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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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a new video has been posted online, in which he compared the moscow and new york metro. what surprised the american journalist? 13 publications are participating. the central election commission is drawing lots for the placement of election campaign materials for candidates for the presidency of russia. climb. the soyuz launch vehicle launched the ms-26 progress cargo ship into orbit. which? he is carrying cargo to the iss. one and a half times higher than normal, snowdrifts in the moscow region have grown today to 54 cm. how did this affect the life of the agglomeration and what forecasts are given? weather forecasters? let's start with breaking news. a new missile attack on belgorod is known that one shell hit a shopping center building. they write that there are casualties. the information is still being clarified. in addition, eyewitnesses report that
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athletes who remained on the nearby football field during the attack were injured, and residential buildings were also damaged. there is no official information about the consequences of the shelling yet. the governor earlier announced that an alarm had been declared in the region and called on residents to take shelter in special premises. we are closely monitoring incoming information; we will return to this topic during the broadcast. now to other events about relations between moscow and washington, the reasons for the special operation and an interview with an american journalist. it’s good that they watch and listen, it’s bad that they distort what was said, this is how vladimir putin assessed the comments of western leaders, based on the results of the interview that the russian president gave to tucker carlson, the video has already gained a billion views in less than a week, and answering questions from the author and host of the moscow program , kremlin putin by pavel zarubin,
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but the immediate trigger was the complete refusal of today’s ukrainian authorities to implement the minsk agreements and the continuous attacks with numerous casualties on the donbass republic, which we have not recognized for 8 years. as i said, we didn’t start the war, we’re just trying to stop it. at the first stage they tried to do this with the help of the world. means
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with the help of the peaceful minsk agreements, as it turned out later, they led us here too, because both the former chancellor of germany and the former the president of france admitted directly and publicly stated that they did not intend to fulfill these agreements of ours, but were simply gaining time in order to further pump weapons into the ukrainian regime, which they successfully did, the only thing we can regret is that that... we didn’t start our active actions earlier, believing that we were dealing with decent people. by the way, vladimir putin called carlson himself, quote, a “dangerous person”; he did not show any aggression expected from the western media; he did not raise any pressing questions. asked, depriving the interlocutor of the opportunity to respond just as sharply, and went strictly according to his intended plan. the russian leader did not go beyond its scope during the interview, but behind the scenes
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he raised a number of... unspoken topics, one of them is the demonization of russia, which are so diligently being indulged in today overseas. one of the topics that we talked about with them already when the cameras were turned off is exactly what the secretary of state of the united states spoke about, he spoke about this several times, mr. blinken, about the fact that his relatives, his great-grandfather, fled from russia, from jewish pogroms , in different countries of the world, in europe, in the states, this topic constantly arises, i repeat, arises with the aim of demonizing russia, to show what barbarians are here, what kind of scoundrels and robbers live here, mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather really left the russian empire, i think he was born somewhere in the poltava province, and then lived... he left
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kiev, the question arises, mr. blinkin believes that this is the original russian territory, kiev and the surrounding areas.
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system politicians, yes, he has his own view on the topic of how the united states should develop relations with its allies, he wanted to force the europeans to increase their defense spending, or, as he said, then let them pay us for protecting them, that we opened their heads over them, an atomic umbrella, and so on , well, i don’t know, let them figure it out themselves, this is... their problem, well, probably, from his point of view there is some kind of logic in this, from the point of view of the europeans , there is no logic, but they would like the united states to continue carried out free of charge, these are some of the functions that have developed since
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the formation of nato. that’s their business, i think that there ’s no point in doing anything at all, there’s only one point, it’s an instrument of foreign policy.
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work with any us leader who the american people will trust. inflicting a strategic defeat on russia is the de facto declared goal of the west. from it, as the russian president reminded tucker carlson in the same interview, the anglo-saxon peace in 2022 proceeded primarily, delegating ex-british prime minister johnson to kiev, with an order to abandon negotiations with moscow and fight to the last ukrainian. just achieve it.
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russian test cosmonaut sergei krosakov. the decree was published on the official legal information portal. the courage and heroism shown by the astronauts during the long flight to the iss are noted.
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lists of those awarded for services to strengthening the institute of family have also been published. so three women received the title of mother heroine. in addition, orders and medals were awarded for achievements in field of agriculture. conservation, preservation of historical cultural heritage, contribution to the development of science, culture, development of russian-chinese relations. the center for disassembly committee today held a draw for dates and places on the page in printed publications for the election campaign. campaign materials of russian presidential candidates, 13 publications participate, including a russian newspaper and a parliamentary newspaper. by law, each editorial office will provide candidates with at least 5% of the total weekly printed space. let me remind you that the period of propaganda in the media starts on february 17 and will last 4 weeks. this morning, a soyuz launch vehicle launched the progress ms-26 cargo ship into orbit. climb. there was lifting contact, the engines of the central blocks, the launch vehicle mode,
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the ship separated from the third stage at 6:33 moscow time and is now heading for the international space station, roscosmos reported. in two days, on february 17, it should dock with the star module of the russian segment of the iss. progress is carrying 2.5 tons of cargo, fuel, water, materials for scientific experiments, and also food, chocolates, clothes for astronauts. the ship will remain in orbit for 108 years . american journalist tycker again shares his impressions of his trip to moscow; he posted new videos online in which he compared the moscow and new york subways. not in favor of the latter. as tucker stated, in the united states the subway is unsafe to use because of homeless people, drug addicts and rapists who regularly attack passengers right in the cars. carlson also said that almost all american subway stations look unkempt due to graffiti and trash. in the background is a journalist.
