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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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years, exporters were forced to turn to foreign halaal certification bodies or non-accredited organizations, which was time-consuming and expensive. in the twenty-third year, with the support of minek, we negotiated with the halal accreditation body of the gulf countries. this is such a supranational organization that unites six states: saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, kuwait, bahrain, agreed on.
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in saudi arabia there are 200 tons of confectionery products, we have plans for the twenty-fourth conduct similar work with malaysia, indonesia and turkey for a year. russian exporters occupy fairly strong positions in many industries, from mechanical engineering to agriculture, precisely because of the quality of their products, which is known, including in the world of quality. and it seems to me that this is exactly it.
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she's in direct contact. anna, greetings, what can the minister of foreign affairs talk about when we can expect his speech? hello, colleagues, well, i’ll answer the second question first: you need to wait for his speech in the area 12 o'clock moscow time within the government hour, as you already said. well, the focus will, of course, be on the new concept of russia’s international policy, which the president signed last year, in march 2023. first of all, the emphasis in it is on the principle of multipolarity,
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, the dacha amnesty was extended until march 1, 200. property registration applies to buildings and structures built on the territory of snt before 2004. in addition, vladimir putin signed a number of other legislative acts, including the confiscation of property for dissemination of deliberately false information about the russian armed forces and calls for action against the security of the country. also, now owners of emergency housing will be able to get new ones outside. queues for low-income citizens whose only housing was recognized as unsafe, according to the new law, they will be provided with other rental housing.
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now footage from the presidential press service. dear comrades, i welcome you to the traditional annual meeting of the ministry of emergency situations. you will have to analyze the results of the department's work last year. identify priority areas for the future. i’ll say right away that today the ministry of emergency situations is a well-coordinated, mobile, technically equipped structure that is responsible for decisions. a wide range of extremely important tasks, primarily for the protection of people from
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emergency situations, for prevention, prevention of fire extinguishing, liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters and man-made accidents, for the development of the civil defense system. last year, russian rescuers acted in difficult, and how often this happens in non-standard conditions. i'll mark yours contribution to reducing damage from.
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third, we are talking about improving the civil defense system. here, as i have already noted, it is necessary to make full use of the experience gained during the special military operation, pay special attention to improving all elements of...
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administrative pressure on law-abiding businesses, and reliably guarantee the interests and
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safety of consumers and our citizens. i would like to emphasize that, in turn, the state will continue to strengthen social and other peace support for the personnel of the ministry of emergency situations. i will note in in this regard, in 2023 , additional cash bonuses and social guarantees were established for employees who work in special conditions in the territories. donetsk and lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, we will continue to carry out indexation of monetary compensation of salaries, and resolve issues with security. housing and medical care, i am confident that russian rescuers and the entire personnel of the russian ministry of emergency situations will clearly solve the assigned tasks and faithfully serve our homeland and our people. i wish you success, thank you for your attention. vladimir putin addressed the participants of the extended meeting of the board of the russian ministry of emergency situations.
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in several russian regions , the thaw and freezing rain will be replaced by severe frosts. so in tatarstan, saratov and orenburg regions it will reach -30 in the coming days. cold weather is coming to the urals, where the temperature will drop below normal by 8°. severe frosts are predicted in siberia; there is a storm warning in the tomsk region today. the region will be covered by a blizzard and heavy snowfalls. and in irkutsk the thermometer is in the northern areas will drop to -50. operational services are already in full readiness. a storm warning about frost and strong winds was announced in... and in the capital region it was already frozen. according to weather forecasters in the moscow region, on thursday night the thermometers may drop to -20. the sber neural network passed the medical exam, which is necessary to qualify as a general practitioner. the testing commission met at the institute of medical education in
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st. petersburg. in the oral part there were three tasks on therapy, surgery and gynecology, in the written part 100 questions. artificial intelligence answered almost everything correctly: to master such a volume of information, a medical student needs 6 years, the neural network was trained for about six months, and among models of this type , gigachat was one of the first in the world to pass this test. the choice of endoscopic hemostasis method depends on the location and nature of the source of bleeding, as well as on the equipment of the endoscopic room. very good, thank you very much. the us senate approved the allocation. dollars for ukraine. military assistance to kiev is included in the overall package. there are 95 in total billion dollars, including assistance to israel and taiwan. now the allocation of funds must be discussed in the house of representatives, which is controlled by republicans. and so far, speaker mike johnson is not going to bring this bill to a vote. the pentagon emphasized that it had not sent aid to kiev since
