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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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provide assistance to the patient, the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. and our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. one is a shooter, the other is a grenade launcher. twin brothers from enakievo have been in the northwestern military district zone for 2 years already, how they got to the front why they are called the debur brothers. the west wants to appoint the head of nato to oversee kiev. why jens stoltong was chosen for the role of governor and why ukraine was for him. more interesting than working at the
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norwegian central bank. the enemy is trying to solve the problem of shortage of shells using drones. and russian fighters catch the most outlandish birds and study them. what rare examples of ukrainian drones have already told our specialists about. in kiev there are huge queues at bus stops due to closed metro stations. the capital of ukraine and other cities are being overtaken by a real engineering collapse. why is the regime unable to stop him? there is no mobilization for women, but they send summonses. those vysushnitsa who are already at the front complain about the lack of weapons; motivational videos from kiev to go to the front no longer work. our faith is strong, there is strength in unity and courage, an inspiring announcement for the folk video for a popular front-line hit. the public about the heroes of the special operation released its version of the video for the song by rapper alexander stepanov, aka st about our defenders. just a week. he first sang it with a guitar
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to the russian guards serving in the zone, here are the words and music, as they say, went to the people and quickly spread to russian units in various sectors of the front. give him strength to win, to return home and reign in peace. give him strength to win. he is a hero for the elders, and a god for the young. in the comments to the popular video, the heroes of the special operation talk about their faith in a just cause and our victory, so it is not surprising that the life-affirming lyrics of the song caught the attention of the fighters, and the rapper himself, presenting the composition, stated that in this way he wanted to support our military and give them strength. well and also about ways to maintain good spirits, even in the most difficult conditions on the front line, an amazing story of two brothers...
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yanakiev, who fight together. stanislav bernwald will tell you how family ties help them. together in life, supporting each other. before the start of the svo, the twins, kolya and dima, worked at the mine in yanakiye, which is not far from donetsk, when they received the summons, they gathered and went to serve brother for brother, shoulder to shoulder. the commander, at first, he always distinguished us by our sweaters, which one was red, which one was blue, guys, well, the same. the guys were given because of the love of football, in peacetime they professionally kicked the ball and , as their colleagues say , they have no equal in this matter, at home they played football professionally all the time and the boys there called two twin brothers, there are also dutch football players, here we are all with they were named, they have a surname. footballers frank and ronald deboer
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, twin brothers, were also inseparable, played together for ajax and barcelona, ​​became winners of the champions league, so nikolai and dima, at first they studied together, went down into the mine together, went together to the edge, to the edge of the native to protect, when one of the brothers received a summons, the second could not stay away all his life together, which means it was destined to serve together, but it’s a giveaway. kolya became a grenade launcher; immediately after completing military training, the guys were sent to the village of peski in one of the most difficult areas where fierce battles took place. the guys admit that these were the most terrible and terrible days on the front line, they had to fight at night and dig in without dugouts, the distance to the enemy there often... did not exceed 50 m, there of course
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it was still more difficult, they were very close to them , well, they were nearby, but they still managed somehow. they are from makeyevka, a satellite city of donetsk, they began serving in the fourteenth year, they were only 17, and they are still serving in as part of the communications unit of the armed forces of the russian federation. over the years of service, we traveled the entire front line in our native donetsk direction. a real hero
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standing in defense of his native land, their male colleagues say. i help the hispaniola battalion, i visited their location more than once, there are girls there who actually fight, they are snipers. moreover, there is very serious training, there the physical fitness should be no worse than that of the men, and the girls fight, they have results, they return on special missions, smiling, happy, i understand that they are doing the right thing. brothers, kolya and dima, of course , miss home, because there is family and relatives there, but they are not in a hurry to go home yet, they say, first we need to finish a very important job, and then with a calm heart and victory we can go home, to the hut, to during the day russian military... vehicles and four large ammunition depots, that is, the statistics for the kiev regime
