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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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explain, don’t look, don’t look , okay, good, or something, but what do i think, if i were you, i would punch myself in the face, that’s it, that’s cool, ice three, they say that there are a lot of ukrainian refugees coming to europe with weapons, some kind of stinger? which the united states delivered to ukraine, this stinger will then be used to shoot down an israeli or american plane there. jevillings, enolamvas, where have these jevillings gone? everyone in dubai sells me. weapons from ukraine thus end up in romania , then through bulgaria they end up in turkey, and from there throughout the entire middle east region. here is the vehicle we discovered, here are the heavy missiles. in one of the seized
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together in life, they stood up for each other, before the start of the sbo, the twins, kolya and dima, worked at the mine in yanaki, which is not far from donetsk, when they received the summons, they gathered to serve brother for brother shoulder to shoulder, commander timurun always helped us at first i could tell the jackets, the okwa was red, the boys, well, they were also confused.
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footballers frank and ronald deboer, twin brothers, were also inseparable, playing together for ajax and barcelona, became winners of the champions league, so nikolai and dima, at first they studied together, went down into the mine together, together they went to the edge, to the edge of their native land to defend, when one of the brothers received a summons, the second could not stay away all their lives together, which meant serving destined to be together, just the two of us somehow. immediately after completing military
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training, the guys were sent to the village of peski, one of the most difficult areas where fierce fighting took place. the guys admit that these were the most terrible and terrible days on forward, it was necessary to fight at night from trenches without dugouts, the distance to the enemy there often did not exceed.
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in the northern military district zone there are many so-called family contracts, for example, a son was called up, the father could not stay at home, so he volunteered, and so on. the girls, twins, sasha and zhenya, they are from makeyevka, a satellite city of donetsk, began serving in the fourteenth year, they were only 17, and they are still serving as part of the communications unit of the armed forces of the russian federation. over the years of service, we traveled the entire front line in our native language. donetsk direction. real heroes , standing... to defend their native land , their male colleagues say, i help the hispaniola battalion, i went to their location more than once, there are girls there who just howl, they are snipers, and there is very serious training there, there must be physical training no worse than the men, and the girls fight , they have results, they return from special missions, smiling, happy, and understand that they are doing the right thing, brothers, kolya and dima, of course, miss home, because there is family, relatives, but not home yet they are in a hurry, talking to... social networks, calls,
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sending out fake news, going to a rally, all pr agencies tied to the west have joined in to encourage regional local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring confusion and confusion into their souls. this is the surest path to victory in rebellion war. the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional people from the state, who have been involved their entire lives. impact on minds, i personally trained in epso courses, there are chats where we get a task, today we scare the belarusians that the russians will force them to fight, tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained that ours is not the same country, that we
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should be infinitely ashamed already, because we the russians, this was a real hybrid war, the city that needed a hero decided to pick a beholder. the west , having already taken manual control of kiev, decided to formalize relations with the ukrainian authorities by officially appointing a special envoy from the so-called big seven. according to the head of the russian foreign intelligence service may become the head of nato stoltenberg. it is assumed that he will be able to enter zelensky’s office without a shirt, and most importantly, he will make sure that the person with the green shirt does not suddenly think that he is deciding something at the bank. especially after a shift. zaluzhny nasyrsky, suspicions that zelensky will be willful, they have increased many times over, this is most likely connected with attempts to appoint a certain person in order to have direct permanent physical access to vladimir zelensky and control his
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mental health. and then spring is just around the corner, which the bank associates not with warm air, but with a vacuum of legitimacy. end of official term of office. it may be a deadline for the west when it is necessary to appoint its governor, but the main problem is, of course, kiev officials, to whom no matter how much money you give, will continue to shout, which, however, will not in any way affect the successes of the armed forces of ukraine. the armed forces of ukraine are objectively weakened, there are massive desertions, heavy losses, the gradual advance of the russian army and the prospect of liberating more and more new territories are forcing nato to change its command structure and concentrate more power in some. hands to try to stabilize the situation and continue the aggression against russia. stoltenberg had already worked as a special representative at the un and was responsible for the climate, but as a person with a persistent, nordic character, he had established himself earlier in the early 1990s, when he headed the government in his native norway. it was under
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stoltenberg that the far-right nationalist brebik carried out a massacre, for which he received 21 years in a luxury prison. and the prime minister’s chair didn’t even think about shaking. after all, the authors of the “watching kiev” project did not even rely on the experience with the un special envoy for syria. there is such an official who is striking in his inefficiency. in the forties , nazi germany actively appointed gauleiters in the occupied territories. heydrich ruled czechoslovakia, frank
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was in charge of poland, and the gruppenführer of cuba was sent to belarus. all three carried out mass executions, fortunately their fate turned out to be common too. one was touched after. a european candidate may be chosen, but he will be loyal and controlled by washington. after western guuleiter arrives in kiev, the local authorities will no longer have that last bit of independence that they are now trying to show. on the other hand, the appearance of a new master will at least simplify communication;
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things can be called by their proper names, because if a special envoy of the seven is appointed by the time zelensky loses the right to introduce himself as the president of ukraine, there will be at least it is clear who is now considered the head of kiev. mode fourth annual forum strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing citizens' initiatives for the development of the country. the forum is being implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the ros' foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450,000 citizens took part. more than 90 thousand ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas of citizens' initiatives to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20, the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the news form on ideia. rf. there has not yet been a turning point in the fight against financial fraud. the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, announced this at the cybersecurity forum in yekaterinburg. according to the regulator, from the actions of scammers everything.
