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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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through the efforts of domestic developers, bionic prostheses were developed, which were presented today, including at exhibitions, which can already move, they can perform operations to capture, carry, hold objects, they are controlled by electrodes that are attached above the level of prosthetics, and accordingly, but this is also no... this is still far from our real hand, our hand is controlled by signals from the nervous system, we always have feedback from sensory neurons that allows us to fine-tune the movement, we we have set ourselves an ambitious goal, to make bionic prostheses with feedback and integrate them directly with the nervous system, so that the patient will feel this prosthesis literally as part of his body and also
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freely use it, for this we combine the resources of several leading scientific clinical centers and high-tech companies, so that the word cyborg will soon acquire a positive connotation. and i can’t, unfortunately, talk about all the neurotechnologies in my short report, i can’t i don’t have time to tell you about synthetic cell neurotechnologies, about bioprinting, about gene therapy drugs.
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the strategy for supporting neurotechnologies will unite , on the one hand, scientists from various disciplines, and on the other hand , high-tech companies to solve applied medical problems. thank you for your attention. you said that a person cannot drink with trembling hands, but a russian person can. this, that is, this was shown very well. at one time in the leningrad bolshoi drama theater, people's artist lebedev, through this very thing, through pulled the towel up with the second hand, well, but this is all a joke, it’s not a joke, of course , you know, you say, you can teach the brain to control it again, well, let’s say, yes, but with strokes, the part of the brain that controls the hand , she is amazed, how are you, how are you?
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teach the affected part of the brain, the fact of the matter is that this area of ​​the brain is affected, it is sometimes lost forever, but after a stroke the so-called window of plasticity opens, when it is the areas of the brain around this tissue, the neighboring ones, that can be trained control your hand, it’s no coincidence that you can teach neurons to run side by side somewhere, it’s just like that.
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case, reduce social support for people who receive such a prosthesis, with reference to the fact that it is like a real hand, no-no-no, you are laughing, it is, this is not a joke, in these, in the corresponding postulates of the ministry of health there or where- then, they are written there so that this is how it should be done, i hope that everything has already been confiscated, they have been confiscated there, well, thank god, let’s multiply. thank you for the very lively discussion, which , you see, we are already talking about the decision made, and about done, but really, it all looks fantastic, what selat vadimovich told, and this unique center of our brain and neurotechnology, incredible, yes, absolutely, and what colleagues are doing helps fight with... well, i i would say so with
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physiology, yes - treatment of diseases of the brain and nervous system, and these studies , including those about the preclinic, are at st. petersburg state university... professor gonedinov’s team is conducting research in the field of experimental pharmacology of diseases of the nervous system, this about the intellectual health of the brain, about clarity of mind, clarity of consciousness and, very importantly, about a person’s comfortable well-being. raul radikovich, please share your achievements. we live in an age of rapid development of technologies that increase the information of the person around us, which of course affects our nervous system. the level of stress has increased significantly all over the world, and this cup has not passed us by.
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we have not escaped another global trend associated with increasing life expectancy. so for the last 20 years. expected life expectancy in russia has increased from 65 to more than 73 years, and this is of course great, this is a great achievement of our government and the state as a whole, but at the same time it has led to the cumulative effect of all the factors that i have already mentioned. we are seeing a significant increase in the incidence of anxiety , depressive disorders, cognitive impairment and other pathological phenomena that...
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what is a receptor? it is a molecule on a membrane that carries a signal chemically to the outside (dopamine and serotonin are chemicals molecules) inside the cell, triggering a certain set of biochemical reactions. and it is not surprising that the dopamine system, the serotonin
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system, and their receptors have become the main targets for a huge variety of drugs for a large number. but as vadimovich already noted, not all drugs work on all patients, that is, there are some patients who do not respond to these drugs, at the same time, with chronic administration, the effectiveness of many drugs decreases, so it is necessary to develop new, new, new generation of drugs with improved characteristics, i am studying this area. for more than 35 years , at the beginning of my career i was lucky and i worked side by side with nobel laureates, the forefathers of this direction, and i learned a lot from them, in particular, as a result of our experiments , we discovered that it is not necessary directly
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influence dopamine receptors, or you can somehow bypass them from the side using the so-called trace amine receptors, these are cousins ​​and... dopamine receptors , the same can be done with serotonin receptors, that is , instead of activating, we simply fine-tune the dopamine receptors a little, and the same can be done with the serotonin system, the result is, that is, in practical terms it turns out, we are coming to a completely new pharmacology, and moreover, the effects of these methods are softer and more accurate, study. more than 10 years ago, and at the invitation of st. petersburg state university, we opened a world-class laboratory where we continue this research, and now we are working in a number of areas on this topic, i, unfortunately, do not have time to tell all these
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areas, well, thanks also to our discovery, this topic has now received great interest in many countries of the world, and there too... similar programs are beginning to develop, here from a scientific point of view, we are one of the world leaders, we already have certain achievements. which are close to clinical trials, other studies are at the level of fundamental research, this is the most advanced direction, we are already halfway to a cure, but it will still take several years, we are doing everything to speed up as much as possible in this direction, the effect of introducing these medicines into the healthcare system should be significant, we expect that this will lead to a significant reduction in, say, anxiety and an improvement in the person’s quality of life.
