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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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will detect, among other things, wings , furies or skies, and upgrades are not only invented somewhere in laboratories, for example, here is a story straight from the tape: one of the fighters learned to intercept signals from enemy fpvs, now his colleagues always know when an enemy appears in the sky the drone itself was flying in fpv, one moment the birds ran out from the hectic work and began to catch the signal from the fascist copters. already broadcast, warn our fighters about where he is flying, where he is aiming, summarizing what we can learn from the enemy, but only persistence has so far failed to extract a single truly unique technology from ukrainian birds. nevertheless, our engineers will continue to study enemy uavs so that our fighters can destroy them even more effectively. they come to russia with empty bags and
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empty tanks, go back with a good supply of food and gasoline, this is the routine of residents of the border polish voivodeships, who, instead of going to the store, now go on a trip to the kaliningrad region. the reason is banal: it’s cheaper in russia, inflation in poland has led to the population is looking for various ways to save money. from the russian-polish border, reporting by marina naumova. there are currently no cars with russian registration numbers on the russian-polish border. entry into neighboring countries is prohibited. every now and then polish cars enter the kaliningrad region and go straight to gas stations. russian citizens can now enter poland only through third countries included in the schengen zone. for europeans , russia is still open. and while along the polish border is being erected with a high fence, ordinary poles continue to travel to the westernmost russian region. in poland, diesel costs 155 rubles. per liter whenever we arrive, we fill up with a full tank of fuel, which is
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almost three times cheaper than in europe. the so-called polish fuel trucks, after the restrictions in force during the pandemic , have returned to their business. for such trips, old volkswagen passat cars are used. they have the most spacious fuel tank, designed for 100 liters. and if raise the car using a jack, you can fill in an additional 10 liters. those who resell russian gasoline, as a rule, do not admit that they cross the border only to fill the tank with fuel.
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hotels, restaurants and shopping centers are now empty because there are no guests from kaliningrad. the poles themselves are convinced that russophobia is being instilled in society by the authorities; polish business is looking forward to the return of the russians. our entrepreneurs are somehow waiting for your tourists, they always came with cash, yes, they are good clients. prices for utility services products in russia appreciated by ethnic germans. anton has lived in germany for 20 years, but has now bought an apartment in yekaterinburg. your gas is cheap. unlike the poles, russian-speaking germans do not go to russia for gasoline; many of them are now looking for real estate to move to russia. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, oksana serzhantova, maria dobroradnykh, daria podobedova, conduct the kaliningrad region. bad news for the people of kiev, a loud headline on the website of the ukrainian tv channel. the situation with
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infrastructure in the capital square, local residents have already become accustomed to the fact that constant problems with public utilities are an integral part of their lives, but according to the forecast of journalists, it will only get worse, as most say. kiev bridges may simply fall apart, since emergency structures are not repaired and continue to be used, while their condition is officially recognized as incompetent according to ukrainian norms and standards; the situation with the kiev metro is no better, there is a threat of flooding, and sinkholes, while the media are threatening closure new stations are published eloquent footage that speaks more about the state of the transport system than dozens of experts, but the most important thing is to save engineering systems from degradation, it seems no one... is recruited then, as ukraine destroys itself, observes evgenia nipot. infrastructure is crumbling in different cities, but of course, it is the dnieper fish that is rotting from the head. there is real transport paralysis in kiev, and communal paralysis is just around the corner. this situation is typical not only for the capital of ukraine.
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leaks began in the kharkov metro; the day before, by the way, one of the stations was removed brelyev pushkin and the very next day problems began. the city authorities blamed everything. russia’s position is very convenient, to throw off all responsibility from itself. the kiev authorities probably also tried, but it didn’t work. these shots show the city center of the capital, a lot of garbage, cracked asphalt, but most importantly, queues at the bus stops. hundreds of people waiting for public transport. let me remind you that the subway tunnels were flooded in december. immediately six stations leading to the densely populated area were closed, almost 200 were cut off from the metro.
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it is not surprising, given how work is going on the unfinished stations, the authorities promised to commission this new winery in 2024, 4 billion hryvnia have already been spent on construction, construction, apparently, has stalled. it was not russian air bombs that brought the kiev metro to a standstill, there were apparently miscalculations in...