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december 27. and as the state debt already states, there will be further delay. due to congressional inaction, we have already seen shortages of everything on the battlefield, we have seen weapons ammunition depleted, and this has impacted the ability ukrainian military to respond to russian attacks. i opened the application, selected the car brand, and vito will select it. everything for that with a free vtb debit card 10% cashback for everything there’s enough cashback for everyone eat what’s at stake what to do in case of poisoning enterum enterrasorent of a new generation removes toxins while preserving useful substances a smart solution against poisoning a new hunting game draw every
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15 minutes the main trophy from 20 million hunting . check your instinct. what a blessing that navita is on sale. and discounts up to 70%. give yourself and your loved ones a completely new technology. inspiring sale of electronics on avito. and now our channel is broadcasting a session at vdnkh with the participation of deputy prime minister denis. all facets of the greatness of our country, given the scope of this multi-month event, we decided to combine the industry day, which should be held today, and as it happens with other sectors
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of the economy, with the final board of the ministry of industry and trade and hold this event. less formally, not in report mode, but rather in the format of discussing an open dialogue on issues important for our entire country, in a video, which was extremely short, but the geography of russian industry was clearly shown; in each of the eighty-nine constituent entities of the federation, we have our own production facilities, and there are leading companies. with the potential to grow into national champions, and of course, historically, all proximity, some to the resource base, some to the sales markets or...
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that of an accelerated transition to import substitution, and here the fundamental law on industrial policy came into play, which we started developing a year earlier, thanks to its adoption, business received a wide range of systemic support measures, as confirmation of their effectiveness, i will give a few facts:
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and the total number of high-tech projects supported by him exceeded one and a half thousand. the successful frp model has taken root at the regional level. 87 constituent entities of the russian federation have already created their own industrial development funds and collectively they have supported the implementation of more than 2,500 projects. by 90 billion rubles. i can’t help but note the pace of scaling in format regions industrial parks and industrial
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technology parks. over 10 years, the number of such sites in the country exceeded 280, and their residents invested more than 2 trillion rubles in projects. this is also a direct consequence of the new approach (industry management in russia. another important factor in this context is related to the fight against counterfeiting, falsification and gray imports. to clean up the shadow market, the president in 2015 established a state commission for combating and illicit trafficking. on this site we united,
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but from some point suddenly half the sound started to leave? for medicines, in just one year we managed to reduce the sales of expired drugs three times, and also began to monitor and suppress fraud on the black market. last year, together with the federal tax service, we calculated direct and indirect additional tax revenues. first of introducing labeling, the amount turned out to be significant, more than 470 billion rubles. this fiscal result, along with positive feedback from our citizens , motivates the government to extend the label to new product groups. many industry associations themselves often ask us for experiments and in the subsequent
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mandatory regime, this initiative from below is due to the need to use all the reserves of domestic demand and the replacement of illegal products with goods of honest business, in this part a serious source of growth, while we all understand that the capacity of the domestic market is quite limited in nature. to level out this factor, special emphasis in our industrial policy was placed on supporting non-raw materials, non-energy export. in this work, i would like to highlight three basic decisions of the president. the first is the creation of a russian export center in 1915. the second is the implementation since
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the eighteenth year of the profile. national project, and the third decision , which also dates back to the eighteenth year, is the transfer to the ministry of industry and trade of the network of russian trade missions abroad, and if in the soviet years they were primarily responsible for imports, then in the modern design, tarkprit’s priority has become the support of our potential exporters. the formed support ecosystem provided a historical record in the twenty-first year in terms of both raw materials and energy exports. its value amounted to $194 billion. the main contributions were made by the industries of metallurgy, chemistry and mechanical engineering. thus, industry is combined with the agricultural sector.
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launched the process of structural restructuring of our country’s export revenues, and if in the fourteenth year the share of non-resource, non -energy exports in the total volume of external supplies was 28%, now this figure is 35%. currently, for objective reasons, the volume of supplies to foreign markets. temporarily decreased, we link their recovery to the reorientation of export flows towards asia, the middle east, africa and latin america. in addition to building up logistics, a priority in the coming years is the creation of industrial parks abroad.


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