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are literally murderous, and it can only respond with cynical terrorist attacks from the lpr, a report by mikhail andronik, and this is exactly where the store is supposed to be, and pillars of black... rise above kremennaya, the city is shelled by high-precision nato weapons, there are no casualties among the military, kiev militants once again killed only civilians. numerous fragments of ammunition are scattered over a fairly large area in the area of ​​impact, according to the assumption of our military, who visited the scene of the tragedy, it could be a gbu-39 gliding bomb, fired from a hymers multiple launch rocket system. in any case, the plumage is very similar. supply of this type of ammunition. repeatedly announced in washington. the cost of one such bomb is about 160 thousand dollars. once in the hands of ukrainian militants, these ammunition are used exclusively to kill the civilian population of donbass. they are doing it right now. about kiev’s plans to launch a counter-offensive against our military
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has been known for a long time. with the arrival of darkness we move to the first line of defense. as part of the aida reconnaissance group, akhmat special forces. from now on. the enemy is already across this field, it is the fighters of this unit who are now entrusted with the task of controlling the situation in the kremen forest, laying down the militants’ shelter in belogorovka, destroying enemy transport or dismantling enemy artillery positions, all these tasks are carried out every day by the aida group, special forces akhmat. the uniqueness of akhmat’s reconnaissance is that the decision to fire artillery and its attraction, is accepted not after 10 circles, but... any fighter can directly, being connected with artillery, can call it to perform his daily tasks. the drone detector does not shut up, literally, it sees drones in the sky, both attack drones and reconnaissance drones, you can’t stick your heads out of the trench, as
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if to confirm these words , enemy loitering ammunition arrives at the place where the quadcopter took off, a minute after it took off. residents found a puppy who had fallen into a destroyed sewer. with using the machine, the scouts moved the concrete slab and freed the baby. naturally, after such a rescue, the puppy found its new home in the unit. okay, let's go feed you. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, news:
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lugansk people's republic. come on, come on, eat, he called on nato countries to spend even more money on so-called defense, and expressed the hope that this year the amount of corresponding expenses will approach four. 100 billion dollars in europe alone, that is, without taking into account the us military budget. this is all a statement from jens stoltenberg, which essentially re-confirmed the reputation of a real hawk, among other things. demanded not to weaken support for the kiev regime, they say, the more weapons the junta receives, the better, therefore , everyone from washington to brussels should push harder, although it is likely that the collective west is waiting for increased efforts personally from the secretary general of the alliance, but in a different position. in particular, according to the russian foreign intelligence service, stoltenberg is now being actively considered for the role of special envoy for ukraine from the g7 states. and he himself doesn’t seem averse to becoming a kind of watchdog for the team. the city, which needs a hero,
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decided to find a beholder. the west, having already taken manual control of kiev, decided to formalize relations with the ukrainian authorities by officially appointing a special envoy from the so -called big seven. according to the russian foreign intelligence service , the leader of nato stoltenberg may become the governor. it is assumed that. he will be able to enter zelensky’s office without wearing clothes, and most importantly, he will make sure that the man in green does not suddenly i thought he was deciding something at the bank. especially after the replacement of zaluzhny nasyrsky, suspicions that zelensky will be willful have increased many times over. this is most likely associated with attempts to appoint a certain person in order to have direct, permanent physical access to vladimir zelensky and control his mental health. and here. spring is just around the corner, which at the bank is associated not with warm air, but with a vacuum of legitimacy.
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end of official term of office zelensky may be the deadline for the west to appoint its governor. but the main problem is, of course, the kiev officials, to whom no matter how much money you give them, they will continue to shout, which, however, will not in any way affect the successes of the armed forces of ukraine. the ukrainian armed forces are objectively weakened, there are massive desertions, heavy losses, and a gradual advance. russian army and the prospects for the liberation of more and more new territories are forcing nato to change its command structure, concentrate more power in one hand, in order to try stabilize the situation and continue aggression against russia. stoltenberg had already worked as a special representative at the un and was responsible for climate change, but as a person with a persistent, nordic character, he had established himself earlier in the early 1990s, when he headed the government in his native norway. it was under stoltenberg that the far-right national.
