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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
look, the ukrainian information space is very strictly censored, the israeli information space is very strictly censored, including the american one, and in our country we very often live according to the agenda that is thrown at us by chicks and dispersal, i don’t argue with this, so the first thing i i 'm just saying here.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well there, the girl is standing buried. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter?
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do you know who the killer is? yes, just look without doing anything on your own, walk in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium. we watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website. mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see. this is a special mobile unit that will go where there is none.
3:36 am
lena, help the houthis, give the houthis everything, my friends, the houthis, in my opinion, the main thing is that they are like that, they say that in the world something is happening, he says, but we didn’t know, we ’re just sinking ships, well, after our discussion, it still seems that we first of all need to help ourselves, and then the hauss are there,
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like the other day the delegation of the russian foreign ministry in abu dabi met with the head of the southern transitional council of yemen, aidaru samazubedi , the meeting was attended by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of the russian ambassador to the emirates, in my opinion, this delegation will go to adan in the south of yemen, where again to meet with both representatives of the southern transitional council and representatives...
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israel would not have been created without the significant voice of the soviet union. and the resolutions on the creation of a palestinian state next to the state of israel would also not have passed without the voice of moscow. what are we talking about? despite all
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our contradictions with the west, despite all our problems within the country, people’s thoughts about the economy, about work, and so on. there are still many forces that russia needs. and there are global trends, the trends are that the world is changing, and the struggle now is both for a piece of bread and for influence in the international arena, the red sea is both, this is a struggle for a piece of bread for influence in the international arena, but here everything is very unstable, the one who in the near future will prove that he has the right to this piece of bread to vote.
3:40 am
there must be goals, there is a ministry of happiness in the emirates, but why not create something like what he said? you say that the ministry is meant as a joke, but this is not a joke, we must understand where we are going, why we are going, and no one here is worried that, to be honest, i wasn’t joking, i’m really, i’m just in case someone thought this was a joke, but it’s not a joke at all, these are very serious things, our people don’t worry about what president biden calls us somewhere in the west, they’re out of their minds, all this is wonderful... he sees that he has lost his mind and speaks no longer with his consciousness, but with his subconscious, and his subconscious is broken,
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all the time there are some kind of fads and about our president, about russia, it’s all clear, but people don’t worry about us because of this, we don’t have inferiority complexes, do our people have inferiority complexes, no, but there are worries about where we are going? why are we not all going where we should go, but we should probably go to ensure that the country is strong, that there is awareness in actions, and that indeed all sorts of secrets do not become a cover and do not continue to be a cover for some suspicious cases, and if such cases arise, then they must be presented.
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i’m not joking at all, sometimes it works, but the fact that a tough hand is not only in words, and it’s not only in relation someone, and some chosen ones remain unpunished, that’s what people want, people want justice,
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a vivid example, i was a little upset mr. tryutyakov there, we didn’t need it, please, 2008 georgia, but if we had shown, let’s say , the same tough will as the americans, if only we would have completely dealt with the saakashvili regime, then we would now have a land border to armenia, but there would also be some movements after this in the southern caucasus, which now causes us such no reaction at all. the whole situation is the south caucasus would be different, but if we constantly said yes no, stop it, well, well, there is a certain construct, this
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world construct, our place has been determined for us, no need, well then we have to go to die, returning to the red sea, why is this and the struggle for influence and the struggle for a piece of bread, the red sea is 40% of container traffic, and 20% of trade between europe and asia, nearby. the soetsky canal, the armu strait, these canals and straits go through, well, different numbers and different ones. the same egypt earns $9 billion on the soviet channel every year, this is a huge piece of bread, not only russia, china,
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europe, the united states of america are fighting for this piece of bread, there are also many regional states, yeah. you have to look down on them, they are now speaking their weighty word, the emirates are creating bases in yemen, the other day soldiers and officers of the emirates and bahrain in somalia were killed in a terrorist attack, one wonders what they are doing there, why they are doing it, why they have a military there base, why military bases in djibouti, because these are important transport arteries.
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is becoming less safe, and the united states, like a locomotive, is moving forward , this system is working, yes, it is malfunctioning, now we certainly laughed at biden, but you can laugh at him, listen, well, he has a few months left there, most likely, i am sure that he will not go to the polls, because it will be difficult, he will not be brought to the polls, but there is anyone, any replacement, it will be a continuation of the course, yes biden, what is he doing now in his, in his speeches, here he is very... at whom, at putin, he says, look, it’s not, the main thing here is that he’s against russia, that’s precisely the russian narrative, yes, russia is the enemy, but she’s an enemy because there’s a person, take away this rod, take away this person, and russia will change, they have it in head, and moreover, he brings out the main enemy, if you cooperate, you do not approve of my program, you are traitors,
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not all republicans are traitors, by no means all, traitors to the magician, traitors to trump. trump needs to be knocked out, they are traitors to all the ideals of the american people, that’s what he’s talking about there is, great, a civil war in america , come on, yes, yes, for example , governors are being brought out there, governors of republican states are speaking, now the west virginia prosecutor is filing, he says, kamala, i’m sorry, where are you, why aren’t you using the twenty-fifth amendment, like any vice president. an official, in principle, can initiate a case about the inadequacy of the president, so he turns to this person, by the way, by the way, in the last 2 weeks kamala said twice: i’m ready, i ’m ready, but that’s not the point, the car is still this the driver will change , the movement will not stop, by the way, the main enemy of the united states is rival china,
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who is the enemy in china, no, the enemy in china is the communist party, you are inside china. no, the main enemy of the american people is the communist party, which forces the peace-loving chinese people to follow an anti-american course, this is, in general, a strategic line that is built quite clearly, the one who helps china or helps russia is a traitor, a traitor to american ideals, why is biden here, in fact, why is he, why is he inadequate here, they wrote to him, he voiced it, right? of course, this is funny, but nevertheless he does it. another thing is that trump, yes, the question about trump has been raised. the fact is that trump is now eating, eating up the republican party from the inside. many are resisting. his daughter-in-law to the republican national committee as co-chair. well done, well done. trump?
