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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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vladimir putin answered questions from our colleague, author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin. we present these shots to your attention. there are already a billion views of your interview.
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then we concluded an agreement with them known about friendship and mutual assistance in accordance with the charter of the united nations, we fulfilled our obligations under this agreement, as i said, we did not start the war, we are only trying to stop it, at the first stage we tried to do this with the help of peaceful means, with the help minsk peace agreements, as it turned out later, they led us here too, because both the former ... rfrg and the former president of france admitted directly and publicly stated that they did not intend to fulfill these agreements of ours, but were simply gaining time in order to additionally pump up the ukrainian regime with weapons which they did successfully. the only thing we can regret is that we did not begin our active actions earlier, believing that we were dealing with decent people. after all, karalsan was criticized immediately and before the interview.
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and that's why, because, frankly speaking, i i thought that he would behave aggressively and ask these so-called tough questions. i was not only ready for this, but i wanted it, because it would give me the opportunity to also respond sharply, which, in my opinion, would give a certain specificity to our entire conversation, but he chose a different tactic, he several times... me
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tried to interrupt, but still, surprisingly for a western journalist, he turned out to be patient and listened to my lengthy ideologists, especially those related to history. and didn’t give me a reason to do what i wanted would have been ready, so frankly speaking , i didn’t get complete pleasure from this interview, but, but he went rigidly according to his own plan, judging by his plan, and he carried out his plan, but as far as it was in the end.. .. meaningfully , it’s not for me to judge, these are just spectators, listeners , maybe readers, of the material received, they must make their choice, after this interview, calls immediately began to be made for
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sanctions against tucker carloson and in general there was talk that he was almost they can arrest you there, is this even possible? perhaps asanj is sitting in it, no one almost... remembers, only people close to him talk about it all, well, this is such a feature of public consciousness, so the topic goes away, but the truth is that asanj was at least accused of giving away some... then state secrets, it’s difficult to pin this on karsun, because he didn’t touch any secrets at all, nevertheless, probably, theoretically, everything is possible in today ’s america today in today’s...
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class of the usa, it would probably be nice, they would have shown then your true face. carlson he said that after the interview, just so that now maybe to dispel the doubts that arose, this is my question. carloson said that after the interview you had another conversation, now everyone is interested in what? well, he did some, he went through his plan, as i already said, and as i understand, everything is beyond the scope of this plan. came out, there were some other topics, for example, that i think would be important to talk about, but i didn’t push it - additional topics that
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the journalist didn’t raise in a conversation with me, so here’s the question of demonization russia is connected, well, let's say with the same... his relatives, his great-grandfather fled from russia from jewish pogroms, in different countries of the world, in europe, in the states, this topic constantly arises, i repeat, arises with
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the aim of demonizing russia, to show , what kind of barbarians are here, what kind of scoundrels and robbers live here, in fact, if you look at what today’s secretary of state said and look not at the political slogans, at the essence of the problems that were happening, then a lot of things become clear here, well, for example, in our the archives have all this, mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather actually left the russian empire, i think he was born somewhere in the poltava province, and lived then left kiev, a question arises. mr. blinkin believes that this is primordially russian territory, kiev and adjacent territories , first, second, if he says that he fled from russia from jewish pogroms, then at
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a minimum, at a minimum, i want to emphasize this, he believes that there is no ukraine in 1905, 1904, exactly 1904.
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which came from kyiv at that time, and so in principle, these massive negative events arose at the beginning of the 19th century , in my opinion.
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jews were somehow involved in the assassination attempt on the patriarch, but that doesn’t matter, the important thing is that - by the way, they countered with a pogrom, mm, resistance squads, which consisted of jewish and russian youth, uh, and the government gave appropriate assessments, even the tsarist and tried to prevent these tragic events, including with the help of the army. but i repeat again, this is a separate topic, and as for nationalism and nazism,
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fascism, you know, i’ll tell you, it may be a strange thing, well, first of all, the lady herself, what ’s her name, berbak, yes, so as not to mistake her last name, she represents the green party, many representatives of this part of the political spectrum of europe, they speculate on people's fears and inflame them. these people’s fears of the events that may occur in the world due to climate change, and then, capitalizing on these fears, which they themselves incite, then pursue their own political line, which is far from what they came to power with, this is now in in germany, say, coal generation has increased, and it was larger than in russia in the energy structure.
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germany cannot be blamed on the people of today's generation
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for what hitler and his henchmen did, and not only in germany, but in other parts of the world, europe and so on, i think it would be unfair, and in general to sculpt this label, this is for the entire german people, this is a dishonest position, it seems to me that this is not an honor, and it is of no use, we must proceed from the realities of today, to look at who is actually doing what and what policies they are pursuing, in this regard, by the way, in my opinion, it would be useful to do this, in my opinion, many now in many countries, even in those in
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which it seemed would, this should not sound like a political leitmotif, but... anti-fascist, anti, anti-nazi propaganda and work at, i repeat, the global level, and this should not be, should not be done at some state level, it will be effective only if it is done at the level public consciousness and public
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initiative, and no matter in which country in the world this happens, in the european union as a whole , almost... panic began in connection with the possible return of donald trump to the presidency of the united states, and recent statements, just the other day, they were, trump and european leaders were generally discouraged, they do not hide it, trump said that the united states should protect european countries only if european countries pay for it, which is why such relations have developed between europe, european leaders, politicians and donald trump, well... trump has always been called a non-system politician, he has his own view on the topic of how the united states should develop relations with its allies, well, sparkle earlier, here you go, take the withdrawal of the united states from the kyoto agreements
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in the field of ecology, then it also sparked, but the then presidential...