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now there will be someone to ride for them, it is no coincidence that we remember the quote about a man merciless to the enemies of the reich in the story about stoltenberg, because the authors of the project looking after kiev did not even rely on experience with special envoy for syria, there is such an official, striking in his ineffectiveness, in the forties, nazi germany actively appointed gauleiters in the occupied territories, heydrich ruled czechoslovakia, frank was responsible for ... poland, and the gruppen fuhrer of cuba was sent to belarus. all three carried out mass executions, fortunately
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they also had a common fate. one was killed after the nuremberg tribunal, two were killed by local residents. by the way, there are now signs that the ukrainian elites are looking at side of russia, and therefore the author of the idea with gauleiter, the united states, is rushing to save the situation. because at the moment washington is the main driving force of nato. in fact, it is the president of the united states. commands the entire group, all alliances and directs its actions, including during the aggression in ukraine. another thing is that, for political reasons, a european candidate may be chosen, but he will be loyal and controlled by washington. after the arrival of the western gauleiter in kiev, the local authorities will not even have that last bit of independence that they they're trying to show it now. on the other hand, the appearance of a new master will at least simplify communication. things can be called by their proper names. after all, if a special envoy of the seven is appointed by the time zelensky loses the right to present himself as the president of ukraine,
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it will at least be clear who is now considered the head of the kiev regime. the fighters of the bars volunteer detachment of the southern military district received state awards, as noted by the ministry of defense, the servicemen completed all the tasks assigned to them, showed perseverance and courage. about heroes who hold positions in the zaporozhye sector of the front, anton stepanenko will tell. commander of a volunteer detachment. leopard 10 ivan ogolenko has been in the northern military district since april of 1922; his relatives learned that he was there much later, and it was not from him himself that they told him on tv. channel russia 24. and he’s like a friend at home, he never turns off, all the news is around the clock, i learn from him, i found out so that my son was awarded, this was ivan’s first state award for the northern military district, the order of courage for the battles near novomikhailovka in the orekhovsk direction zaporozhye front, they called me and thanked me for saving his subordinates
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when they were... ambushed, or how to put it correctly, surrounded, where by his actions, as he took command, he then captured strong points, seized more weapons and without losses came out. ivan is a career military man, graduated from the saratov institute of internal troops, completed his service with the rank of captain in the northern military district, started as a company commander, and is now a detachment commander. we came... the milestones of the detachment’s combat path along the fronts of the northern military district ivan lists for about 30 seconds, positions in zaporozhye already the fourteenth in a row. the very first heavy battles, because you are responsible , now you already know how to evacuate , where to go, what to pay
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special attention to when entering, how to ensure the supply of ammunition to people, well, all these moments, the head is like a computer. you set it up in such a way that you sit until the end , they will take you away in any way, they will come for you in any way, so that bad thoughts never arise in you, the second order of courage was awarded to captain agalyonka for the assault actions in the orekhovsk direction, he led the detachment into the attack, we volunteers always go on equal terms, and you , the battalion commander, always go with your unit, you are the first to start them up, the first to show them, then
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you direct all these actions, in principle, we did not suffer such significant losses there. well, there were three people there, everything was small, but we completed the assigned task, we completed it, lieutenant colonel of the federal penitentiary service vladimir shurkhovetsky served in the bars-1 detachment, where he came as a volunteer, began as a private, began his combat journey in zaporozhye on march 28, 22 year, veteran of the northern military district, the hardest day, well, probably it was, near the canopy, this. also zaporozhye region, this is the first time we were fired upon by cassettes, we were just in open areas, there was practically nowhere to hide. during the conversation , air defense is being practiced nearby. vladimir didn’t even raise an eyebrow; there was a medal on his chest for bravery, just awarded for saving his colleagues. it means there was a cluster shelling, two guys were wounded, they
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were on the roof of a building with manpads, well, how could i find my bearings quickly - they were let down by fighters from roofs, because well, the guys will just die. in the hospital they were put back on their feet, they recovered and returned to duty, serving together again. anton stepanenko, valery venokurov, lead the zaporozhye front. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. in kiev there are huge queues at bus stops due to closed metro stations. the capital of ukraine and other cities are facing a real engineering collapse. why is the regime unable to stop him? when it seems that things can’t get better,
