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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let gomuda! vasnetsova! now in reality, you know, i’m not very comfortable! did they kill someone again? why do you have no sleep or rest? subscribe and watch! cheese!
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please, as per tradition, i am bringing news from the former kiev province, i hope we will soon restore its status, the chairman of the trade center is getting creative, the heads of the military registration and enlistment offices are still not handing out valentine cards. oh, if you are a valentine, well
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, in three cities, there is such a small city of vishnevo, there is the city of fastov and the beautiful ancient city of the white church, in the white church , uh, apparently the same task was set, they posted an advertisement, a cottage community, a crew is needed, interior and exterior finishing, the propr phone calls, meets with the customer, well, the customer introduces himself as a representative... central control center and says how many crew do you have there? you recruit 10 people , well, there are eight 10, he says, well , go ahead, everything is agreed, you arrive on such and such a date , you say, that’s it, you have housing, you received an advance , so in the end 10 people get in, uh, they are recruited, which means well, more precisely, they mobilize him, send him off to war, nothing to the foreman, that is, the foreman remains in place, is not touched, and such schemes have been working for the last week throughout the white church. this is not captain nigoru
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, this is sebastian pereira, it’s simple and it feels like an anecdote, they really say that somewhere somewhere a team of plumbers is needed, that is, they focus on where the working-age male population is, this is where, of course, there are construction sites , they have always been there, both in crisis and not in crisis, so there are construction sites, brigades, brigades, so here is the white church - right now on every pillar there are notices hanging, what is required, required, then all these guys go to avdeevka. it means that by fast, uh, they began to receive notifications in mailboxes that they say, uh , please come to the administration to receive a social package as a veteran of labor, who once worked at some kind of packaging enterprise there, and the peasants there are 55-60 years old, they are all considered conscripts age, they come, they are packaged there, i don’t know.
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the most interesting, amazing thing was recently in vyshnevo, there is such a street called chornovol in honor of the ukrainian nationalist, politician, which means that vyshnevo was organized, celebrations in honor of some kind of anniversary there, there was a factory there, either for the production of dry construction mixtures, or a cement plant there and so on, in general, they organized a celebration, gathered everyone, so... and it so happened that the wife one , well, the wife who was present there, who once worked at this plant, her husband is an employee of the shopping center, when everyone got drunk, she called, hello, dear, ready, send an outfit, everyone was packed, that is, mobilization
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is just in full swing , and i'm just saying that you can only be surprised, here so all i can say is that it’s a task, but it’s probably true, well, of course, it ’s not a million or half a million, this is also a question of economics, this must be counted, because well, well, what are you going to do with half a million men, that’s also on. .. understand, no one will call up one day, they just can’t be accommodated, clothed, shod, armed, the army is somewhat different, there just shouldn’t be a feeling that ukraine is now all over, weak, worn out, no , the battles are very difficult, the enemy is cunning, the enemy will inflict
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strikes, the enemy will use everything they have, drones are flying, sea and air, ground forces are coming now, and they must be taken very seriously. this is not a war that can be won with half an arm and a leg, it requires colossal effort, colossal tension, but the question is different, who are we fighting with? well, today is the day of russian industry, our industry is showing itself magnificently there, they are doing a lot, on that side, we are not at war with the industry of ukraine, this is ridiculous, we are at war with industry, which represents almost half of the world economy, it opposes us, so we must treat...
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this requires enormous efforts from all of us, we do not have 10 months for the appearance of experimental samples, at the front it is all needed yesterday, so this must be done, vasilivich, in the american media there was information that
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america was refusing vladimir putin about his plans to freeze the conflict, in fact, they noticed that the next message was not to offer anything, and then.
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said that one should not expect, one should not build high expectations from the nato summit in
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washington, then juliana smith , also the us ambassador to nato, practically confirmed this position. today , the former head of the european commission, jean-claude jean-claude, said that ukraine is unlikely to join the eu in the next 5 years, what does this mean, where do these statements come from, which one, where?
