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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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and the host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarobin. carlos, he said that after the interview, just so that now maybe to dispel the doubts that arose, this is my question. carlson said that after the interview you had more conversations. now everyone is wondering about what? well, he went through some of his plans, as i already said, and as i understand, that’s it, he didn’t go beyond the scope of this plan.
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his relatives, his great-grandfather fled from russia from jewish pogroms, in different countries of the world, in europe, in the states, this topic is constantly arises, i repeat, arises with the aim of demonizing russia, to show what kind of barbarians are here, what kind of scoundrels and robbers live here, in fact, if you look at what today said...
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mr. blinkin left kiev for the united states, it means , there was no ukraine there, if he says that he fled from russia, apparently, mr. blinkin is our man, but in vain he makes such public statements, this can lead to failure. these were fragments of an interview with vladimir putin, author and host of the moscow kremlin program putin to pavel zarubin, and we will return to this topic, russians. defense workers must quickly make improvements to weapons , taking into account the experience of their use in special operations. this order was given by the head of the ministry of defense. sergei shaigu visited the mechanical engineering design bureau in the moscow region and checked how the state defense order for the production of missile systems was being fulfilled. denis alekseev has all the details. we need to do it faster. this is how defense minister sergei shaigu outlined the priority task of upgrading weapons in within the framework of the state defense order. shaigu inspected the missile production.
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this needs to be done faster, yes, we feel that the high-precision weapons that are produced at the enterprise allow us to hit enemy targets at long ranges and with high accuracy, that is, a completely different combat tactic is being laid, which is important for preserving the personnel of our groups. sergei shaigu emphasized, given the enemy’s methods, say, the use of drones of various classes, it is necessary to modernize other types of weapons, work has been done that allows us...
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to hit targets with greater accuracy with the appropriate range characteristics, the weapon has been brought to normal combat condition, we can confirm: those characteristics that were laid down initially, and now we will talk about the following samples: the range is quite large, this applies to poser systems, this applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to everything that we need today in the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles, today the russian army has become famous a fresh batch of t-80 tanks, they have enhanced dynamic... protection, there is a roof protection module, a screen that will smooth out the consequences of the arrival of ammunition from a drone, all the new vehicles have already been sent to the combat zone. and here’s what’s there now, in the donetsk direction: a unit of the tula guards airborne forces unit does not allow the armed forces of ukraine to carry out
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a rotation in the area of ​​the village of vesyoloye. the settlement was liberated back in january, for our troops this is a step towards expanding the front line, for the armed forces of ukraine another failed operation, but not they kept me and now they are torturing me for so long. to regain lost positions, pull up reserves to help, nothing works, all access roads to the strategic line are controlled by our group of troops, we aim, work on the enemy, disrupt rotations, disrupt some attempts to move the supply of ammunition, food, well, in general, we do not give the enemy rest and relax. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment, the second, third,
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the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, with his knowledge, without his participation, of course, the armed forces of ukraine were thrown into a breakthrough, they sent in infantry without support, the results were tens of two hundredths, everything was in the spirit of the butcher general. denis alekseev, lead. the first rule of hunting is that it starts any second. second rule of hunting. the prey goes to the one who pursues it, new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct, 100 lotto, holiday discounts on your favorite products in a magnet, filevskoe ice cream,
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more than 2 million russians have already applied to participate in remote electronic voting in the presidential election. this data was presented today by the chairman of the central election commission. for those who prefer to vote at the polling station, the moscow state sign factory is already printing paper ballots. margarita semenyuk saw how this happens. technique or secret of the printing shop specialists, future ballot papers before when sent to the machine, it is treated with an antistatic agent, which allows you to remove paper static, it is electrified and in order to improve the process of paper passing through the machine, we remove paper static. how often is this method used? well, two or three razz per game. the sample form was approved, and the printing presses are not silent in the moscow branch of the gazznak enterprise. six copies on a sheet of 860x60 mm format, how many
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such sheets of a1 format are printed per hour, on which there are six ballots? six bulletins, about 8,500 per hour somewhere, the total is more 50,000 election forms per hour , per shift the printers produced the first edition of almost 500,000 copies, each form has a protective background against counterfeiting, control of the printing machines, here experts can track the quality of the sheet with ballot papers, here experts can check the density of the ink applied to the sheet , it is very important to note the parameters, because here the background protective green mesh is applied, if there are any shortcomings, then workers can make changes directly on this machine adjustments. a continuous process, employees work in three shifts, around the clock, so that