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defense minister sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state order for the production of missile systems in the moscow region. at the enterprise, the head of the military department was presented with ready-made samples of the chryzontema s anti-tank complex . the gibca s support-launch combat vehicle. the gigitt installation, as well as the arena m active defense complex . according to the minister of defense, the weapons produced make it possible to hit enemy targets at long ranges and with high accuracy. the head of the department set the task for the enterprise management to quickly make adjustments and modifications taking into account the experience of the special operation. today, work has been done that allows us to hit targets with greater accuracy and corresponding range characteristics. finished. weapons to normal combat condition, this applies to manpads systems, this applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this
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applies to everything that we need today in the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles, i hope that the volumes that we need are all with additional volumes, today we will consider and make a decision about zelensky’s dreams... about the entry of ukrainian troops into some borders of ninety, ninety -one are absurd, the us authorities are feeding kiev with false promises and false hopes. this is the harsh verdict issued by the american senator, republican from the state of agaya, james david vance, who began his political career after serving in the army, and is well aware of the real capabilities of his country’s military-industrial complex, especially when compared with the production capacity of the russian military-industrial complex. how many artillery shells do we produce and how many do the russians produce? so we have it comes out to 30,000 per month; at the beginning of the conflict there were 20,000. guess how many
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russians produce? 25? thousand a day. well, actually, what did you need to prove? and the ukrainian armed forces militants themselves have recently been increasingly complaining about a catastrophic shell shortage, which, in principle, cannot be satisfied by any western military assistance. although, on the other hand, there are those in the enemy camp who claim that a worthy alternative has been found for artillery ammunition in the form of new modifications of drones. what exactly are we talking about, ready and willing to evgeniy tishkavet will tell you how our fighters encountered such drones. the fewer usu shells and missiles, the more cunning and inventive the kits on drones are. everyday life of technical specialists of the russian army. collect downed and intercepted birds from ukrainian formations at the front, and then dissect the finds. any changes the enemy makes to uav designs are carefully studied. that's it, thanks, we'll study it and see. several interesting finds
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are shown by the engineer. fighters from the front line, for example, a printed circuit board hung capacitors, four electromagnets act as reset fasteners. more than one grenade can be attached to such a uav; four grenades can be dropped at once, not simultaneously, each strictly according to a signal from the operator. another interesting thing is that ukrainians are changing the control frequencies of drones to make them more difficult to suppress; they are creating autonomous strike systems that carry warheads at given coordinates. they don’t load charges there - they give a hit point, that is, they have already written software for this there, so the drone flies in, drops bombs on the point, flies away, the drone, which is autonomous, its devices cannot see it, it does not emit radiation, it flies purely according to gps, it only receives, does not transmit anything, so this is a dangerous thing, on a short leg vysushniki with baba ega, that’s what large but relatively slow drones are called, as
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a rule... the main advantage of baba yaga is its large payload - several kilograms. you can, for example, hang even more ammunition on such a drone, or put something more interesting. increasingly, dryers are placed on large uav systems communications, including starlinks, turning them into flying repeaters. babyaga is huge, they use both as a repeater and as a port, so to speak, for, well, such a port-womb for small pividrons. therefore, they now fly up to 20-25 km, you need to be especially vigilant and the things are quite dangerous, however, none of this even comes close to a technical revolution, repeaters, multi-resets, frequency changes, we also have all this successfully used. the difference is that in the russian army, drones are only one of the means defeat, and the enemy is actually the last thing that still somehow works, and we are not sitting still,
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we are improving due to a higher general technological level. methods of combating uavs. just a couple of months ago everyone was talking in horror about baba yaga. today, there are more and more cases of defeat of such agrodrones, almost daily we receive feedback from fighters about the successfully planted new bobeg. they constantly send at least photographs, at most electronics from drones, we are constantly studying. development and improving rap systems, as well as drone detection, and this. the most difficult thing is that the effectiveness of uavs is largely due to the fact that they are very difficult to notice, so we have a bulat detector, we are actually actively introducing all possible detected drones into it today, and the fourth version of bulat is already on its way, which will cover a huge range of frequencies, and will also detect wings, furies, leleks, and upgrades. is
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not only invented somewhere in laboratories, here, for example, is a story straight from the tape: one of fighters learned to intercept signals from enemy fpvs, now his colleagues always know when an enemy drone appears in the sky, he himself flew on an fpv, one moment the birds ran out from hectic work, he began to catch a signal from fascist copters, he began to broadcast on the air, to warn our fighters about that , where it flies to where. takes aim, summarizing what we can learn from the enemy, but perhaps perseverance has so far failed to extract a single truly unique technology from the ukrainian birds. however, our engineers study enemy uavs will continue so that the fighters destroy them even more effectively. they come to russia with empty bags and empty tanks, and go back with a good supply of food and gasoline, but what about this?


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