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in my opinion, it is incorrect for us to interfere in this process, well, listen, when i met with biden in switzerland, it was true several years ago, 3 years there, well then they were already talking about the fact that he was incompetent, i didn’t see anything like that , well, yes, he peeked at his piece of paper, to be honest, i peeked at mine, nothing like that, but the fact that he hit his head somewhere while getting out of the helicopter , and this... helicopter, but whoever we have hasn’t hit his head somewhere, that is, let the first one throw a cane at him, in general, in my opinion, i’m not not a doctor.
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it was he, as follows from the confessional
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statements about rakhami, who ordered kiev not to negotiate with moscow, but to fight. now, if the kiev authorities had not listened to these then, let's say, advice on how events could develop further? so, mr. rahami, i said this myself, look, he’s in sync, you are. we didn’t pull our tongues, he said what he thought, why he said it, i don’t know, he’s such a frank person, but he said that if we fulfilled those agreements, it means we would have agreed to the full implementation of those agreements that arose in istanbul, the war would have stopped a year and a half ago, he said about it, it’s necessary, that’s when mr. carlson’s interview is taking place. i think i should give it synchronous mr. arakhamia - why, uh, the west took such a position, i say specifically the west and, first of all, the anglo-saxon
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world, since the former prime minister mr. johnson could not come on his own initiative without consultations with washington on this matter, surely such consultations are not only were, but i think that he just went on a business trip at the expense of... if they see that the result is not working, apparently, they need to make adjustments, but this is already a question - a question - of the art of politics, because
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politics, as you know, this is art compromises. vladimir putin answered questions from the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. replay of the interview, watch on our channel at 7:00 am moscow time. russian defense industry workers must promptly make improvements to weapons, taking into account the experience of their use in special operations. this order was given by the head of the ministry of defense. sergei shaigu visited the design bureau, mechanical engineering in the moscow region and checked how the state defense order for the production of missile systems was being fulfilled. denis alekseev has details. we need to do it faster. this is how defense minister sergei shaigu outlined the priority task of upgrading weapons. within the framework of the state defense order. shaigu inspected the production of missile systems in the moscow region. vkv mechanical engineering presented the minister with ready-made samples of the chryzontema s atgm
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with modern guided missiles, and the manpads combat vehicle is flexible. c, a launcher for verba anti-aircraft missiles, an active protection complex for the arena m tank. for example, it will still be further developed taking into account the experience of the special operation. make it possible to fight again with hovering drones, add modifications. programming equipment, because there is a speed limit, it needs to be done faster, yes, we feel that the high-precision equipment that is produced at the enterprise makes it possible to hit enemy targets at long range and with high accuracy, that is, a completely different combat tactic is being laid down, which important for preserving the personnel of our groups. sergei shaigu emphasized, given the enemy’s methods, say, the use of drones of various classes, it is necessary modernize other types of weapons. the work has been done, which allows us to hit targets with greater accuracy with a corresponding characteristic range, and
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the weapon has been brought to... normal combat condition, we can confirm the characteristics that were laid down initially, and now we will talk about the following samples: the nomenclature is sufficient big, this applies to manpads systems, this applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to everything that we need today in the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles, today the russian army has become famous for... it has received a fresh batch of t-80 tanks, they have enhanced dynamic protection , there is a roof protection module, a screen that will smooth out the consequences of the arrival of ammunition from a drone, all the new vehicles have already been sent to the combat zone. but what is there now, the donetsk direction. units of the tula guards airborne forces do not allow the armed forces of ukraine to carry out a rotation in the area of ​​the village of vesyoloye. the settlement was liberated back in january. for our troops this is a step towards expanding the
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front line, for the ukrainian armed forces it is another step. failed operation, but they didn’t hold it, and now, no matter how much they try to regain lost positions, pull up reserves to help, nothing works, all access roads to the strategic line are controlled by our group of troops, we target, work on the enemy, disrupt rotations, disrupt some attempts movement, supply of ammunition, food, well, in general, we do not allow the enemy to rest and relax. in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions. positions were hit by fire manpower and equipment of the second, third, fifth assault, seventeenth tank, twenty -second, twenty-eighth, 24, 42 and ninety -third mechanized brigades in the areas of bogdanovka, krasny, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, andreevka, and repelled six attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. in the kupinsky direction, our fighters of the west group struck the rear positions of the militants, hit the hurricane with rocket systems, and where the rszz shells did not reach,
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the fighter pilots would finish them off. the tactics of the new commander-in-chief have already appeared on the krasnoliman front armed forces of ukraine of syrsky. unbeknownst to him, without his participation, of course, vysushnikov was thrown into a breakthrough and the infantry was sent in without support. the results are tens of two hundredths, everything is in the spirit of the butcher general. denis alekseev, lead. in barnaul , a strong wind tore off the roof of a building and it fell on parked cars. there was a woman in one of them, she was able to get out on her own, the city mayor's office reported that 10 cars were damaged as a result, it fits, dear ladies, i 'm not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, we're offering 3% cashback sbp for everything, no matter what you want to give, this, this, or even this, the main thing
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