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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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how often is this method used? well, two or three times per game. a sample form was approved in the moscow branch of the gazznak enterprise; the printing presses do not stop working. six copies per sheet, format 860 by 660 mm. how many sheets of a1 format are printed per hour, containing six ballots? six bulletins, about 8,500 per hour. in total, more than 50 thousand election forms per hour per shift , the printers produced the first edition of almost 5,000 copies, each form has a protective background against counterfeiting. printed control panel machines, here specialists can track the quality of the sheet with ballot papers. here experts can check the density of the paint that is applied to the sheet; it is very important to note the parameters, because this is where the background protective paint is applied.
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we will finish printing the edition today; further processing, sharp packaging and transfer of the edition to the customer will follow. security stamps are being produced at the perm branch; they will be affixed to the form when received by voters, but in the meantime you can see the first ballots. this is what they look like, green protective background grid, here is information on filling out the ballot, the names of the candidates are also located in alphabetical order, information is located opposite and of course.
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and today we are essentially sending a convoy from yekaterinburg, but those guys who are greeting us today, the participants for sure, are deeply grateful to you, bow from all the people, warm suits, tactical first aid kits, sleeping bags, camouflage nets and stewed meat sent to the soldiers 228 guards motorized rifle regiment of the 90th tank division, also met with the pioneers and laid flowers at the foot of stella the city.
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kherson and zaporozhye regions. now i have met guys with sparkling eyes who understand that the life and future of russia is in their hands, of course, this is very inspiring. i congratulate you on our great success, we have collected 3.5 million signatures throughout. in the country, early
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voting in hard-to-reach areas will begin on february 25, this also applies to some new regions. margarita semenyuk, dmitry shevilev, daria leonova, artyom ryzhikov, valeria sapegina, news. we'll skate cleanly on points , you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win, badyukha, dadyukh , kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, shank, it's all on you hope, well, old age is not a joy, yes, leaving gracefully is a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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books whose authors are recognized as foreign agents accounted for no more than 1% of total sales last year; this year, due to the lack of advertising and new products, reader interest in such works will continue to decline. this was discussed today in moscow,
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at pashkov’s house, where they discussed the situation on the russian book market. read more svetlana chmykhala. the book market grew in monetary terms by 9%. since the growth of marketplaces, almost 50% of books are sold through them, the digital literature market has regained its position if in 2022 it stalled mainly due to problems with payments on the internet, but at the end of last year there was a 20% increase in digital figures, the most active book buyers are still women, they are interested in psychology, self-development, medicine, among the new products on the market are chinese comics, today they gaining popularity among fans of the genre, has significantly decreased. sales of books by authors who refused to cooperate with russia, stephen king, for example, fell by more than 20%. but if we talk about russian authors, today at the peak of reader interest is zakhar prilepin on his dogs. it's about the book dogs and other people. sales growth exceeded 240%.
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autobiographical books by nikolai tsyskaridze also promise to be a hit. as for foreign agent writers, they don’t have much influence on the market. a little book geography, the market is growing most actively in the far east, an important indicator is the provision of stores in cities, and here kazan became the first. there is one store for every 25,000 residents; there are 50 of them in kazan
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. volgograd comes last in the ranking with only 14 bookstores, one for every 70,000 residents. at all, the situation with bookstores is alarming. over the past couple of years, 86 locations have closed. bookstores cannot withstand the competition of marketplaces; not only can you buy a book there with a click, but also the prices are much lower, well, that is, in essence, this is price dumping. another problem that stores face is the shortage of personnel. today we understand that along with the difficulties that exist in book retail, bookstores are changing. we understand that the time of such similar mass stores is gone, today every store. it should be the intellectual center of the city, an important expert in assessing books, recommending books for readers, this is precisely where we must differ from marketplaces in order to somehow support the store, experts even suggested introducing an analogue of the pushkin card, but since
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the pushkin card program itself includes the possibility of purchasing books they never included it, it sounds funny, considering that pushkin was just writing books. another good trend - books by russian authors have begun to be actively filmed, and in the end everything is in the black. the share of foreign releases on the market is decreasing, and rental revenue is growing. viewers, after watching a movie, go to bookstores to get the original source. for example, after the release of the film cheburashka, interest in the book increased 25 times, and the electronic version of the book the boy’s words was downloaded 70 times more often after the release of the series of the same name. this year , film adaptations by evgeny anegin and 100 years ago based on the story by kir baluchev will be released on big screens. this means that interest in literature will continue to be supported by film producers. however, books are best promoted, good books.
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when it seems like things can't get any better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage: they provide protection from heat and cold, and help save on air conditioning and heating. penoplex effective thermal insulation many tasks your break fills the meat sauce with hot life fills the easiest way not to worry about the condition of the engine is to take your car to a museum and the smart one is to use sinntek engine oil. meet mollygard technology using organic molybdenum. it creates a durable
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protective film on parts that resists wear increases engine service life. semtek engine oil with mollygard technology. always a smart choice. download the bp app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything. via an nfc sign in one touch or via the sbp qr code. download sbp, pay conveniently! the russian ministry of emergency situations will continue to improve civil defense, taking into account the experience of the special operation, the head of the department, alexander kurenkov, announced this at an expanded board. there today they summed up the work of the ministry of emergency situations for the past year and told about plans for this one. details from igor pikhanov.
