houses and roads are flooded, and local residents are being evacuated. israeli army advances on the west bank, sahal storms surroundings of the medical complex in ramala.
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about the situation in the region in the report. in russian regions, abnormal frosts are expected, which will replace thaws and freezing rains, so in tatarstan, regions in the coming days it will reach -30. cold weather is coming to the urals, where the temperature will drop below normal by 8°. severe frosts are predicted in siberia. there is a storm warning in the tomsk region today. the region will be covered by a blizzard and heavy snowfalls. and in irkutsk, the thermometer in the northern regions will drop to -50. operational services are in full readiness. today the weather will begin to cool down in the capital region. a...


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