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we, i mean not only our team, i have many friends, colleagues, students all over
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world, and we continued, we have always worked with them, we are working and will continue to do so in the future, moreover, some of them are ready to return to russia and continue their research here, which of course will be a benefit for our country. thank you very much. you said that the same research has now begun in other countries, well, that is, you were the first, yes, we were the first, but unfortunately, they were the first to pick it up, i mean, how did you start, and they, well, we are publishing, we are scientists, this is information available to everyone, for a certain time they didn’t believe us, so what? always, someone first shouted, they don’t believe you, after 10 years they believed you.
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i could be wrong, but it sounds something like this: there is no happiness in life, there are only the mornings
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of it, take care of them, cherish them, approximately, this means that they have a lack of serotanin, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, exactly, and then, well, you just need to use it, and those drugs that you invent, yes, yes, and you can say, they used to say, i’m healthy... thank you very much, thank you, it seems to me that no one has canceled exercise, you need to do it, no matter what look at how medicine is developing, my colleagues actually talked a lot about the synergy of medicine and various other branches of science, what biotechnology actually is,
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that is, the use of living organisms or their products to create those to solve certain problems, including in the field of medicine, here it seems to me that a striking example of biology, medicine and physics has already been mentioned by you, you have placed such a good emphasis on this, nuclear medicine. as a physicist, this topic is very close to me, i am sure that the audience: perfectly understands that nuclear medicine is not only about the therapy of oncological diseases, but on a much larger scale now, nuclear medicine... they are creating unique opportunities for us for diagnostics, for diagnosing all functional human systems. and ultra-precise positioning and recognition of cancer cells using nuclear medicine, delivery of new drugs to these cells, works much more precisely than
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a surgeon’s scalpel. i want to give the floor to igoryuvichuv here. head of a multidisciplinary center in which there is a wide range of various biotechnologies are used, including for the treatment of cancer patients. please share your experience. yes thanks a lot. deeply respected, vladimir vladimirovich, deeply respected colleagues, uh, well, here within the forum today we have heard a lot of messages about the achievements of our fundamental medical science, as grigory said, in radio medicine, in radiopharmaceuticals, and in many others. in many other aspects, surgery has now been mentioned, to me in this regard, since i represent clinicians here, in confidence it’s such an honor to be, i would like to thank our scientists for the products that they provide, which they enable us to use, and we, as clinicians, are essentially, on the one hand , the end users of these products, on the other hand, customers, because we
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we best imagine the desires of our patients, but i would like to simply describe a few areas of the activities that we are engaged in... i would like to begin with surgery, and since we are talking about future technologies, well, after all, probably today we can say with fairly serious confidence that surgery is already in the future from a technological point of view in many ways, because we have absolutely amazing technical things that allow us to implement the most daring plans for patients , and in this regard, it is gratifying to say that the most modern... high-tech methods of surgical care are available to our patients not only in the capital’s clinics, but also in many, many regions, this leading clinics, such as in ufa, kazan , tyumen, krasnodar, yakutsk, where you recently opened an oncology clinic, there are oncology patients for whom the most complex operations are performed up to 50 or more, even up to 70% of cases, for them operations
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are performed endoscopically, which corresponds to the indicators of the leading clinics in the world, if we still talk about future development, then... this is definitely completely robotic surgery, and this is such smart robotic surgery with integrated safety, security, warning systems errors, interactive navigation systems, in this regard, since we are gradually acquiring high-quality domestic equipment, we really hope that we will continue to move forward in this direction very intensively. i would like to say a few words about drug provision, because this is a real breakthrough over the last 10-15-20 years in the world. so many innovations have been introduced precisely in the pharmaceutical industry that our approaches to the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including the cardiovascular system, neurological, and the endocrinological system , rheumatological, autoimmune diseases have changed dramatically, naturally, oncology here is at one of the forefront, in this regard, i’m just also pleased