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the metro bridge was recognized along with the poton bridge, this is footage from two years ago, the last mentioned bridge is simply crumbling under the weight of passing cars. now, of course, they are trying to patch up damaged facilities, but experts they say it cannot be ruled out that a major restructuring will be required, which means that kiev will face even greater problems with transport, because two of the main seven bridges across the dnieper... risk closing and not just closing, for several years at once. what is happening in kiev is already being called a real engineering collapse, where accidents in water supply and sewerage networks have become commonplace; in the regions this situation is even worse. communal collapse for two reasons:
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firstly, random people came, secondly, they do not pursue a policy that thought about peace, yes, about how we will continue to live, but... they are also trying to make money from this, the funds that are allocated for some kind of communal work are being stolen, the people who are supposed to keep the communal system in working order are being kidnapped by the tetsk workers right from the streets , this video was filmed in nikolaev, and the mayor of dnepropetrovsk is howling that employees in the housing and communal services sector cannot be found during the day, everyone was snatched up from the streets and taken to the front. it cannot be ruled out that the lack of personnel is one of the important reasons that... energy facilities remain without repairs, as in the same dnepropetrovsk region, are a serious reason, but far from the only one. the kiev authorities do not repair some facilities, firstly, because there are no spare parts, and let’s just assume that the manufacturer of some kind of steam turbine or
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boiler is located in russia, and accordingly, it is simply impossible to purchase spare parts, why repair, by the beginning of the svo , ukrainian energy system. gave a double margin of safety, in the nineties, in my opinion, ukraine consumed 300 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, by twenty the first year around 150-160. and again , the soviet legacy, the maintenance of which without proper renovation and modernization, is costing ukrainians more and more expensive; in a year alone, electricity prices have increased by almost 70%. for the old-timers, so to speak, how this kiev still stands, how it won’t collapse, everything, because they don’t look after it, and one wise guy told me that they were preparing in kiev, soviet.
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decades. in the us state of west virginia, joe biden was declared unfit to serve as head of the united states. due to than the state government's chief legal adviser called for biden to be removed from office. a public letter on this issue states that americans are very concerned about the level of cognitive abilities of the president, but so far only biden's secretary of homeland security has been impeached for problems at the border. with details, the head of our american bureau, valentin bogdanov. letting joe biden go alone to the press, those who always remain behind the scenes,
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has recently become very scary, the next message the reporters seemed to get it from them, and not from the us president himself. i’m not going to answer questions today, i’ll answer them tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but that is unless he forgets something again or messes up again, especially since there are no fewer people willing to ask biden than to ask biden, at least for ukraine .
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the responsibility for quickly passing this bill now falls on the shoulders of speaker johnson and
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house republicans. however, in this form the bill did not reach the house of representatives. will hit. johnson turns it around on the long approach. the prospects are vague, although democrats are collecting signatures to oust the speaker. but this is impossible without the betrayal of at least six republicans. plus, we also need to convince our own left, that is, the pro-palestinian wing. the bill also contains money for israel. the bill's future looks bleak. speaker mike johnson said he probably won't even bring it up for a vote. according to speaker johnson, he and his colleagues already have their work cut out for them. budget, illegal migrants did not want to cede to biden on control of the mexican border, let them blame themselves. and the first one went. 214 votes for, 213 against. resolution.