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us, i won’t tell you everything, we discussed them for about two hours. and... it seems to me that the most important results are, firstly, 2300 lecturers of the russian knowledge society in all 89 regions of our country, 2300 people who constantly, not just once, but constantly devote time to transfer knowledge , beliefs to the younger generation, and what is very important, it is important that among these...
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with professional teachers or specially trained popularizers, it is very important for them to talk with people who are an example for them, and therefore i believe that the most important achievement of the society is knowledge, and this became possible only thanks to the personal example of the president, and he was followed by the leaders of the government, the presidential administration, and the heads of russian regions , the largest companies, the fact that today, as part of the knowledge society lecture , the best managers of our country, ministers, deputy prime ministers, heads of the largest corporations, speak to the youth and the younger generation, governors, plant managers, scientists , athletes, these are the people who don’t just tell about the sum of their knowledge, they talk about themselves and about their lives, which means they
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are role models that, looking at them, young people accept for themselves. the decision of who they should become in life, what they should become in life, well, secondly, why is this very important here, we just talked about the fact that knowledge can be transferred with a flash drive or a computer or a textbook, but beliefs cannot be transferred, so they are transferred only from person to person, therefore, that today there are 23,000 people who pass on not only their knowledge, but also their beliefs, their feelings, their faith, their dreams, this is for us... 50 million people in the last year alone have listened to at least one lecture from the knowledge society, a huge number of views , but for me the most important indicator is the trust that the main audience of the russian knowledge society is
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, of course, still children and youth, and the knowledge society today works with different ages and different categories. these are only civil servants who in the regions at the federal level, we listened to lectures from the knowledge society, 330 thousand soldiers, participants in a special military operation, thank you, such a joint project with the ministry of defense, guys, when they go out to restore combat readiness, propaganda brigades come to them, in each such propaganda brigade there are necessarily lecturers from the knowledge society, but the main target audience, the main listeners - the information conveyed by adults, every parent has probably experienced this at some point in their children's adolescence, here, you know, we have very high
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indicators of trust in society, knowledge in the country as a whole, 76% of the country's residents trust information, knowledge society, this is a very high indicator, but i am incredibly pleased that among children and youth it is even higher, in general, according to all age laws it should be lower, but it higher.
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an indicative thing, here in the prize , in just a few days the prize of the russian knowledge society will be awarded, in just a few days the prize of the russian knowledge society will be awarded, for the first time this time we have received applications from lecturers from 34 countries of the world who would like to receive the prize knowledge of the russian society, this is authority, this is such a prestige of russian society, and knowledge, by the way, is very important in my opinion.
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43% of young people in the country responded this way , that is, an 11% increase in just six months, that is , prestige is really increasing, it is very important that this is an open selection, anyone in the country can say, i want to be a lecturer in a knowledge society, come to the competition and not just come to the competition and receive support, but also receive a training program. in my opinion, another very important project of the russian knowledge society is a large a complete training program has been created. this is also the decision of our president vladimir vladimovich, on his instructions the mashuk knowledge center was created, which is, well, if you like, such a corporate academy of the russian knowledge society, in
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the last year alone in the russian knowledge society, more than 150,000 people have been trained, these include lecturers, these are teachers of social sciences, teachers of history and in high schools, these are tour guides, these are mentors for children...
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not only professional teachers do this, but also the tools with which the russian knowledge society works, they are updated all the time, because knowledge of cinema, knowledge of theater has been added to the usual lecture, and a very large number of documentary and artistic projects, including in cinema, on the internet, in the form of not only textbooks, but also graphic novels , which... the russian knowledge society is creating, we have already calculated that today, if you give up everything and do nothing else, you can spend 24 hours watching the knowledge created by society over these 3 years, high-quality content, for a person with good it will take more than a year to learn the ability to listen, and so such a volume of materials has already been created by the russian knowledge society, well , this search for constant new formats, you know, i would give as an example, that means
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knowledge society marathons. because to the standard marathon, with which the knowledge society started 3 years ago, for example, such an interesting project as the first knowledge marathon was added, this is a joint project with the russian children and youth movement, or here at the exhibition, you probably see that there is no practically there is not a single pavilion at the russia exhibition where there would not be space for lectures from the knowledge society, and the lecturers there are representatives of the relevant regions, ministries, corporations, everywhere there are... such meetings with people, and another interesting project, right here at the exhibition for those who haven’t seen it, i highly recommend that on the way back you go and look on both sides of the first pavilion, from the first vdna pavilion, the children’s movement pavilion, there is the so-called walk of fame, this is a unique opportunity, because together with colleagues in in the knowledge society, we were thinking about how to show the achievements of the great russian masters of sports
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at an exhibition of achievements, so this idea was born:
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who do you look at all the time? well, here's the girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the murder is? yes. just look.


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