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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the minister of defense instructed to promptly make improvements to russian missile systems , taking into account the experience of their use in the northern military district zone. sergei shaigu set this task today on a working trip to the troops of the western military district, where the head of the department checked the implementation of the state defense order for the production of missile systems in the moscow region, denis alekseev will show the high-precision installations presented to the minister. we need to do it faster, this is how defense minister sergei shaigu outlined the priority task for improvement weapons within the framework of state defense orders. shaigu inspected the production of missile systems in the moscow region, in the kv mechanical engineering, and the minister was presented with ready-made samples of the chryzontem atgm.
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high accuracy, that is , a completely different battle tactics is laid down, which is important for the enemy’s targets at long range and for preserving the personnel of our groups. sergei shaigu emphasized that taking into account the enemy’s methods, say, the use of drones of various classes, it is necessary to modernize other types of weapons. work has been done that allows we can hit targets with greater accuracy and range corresponding to the characteristics.
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the weapon has been brought to normal combat condition, we can confirm the characteristics that were laid down initially, and now we will talk about the following samples: the range is quite large, this applies to manpads systems, this applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to everything that e we need today to combat unmanned aerial vehicles, it has already become known, the russian army received a fresh batch of t-80 tanks, they are strengthened dynamic protection , there is a roof protection module, a screen that will smooth out the consequences of the arrival of ammunition from a drone, all the new vehicles have already been sent to the combat zone, that’s what is there now, in the donetsk direction, units of the tula guards airborne forces are not allowing the vsushniks to rotate in the village area vesyoloye, the settlement was liberated back in january, for our troops this is a step towards expansion. front for the armed forces of ukraine
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another failed operation, but they couldn’t hold it, and now, as much as they are trying to regain lost positions, they are gathering reserves to the rescue, nothing comes of it, all access roads to the strategic line are controlled by our group of troops, we target, work on the enemy, disrupt rotations, disrupt some attempts to move, supply ammunition, food, well, in general, we do not allow the enemy to rest and relax, in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of forces... occupied more advantageous positions, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, the second, third, fifth assault, seventeenth tank, twenty- second, twenty-eighth, twenty-fourth, forty-second, ninety-third mechanized brigades in the areas of bogdanovka, krasny, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka and andreevka, and repelled six attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in the kupinsky direction, our fighters of the west group struck the rear positions of the militants, hit the hurricane with rocket systems, and where the rszz shells do not reach, they will finish them off. with his
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knowledge, without his participation, of course, the vsushniks were thrown into a breakthrough, the infantry was sent in without support, the results were tens of 20, everything was in the spirit of the butcher general. denis alekseev, news! russian scientists must increase self-sufficiency, but for this they need a truly sovereign... structure, the creation of which they must strive to create. such statements were made by vladimir putin at the plenary meeting of the forum of future technologies. the main topic was the development of medicine, taking into account modern scientific developments, and many of them, as the president noted, deserve the highest praise. read more in the article by varvara nevskaya. the person and his health should be at the center of the entire healthcare system, as vladimir putin said in within the framework of the plenary session of the forum of future technologies, the entire system from primary care to leading clinics.
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50,000 rub. every month, in addition to wages, doctors will receive 30,000 rubles. mid-level health workers. according to the russian leader, the country already has significant achievements in medicine, but it is necessary to continue to increase this self-sufficiency, becoming global leaders in the field, without interrupting interaction and professional dialogue with foreign manufacturers. yes we are we know and see that some... some manufacturers, companies, especially in pharmaceuticals, but they prefer not to work anymore, somehow they cut off connections, but we also know that at the professional level this is interaction between colleagues, between
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specialists , it remains without any doubt it will develop. a large number of russian companies under the leadership of the ministry of health, the government of the russian federation, work for medicine and science, which is somehow connected with it, we have significant achievements, but we certainly need to move on, continue this work, and at a qualitatively new level, increase self-sufficiency, become global leaders in key areas of development of medical technologies and be prepared for any challenges, including the threat of outbreaks of new global epidemics, for this we must have... .are
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more effective, they are more suitable, that’s how in general, you could answer as objectively as possible to those who ask these questions, or is this a purely psychological question, people are used to receive certain drugs, that’s what’s here, i can say that since i have to deal with more oncology, that the drugs that we use, and they and their effectiveness... and the number of some possible side effects are absolutely comparable with those drugs that are original and not made in russia, you are like a practitioner, right? yes, i’m talking about this as a practitioner, we discuss this a lot, we, of course, have a different story, because there were
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some drugs that worked worse, which worked better, we need to talk about it as it is, but today, these are the drugs that we use, are introduced into the market, in oncology practice, they work absolutely well and have a minimum of side effects, not exceeding the side effects of their western counterparts . the president called for an increase in the amount of budget funds allocated annually for the development of innovative medical technologies and products. the president also instructed the cabinet of ministers to launch a new national project by the end of the year that would provide technological sovereignty for the development of modern health saving technologies. after the plenary session, vladimir putin spoke.
