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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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under close control with a full security system, how is the printing of ballots for voting in the russian presidential elections going, how many copies have already been released? temperature slides in several russian regions will be replaced by severe frosts from warm temperatures and freezing rains. where to expect cold weather? structures need to be strengthened. in new territories, vladimir putin said, addressing participants in the meeting of the department’s board. the president paid special attention to social support for rescuers. they will continue to increase their salaries help with housing, the head of state added. last year, russian rescuers acted in difficult, and how often this happens, in non-standard conditions. i would like to note your contribution to reducing damage from floods and wildfires in siberia, the far east, the bulzhye region and southern russia. in all
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cases, emergency rescue operations and assistance to citizens were organized as quickly as possible, professionally, and the units of the ministry of emergency situations in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions acted courageously. at the risk of their lives, rescuers evacuated people from dangerous areas, delivered humanitarian aid and carried out mine clearance, participated in the restoration of schools, hospitals and other social facilities. the assistance provided by the ministry of emergency situations to those affected by powerful earthquakes in turkey and syria and the prompt evacuation of russian citizens from the palestinian-israeli conflict zone and other crisis areas deserve high praise. i would like to thank the management, military personnel, employees and civilian specialists of the ministry of emergency situations for their competence and personal courage. for the fact that you honestly and conscientiously fulfill your duty. for fakes about the russian army
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, property can be confiscated; the president signed a law tightening responsibility for the dissemination of deliberately false information about the russian armed forces and calls for action against the security of the country. in addition, vladimir putin signed a number of other legislative acts, including the extension of the dacha amnesty until march 1, 2031 . the simplified procedure for registering property applies to buildings built on the territory of snt before 2004. now owners of emergency housing will be able to receive new out-of-priority housing, and low-income citizens whose only housing has been declared unsafe, according to the new law, will be provided with other rental housing. and another law that the president signed concerns restricting the operation of so -called liqueurs in residential buildings. the document gives russian regions the right to introduce a ban on retail trade in beer and other low-alcohol drinks, including in apartment buildings and public catering establishments. in addition to beer under the influence. the new
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norm also includes beer drinks, cider and mead. previously, entities had the right to limit the sale of only strong alcohol. domestic exports are seriously developing, manufacturers are entering foreign markets, said mikhail mishustin at a meeting with the head of the federal accreditation agency nazariy skrypnik. the prime minister noted that each country has its own requirements for products and their accreditation. i would like you to talk about how the service helps russian export-oriented businesses.
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and in october last year, we accredited the first halaal certification body based on roskoshestvo, in december there were real shipments at the ports of these countries, and we plan to introduce similar work with malaysia, indonesia and turkey in the twenty-fourth year. russian exporters occupy fairly strong positions in many industries from mechanical engineering to agriculture precisely because of the quality of their products.
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whose number currently amounts to more than 30 thousand people. new elements are being created within the collective forces. in particular, in connection with the emergence of new threats to biological safety, the decision heads of state, a joint formation of radiation chemical, biological protection and medical support was created. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak today is on a working visit to ugra, where he launched the all-russian winter marathon of the russian forces and the patriotic project victory canvas, and also took part in the forum of the primary branches of the party, which also help develop sports infrastructure in the regions. today we also visited several
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sites of the people’s program as part of presidential instructions, two large instructions on social gasification of the regions.