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secretary of war william belknop, and it was the white house who was impeached, was almost 150 years ago in 1876. “balnop was accused of corruption, he immediately resigned, people around biden are not so principled, the decision of the senate is the next step in the matter, mayorkas will calmly wait in his chair, with the confidence that he will not fly out of it, although now even elon musk has urged the minister to write a statement in his own way. don't expect a lengthy
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trial, don't expect anything like what we saw with the impeachment of donald trump, we know that this..." the process will not lead to the removal of mayorkas. liberals are celebrating in advance, hoping for the number of bayonets to remove mayorkas. the votes of 67 senators is 2/3, and the republicans in the upper house do not even have a simple majority. the best way to get rid of mayorkas is to fire joe biden. it's time to hear the opinion of the american people. mayork's impeachment for trump supporters is also a warm-up for possible impeachment. to biden himself, he has already begun to lament. history will not be kind to house republicans for their blatantly unconstitutional partisan move to target a respected public servant in order to play petty political games. however, for biden, the limit of history’s favor seems to have been exhausted. justice departments and
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house leaders are discussing the appearance in congress of special counsel robert hur, the one that he was investigating how biden kept it. photos have been published that were found on the phone of the son of the us president, there are bags of cocaine, and miniature scales for crack and other paraphernalia of a drug addict. the photographs are dated 2018. at this very time , biden jr., lying that he did not use, bought a colt, for which he is now facing a real criminal case. this is already such
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a pattern, each new investigation into biden and his family brings to light details that can. going to the front no longer works. alfabank for business. register for free and open a business account with free service.
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training grounds, received military specialties, signed a contract with the ministry of defense of ukraine. average age is 35 years. information from the lugansk people's republic about the replenishment of personnel of ukrainian militants in the matchmaker-flint section of the northern military district. as reported exactly. reinforcements consisting of women were sent there, according to the russian military, there are especially many of them in the units of some national battles, including the banned azov and aydar, it is still difficult to estimate the exact percentage of women among terrorists, but some an idea can be formed by indirect signs, in particular by the gender composition of the sushniks who are captured by russian troops, as they said in the state duma, precisely on the front section near svatova and kremennaya, among them they are increasingly found.
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through the agenda, and why? because such a system, that is, you are forced, as if you are voluntarily going through a commission, you voluntarily gave your information so that they would serve you a summons. will they give a deferment if the summons is actually already in hand? data is being collected in ukraine women, this is a fact, despite the fact that they are not officially mobilized, there are more and more similar videos on the internet of girls being taken to the front.
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she, at the head of a naked crowd, ran her face into someone’s strong fist, then she joined the terrorist base, was a people’s deputy, now the female face of the front, dubious, a certificate was provided for everyone to see that the black man was suffering from psychological diseases, this is the contingent now in fighting among ukrainian soldiers, and the fact that it has now broken through on television, indicates that the apu is experiencing.
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it’s impossible to hide everything, for example, a girl with the call sign curly says that in addition to the fact that she doesn’t send underwear with humanitarian aid, they also discriminate against their own people. men could choose the sets of bed linen and underpants that they wanted, but i had no choice, and, for example, when the same khaki underwear is dried after washing, underpants of a different color or shape appear among them, then excitement and misunderstanding begin. if women go to ssu, then just because of the money. because the kiev regime leaves no other choice, this girl was saved by our military, her husband went missing at the beginning of the northern military district, the authorities refused to pay compensation, and the children needed something to feed, she could have died, but she made the right choice. i started to pass out, the commander requested evacuation, we were refused, i saw a drone flying, i started waving at it, and then the military came up with your russian tricolor, provided me with medical assistance, and took me with them. on
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contract. come back, everything will depend on those tasks, which the united states will pose to the regime in ukraine, they will call for recruiting so many people in order to simply use human resources, and not some lines of defense, to hold the front. but the front on the part of the ukrainian armed forces has not held up for a long time, rather it is tottering, on women’s shoulders, it is unlikely to be maintained. voting by location. mobile
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voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you must submit no later than march 11 application to any election commission or mfc or government services. and you can vote at the chosen polling station.
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what happened here on february 24-25? social networks, calls, sending out fake news, going to a rally, all western-linked pr agencies got involved to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in the war. the content and the agenda itself are there.
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forms hundreds of people, professional from the staff, who spend their entire lives influencing minds. i personally trained in ipso courses. there are chats where you can get tasks: today we are scaring belarusians that the russians will force them to fight. tomorrow on the dagestanis, that means they take to the streets. remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be endlessly ashamed because we are russians. this was a real hybrid war. in russia , another national development project will be launched by the end of the year modern technologies and healthcare, and in the spring they will increase payments to various categories of doctors, increase funding for scientific developments in the field of medicine, vladimir putin said this at the forum of future technologies, what else will varvarnevskaya tell in the spotlight, a person and his health should be at the center of the entire
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system healthcare.


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