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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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in all cases, rescue operations and assistance to citizens were organized as quickly as possible, professionally, courageously, units of the ministry of emergency situations in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions acted, at the risk of their lives, rescuers evacuated people from dangerous areas, delivered humanitarian aid and carried out mine clearance, participated in the restoration of schools, hospitals and other social facilities. the assistance of the ministry of emergency situations employees who suffered from powerful earthquakes in turkey and syria and the prompt evacuation deserve high praise russian citizens from the palestinian-israeli conflict zone and other crisis areas, i want to thank the leadership, military personnel, employees and civilian specialists of the ministry of emergency situations for their competence and personal courage, for honestly and conscientiously fulfilling your duty. in russia, the dacha amnesty has been extended until
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march 1, 2031. the corresponding law was signed by the president. the simplified procedure for registering property applies to buildings and structures built on the territory of snt before 2004. moreover, vladimir putin signed a number of other legislative acts, including the confiscation of property for the dissemination of knowingly false information about the russian armed forces and calls for action against the security of the country. also, now owners of emergency housing will be able to receive new housing out of turn, and low-income citizens whose only housing was recognized as emergency, according to the new law, will be provided with other rental housing. and another law that the president signed concerns the restriction of the operation of so -called liqueurs in residential buildings. document gives russian regions the right to introduce a ban on retail trade in beer and other low-alcohol drinks, including in apartment buildings and public catering establishments. in addition to beer, the new
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regulation also includes beer drinks, cider and mead. previously, entities had the right to limit the sale of only strong alcohol. in several russian regions, the thaw and freezing rain will be replaced by severe frosts. so in tatarstan, saratov and irkutsk regions it will reach -30 in the coming days. the cold is coming to the urals, there the temperature will drop below normal by 8°. severe frosts are predicted in... operational services are already in full readiness. a storm warning about frost and strong winds was announced in vladivostok; it was already freezing in the capital region. according to weather forecasters, in the moscow region on thursday night the thermometers may drop to -20.
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prime minister mikhail mishuttin discussed the development of russian exports at a meeting with the head of rosaccreditation nazariy skrypnik. the head of government said that... in place in the interaction of business with rosaccreditation there must be safety of people so that consumers buy high-quality and proven products. i would like you to talk about how the service helps russian export-oriented businesses, especially those with high added value, so that these are actually goods produced in russia, to adapt to foreign markets. we held negotiations with the accreditation body for the gulf countries, this is such a supra- national one. organization uniting six
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states, saudi arabia, united the united arab emirates, kuwait, bahrain , agreed on one key thing, the possibility of joint accreditation of a halaal certification body in russia, in october last year we accredited the first halaal certification body based on roskachestvo, in december there were real shipments in the ports of these countries, in we have plans for the twenty- fourth year. carry out this similar work with malaysia, indonesia, turkey. russian exporters occupy fairly strong positions in many industries, from mechanical engineering to agriculture, namely thanks to the quality of its products. and it seems to me that this very quality should remain the focus of attention of rosaccreditation, so that made in russia is synonymous with the words high-quality, convenient, and reliable. oh, where's your
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lined swallow? i won a new sticker! the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special in a tasty spot, scanned the application code and won a car from blueprints, believe it or not, you want a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty and daughter app, they told me you’ll dance with this house of culture, well, everyone will sing and dance together in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zoevo and more. 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there are door ones. sausages will help. remember
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what they told you when you decided to open a business. you can’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems. but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong. go ahead, register your business free with alfabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. when buying a car , you can do without a car service if you have scanning vision. at least i bought it. who doesn't have superpowers? there is an auto library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria. it’s safer to buy with an autotek for vito auto, i’ll eat something, what should i do? in case of poisoning, the new generation enterrasorent removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, hello, we found out, this is what i told you a thousand times
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about sbp, i’ll come out now and tell you, download the application, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through the tab. nfc in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you for being easy to find, but if you are too lazy to go somewhere, there is an sbp button for online purchases, well, see you later, holiday discounts in a magnet, chips, russian potatoes 99,999 , this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts. up to 50%. realme smartphone for only 16,999 rubles. pombio i el dorado. i, yulia musikhina, am a co-owner of a large company. now i'll show you everything. this is reception. on the right is the advanced development department and growth chart. the product portfolio is developing. a large family is like
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a large organization, and its development requires support. national demography project by decision of the president. all measures to support families with children. dear ladies, i am not hinting at anything. but the holidays are coming soon and nazon cashbk 3% on sbp for everything, no matter what you want to give, this, this or even this, the main thing is that the gift is profitable, we get it telephone numbers, buy gifts for ozone psbp at a profit, register on, cashback, 3%, otsb. taste has a name. mark, have lunch. mom, dad, ready. sasha, fields, max, at the table. lunch! so they invite you to try it. shebekinsky. taste has a name. and now it's yours. open your first deposit on financial services
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with a rate of up to 18.5% for 3 or 6 months. download the financial services application. financial services from the moscow exchange. deposits from different banks in one application. agents will be prohibited from placing advertisements on websites; a corresponding bill will be introduced in the coming days. state duma, this was stated by the deputy head of the information policy committee anton gorelkin, during an expert discussion, an open dialogue about secure runet, another problem is connected by agents, because.