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two constituent entities of the russian federation, with regard to the situation with landscape fires, the most difficult situation developed in the kurgan, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions. the department's experts pay special attention to the prevention and control of fires. this winter is a record for the duration of abnormal frosts. the ministry of emergency situations carries out inspections of heating systems in residential buildings, social and industrial facilities. this led to a decrease in the number of fires. also underway monitoring ice routes and popular places for winter fishing, first of all, do not go out on the ice in unequipped places, especially not
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go onto the ice by motor vehicle in places unequipped for this purpose. second, naturally, if you go fishing, then it is necessary, experienced fishermen are familiar with this, to identify ice by color, dark ice or yellowish ice, it is usually fuku. in addition, employees of the department fulfill their professional duty in the special operation zone; last year alone there were more than 600 columns.
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citizens of our country, as well as the cis and european countries, are supplied with medicines and food to those in need. emergency situations ministry employees provide support to colleagues from other countries. last winter, russians worked in turkey and syria after a powerful series of earthquakes. in autumn in libya after the flood. our rescuers cleared the rubble,
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provided medical assistance, prevented epidemics of infectious diseases, and equipped their libyan colleagues with special equipment. workers. the russian ministry of emergency situations is ready to provide support in training rescuers from africa. working abroad russian rescuers show the world the highest professionalism, display dedication and personal courage. for which i would like to thank them. emergency situations ministry employees constantly improve their skills and knowledge during exercise training. the units receive modern machinery and equipment. an arctic emergency rescue center is planned to open in pevek this year. head of the department alexander. kurenkov noted that much attention is paid to the social security of employees, salaries are increased, allocate funds for the purchase of housing. igor pikhanov, news. russian exports are actively developing and entering foreign markets, in particular in southeast asia and the middle east.
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prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting with the head of the russian accreditation agency nazariy skrypnik. they talked, among other things, about a simplified mechanism for declaring goods and working with electronic documents. sites, maria slobodyanskaya will tell you the details. there are more than 9.00 testing centers and bodies in the rosacreditation system. certification. their main task is to check products for safety. but it is also important to make the procedure quick and comfortable for those who are waiting to receive a permit. in many respects , simplified declaration of goods was introduced for this purpose. the mechanism began operating in 2022 in response to sanctions from unfriendly countries. then for certification the product. instead of the protocol of the russian laboratory, they were allowed to use the protocols of foreign laboratories, and to select goods not only at production abroad, but also from the parties that came. there are now more than 140,000 such declarations registered in the system. the mechanism is especially popular among small medium-sized businesses. that the interaction of the business with your service was as effective as possible, and here comes first, and
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the safety of the people of those who use the purchased products, which are subject to appropriate checks, comes first. what is also very important: currently, electronic trading systems are developing significantly, more and more trade is carried out on the internet, through the relevant marketplaces, through electronic platforms. safety, as the head of rosakreditatsiya noted, is a key priority in the work of the service. every day , the systems record 300 certificates, 400 declarations and 56,000 test reports per service year. provides from 5 to 7,000 services; it is important that the time frame for providing public services has been reduced by 15% over the past year. the key ones are already available on the single portal. 96% find themselves using video communication. thanks to this, entrepreneurs saved about 200 million rubles over the past year. also rosakkreditatsiya is the main supplier of data for the customs service.
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last year, customs made 5 million requests to the rosakreditatsiya registers. therefore, it is extremely important for us that requests are processed quickly , on time around the clock, i’ll give you a few numbers, and if at our meeting i spoke about the average response time of 18 seconds in the twenty-second year, now this period has become 10 seconds, and for 10% of requests it less than 3 seconds. last year , the service launched a daily compliance monitoring project product certification. we started with the most sensitive category. these are children's products of completeness testing assessment. over 6 months of last year, 37,000 certificates were verified. thanks to generalization and consultations with businesses, the number of violations has decreased significantly, and in some categories even approached zero. this made it possible to reduce the number of inspections. over the year it fell by 40%. another new project is related to data exchange with internet sites.