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will be required to suspend them for 2 days so that the client can have time to cancel the transaction himself, but if
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the financial institution does not suspect anything and immediately transfers money to a fraudulent account, then they will be required to reimburse it to the client. what regarding the cooling period for loans, some banks are already using this practice on their own initiative. we simply introduce ourselves without what is called regulation at our own peril and risk, a certain cooling period. very important. in total, in the past actions during the cooling period, this year cybercriminals were able to carry out over a million successful operations, which is three times more than in 2022. the central bank considers one of the possible reasons to be more targeted and prepared. telephone scam attacks. in as a result, about 16 billion rubles were stolen.
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customer losses increased by 11.5%. most of the money was stolen from bank cards. meanwhile, cybercriminals are using increasingly advanced methods. there are also new tools that will appear in the hands of fraudsters. and we are already seeing the first case - this is actually a substitution of biometrics, voice, yes, and deep facebook. yes, that means there are already cases when... and a video banking consultation led to the fact that the money floated away, to this type of fraud, we are not quite ready yet, and here it will be necessary - create a whole series of new processes and new technologies, but so far, unfortunately, the success rate here has been 100,000. however, financial institutions are gradually learning to reduce losses and repel attacks by criminals, and according to the regulator, last year russian banks prevented theft of almost 6 trillion rubles, while
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the share of stolen funds that were returned to clients has almost doubled, this is 380 billion million rubles according to experts, despite the existing problems, the russian banking system remains alone one of the most secure in the world. financial organizations in russia, in principle, have always been among the most secure, and we should say a big thank you for that. the central bank, which is the main regulator in general in the financial sector, and which does a lot of work in the information security industry, of course, has its own problems, but we can safely say that this is one of the most protected areas in russia, in principle. the forum in yekaterinburg also discussed the future of the digital ruble, which is currently being tested in pilot mode with the participation of 13 banks. it is expected that this year another 17 will join the project. the costs of one credit institution for the introduction of this new form of currency can average 200-300
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million rubles, and the economic effect from 17 to more than 60 billion rubles per year. at the same time, the central bank previously promised that the digital ruble would be reliably protected, and the most stringent requirements in the field of cybersecurity would be applied to its platform. he ruled the law in russia, together he chose the people, princes, and governors, this approach is democratic elections of authorities publicly, we keep to this day, filling out the ballot, choose. traditionally, only innovatively, progress that improves the process helps us. dec is truly a godsend, they vote quickly, clearly, from a smartphone laptop, millions across russia. for people who are without movement, there is a convenient solution to call the elections home by taking a portable box. there is a mobile voter. in a swinging way of life, the traveler votes freely
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anywhere, so that we can comfortably make plans, freely, we choose a candidate on a date convenient for us. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 15, 1848 i was in london for the first time. on the instructions of the german emigrant organization union of the just, which was later renamed the communist union. a revolution was brewing in europe and it was necessary to arm the masses, especially the workers, with advanced theory. the manifesto
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begins with a sacramental phrase. a ghost is haunting europe, the ghost of communism. gives a marxist vision of the development of society as a struggle of classes, which will lead to the replacement capitalism by communism. the main goal is the destruction of private property. it was emphasized that the workers do not have their own fatherland, that they have nothing to lose except their goals, and they will gain the whole world. this small brochure immediately gained enormous popularity, was translated into almost all languages ​​and went through hundreds of reprints. today, interpretations of the manifesto may seem simplified, but so far there are in the world. social and political inequality, this document will remain relevant. february 15, 1898 in havana bay, capital of cuba, which was a spanish colony, the american battleship maine exploded. almost the entire crew, more than 260 people, died. washington was shocked by the loss of one of its first battleships and
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announced that the explosion was caused by the spaniards, and the mine was attached to the bottom. at that time , anti-colonialism was going on in cuba. rise and the united states supported him in the hope of taking this island from spain. the very arrival of the american ship looked provocative. russian military agent in cuba, colonel yakov zhilinsky wrote: “specialist sailors prove that such the explosion could not have come from a mine, but occurred inside the ship. when the mine exploded , a hole was supposed to form in the underwater part; in fact, the cruiser was torn in two. many assumed that the explosion was organized by the americans themselves, so that there would be a reason for aggression. after all, after this the united states declared a blockade of cuba. spain was forced to respond to this by declaring war, which it lost and the former spanish colonies went to the united states. guam, puerto rico, the philippines and cuba, which gained independence only formally. singapore fell on february 15, 1942. then still a british colony. it was called