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and i believe that this should be not only for companies with state participation, but for everyone. discussed another important issue: what exactly is watched in the country, what tv series russians prefer, and how the state supports the development of blogger content , said alexey garislavsky, ceo of the internet development institute. results of 23 years from the point of view of import substitution, we were pleasantly pleased and, how can i say, probably even surprised to some extent, because as of the end of the year in december, it was in the top 15 tv series that are watched.
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strengthening its sovereignty, improving the quality of life of our people. this goal is enshrined in the new concept of foreign policy of the russian federation, approved by the president in march last year. meade's dialogue with the federal assembly, its chambers, committees, commissions is regular, meaningful, truly comradely character. last december, i once again spoke at the government hour in front of russian senators, and for two weeks. back on january 31, here on okhotny ryad , i took part in a joint meeting
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of the state duma committee on international affairs, the committee on cis affairs and the control committee. close feedback actually helps to increase the effectiveness of russian diplomacy and the implementation of a unified foreign policy course, which is determined by the president of the country. the ministry will continue to contribute in every possible way to the endeavors domestic parliamentarians.
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not on the initiative of the russian federation. the main reason, we see, the main reason we see is the reluctance of the collective west, the persistent reluctance, led by the united states, to give up claims to global dominance and its own exclusivity, and attempts to impose an unviable unipolar model on the international community. made by president putin with the support of the political class of the entire people in favor of
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defending the vital interests of russia, put our country without involving in the vanguard of the fight for a better future for the whole world. washington and its allies do not give up the dream of inflicting a strategic defeat on us, however, recently, seeing the successful actions of the russian army in the ukrainian theater of operations in the west , they are no longer talking about their victory, but about how to prevent putin from winning. the essence of this does not change; in our work we proceed from the fact that the security of russia, including its residents. new russian regions, life, honor, dignity, rights and interests of our citizens will be reliably ensured, and the goals of the special military operation, of course, will be achieved, as the president emphasized in an interview with tucker carlson, we remain open to a political and diplomatic settlement, based on taking into account our legitimate interests, based on taking into account the realities
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that have developed over many years , which now...
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introduce not only the logic of bloc confrontation, but also the infrastructure of the north atlantic alliance. by destabilizing region after region, the americans are trying, as they say, to control the chaos, but in reality, i i don't think they know what they're doing. as the president noted at the plenary session of the world russian people's council in november last year, the dictatorship of one hegemon is decrepit, it has gone into disarray and is simply... dangerous for others, every day we see confirmation of these assessments, we are our many foreign partners we are convinced that the west’s attempts to perpetuate its unilateral advantages in international affairs are doomed for decades now; the key trend in global development
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is the formation of a multipolar, more a just world order, which is designed to ensure... this trend is reflected in the emergence and strengthening of new centers of power in eurasia, the pacific ocean , the middle east, africa, latin america, and individual states, and many of their associations, in practice demonstrate independence in implementation of the decisions taken, advocate for the democratization of international ones.