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is a scapegoat being made or is there an attempt to make who is to blame? it’s already clear who is to blame, when people like koch say that wait, it was zelensky himself who stole democracy from you, there is corruption in ukraine, there is thievery, there is embezzlement, and so on and so forth, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, well, it’s true, democracy is only dust left there, this is understandable, with peredny pavlovich, you understand that democracy was once able to be criticized, there was competition, there were elections.
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and not the threat of a nato attack on russia, vladimir putin stated this, answering questions from our colleague pavel zarubin. the president stressed that the leaders of western countries have distorted the meaning of his interview with journalist tucker carlson. what they watch and listen to is good. but the fact that they distort what i said is bad. and they distort the map. why? because i didn't say anything like that. i didn’t say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine
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is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia, where is it in my interview, and there is a recording, let him show where exactly i said this, i was talking about something else, i was talking about that , that we were constantly deceived from the point of view of nato’s non-expansion to the east, by the way speaking, this was said primarily through the mouth of the then secretary general of nato and... he was the representative of the federal republic of germany, he said it, not inches to the east, then five expansions, and a complete deception, of course, we were worried. i am concerned about the possibility of ukraine being drawn into nato, since this threatens our security, i said this, but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of the current ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements, the ongoing attacks with numerous
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human casualties in the republic of donbass that we have not recognized for 8 years. us president, biden or trump? we should be preferable for russia as vladimir putin also answered the question: whoever does not look at this, we must look at the political position. i believe that the position of the current administration is extremely , extremely harmful and wrong, and i.
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project for the development of modern healthcare technologies, and in the spring they will increase payments to various categories of doctors, funding for scientific developments in the field of medicine, vladimir putin announced this at the forum of future technologies. what else will varvar nevskaya tell in the spotlight? the person and his health should be at the center of the entire healthcare system, as vladimir putin said at the plenary session of the forum of future technologies, the entire system from primary care. leading clinics and institutes need to focus on preserving the health of citizens. the head of state said that starting from the current 2024 , tariffs for the provision of medical care in rural cities will be equalized localities, which means that the level of financial support for factories, medical outpatient clinics, and other primary care organizations will significantly increase. last year
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, we introduced monthly payments for primary care medical workers. i offer it from march 1 of this year. increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, in regional centers and villages, while paying special attention to supporting doctors in the most popular areas, as well as workers, employees of district district hospitals, in cities where lives from 50 thousand to 100,000 people, doctors will additionally receive, in addition to the basic salary...
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global leaders in key areas of development of medical technologies and be prepared for any challenges, including the threat of outbreaks of new global epidemics, and for this we must have a powerful , sovereign scientific, technological base and infrastructure, the entire line of substances, equipment, and components. as vladimir putin said, russia has come close to creating cancer vaccines, development.
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efficiency and quantity of some possible side effects are absolutely comparable to those drugs that are original and not made in russia, as you are a practitioner, right? yes , i’m talking about this as a practitioner , we discuss this a lot, we, of course, have a different story, because there were some drugs that worked worse, that worked better, we need to talk about this as it is, but today these are the drugs that we use in...
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connecting to a computer, within the framework of which a number of innovative projects were presented, which are supported by the bank, the areas of application of the brain-computer interface are extremely large, including early diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions of brain diseases from parkinson's disease to epilepsy, mental health monitoring, restoration of lost cognitive abilities.