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to say that we have also seen in russia over the past few years, well , just like that. .. one might even say that there is an explosive growth in pharmaceutical research and, most importantly, products. i can say that, for example, over the past year more than 30,000 cancer patients in the country received targeted therapy, that is, this is one of modern types of cancer therapy , but with domestically produced drugs, and a drug such as, for example, poglalimap, which was created by the company mentioned by biocad, is completely domestic, from the substance to the final molecule. about a thousand patients were treated with it last year, well, what actually satisfies the needs, if we talk about further development, then it’s definitely drug therapy, it will develop towards maximum personification and maximum targeting, that is, when the focus that needs to be affected is precisely determined and while minimizing
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any side effects in this regard, we have very good developments here that were mentioned, but in order... to develop faster, it seems to us that we need to think very carefully here , how can we reduce the stages of preclinical clinical trials as much as possible, this is what was discussed, because this will determine our accelerated development in this direction, because the competition is very high, this is the period from the moment the drug is conceived, from the moment the molecule is proposed to clinical use, it is quite long, and some opportunity to speed up these without loss of safety, of course, yes, to speed up these processes to clinical trials, of course, would give us a good advantage, well, in conclusion, about nuclear medicine, i’m definitely developing this very actively.
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it has become much easier for us to work, i would like to thank you and the government of the russian federation, the ministry of health for that law on biomedical cell products, which significantly simplified the production, administration and use of these drugs, made them as accessible as possible for patients, and then on... in the forum, we communicate a lot, our researchers, those involved in fundamental medicine, clinicians,
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manufacturers, industrial partners, these communications that are simply manifested here on the forum, yes, they serve as the basis for further development, thank you for the fact that we have such opportunities further develop, and we are ready to work hard and actively on this path, thank you,
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clinical institutes, to develop in such communications. igor evgenievich, now , you know, such a subtle question, very practical , you, as a clinician, yes, as a doctor, how do you answer this question: the effectiveness of domestic drugs and imported drugs, you know, yes, that many patients , and i get questions like this,
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which means, well, i probably have to say that there are original drugs that are being produced, and then there are a lot of generics and biosimilars, and they are used all over the world,
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this must be completely understood, i can say that since i have to deal more with oncology, that the drugs that we use, and they and their effectiveness and the number of any possible side effects, are absolutely comparable to those drugs that are. yes , i’m talking about this as a practitioner, we discuss this a lot, we, of course, have a different story, because there were some drugs that worked worse, that worked better, we need to talk about this as there is, but today the drugs that we use are introduced to the market in oncology practice, they work absolutely well and have a minimum of side effects, not exceeding. side effects of western analogues, thank you, thank you, but i can’t resist.
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on the tail of the discussion of nuclear and radiation medicine, you talked a lot about proton radiation therapy in your speech, but the influence of initiating radiation on the human body is a very serious issue, a serious problem on the body, on tissues, on dna, and we we understand very well that this is still a determining factor for manned flights into deep space, and... with genomic technologies for studying the mechanisms of cell aging, it is also extremely important to study the influence of initiating radiation, so let’s now smoothly move on to technologies in medicine that make it possible to restore, restore certain human functions lost due to illness or during the fight against the disease, returning to a healthy life after defeating the disease is the most important, most important goal, the most important
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history, because...
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a person experiences discomfort, limited mobility, pain, a stage comes when classical medicine can no longer offer anything other than prosthetic surgery, at this moment regenerative medicine technologies are used in order to restore the lost function. in our center, a specialized laboratory, we obtain a cellular product from the patient’s own cells, which we administer to the same patient, and such a product helps...
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the first patient was my father, at the age of 60 the pain in his knees became such that he could not walk more than 100 m and drive, although he is a professional driver, we offered him our therapy, the cartilage tissue on the knee, yes the knee, the cartilage tissue there, yes, yes, yes, the cartilage tissue was worn away , unambiguous diagnosis, prosthetics, they offered our therapy, he agreed, we tried it. and the result exceeded all expectations, after 10 days the pain completely disappeared, after 3 months he forgot about restrictions when walking, and six months later he started driving again, and such cellular products we now accept and use not only for the treatment of joint diseases, but for a number of other important and serious pathologies. i would like to note that in russia we have other developments of other biomedical cell products,
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which are also designed...
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to prevent aging.


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