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with us on the basis of equality, taking into account respect for each other’s interests, this despite the ongoing, sometimes overwhelming, overwhelming pressure from the united states and the european union on our partners. our absolute priority is the further expansion of diverse partnerships with our closest neighbors in eurasia.
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the russian chairmanship in the cis this year is focused on solving this problem. among our top priorities is the launch of an international organization on the russian language, which was created under the auspices of the cis on the initiative of the president of kazakhstan.
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stability in eurasia, the task of forming a new architecture of continental security in the eurasian space has become ripe, which, by the way, was dedicated to an international conference convened on the initiative of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko in minsk in october 2023. the topic is very promising, in line with modern geopolitical trends, we mean to develop the concept of eurasian security. at various international venues in the coming year. expanding connections with partners, friends, and like-minded people in greater eurasia is also among our
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top priorities. we will develop a comprehensive strategic partnership with china as our most important tasks. our partnerships play a stabilizing role in world affairs. bilateral trade turnover, you know, statistics are growing at a record pace. well , this year my chinese friends and i will celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, which are now at the best level in their entire history. and at the heart of this movement, this partnership, lies an intense, confidential dialogue between our leaders, president putin and chairman shizen ping. a particularly privileged strategic partnership is being promoted with india, which is supported by a significant increase in mutual trade. systematic development of energy, military and military-technical cooperation, contacts in the shanghai organization in the group of twenty, in which india
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chaired last year. mutually beneficial ties with the countries of the middle east and north africa are reaching new levels. with many of them , the development of political dialogue is accompanied by a serious expansion of trade, economic and investment ties, and for our part we will continue to contribute. political and diplomatic settlement of numerous problems and conflicts in this strategically important region of the world. positive dynamics and dynamics are observed in interaction with sisian, iran, turkey, all of them are like-minded people with regard to the need to build international relations without dictate, without threats of interference in internal affairs. we will implement it together with our african friends. agreements reached at the second russia africa summit in july last year in st. petersburg. for the second half of the current this year, it is planned to hold a ministerial
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conference of the russia-africa partnership forum with the participation of heads of foreign policy departments and heads of executive bodies of integration associations of the african continent. we are working to expand our diplomatic and economic relations. held at the beginning of october last year in moscow, under the auspices of the state duma, the first international parliamentary conference between russia and latin america, and a similar
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forum dedicated to cooperation with african countries. past last fall traditional russian resolution on the inadmissibility of glorifying nazism and countering neo-nazism. this topic, of course, takes on particular relevance against the backdrop of ukrainian events, and events in other parts of europe, in nato countries and the european union. we will continue to actively use the un platform to attract the attention of the wider
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international community. the catastrophic consequences of the line of the collective west led by the united states in international affairs, their neglect of the basic principles of international law, agreements that they themselves signed and then pointedly refused to implement. examples include un resolutions on the creation of a palestinian state and the security council decision to resolve the situation around iran's nuclear program. the defunct minsk agreements on donbass, which were approved, as you know, by the security council, but then trampled upon by kiev with the approval of its western patrons. we work in the group of twenty, which remains an important mechanism for coordinating approaches in the field economics and finance. together with the states of the global south, we will continue to suppress attempts by the western minority to turn the g20 into a tool for achieving
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their own.
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which were given at last year's summit in the republic of south africa. as part of the russian presidency of brix , several major events will be held with the participation of parliamentarians, to which we attach great importance. yacheslav viktorovich and i also talked about this today, including the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg. on the same principles of equality, openness, non-direction against anyone. the shamkhai cooperation organization also operates. the sco is the core element of the greater eurasian partnership. new concepts of russian foreign policy secure this initiative, the initiative of the greater eurasian partnership , as russia’s flagship project for the medium term. of course, the implementation of the agreements that
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have been concluded is important in its implementation. international movement of russophiles, at the end of february the second world a congress of this informal association of people living on different continents who feel a spiritual cultural closeness with russia and are drawn to our history, our values ​​and traditions. among the absolute priorities remains...


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