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one link in the description. the buyer can go to the rosakreditatsiya register and check product certificate. now. 17 million products have such quality marks. also a big topic of the meeting was russian exports. mikhail neshustin noted that our manufacturers are actively entering foreign markets, for example, southeast asia and the middle east. each country has its own requirements for products and it is important to help exporters obtain the necessary accreditation. so, most of the countries that import our goods are muslim states, which have their own certificate of conformity. halal. until the twenty-third year. porters were forced to turn to foreign halaal certification bodies or to non-accredited organizations, which was time-consuming and expensive. in the twenty-third year, with the support of ninek, we negotiated with the halal accreditation body of the gulf countries, agreed on one key thing, the possibility of joint accreditation of a
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halaal certification body in russia, a russian body whose certificates will be accepted when exporting goods to these countries . the first halal certification body in russia appeared in october on the basis of roskachestvo, and already in december products that met the requirements were shipped to the united arab emirates and saudi arabia... in plans for this year to carry out similar work with malaysia, indonesia and turkey, as the prime minister noted, it is important that the inscription is made in russia it soon became synonymous with the quality and reliability of goods. vladimir putin signed a law that gives regional authorities the right to ban the retail sale of beer and other low-alcohol drinks on their territory. it's about so called nalivayki. they are often installed directly in apartment buildings. alcohol. you can buy them even at night, why they irritate local residents so much, how much the new rules will tighten the work of such establishments, maria valieva knows. this is a drinking
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establishment in the vladimir region, local residents avoid it, they say it’s impossible to have garbage everywhere next to the liqueur, drunken visitors are relaxing after another party. these drunken people come out there and start making these noises at night. with voices, then they begin to measure strength, this at night, children are sleeping, a residential area, then this knocking begins, people jump up, children jump up, then go in the morning, not spamming to school, what is this, a nervous disorder, we have eternal drunks, we have night fights, night screams, well, where are we heading next, to the fact that it will be impossible to leave the car near the house and live in fear, the same situation on chkalovo street. arkhangelsk, where a small establishment is located in the same building with a passport office and a children's studio. in the evenings, parents complain that it is dangerous to walk. visitors to the nalivayka behave inappropriately,
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because the amount of light alcohol there is not limited. to regulate the work of such establishments, a law was developed that gives regional authorities the right to prohibit the retail sale of beer, cider, poire and other low-alcohol drinks on the territory of their constituent entities. document.
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is in training camp with spartak in the united arab emirates, preparing for the resumption of the season. the press service of spartak has already reported that quincy promes will challenge the court’s decision.
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let us remind you that in 2020 in the port of the belgian antwerp police intercepted two shipments of cocaine weighing almost one and a half tons, which, according to investigators, belonged to the trade. according to the prosecution, the athlete was one of the leaders of a large group. now about the chase. in the south of siberia , snowstorm routes are blocked today; in the west of the country, freezing rains do not stop. at the same time , weather forecasters warn of powerful snowfalls in the center of the country. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the foba center, vadim zavodchenkov. he's live. vadim, hello. recently moscow was covered with snow cyclone olga. will the snowfall be lighter this time? energy-wise, like a whirlwind. olga was, of course, more powerful, but the current frontal wave of precipitation may bring. more, respectively, the snowdrifts will become higher. another building in the altai region lost its roof. in the alley, gusts up to 24 m/s, they tore off the roof,
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so much that... gazelles and trailers, then the roads in the altai territory began to be blocked one after another , i stood on the federal highway at the intersection, there was zero visibility at all, the police drove by with their daring spirits, we went on a hike re-bed, at the same time along the linden. and
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today it is easier for bryansk to move around on skates; in these cities there was freezing rain again, and in lipetsk the layer of ice reached 5 mm. at the same time, in the south of russia they are facing typical spring problems. in the aksai district of the rostov region , rivers overflowed their banks after heavy rains. in the grushovsky rural settlement , more than thirty houses were flooded, and a state of emergency was introduced. and tomorrow the frontal wave, which had retreated to the south, will begin to return to the middle latitudes of the russian plain. as a result, the snowfall zone will stretch from the kola peninsula to the black sea coast, and the heaviest precipitation is expected in central russia, in the southwest of the region and in the black earth region, in some places it may again be accompanied by freezing rain. the capital will also be hit by the elements; ice rains in the megalopolis most likely
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will not matter. when it comes, the snowstorm will be quite powerful, its peak will be at the beginning of the day, according to model estimates, the intensity of precipitation will reach 3-4 mm in 3 hours, then the bad weather will weaken, but nevertheless, by the end of the day the height of the snow cover will increase by another 10-13 cm, to about a record 60-63 cm, well, starting friday in the atmosphere over european russia, they will intensify... atlantic cyclones, advancing from the west, these vortices will displace the cold anticyclone into the volga region, and those warmed by the gulf stream will begin to arrive on the russian plain air masses. this intrusion could trigger another round of freezing rain. in the capital, the first signs of warming will begin to appear on friday. daytime temperatures, accompanied by light snowfalls, will rise to -6. and in the following
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days. thermometer readings will already exceed climatic norm level, by sunday during the day from -1 to +1, freezing rain may occur in some areas of the metropolis. i, i, i, solemnly swear allegiance to my fatherland, the russian federation. i swear. i swear! i swear! sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. i swear! i swear! i swear! to perform one's military duty with dignity. courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional order of russia. the people are the fatherland. thank you to those who are faithful to this words. become a warrior. service under rf contract.
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well, now some footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon , allow me to address you this way, you have had a lot of opportunity to talk with each other, discuss current problems in the industry in russia, and in general, talk about how it is developing in the world, i am very happy.


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