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the tasks of improving the quality of human life and increasing human life expectancy will always be relevant at any time. the center was created exactly for the tasks i spoke about. prombank has very good experience in creating scientific and technological centers and bringing together scientific teams to solve both fundamental and applied problems in various fields of science. such an example is the russian quantum center, which we supported 10 years ago and during this time it has become one of the leading scientific centers. world-class, creating advanced quantum technologies, it is in their image that we created the centerlift. impressive breakthrough achievements of domestic scientists, the very technologies
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of the future that are saving people’s lives in the present, and as the president himself said, more just recently we read about such things, fantastic works, now they are becoming a reality. i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on february 15, 1848, the manifesto of the communist party was published for the first time in london. the authors were listed as karl marx and friedrich engels, but almost the entire text was written by marx. on the instructions of the german emigrant organization union of the just, which was later renamed the union of communists. a revolution was brewing in europe, and it was necessary to arm the people the masses, especially the workers. advanced theory. the manifesto begins with a sacramental phrase: a ghost is haunting europe, the specter of communism. and sets out the marxist vision of the development of society as a struggle of classes
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that... will lead to the replacement of capitalism with communism. the main goal is the destruction of private property. it was emphasized that the workers do not have their own fatherland, that they have nothing to lose except their goals, and they will gain the whole world. this small brochure immediately gained enormous popularity. it was translated into almost all languages ​​and stood hundreds of reissues. today, interpretations of the manifesto may seem simplistic, but as long as there is social and political inequality in the world, this document will exist. and announced that the explosion was caused by the spaniards, and a mine was attached to the bottom. at that time , there was an anti-colonial uprising in cuba, and the united states supported it. the plan is to take this
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island away from spain. the very arrival of the american ship looked provocative. russian military agent in cuba, colonel yakov zhilinsky wrote: “specialist sailors prove that such an explosion could not have happened from a mine, but occurred inside the ship. when the mine exploded, a hole was supposed to form in the underwater part; in fact, the cruiser was torn in two. many assumed that the explosion was organized by the americans themselves, so that there would be a reason for aggression, because after this the united states declared a blockade of cuba. spain "was forced to respond to this by declaring war, which it lost and the former spanish colonies went to the usa, guam, puerto rico, the philippines and cuba, which gained independence only formally. on february 15 , 1942, singapore fell, then still british the colony. it was called an impregnable fortress, the gebraltar of the east, but it did not last even a week. the british had already lost hong kong and kualolpur, and japanese aircraft had sunk the city.
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from the royal navy the battleship princeuel and the cruiser ripples. singapore was a center of communication and a stronghold for the british in the pacific. the city was fortified from the sea. japanese light tanks and a bicycle unit entered from the land side, through the jungle. and they caught the enemy by surprise. the japanese were superior to the british in aviation, they were better trained having experience of military operations in china, but the british had an impressive force, a garrison of 150,000 men. huge reserves of weapons and ammunition. they could hold the line for a long time. the japanese commander, general yamashita, suggested that the defenders surrender, although he was blithering and did not believe that the british would agree to this. and they unexpectedly agreed, they did not have enough courage and fighting spirit, they unexpectedly capitulated. 130,000 people were captured. winston churchill called it, quote, the worst disaster that
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has ever befallen england. army on february 15, 1973, the molniya m launch vehicle launched the forecast 3 satellite into space. forecasts were a series of soviet automatic stations that conducted astrophysical research, studied solar activity and natural... mechanisms of solar-terrestrial connections. the satellites themselves were created by the production association named after semyon lavochkin. and the equipment was developed by many institutes and centers. moreover, new, more advanced technology was installed on each satellite. in the third forecast, these were instruments for measuring electromagnetic radiation the sun, flows of cosmic rays and high-energy particles, registration of plasma characteristics, solar wind and others. taking into account scientific tasks, the orbit was set, strongly
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... during the 405 days of the satellite's flight , important scientific information was collected, including about the radiation activity of the sun, the physics of solar flares, the interaction of the solar wind with the earth's magnetosphere and the properties of the interplanetary medium. this is what this day in history was like. the fourth annual forum: strong ideas for new times. the forum is aimed at supporting and implementing initiatives citizens for the development of the country. the forum is being implemented by the agency for strategic initiatives by decree of the president of the russian federation together with the roscongress foundation. over the entire duration of the forum , over 450 thousand citizens took part. more than 90,000 ideas were submitted to the forum. the forum is a place for ideas and initiatives of citizens to formulate the strategy and development of the country. february 19 and 20. the best ideas will be presented to the country's leadership. follow the forum news on idea. rosscongress.rf.


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