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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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and what about you and prisoners of war? prisoners are not always our enemies; among the prisoners there may be those who sympathize with us. how do you see your future destiny? get married, start a family , work quietly, so that i can be confident in the future .
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well, now we return to one of the topics of our issue. vladimir putin visits the telemedicine diagnostic center in moscow today. this is the first in russia, one of the largest in the world, telediology center designed for remote, centralized description and quality control of radiation studies. there to the president clearly demonstrated the work of artificial intelligence and showed how the machine makes an accurate diagnosis. 10 times
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faster than conventional research, and today the president will take part in the forum of future technologies taking place in moscow. the broadcast will be on our channel soon. the development and application of advanced technologies in medicine, the introduction of innovations based on artificial intelligence, these are all the main topics that experts are discussing today at the second forum of future technologies, it is taking place in moscow, and is a large platform that brought together representatives of science and business. today vladimir putin will speak at the forum, as we said earlier, and the head of state should also talk with scientists. the forum takes place within the framework of the decade of science and technology, announced by decree of the russian president, and is organized by roscongress. this year , scientists, doctors and health experts gathered at the site, since the event itself is dedicated to the future of medicine, the development and implementation of the latest technologies. thanks to mastering innovation, our country intends to become a leader and conquer. championship on
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the world stage. the forum presents developments in the field of biotechnology, genetic research, artificial intelligence, and robot technology. there are also projects on regenerative medicine and biosafety, and experts discuss the achievements of russian science in the field of genetic engineering. according to researchers, the time will come when scientists will find ways to combat incurable diseases, knowledge of the genome will help with this. already now, by the way. this helps treat multifactorial diseases, such as the nervous system, cardiovascular and some types of cancer. this is also being discussed today on the forum. let me remind you that the first forum of future technologies took place in july last year and was dedicated to quantum technologies. then the site was visited by about one and a half thousand people, including specialists from russian foreign scientific institutions. guests of the forum were representatives of australia, belarus, brazil, germany, india, china, france and sweden.
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presented as part of the exhibition i understand, that this future has definitely already arrived, well, for example, one of the sessions , which was held today with the support of gazprom bank, was devoted to why the brain needs to connect to a computer, within the framework of which a number of innovative projects were presented that are supported by the bank, and the areas of this very interface, the brain -computer, where they are used, they are truly great, this includes early diagnosis and treatment. various neurological conditions
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of brain pathologies, including parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, depression, hypertension, this includes mental health monitoring and even recovery. cognitive abilities and motor functions, as well as the ability to transform thought into speech and even control objects with the power of thought. i would like to remind you that gazprom bank has been supporting science and innovation for 10 years , actively investing in this area for more than 10 years, helping to develop, among other things, such innovative and promising areas. so in 2023 , with the support of gazprom bank , the lift interdisciplinary research center was opened. within which leading neurophysiologists, chemists, materials scientists, doctors and physicists of russia have joined forces to develop neurotechnologies and other medical technologies, the development of this area has almost a whole future, the main scientific directions of the lift center, today these are
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targeted drug delivery systems, molecular neurosensors, electromagnetic analysis brain activity and much, much more, this allows... to solve a number of unsolvable problems today, such as the treatment of incurable diseases, expanding human capabilities after injuries and, for example, the loss of some sensory things, yes, for example, vision or hearing, and well, in our opinion, in essence, solving the problems of improving the quality of human life, increasing the prolongation of a person’s life will always be relevant at any time, the center has been created exactly for the tasks i spoke about, it has very good experience in creating scientific and technological centers and uniting scientific teams to solve both fundamental and applied problems in various fields of science, such an example is the russian quantum center, which we have been working on for 10 years supported back and during this time it has become one of the leading world-class scientific centers
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creating advanced quantum technologies, and it is in this image that we created the lift. neurotechnology. are already being actively introduced into the entire russian healthcare system, the most important thing is that we can state that the potential of neurotechnologies in our country is enormous, in all the main areas of neurotechnologies, we have very serious groundwork, russia has everything for the rapid breakthrough development of neurotechnologies in the future. first of all, these are neurotechnologies, which make it possible to diagnose diseases of the nervous system of the brain, spinal cord, at the earliest stages, at preclinical stages, when there is no clinical manifestation of diseases, there is no dementia.