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an impregnable fortress, the gebraltar of the east. but he didn't last even a week. british. hong kong and kualolpur had already been lost, and japanese aircraft had sunk the pride of the royal navy , the battleship princeuel and the cruiser ripples. singapore was a center of communication and a stronghold for the british in the pacific. the city was fortified from the sea. japanese light tanks and bicycle units entered from the landward side through the jungle and caught the enemy by surprise. the japanese were superior to the british in aviation, were better trained having experience of military operations in china, but from the british. there was an impressive force, a garrison of 150,000 people, huge reserves of weapons and ammunition, they could hold the line for a long time. the japanese commander, general yamashita, invited the defenders to surrender, although he was blithering, did not believe that the british would agree to this, and they unexpectedly agreed, they did not have enough courage and fighting spirit, they unexpectedly capitulated. 130,000
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people were captured, winston churchel called it, quote "himself." one of the most terrible catastrophes that ever fell upon the english army. on february 15, 1973 , the molniya mm launch vehicle launched sputnik prognoz 3 into space . forecasts were a series of soviet automatic stations that conducted astrophysical research, studied solar activity and the natural mechanisms of solar-dark connections. the satellites themselves. were created by the production association named after semyon lavochkin, and the equipment was developed by many institutes and centers, and new, more advanced equipment was installed on each satellite. on the third forecast it is were. instruments for measuring electromagnetic radiation from the sun, fluxes of cosmic rays and high-energy particles, recording the characteristics of plasma, solar wind, and
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others. taking into account scientific tasks , a highly elongated, elliptical orbit was set with a maximum distance from the earth of 200,000 km. during the 405 days of the satellite's flight , important scientific information was collected, including about the radiation activity of the sun, the physics of solar flares, the interaction of the solar... we will tell you the instructions in the program. this year
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how this system works is that in 5 minutes the social fund issues an electronic certificate for returning svo participants without any reminders. the foundation is obliged to do this a maximum of 5 days after the medical institution has determined the individual program and transmitted the information. it will tell you what products the veteran needs. by the way, the program includes not only strollers and prostheses, it may also include socio-psychological activities. last year, payments were assigned in a proactive format, monthly cash payments to svo participants starting this year, and we are proactively implementing the issuance of electronic certificates for svo participants; when a disability is determined, a program is being formed in the bureau of medical and social examination. rehabilitation, which is transferred directly to our fund, based on the additional condition of having a mir card,
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an electronic certificate is generated for this svo participant. proactive mode. first , the veteran will need to undergo a medical and social examination to determine his disability. directions to it are given immediately after completing the examination in a military hospital. thus, the social fund. doctors do everything to ensure that everyone receives the rehabilitation they need without difficulty. an electronic certificate is the fastest way to obtain technical rehabilitation equipment. this is faster than waiting for compensation for a purchase with your own money or waiting for the desired product to go through the public procurement system. but it is not necessary to use the certificate; you can refuse it and choose another method of provision, either compensation, or the the right product. the amount for which they are issued. the certificate depends on what kind of remedy a particular person needs; in most cases, it is completely enough to buy one or another rehabilitation remedy. the cost of an electronic
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certificate is determined according to the last concluded contract in a given regional office; we understand that in retail chains the cost of the product may differ from the cost of the certificate. as of today , changes have been made. funds reserved for them. you can control the status and denomination through the state services portal. the certificate can be used in medical goods stores,
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online stores and marketplaces that are connected to the electronic certificate system. the list of sales points is listed in a special catalog on the social fund website. you can also indicate in the catalog what rehabilitation means are included in the program. now it contains almost 8.00 different products from more than a thousand manufacturers. our list of available technical means and rehabilitation includes 22 types, which include 330 subtypes, an electronic certificate can be generated for each given product. so, let’s repeat the main thing: veterans of a special military operation receive electronic certificates automatically within 5 days from the moment the information and results of the medical and social examination are received by the social fund. direction towards her. they are prescribed directly at the hospital, so the social fund and doctors do everything so that the necessary product can be purchased as soon as possible. you still have questions, want to know more about measures
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to support veterans. special military operations and their families, write to us in telegram, we will learn about everything from experts and will tell you in the next issues of our instructions, watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe, in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of
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the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? is there evolution in any structure? dear friends, i invite you to watch our new episode of the besagon tv author’s program, which will be called “chronicle of diminishing fertility.” i hope you understand why we named the program that way, i look forward to seeing you.
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vladimir putin’s conversation with american journalist takir carlson raised a new wave of incorrect interpretations of the frank lies from the west. today, on the sidelines of the second forum of future technologies, the president spoke with my colleague pavel zarubin.


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