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the speaker positively assessed the demographic situation in the region, noting that it is fashionable in the krasnoyarsk territory to have large families. the team of the arkhangelsk region, which was represented by. best in team sprint in cross-country skiing competitions at the all-russian winter spartakiad. we will learn more about the men's and women's races from our correspondent stas razikultsev, who has now reached out directly from tyumen. stas, greetings, they say they cut it because of the freeze sprint distance, tell us more about how the race went in such cold weather? yes, yuri , greetings, well, the races were great, although it was very frosty, but like a classic, now the sun is frosty, in the morning it was about -22, but there was a very strong wind, there were still gusts. so it felt like, of course, it was all 30, but because of this, at the last moment , a decision was literally made to postpone the race, because due to the unfavorable forecast , the next day tomorrow will be even colder in tyumen, the relay was moved from friday to wednesday, and
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another postponement is of course would violate many plans of the organizers of ski races in tyumen and accordingly the decision was made as follows: either shift the time. or shorten the distance, we chose the second option, and elena vialbi, the president of the all-russian ski racing federation, spoke about this , let's listen, here is the hourly forecast, there are two options: either we postpone the start to 12 days, because at this time it will already be a little warmer , or we start doing it as we did, i suggested, let’s cut it, just make it a little shorter, cut it, everyone agreed, they wrote to the coach, everything is hurray , everything is wonderful, look how beautiful, the sun is shining, yes, it’s cold, well, guys, who is cold, let’s play basketball, well, basketball is also a great sport, but we’re talking about cross-country skiing today, first of all, circle, which was originally supposed to be 1 km 750 m, was shortened by half a kilometer, one ascent and one descent disappeared,
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and many experts began to say that in such a situation, of course, real... sprinters would have a much greater advantage here- then just alexander bolshunov and they can take away the gold medal of the spartakiad , but that was not the case soveli korselev, alexander bolshunov, the gold two of the all-russian spartakiad of cross-country skiing in the team sprint in skating, bolshunov and korostelev had a great race in this race, and after the finish they shared their emotions, let's listen to what for the race was today today. we have already turned over the leaf, yes, today we won again and confidently it’s very cool that there is a victory, today yes, a postponement was possible, but i’m glad that the race took place, because when there are postponements, then the plan changes, the preparation also needs
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to be changed a little, and i’m glad that today the race took place, because we were still running the prologue, it was a little cold, there was wind, but in the finals of the final races the weather was already quite comfortable. it’s cold, that is, we were skating during the warm-up, it was just very frosty and unpleasant, but look, there are spectators in the stadium, it creates a holiday, an atmosphere. and this is the most important thing, this is what we get pleasure from. the women's race was also exciting, but it's true the girls probably suffered a little more, they qualified a little earlier, it was even colder, and veronika stepanova, the absolute leader here in tyumen at the all-russian spartakiad, even came out wearing a mask, which helps warm the air, and ran like that in such equipment and the prologue of this race, and accordingly, already in the finals
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, stepanova and maria istomina also left no chance for their pursuers. 10 seconds at the finish line for a sprint of an even shorter lap, this is of course a very decent, decent handicap, a decent gap, and that of course speaks about the strength of russian skis and skiers, but now there will be 2 days of rest with the best skiers and skiers not only in russia, but also in belarus. let me remind you that athletes from belarus also take part here, well, on the weekend, classics, marathons, 50 km, including girls. yuri, yes, stas, thank you for the detailed story, let me remind you that my colleague stas arzikultsev was in direct contact with tyumen. sudden temperature changes in the regions of russia, the thaw was replaced by a sharp cold snap and freezing rains, on the roads an ice crust formed due to bad weather. regions have already introduced restrictions on the passage of trucks and buses, they are in effect on three sections of the r-254 and irtysh highways, now
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there is snow, strong winds and a snowstorm, visibility is reduced, similar measures are in the kurgan region, due to heavy snowfall the entrance is partially blocked to the city of ishim, sections of roads of regional and intermunicipal importance, the movement of heavy trucks and passenger transport is also limited in the novosibirsk region in altai, local road authorities report this services. and in the capital region. it's already frozen, and on thursday night in the moscow region frosts down to -20° are predicted. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. dear ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback - 3% on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give, this, this, or even this. the main thing is that the gift is profitable, we get phone numbers, buy
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, the law reigned in russia, together the people chose the princes and... the governor, this approach of democratic elections of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choosing traditionally, only innovatively, helps us progress improving the process. dec is truly a godsend, they vote quickly, clearly, from a smartphone laptop, millions across russia. for people who, without movement, have a convenient solution, call the elections home by taking a portable box, there is a mobile voter, in a swinging way of life, a traveler is free. votes anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us, be calm at the polling stations, video control is installed, except for the cameras at the polling station, like heroes and fairy tales, observers stand, monitor the rule of law, in general, everything technologically advanced, you can see for yourself at the site by looking at the cycle website. the first
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circulation of ballots for the presidential elections is already in print; the text of the document was recently approved by the central electoral commission. in total, it plans to issue more than 100 million forms. our correspondent margarit semenyuk is in direct communication from the capital branch of the state sign. margarit, greetings, tell us about the measures to protect forms from counterfeiting and how many copies have already been printed? yes, yuri, greetings, indeed, in the moscow branch of the state sign enterprise they have begun printing first circulation of ballot papers. the forms are printed on white paper with a green background security grid on the front side, which will help to avoid counterfeits. also, one machine is used at the enterprise, 8,500 white sheets of a1 format are produced here per hour, six ballot papers are already placed on them, that is, in total, more than 50,000