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another priority area that is very actively developing in our country is nuclear medicine. we are creating a network of accelerators, laser centers and neutron research centers throughout the country; a separate pilot project was included to create a scientific and educational medical center for nuclear medicine, within the framework of this program we are creating a whole series of installations and generally changing the landscape, this includes the educational part, this includes...
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industries, and, of course, about the decisions made and achievements. among the positive results, the deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade noted the increase in production in the manufacturing sector. this,
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he said, was facilitated by the adoption of the law on industrial policy proposed by the president and the creation of an industrial development fund. despite the sanctions, which, by the way, already exist. there are more than 19, which are 10 years old, manufacturing sector in russia continues to grow. over the past 10 years , the industry has consistently remained among the leaders. thanks to an almost 35% increase in production volume, and this, i especially want to note, is a result achieved against the backdrop of the covid period, sanctions that began to be actively introduced in the fourteenth year. in this sense, we can say that over the past few decades our industry has experienced a double shock, if not...
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to respond to non-standard challenges, after the difficult nineties russia has restructured its approaches to production management, this concerns the domestic market , which has become more transparent, and its products have become of better quality, the introduced labeling for a number of goods helped in this, decisions to stimulate exports also helped, including the creation in the fifteenth year of a russian export center and the transfer to the ministry of industry and trade of a network of trade missions, which, by the way , in soviet times...were mainly engaged not in exports, but in imports. the share of neither raw materials nor energy exports from 14
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to 23 increased from 28 to 35%. reorientation is still ongoing or distribution to the markets of africa, asia, the middle east and latin america. one of the most serious challenges facing our country is the production of domestic railway and aviation equipment. denis manturov noted certain successes in the creation. we were told that the departure of siemens would throw us back a decade, but in fact the place of the swallow is already occupied by a completely russian stylish, comfortable finisher, and another new domestic product, oriole 3.0, capable of reaching speeds of up to 160 km/h.
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however, many of our brands are still disguise themselves as foreign ones, using the spelling of names in latin. i believe that the level of maturity of domestic producers, and simple respect for their country, for their native language, allows us to count on a change in this approach. in general, a task. our industrialists face a lot, and today they will gradually be resolved during this day with the help
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of experts, with the help of round tables, and of course , representatives of government authorities will also participate in the discussions. konstantin churikov, nikolay lomakin, sergey shcheptsev, lead! but now reports are coming from japan that a volcano called sakurajima has begun to erupt there, wow, there is even fire here from the vent directly. previously, a column of flame smoke emitted into the ebeka volcano, apparently it is located in another place, here it is on the island of paramushir, this is the northern kuril islands, and the height of its column was also 4 km, it’s interesting that in japan there is some kind of lake and ships standing calmly, apparently no one is worried,
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the court in amsterdam awarded the striker of the moscow football club spartak dutchman quincy promes is guilty. as he is currently in training camp with spartak in the united arab emirates and is preparing for the footballer, he was not present at the meeting, so the athlete received 6 years in prison, and the season itself was resumed. the press service of spartak , in turn, has already reported that quincy promes will challenge the court’s decision. let us recall that in 2020, in the port of belgian antwerp, the police intercepted two shipments of cocaine with a total weight of almost one and a half tons, which, according to investigators, belonged to promes. according to me the accusations the athlete was one of the leaders large group. such are the passions. the arkhangelsk region team, represented by saveliy krostelev and alexander bolshunov, became the best in the team sprint at the cross-country skiing competition at the all-russian winter spartakis. our correspondent stas radikultsev has details of the men's and women's races. the fact that
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the spartakiad was still winter in tyumen was reminded by the weather, 22° below zero, multiplied by powerful gusts. forced ski race organizers to change plans. in the fight for medals at the all-russian spartakiad in cross-country skiing siberian frost intervenes. due to the forecast of negative weather deterioration. the relay race moved from friday to wednesday, the team sprint lap was shortened by 500 m. instead of 750 kilometers, athletes cover 1 km 250. athletes insulate themselves as best they can, cover their faces with tape, and wrap themselves in a blanket.