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we are creating a network of accelerators of laser centers and neutron research centers throughout the country; a separate pilot project has been included to create a scientific and educational one.
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conditions of brain diseases from parkinson's disease to epilepsy, monitoring mental health, restoring lost cognitive abilities and motor functions, and even controlling objects with the power of thought. gazprombank has already for 10 years it has been supporting science and innovation, actively investing in this area. this allows us to solve a number of unsolvable problems.
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people are already in the present, and as the president himself said, quite recently we read about such things, fantastic works, now they are becoming a reality. varvara nevskaya, evgenia kirilenko, stanislav yalovsky and tatyana korneeva. news. more than 2 million russians have already applied to participate in remote electronic voting in the presidential election. i provided such data today. first edition already
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ready, the process was seen by margarita semenyuk, a technical technique or a secret of the printing shop specialists, future ballot papers are treated with an antistatic agent before being sent to the press, it allows you to remove the static of the paper, it is electrified and so that it is better... the process of passing the paper through the machine, we remove the static of the paper, how often use this method? well, two or three times per game. the sample form was approved, and the printing presses are not silent in the moscow branch of the gazznak enterprise. six copies per sheet, format 860 by 660 mm. how much per hour these are printed sheets of a1 format, on which there are six ballots. and how much 8,500 per hour, somewhere in the amount of more than 50 thousand
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election forms per hour per shift , the printers produced the first edition of almost 500,000 copies, each form has a protective background against counterfeiting. the control panel of the printing machines, here specialists can monitor the quality of the sheet of ballot papers. here experts can check the density of the paint that is applied to the sheet; it is very important to note the parameters, because this is where the background protective coating is applied green mesh. if there are any shortcomings, then workers can make adjustments directly on this device. a continuous process, employees work in three shifts, around the clock, to fulfill the target of more than 13 million ballots. the gaznak enterprise has a lot of experience. this is certainly not the first circulation in the factory; the factory produces ballots every election. we started printing yesterday after receiving approval. of our projects, and accordingly, we will finish printing the first edition today; further
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processing, sharp packaging and transfer of the edition will follow to the customer. security stamps are being produced at the perm branch; they will be affixed to the form when received by voters, but in the meantime you can see the first ballots. this is what they look like, a green protective background grid, here is information on filling out the ballot, and the names of the candidates opposite are also located in alphabetical order. there is information and, of course, a square in which each voter can make his choice by checking a box. in the capital of the urals they meet nikolai kharitonov, the candidate for president of russia from the communist party of the russian federation. from yekaterinburg to the zone khariton's special operations and supporters have already sent more than 120 humanitarian convoys, supporting the donbass of 2014. everything that the regional party organization of the ural federal district needs today, people, good people, everything that they could today, so we are essentially sending a convoy from
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eketerburg, and those guys who are being met by the participants today.
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the board of the ministry of emergency situations in moscow is attended by department employees from all over the country. today we summed up the work for the past year, it was difficult. climate change has led to an increase in forest fires and early floods, but department units are ready for modern challenges. they have shown their effectiveness in eliminating the consequences of emergency situations and, as a result, thousands of lives saved. last year's floods affected the territory of 72 constituent entities of the russian federation, which... regarding the situation with landscape fires, the most difficult situation developed in the kurgan, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions. the department's experts pay special attention to prevention and fires. this winter is a record for the duration of abnormal frosts. the ministry of emergency situations carries out inspections of heating systems in residential buildings, social and industrial facilities.