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election forms are printed here per hour, this is not the first time the enterprise produces such forms, specialists have your techniques to ... now we have switched to an enhanced schedule, they work almost in three shifts, that is , almost around the clock , and the quality of the ballots is also checked here on site, for example, they use a special apparatus to check the density of paint, it is important that the ballot corresponds to the sample approved by the central election commission . this is certainly not the first edition
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of the factory, the factory produces ballots every election, we started printing yesterday. after receiving approved preliminary designs, and accordingly, we will finish the first print run print today, then processing, sharp packaging and transfer of the circulation to the customer will follow. and now you can already see the ballot paper, in fact , a ready-made form, the text is only on one side, the names and surnames of the candidates are arranged in alphabetical order, brief information is indicated opposite each one, this is the year of birth, place of birth, place of work, as well. than a candidate is nominated to participate in the presidential elections, if the candidate is nominated by a political party, then accordingly the name of the party is indicated on the ballot, as well as status of a candidate in this party, but... well , as for the protection of ballot papers, special stamps will also be used, and i repeat, of course, a green background protective grid; in total, election
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commissions will issue more than 113 million forms. yuri, yes, margarita, thank you, margarit semenyuk, about the progress of preparations for the presidential elections in russia. over the past 10 years , the russian manufacturing industry has been the leader among all types of production; since 2014, since the introduction of sanctions, its share has increased by 34%. deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis mantorov stated this at the russian exhibition. he spoke at the plenary session of the forum of national achievements. my colleague, konstantin chyurikov, knows what else was said; he also joins the broadcast. konstantin, greetings. how did you manage to increase manufacturing production? hello, yuri. and state support itself, financial support from the authorities. as part of the profile industry day on the form of national achievements, denis manturov
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spoke about the tasks that the president set, about the challenges, about the problems of the industry, and of course, about the decisions made and achievements. among the positive results, the deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade noted the increase in production in the manufacturing sector. this, he said, was facilitated by the acceptance of the president’s proposal. and the law on industrial policy and the creation of an industrial development fund, despite the sanctions, of which, by the way, there are already more than 19,000, which are 10 years old, the manufacturing sector in russia continues to grow. in the last 10 years industry consistently remains in the lead, thanks to an increase in production volume of almost 35%, and this... i especially want to note the result achieved against the backdrop of the covid period of sanctions, which began
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to be actively introduced in the fourteenth year, in this sense we can say that over the past for several decades, our industry has experienced a double shock, if not a triple one, because even before covid and sanctions there were the nineties, which... denis manturov called a period of degradation. if the nineties were a stage of degradation and the risk of finally losing competence, then in the 2000s a revival phase began, which in the 1900s moved into development mode; this is what served as our readiness to respond to non-standard challenges. after the difficult nineties, russia restructured its approaches to production management, this concerns the domestic market, which became
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more transparent, and its products became of higher quality, the introduced labeling for a number of goods helped in this, decisions to stimulate exports also helped, among them the creation in the fifteenth year of the russian export center and transfer to the ministry of industry and trade, networks of trade missions, which , by the way, in soviet times were mainly engaged not in... exports, but in imports, a few more figures: the share of neither raw materials nor energy exports from 14 to 23 increased from 28 to 35%. currently , reorientation or transfer to the markets of africa, asia, the middle east and latin america is still ongoing. one of the most serious challenges facing our country is the production of domestic railway aircraft. denis manturov noted certain successes. in creating domestic trains and challenges related to aircraft manufacturing. we were told that the departure of siemens would throw us
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back a decade, but in fact the place of the swallow is already occupied by a completely russian stylish, comfortable finisher, and another new domestic product, ivolga 3.0, capable of reaching speeds of up to 100.60 km/h since last august years have been running on the third line of the moscow central diameter manufacturing has no such precedents in the world key global players, you know, there are very few of them, they all work internationally cooperation to respond... to this challenge, in our key projects we are consistently replacing systems, components and assemblies, there is still a lot of work ahead, but... but this most difficult
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task will be definitely solved, among the already solved problems denis mantorov spoke about implementation of the presidential program to equip schools with domestic musical instruments. following vladimir putin’s instructions, our educational institutions received more than 10 thousand russian pianos, grand pianos and drum sets . and thus, as he said, it was possible to revive essentially unique production.
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during this day, with the help of experts, with the help of round tables, and of course , representatives and many will participate in the discussions, and today they will gradually be resolved by the authorities. yuri, yes, konstantin, thank you, i will remind you that my colleague konstantin churikov was at his studio. russia is ready for negotiations to resolve the conflict in ukraine, taking into account its interests. this was stated by foreign minister sergei
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lavrov. today he. give up claims to global dominance and own exclusivity, from attempts to impose an unviable unipolar model of the world order on the international community.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well , there, the girl is standing in prison. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. slate is in place, don't move. here i am for you.


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