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young man, shorts and t-shirt at -10 , here, but just actually put the right things on the right parts of the body, that is, let’s say additional cables, an extra t-shirt, something else, and socks, we have heated selkies, intense struggle at women's maria istomina breaks her stick at the beginning of the race, but her duet with stepanova is so strong that this did not affect the final result. representatives from the arkhangelsk region confidently win gold. the men's team, soveli korosiliev and aleksand, also easily deal with their opponents.
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races of the season, whether it works out or not, the whole country is watching. here, in fact, you know , like a medal, there are two sides, for me it’s exactly the same, on the one hand, of course, if things have already gone like this for him, yes, i want, oh, for him to already win every single race, with another on the other hand, at least there are, well , 8-10 people, every time they go to the start, they certainly want to beat first of all. bolshinova , and it seems to me that if this happened , well, it would probably happen, because a person still tends to get tired, look, he really starts with speed skating, classics, all the mastarts, and relays, and sprints, it’s all simple, i didn’t miss a single stage, well, of course, there will probably be, as they say, some kind of sensation, and it’s great if someone can actually sasha
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beat. skiers will close the spartakiad in royal style, with marathon races, including women. run 50 km, the international olympic committee, in pursuit of illusory equality, equalized the distances, and the competitive program of the spartakiad repeats the program of the olympic games. one hundred sredikultsev, victor barmin, sergei zabarov and alexander salmashevsky, news from tyumen. now about the weather: in the south of siberia today snowstorm routes are blocked, in the west of the country the freezing rains do not stop. at the same time, weather forecasters warn of powerful stegopadah in the center of the country. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the centers. the frontal wave of precipitation can bring olga was, of course, more powerful, but the current one is larger, accordingly, the snowdrifts will become higher. another building in the altai territory lost
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its roof. in the alleys, gusts up to 24 m/sec tore off the roof of the school assembly hall that was renovated last year. earlier, the roof flew off a building in barnaul, damaging 10 cars and injuring one person. in the capital of the altai territory, the wind... stormy wind in combined with heavy snow, virtually paralyzed traffic in the region. at the beginning of the day , drivers still risked driving outside populated areas, although squalls were already throwing gazelles and trailers off the roads. then the tracks.
