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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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dear friends, i invite you to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called the chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you.
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sashenka, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music, sashenka, how to dress today, dress warmly and take a zoom. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sashenka found three places to go tomorrow.
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good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i didn't have time connect to a megamarket during the sales season and these months passed my business by, this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance and already broke the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting, don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket!
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and you can pay for anything through the nfc sign in one touch or using the sbp qr code, thank you, it’s easy to find, but if you’re too lazy to go somewhere, there’s an sbp button for online purchases, well, see you later, taste has it name, mark, dinner, mom, dad, ready, a comfortable chair, and to do it as you please any business begins with a desire , i wanted to, gather a team and do it yourself, but sometimes development stops, with support it doesn’t stop, we expand further, the national project for small and medium-sized enterprises by decision of the president, our business is supporting you. five actions of oralsept for sore throat
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for adults and children from 3 years of age. oralcept is five for dad, for mom, for brother, for dad, for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the gate garage. is this how dad plays? it’s all in my dad’s general balance; with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers. add them to your total balance, top up only one number, the rest will be paid automatically. comfortable? doesn't fit into the bear anymore, does it fit into the overall balance? belaine is on your side. hair lacks vitality. gliskur - exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors, try gliskur, an exceptional moisturizer. it's just space. the taste of ham from ham with cherkizov's own farms. cherkizovo opened
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the application, chose the car brand, it will select everything for that, hello to the neighbors, how much? you're renting, i won an apartment in the sticker app , yeah, hear, irina bought potatoes, delicious period, scanned the code into the application and won an apartment from the airplane group, do you want a version, do you want an apartment and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the tasty period application, this the same smartphone, the same smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts. 50%. buy haisens tv for only 42.999 in empio and eldorado. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents an award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years.
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and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on the sber website. rehabilitation equipment will be issued to veterans of a special military operation in a special accelerated manner and without any applications. we will tell you how this system works in 5 minutes in the program instructions. this year the social fund issues an electronic certificate for returning svo participants without any reminders. the fund is obliged to do this a maximum of 5 days after the medical institution has determined. by the way, the program includes not only strollers and prostheses, it may also include socio-psychological activities. since last year , payments and monthly
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cash payments have been assigned to sbo participants in a proactive format; starting from this year, we have been issuing electronic certificates for participants in a proactive format. fsvo upon establishment disability in the bureau of medical and social examination , a rehabilitation program is formed, which is transferred directly to our fund, based on the additional condition of having a mir card, an electronic certificate is generated for this svo participant, in a proactive mode. first , the veteran will need to undergo a medical and social examination to determine his disability. a referral to it is given immediately after the completion of the examination in a military hospital. thus, the social fund and doctors are doing everything to ensure that everyone receives the means of rehabilitation he needs without difficulties. an electronic certificate is the fastest way to obtain technical rehabilitation equipment. this is faster than waiting
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for compensation for a purchase with your own money or waiting for the desired product to go through the public procurement system. but you don’t have to use the certificate; you can refuse it and choose. another method of provision: either compensation or the necessary product itself. the amount for which a certificate is issued depends on what kind of product a particular person needs, including in most cases, it is completely enough to buy one or another rehabilitation product. the cost of the electronic certificate is determined according to the last concluded contract in this regional office. you and i understand that in retail chains the cost of a product may differ from the cost of a certificate; at the moment, changes have been made to the legislation when issuing a certificate for a participant in a special military operation;
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a mechanism for additional payment to the cost of our certificate up to the cost of the product will be determined. the certificate is easy to use. at the time of payment, it is enough to indicate the card number, after which the system will see the available certificates and take into account the funds reserved for them. you can control the status and denomination through the state services portal. the certificate can be used in medical goods stores, online stores and marketplaces that are connected to the electronic certificate system. the list of sales points is listed in a special catalog on the social fund website. also in the catalog you can indicate which products. rehabilitation is included in the program, now it contains almost 8,000 different products from more than a thousand manufacturers. our list of available technical means and rehabilitation includes 22 types, which include 330 subtypes;
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an electronic certificate can be generated for each given product. so, let’s repeat the main thing: veterans of a special military operation receive electronic certificates automatically. within 5 days from the date of receipt of information and the results of the medical and social examination by the social fund. referrals for it are issued directly at the hospital. so thus, the social fund and doctors are doing everything so that the necessary products can be purchased as soon as possible. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about measures to support special military operation veterans and their families, write to us in telegram, we will learn everything from experts and will tell you in the next issues of our instructions. well, now, for the last hour, vladimir putin is visiting a diagnostic and telemedicine center in moscow. the author and presenter of the moscow, kremlin-putin, pavel program published the footage in his telegram channel zarubin.