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this led to a decrease in the number of fires. ice tracks of popular winter fishing spots are also monitored. just do not go out on the ice in unequipped places, especially do not go out on the ice by motor vehicle in places unequipped for this purpose. second, naturally, if you go fishing, then it is necessary, experienced fishermen are familiar with this, to identify the ice by color. dark ice or ice is yellowish in color, it is usually frup. in addition, department employees perform their professional duties in the special operation zone. last year alone, more than 600 convoys delivered 3,500 tons of humanitarian aid. every day, emergencies ministry specialists save people during attacks by ukrainian nationalists. under rocket and artillery fire , victims are evacuated to extinguish burning houses. the department's sappers are clearing mines from front-line areas. pyrotechnic units of the ministry of emergency situations of russia carried out cleaning of territories from explosive items, including for the laying of new
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railway tracks and power lines. construction work also continues in these regions. and repair of destroyed fire and rescue infrastructure. during the retreat from the lpr, ukrainian nationalists plundered the fire rescue bases. almost everything was taken out of lisichansk, but it was possible to quickly resume the service. now it also helps neighboring settlements. currently, the detachment's units perform mine rescue work at coal enterprises, as well as search and rescue work. emergency situations ministry employees are constantly improving their skills. skills, knowledge during training exercises. the units receive modern machinery and equipment. this year it is planned to open an artillery rescue center in pevek. the head of the department, alexander kurenkov, noted.
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implements the federal program "clean city". within its framework, the norrnitel group of companies is conducting a northern program, which is aimed at achieving sulfur dioxide utilization rates at the level of the best world practices and a dramatic reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions by more than 45%. if we talk about the transition of industrial enterprises, boiler houses tc-1,2,3 in krasnoyarsk to gas, then this is already a guarantee. clean air in krasnoyarsk, the president of the russian federation held separate meetings in the krasnoyarsk territory, he gave substantive instructions
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to the government of the russian federation, the government of the krasnoyarsk territory, and gazprom so that gas would come to krasnoyarsk by 2028. well , returning to today’s presidential schedule, vladimir putin got acquainted with scientific achievements. who are already helping russian doctors, the head of state visited the center for diagnostics and telemedicine technologies, where he analyzes data from patients from all over the country, using, among other things , artificial intelligence, which makes it possible to identify certain diseases much faster than before, although much remains to be done, alexandra was convinced pirfilyeva. hello, welcome to our diagnostic center, today all rendinologists in the city of moscow are working... in the system we have a single repository, the so-called eris, where all the devices are connected, all the ct, mri. vladimir putin visited the first in russia and one of the largest
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teleradiological centers in the world, designed for remote description and quality control of radiation studies performed in city clinics. we have standards for each device, that is, we know exactly how this device should work. we know that how we... must influence the efficiency of the equipment to become greater, well, for example, there is not enough laboratory assistant, we help to actually train them, they lack some methodological resources, we help with this. tomographs, unique x-ray machines, mri mammographs, 1,300 units of digital medical equipment were purchased. this allowed moscow clinics to switch from the traditional diagnostic model to the most modern one. the mayor of moscow pays great attention to this program. sergei sobyanin.
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over the past 5 years, we have reconstructed and built 2 million. that’s 200, yes, that is, from the smallest district hospitals to the largest clinics, a lot has been done. and the plans for the next 4 years are ambitious. in moscow, 10 million radiation examinations are carried out annually, of which 5 million are interpreted at the center for diagnostics and medical purposes. artificial intelligence systems help doctors with this. today we... are implementing these artificial intelligence services on an industrial scale, that is , not in one specific hospital, not in one specific clinic, but today moscow is and this experiment is the world's largest
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prospective experiment to evaluate artificial intelligence services, here we are very we carefully devote a lot of time to the quality of work of artificial intelligence services, we constantly monitor them, we developed our own quality control methods from scratch, they did not exist, the problem is for today. 12 million studies were processed using artificial intelligence. neural networks help identify up to 37 common diseases. the center for diagnostics and telemedicine is the flagship of the implementation of industry standards. i am currently working on an mri study of the brain. here is a patient with a complex disease, multiple sclerosis. all digital diagnostic devices of the capital's medical organizations are connected to a unified radiological service and a unified medical service.
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after all. artificial intelligence did not finish checking
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alexander perfilev, news! remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you
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