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in the rostov region, after heavy rains, rivers overflowed their banks. more than thirty houses were flooded in the grushovsky rural settlement, and a state of emergency was introduced. and tomorrow, the frontal wave, which had retreated to the south, will begin to return to the middle latitude of the russian plain. as a result, the snowfall zone will stretch from the kola
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peninsula to... the capital will also be hit by the elements, ice rains in the megalopolis most likely will not happen, but the snowstorm will be quite powerful, its peak will be at the beginning of the day, according to model estimates, the intensity of precipitation will reach 3- 4 mm in 3 hours, the snow will weaken, but nevertheless, by the end of the day the height of the snow cover will increase by another 10-13 cm to about a record 60-63 cm. well, starting on friday, atlantic cyclones will become active in the atmosphere over european russia. advancing from the west, these whirlwinds will push into in the trans-volga cold anticyclone , air masses warmed by the gulf stream will begin to flow onto the russian plain. this intrusion could trigger another round of freezing rain. in the capital, the first signs of warming will begin to appear on friday. the daytime
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temperature, accompanied by light snowfalls, will rise to -6; in the following days, thermometer readings will already exceed the climatic norm. by sunday, during the day from -1 to +1. freezing rain may occur in some areas of the metropolis. october took place at the moscow film center premiere of the film let 3 of the final chapter of the romantic trilogy, created with the participation of the russia-1 tv channel, the main character , who dreams... of becoming a champion, a single father who is afraid for his daughter, her new boyfriend, who her dad doesn’t like at all, as often happens, in the new part there is a new hero,
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the characters of alexander petrova and maria aronova, already loved by the viewer , the author and presenter of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev, attended the premiere. in modern russian cinema there are not yet many brands that are understandable simply as an image without further ado, this flaming heart that melts the ice, like... elite sport will break the daughter’s life, but the entire defense scheme, carefully built by the father, is hacked by the daring hockey player seryozha. the guy has one foot in the nhl, but only with him
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does nadya begin to believe in her dream. come on, come on, my star, he’s very afraid for her, just like any dad is afraid for his daughter, there’s a reason for that, let’s say, and sometimes dads don’t need reasons to find a reason, so to speak . , just afraid, loves, loves very much, loves very much, is very afraid, and this it’s scary, for any person, even the strongest, ice is created by an experienced team of producers from the vodorod studio, art pictures from the russia-1 tv channel, but
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i learned to trust the young and slow down somewhere around the fifteenth, that is, before that i assembled the sides. the whole history of ice is one grand experiment, which was staged 6 years ago on valentine's day. no one saw the multibillion-dollar box office potential in this at that time, so ice is a real miracle, faith in which makes our filmmakers dare again just like heroes film. i tried to make the viewer feel more like a fairy tale; i wanted the film to not pull me into a series of socially difficult topics. the first viewers admit that they did not expect such a finale to the trilogy. it’s been a long time since films evoked such emotions in me, since you no longer understand how they moved from some real life moments into a musical, and they’re already dancing, already singing, and it’s so cool, and it makes it so good. valentine's day, this will illuminate everything, let all our viewers watch.
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that love is a creature. let 3 is on screens across the country from february 14. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova, evelina kornaeva, sergey mazor, daniila milchuk. news from the cinema center october. russian railways transported almost 1 billion 200 million people last year, setting a record for the volume of cargo transportation. taras kucherenko has all the details. they plan to make the railways high-tech and develop unmanned transport. introduce quantum communication, which will make movement as safe and fast as possible. this is not the first time this work has been carried out year, and thanks to this, we were able to achieve record figures in many ways. the volume of work involved amounted to a record 3,700 billion normalized tons of kilometers, 43 billion tons of kilometers more than in 2021 . in terms of cargo transportation , a historical maximum was reached, in the eastern
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direction, of 280 million tons, which is 8% more than the level of the twenty-first year. in container transportation, exceed 7.4000 df, which is more than 14% more than the level of the twenty-first year. in terms of passenger transportation, fifteen years have been achieved maximum. over the past year, russian railways transported almost a billion 200 million passengers, they are purchasing modern trains, opening new routes, but the main thing remains the development of the eastern direction. despite the general decrease in loading compared to 2022 , ensure positive dynamics in export shipments. loading through russian ports in the total volume of exports reached its highest value in its entire twenty-year history, almost
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80%. more than a year ago, taking planned communications with the people's republic of china we considered the indicators for 2023, an increase in traffic volume by 10%, as an optimistic estimate. the results exceeded all expectations. at the end of the year, the volume amounted to a record 161 million tons, which is 36% higher than the 2022 level. last year, due to the modernization of the trans-siberian railway, that was all. to increase the carrying capacity at the eastern site to 173 million tons, with plans to reach 180 million by the end of the year. the government expects from russian railways a long-term action program, up to the thirty-fifth. the president made a decision to increase wire capacity eastern landfill up to 210 million tons in 2030 and up to 255 million tons by the end of 2032. this will not only allow you to grow.


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