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five actions of aralse for a sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old, opened the application, chose the car brand, avita will select everything for that, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you can’t make money on honey, is that right? a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, go ahead, register a business for free with alfabank and open an account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket in it's sales season and these months have passed my business by. this year everything is different, i joined the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one
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week, the sales season is starting, don’t miss it, join the megamarket, mega market, just grow with us, oh, where is your lined swallow, i won a new sticker, the owner of the rvs 729 car bought a big special at a tasty point, scanned the application code and won a car from blueprints, believe it or not, a car and 36.5 million other prizes under stickers in the application is delicious, period, it ’s the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%, an electric razor with a 50% discount for only 2,999 in ba darada, divide in half, prices on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying
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with an alfa bank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. this is a potato microtuber; we were able to change the composition of the nutrient medium on which the plants grow and ensure that the process of tuberization began in our containers in this microcolonial propagation laboratory. they are growing potato microplants for the sedek seed breeding company, says
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manager alexey rezanov. this process is quite complex and takes 5 years. our laboratory is engaged in the production of source material, that is, it launches this seed production process and produces potato microplants, as well as potato microtubers for... subsequent planting in protected soil in order to obtain mini-tubers and further reproductions. in in russia, more than 500 potato varieties are included in the state register. they are stored in so -called healthy grade banks. one of them is located at the lorch institute of potato growing, from where the laboratory takes the original certified test tubes. our task is to replicate this source material, test tube microplants. for planting in protected soil , we can
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produce up to 50,000 of these microplants by the time of planting - this is the month of may. the process consists of several stages: first you need to prepare a nutrient medium. we we pour it into test tubes, then these test tubes will be sterilized in autoclaves, cooled down and then into... microplants to achieve just 50 , so we replicate our thousands of pieces for spring planting, then the jars, containers and test tubes are sent to the phytotron,
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this room, where plants gain vegetative mass, optimal conditions for growth are created here, that is... microtubers are ripening in their containers, they will soon be sent to greenhouses, well, microplants can be seen in test tubes, they are needed for further replication,
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in a warehouse in koshir, already grown potatoes are sorted, large ones are sent... they were not produced on the territory of the russian federation and basically it is profitable for them to import them here every year so that our farmer can buy them for very high money. elite seed potatoes from foreign companies
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cost about 70-80 rubles. per kilogram, our elite material costs 35.40 rubles. that is , half as much, we must convince our farmer, our producer, that our varieties are good, that our varieties are productive, that our varieties are resistant. only this is farm the farm produces 12 varieties of potatoes, seven more are in development. we will not be left without seeds, we will not be left without products. today our companies, including us , we have increased our power... we have equipment, we have land, we have warehouses, we have laboratories, we have bright minds that will produce even further new varieties, and i believe that we will get along very calmly, in the future, in the next 2-3 years, i say, we will completely stick to our own
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varieties, we can quite easily go with our own varieties, providing products to our... our consumers, our population. the domestic seed market is estimated at approximately 100 billion rubles. planting material for many agricultural crops still has to be purchased abroad; according to the food security doctrine, by 2030 it is necessary to increase the level of self-sufficiency in seeds of russian selection to at least 75%. our breeders have achieved quite good success in basic grain crops. this is wheat and barley, where we have a share of our domestic, domestic seeds, namely domestic selection is about 90%, so here we feel careless. for other basic crops, the situation was in favor of foreign companies. in 2022 , the country’s food security concept was revised, they decided to move more intensively towards
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the goal of self-sufficiency, drew up an accelerated plan and began to work more actively with business. in fact, over the year we have made quite good progress, we, of course, have sugar beets - this is the riskiest crop, here, unfortunately, we still have a share our supply is about 2.5% based on the results of the twenty-third year, then the situation with sunflower is a little better here, about 30%, we still have room to strive, in our laboratory we also do isoenzyme analysis in addition to pcr, this is the study of seed samples, batches of different help: protein markers. the all-russian research institute named after
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pustovoit in krasnodar is engaged in the creation of varieties and hybrids of oilseeds, including sunflower. our laboratory is developing implementation molecular genetic markers. we use our developed markers to increase the efficiency of the breeding process. the phytotron-greenhouse complex at the institute makes it possible to speed up the selection process. many of the institute’s developments are included in the state register of breeding achievements of the country. we are 90% self-sufficient in mustard, rapeseed, camelina and flax seeds. and it is important to note that almost all of these varieties are carefully selected. the authorities also support producers and consumers of domestically selected seeds.
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they reimburse most of the costs of their purchase. participants in the federal scientific and technical program are helped to obtain preferential loans and funds are allocated for the creation or modernization of breeding and seed centers. since last year, the amount of compensation for capexes, that is, capital costs, has increased by 2 and a half times. the breeding enterprise agroplasma in krasnodar produces hybrids of sunflower, corn, chickpeas and sorghum crops, these are fodder cereals. we refine almost all of our products in-house seed plant, which was built and launched in the twenty-third year. the plant specializes in the production of sunflower seeds. in the twenty-third, 3,000 tons were completed. this year we plan to increase the figure to 7-8. the production area of ​​our seeds is distributed throughout our southern federal
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district, well, the main areas are, of course , located in the krasnodar region, some are located in the stavropol region in the voronezh region. over the years of operation, the company has registered more than 50 sunflower hybrids, becoming the largest russian producer of seeds of this crop. hybrids that have not yet been registered, we check their adaptability to different regions and natural climatic zones and, accordingly , which of them stand out to us, which of them will go on to be registered in the state register and subsequent implementation. the company sells seeds throughout the country, one of the buyers is national in the krasnodar region. such a plant crop, sunflower, is acceptable.
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at the end of january, russia introduced temporary restrictions on the import of certain types of seeds from unfriendly countries; they will be imported according to quotas set by the government. the restrictions will affect seeds of potatoes, wheat, rye, barley, corn, soybeans, sunflowers and sugar beets. and the quotas that we set, in principle, we set them even with some reserve, if suddenly some foreign company is unable to fulfill its obligations under the quota, accordingly. will be covered by another company, so here we feel absolutely protected, plus we also have a certain supply of domestic seeds in russia, here our
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the consumer will still have a choice whether to choose foreign seeds or domestic ones , but of course we give priority to domestic seeds, and in order to preserve international scientific cooperation and at the same time not repeat the situation of the nineties, when western seed producers actually captured... the domestic market, we formulated special rules that will encourage foreigners to transfer their scientific production base to the territory of our country, this will make it possible to obtain starting lines within the framework of already joint ventures, the rule goes into effect this year. pain can be different, the mechanism of development. there is only one pain: it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pentalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever
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your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia. this is russia 24, right now the main facts of this day, in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. so, vladimir putin is visiting the diagnostics and telemedicine center in moscow today. this is the first in russia, one of the largest teleradiological centers in the world, which.


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