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trump, well done, nepotism, you know, has gone wild, the great is doing everything. very true, he is now starting to join the republican party too what he did in the previous administration, i salute it, relatives, and relatives everything else, he will not be able to form it, there is too much trump, he directs business methods, i order, you carry out, no discussion, why normal people, who, strictly speaking, were adequate , they cannot work with him, why reksirson could not work together, why matis, matis, by the way, was a very... so to speak, popular figure among the military, why he could not work with him, because trump's a completely different leadership style, he is not a politician, he will not seek compromise, i have an opinion, you carry it out. i have a solution, that’s it, this is a completely different line, of course we need such a person, he won’t be able to fully form the next administration, six defense ministers, well
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, for the last 2 days there were five defense ministers, he headed a number of states, we need for president trump to fight with president biden and for the blue-red troops to converge somewhere in the muddy area of ​​the hudson, this it was, it would probably be , once truman said, yes, if you want to have a friend in washington, get a dog, this definitely applies to foreign policy, we don’t have friends in washington, we can get
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a dog here, putin there is a dog, that’s it, that means you don’t have to look for friends in washington anymore, so the situation here is very simple, what is important for us is that person, that figure who will bring the greatest conflict to american political life. it gives us the opportunity, it gives us time to build that the order we need, that’s what he says , let’s leave everywhere, here you go, in the last 2 days of what we’re doing, we’re going out, we won’t go to the osce parliamentary assembly, that’s right, because this is europe, there ’s no point in doing there, the whole of europe, it, well, someone here i think, this, by the way, i think is a mistake, no, some of my...
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so we need to create our own, oh, we need to create our own, and indeed, that’s when we now have the opportunity, what we are doing, there will be games in kazan, well, let’s do our doping, right, so i apologize, of course, i have complaints about the houthis, what is it, well , it floats there, you stop walking there, this esenhower walks, but they are more expensive.
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no, well, brix is ​​a different form, and the sco is just more global than the sco, that’s not the point, it’s just that by the nature of the organization the concept shus is much closer to this, it’s a form, besides, here’s karan grigorievich, we have such a beacon naelkonov, like john biden, john bolton, even cretin, i said luminary, he’s not even a thinker, not a theorist, he’s just all kinds case when they say that trump will not come out
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, biden, so to speak, turned it into a normal channel, well, into a normal channel for americans, it seems to be more or less decent, here is the same continuation, and trump will demand from them not just some 380 billion, we’ll skate purely on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, we get ready. and
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he wins, kadyukh, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it’s beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on, sank, all the hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes, it’s a beautiful thing to leave, it’s a whole art, well , we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, it doesn’t like you, the coach now meets with his colleagues.
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some kind of stinger that the united states delivered to ukraine, this stinger will then be used to shoot down an israeli or american plane there. the jevillings, where these jivils went, sell everything to dubai, weapons from ukraine thus end up in romania, then through bulgaria they come to turkey, and from there throughout the entire middle eastern region. here is the vehicle we discovered, here are the heavy missiles. from of the seized complexes, instructions were found in ukrainian; no one knows the real scale of the weapons leakage.
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the question is what are we going to do, we must build our own institutional structure of the new world order. better than any trump, and there was not much money, but modest guys on a small budget built such schemes and worked in such a way that the whole west was on their ears, we can do everything, our special services can do everything, we just need to stop pretending that everything is wok, but we are not, what are we, we don’t do this anymore we do it, but we don’t do it, listen, we don’t even come close to implementing it, you can
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imagine something budanov. if during the second year of the war, after all the crimes that he committed against russian citizens, and sudoplatov’s methods would have long ago brought order to that territory, they would have been afraid, and we see what is happening now, the bet that ukraine is making before the elections will be the bet on terrorist attacks is, of course, correct, for this purpose, which we do not know how to stop, but our entire experience was built on the fact that we are excellent we know that i’m still surprised that the banking system is worth it, right, i ’m telling you the same thing, but let the banking system be worth it, the people who work there with this? and the symbols should not stand, and people who are personally guilty of murder on the territory of the russian federation, they must answer for this, well , remember the blow was like this, budanov is alive, alive and not sitting in lifortovo, but should be sitting in lefortovo, okay, that means , i still can’t remember this epoch-making speech of the american president, this is, of course
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, something completely unforgettable.


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