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the approved preliminary designs and , accordingly, the first edition is finished printing , we started printing yesterday after receiving it today, then processing, sharp packaging and transfer of the edition to the customer will follow. the perm branch produces security stamps that will be affixed to the form upon receipt of the election. the names of the candidates, opposite there is information and, of course, a square in which each voter can make his choice, by checking the box. nikolai kharitonov, a candidate for the russian presidency from the communist party of the russian federation, is also greeted in alphabetical order in the capital of the urals. from yekaterinburg to the special operations zone of kharitonov and supporters have already sent more than 120 humanitarian convoys,
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supporting donbass 2014. everything that is needed today by the regional party organization of the ural federal district, people, good people, everything that they could today, so we are essentially sending a convoy from yekaterinburg, but those guys who are meeting today, participants for sure, you low. stella is a city of labor valor. the chairman of the central election headquarters of vladimir putin visited the classes of cadets at the bryansk military training center. for first aid, an updated tactical first aid kit, for experience - tactical
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training, the pre-top one is so worthy, yes, i look at the manufacturers, they tried to complete the maximum from what they saw the most modern, in the year of the tenth anniversary of the crimean spring, vladimir mashkov came to the residents of sevastopol, co-chairman of the election headquarters vladimir putin, with volunteers and representatives of public organizations discussed the development of crimea, donbass, kherson and zaporozhye regions. now i have met... guys with sparkling eyes, who understand that the life and future of russia are in their hands, of course, this is very inspiring, i congratulate you on our great success, we have collected 3.5 million signatures throughout the country. early voting in hard-to-reach areas will begin on february 25. this also applies to some new regions. margarita semenyuk, dmitry shevilev, daria leonova, artyom ryzhikov, valeria sapegina. news. let's return to the interview
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with vladimir putin, the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. the other day , the german media, the german media published articles that the grandfather of the current german foreign minister, she is lena berbak, he was an ardent nazi and so, considering. everything that has been happening in relations between our countries in recent years turns out to be something that may be happening at some genetic level in this country.
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once again, this is a separate topic, but what concerns nationalism and nazism, fascism, you know, i’ll tell you, it may be a strange thing, well, first of all, the lady herself, what’s her name, is analena berbock, berbak, and berbock, so that her last name is not mistaken, she represents the green party, and many representatives of this part
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of the political spectrum of europe, they capitalize on people's fears and inflame these people's fears of. before the events that may occur in the world in connection with climate change, and then speculating on these fears, which they themselves incite, then carries out his a political line that is far from what they came to power with, this is what is happening now in germany, let’s say, coal generation has increased, it was larger than in russia in the energy structure, and it was larger, and now it is.
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you can’t shift responsibility onto the people of today’s generation for what hitler and his henchmen did, and not only in germany, but in other parts of the world, europe and so on, i think it would be unfair, and in general to create this label , this is for the entire german people, this
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dishonest position, this is abuse , now in many countries, even in those in which, it would seem, this should not sound like a political motive, but unfortunately it sounds like... i mean, what - the exclusivity of some peoples over others, some kind of chosenness and so on , well, listen, this is where nazism began,
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therefore, if this is so widespread, we should also, in any case, think about at such a global level to build this anti-fascist, anti-anti...
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then they carried out free of charge some functions that have developed since the formation of nato, these are their affairs, i think
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that nato has no use for anything anymore, there is only one meaning, it is an instrument of us foreign policy, but if the us believes that they don’t need this tool, well, that’s their decision. and the current us president biden is giving more and more reasons for the whole world to discuss the state of his health every day. this is the president of one of the largest.
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who hasn't hit his head somewhere, then there is, let him be the first to throw a stone at him, in general this is in my opinion, i am not a doctor, and i don’t consider myself in the right to give any comments on this matter, we must, we must look not at this, we must look at on the political position, i believe that the position of today's administration is in the highest degree. was 4 years ago, now it turns out
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that it is becoming relevant again, for us, who is better, biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with anyone a leader of the united states who will be trusted by the american people. these were new fragments of an interview with vladimir putin, the author and host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. we will return.
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marched through paris in formation, and here we see completely different soldiers, in general this is an archive, we are working to study the history associated with captivity, such leaflets were dropped at the front, at civilian positions, the city defense committee adopts resolutions that say that all means must be used military construction management and prisoners of war, prisoners are not always our enemies, among p
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the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, with approximately 1 million election organizers helping with this. observers, video surveillance at sites, electronic. and ballot processing complexes, mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting, the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting, elections in russia are important, fair, convenient!
12:00 am
vladimir putin answered questions from our colleague, author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. we present these shots to your attention. your interview with tucker carlos has already been viewed a billion times , with many positive responses.


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