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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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well, old age is not a joy, right? it’s a whole art to leave beautifully, well, we can’t bully you either, because irkutsk loves you, i’ll beat you up, and send me to busan. we are now colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you? don't look, don't look, of course. so everything, that’s cool, ice three, they say that a lot of ukrainian refugees come to europe with weapons, some kind of stinger that the united states put in ukraine, and from this stinger they will then shoot down an israeli or american plane there, jewellings, enlanve, where they went these jewels?
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they sell me everything to dubai , weapons from ukraine get to romania in this way, then through bulgaria they get to turkey, and from there throughout the entire middle east region, here is the car we discovered, here are the heavy missiles, in one of the seized complexes we found instructions in ukrainian, no one knows the real scale of the weapons leak. american journalist tycker again shares his impressions. trip to moscow, he posted
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new videos online, where he compared the moscow and american metro, and also talked about life in our country under sanctions. with details natalya goncharova. empty shelves, queues for groceries, lack of meat and bread. such videos are a typical part of the western media agenda. tucker carlson, during a visit to moscow, decided to check for himself whether the sanctions really affected the russian market. a journalist enters one of the usual supermarkets in moscow. let's try the products that a family takes for a week and how much it costs. russia is famous for its bread. the reporter's basket is quickly filling up. milk, vegetables, meat, cereals, cookies, coffee, crimean wine. russian cookies. we approach the shelf with
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sweets from western manufacturers, everything is in place and you can choose from a large number of flavors: nuts, caramel, chocolate. all western products are presented here. we are not under sanctions, but why not. at the checkout, the basket is full, there is an abundance of goods, and the price is several times lower than the same set in a supermarket.
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the crowd of people where trips are made always says a lot. now we are standing at the kievskoye metro station, not far from the station. the station was built by joseph stalin. let's see how it works after 70 years. we checked and it shocked us. there is no graffiti, no dirt, no unpleasant smells of homeless drug addicts-rapists who would like to push you onto the tracks and kill you. everything there is perfectly clean and tidy. the final stop on carls' walk.
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the interview, where the president answered all the questions of the american journalist, collected hundreds of millions of views on various social networks in 6 days. natalya goncharova, news! that, since they live near the edge, a draw took place today at the central zoological committee dates of space in printed publications for election campaign materials of candidates for the presidency of russia, 13 publications are participating, including a russian newspaper and a parliamentary newspaper; by law, each of the editorial offices will provide candidates with at least 5% of the total weekly print space. let me remind you that the campaign period in the media is starting.
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a congress of chairmen of the union of theater workers from 78 regions, who will bring with them a young man, an artist who may not be in the union, but nevertheless who is actively starting his life, which you will determine from your region , a presidential candidate...
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the form of the early nineties, time, time is lost, time is lost, therefore support is needed, accelerated training of personnel, tank building must be increased, otherwise, so as not to fall behind, and so the prospects, the desire to live, to work for everyone, the work collective, the leadership, it is there, and the presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav davankov, presented his election program, among the priorities of returning direct elections of city mayors, modernization. in total there are 170 points in the program , 18 sections, this is a program of the regions, first of all, what we see is that our one of the main points is more money
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for the regions, we talked about this when we came to the state duma in twenty-one , have introduced many bills to ensure that the regions have not only more powers, but also... more money, a large block of the program is dedicated specifically to education and healthcare, in general, in my opinion, this is the most important thing that should be done state
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2:43 pm
tver, in this modest house, on the banks of the temaki river, there is a regional branch of the russian union of afghanistan veterans, it was one of the first to arise, and then associations of afghans began to appear throughout the country , as participants in the fighting in afghanistan call themselves. there is a historical rarity on the wall a map marked secret, it reflects the relocation of soviet military units from afghanistan. home to the soviet union after 10 years of fighting, it was brought from afghanistan, if you look, here in 1988, preparations were being made for the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, because the withdrawal began on may 15 , 1988, ended on february 15 , 1989, map was made in a single copy, here the stamp is secret, but now it is naturally not secret, but he gave it to us as a gift to the museum on...
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afghanistan is not written anywhere. in soviet times, on the graves of boys who returned to their homeland in zinc coffins, it was forbidden to write where they died, it was forbidden to indicate what awards their exploits were marked with. the country and government seemed embarrassed by these military actions. if a guy from our city, who fought in spain half a century earlier, returned to be a hero, then with afghanistan it turned out differently. the soviet ideological system was openly stalled. afghan veteran, due respect, as as a rule, he did not receive it; by default, he
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was recommended to disappear into the crowd. the soviet ideological machine has been openly stalling since the mid-seventies, but to be ashamed of this war or to make some kind of bogeyman out of it is completely wrong, on the contrary, we should be proud of it. the historical roots of the transfer of a limited contingent of soviet troops to afghanistan in 1979 go back to the 19th century. the most acute confrontation between britain and russia in central asia and afghanistan was called the “great game” in 1919 afghanistan becomes an independent kingdom in the second. half of the 20th century, the cold war begins, the confrontation between the warsaw bloc countries led by the ussr and nato led by the usa. in 1973 , the monarchy was overthrown in afghanistan after a series of assassinations of leaders, first mahammad daoud and then nur mahammad taraki, and hafizullah amin came to power. under the banner of democratic
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ideas, he seeks to curtail relations with the union and strengthen cooperation with the arab world, the united states and the country. from western europe. the soviet union fears the emergence of bases nato is close to the southern borders. under amin , islamic fundamentalism is growing stronger, and this is another threat to the union. our country could find itself in an undesirable neighborhood when, under the banner of islam, muslim fundamentalists began to rock the situation in the soviet and central asian republics. and this, as historians believe, would have caused a civil war in tajikistan already in the 1970s. in the ussr they believe that in afghanistan it is necessary to bring a loyal character to power, the socialist bobrah karmal would be suitable, in 1978 after the start of the civil war, he is sent as ambassador to czechoslovakia. they were not going to kill amin, but to push him aside.
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a secret operation was built, the ussr sent fighters from the alpha group to afghanistan. samina's palace is successfully stormed. leaders kill in afghanistan from the union brings babrak karmal, he is now the general secretary of the central committee of the people's democratic party of afghanistan, the soviet union begins to send a limited contingent of troops into the country. us president jimi carter signs secret order to fund afghan war rebels, 2 billion dollars have been allocated for this, this is the so-called operation faraday, the initial stage of the war. likewise with recruitment and training of the spirit. they had already tested a method of influence, the so-called method of civil
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resistance, which became one of the foundations of what is now called the method of color revolutions, muslim fundamentalists. on the territory of pakistan, precisely in the tribal region of baluchastan, until now, as we see, this territory is not subordinate to either iran or pakistan, and to this day has since been a hotbed of terror, they created camps where the beggars of the youth tribes, for little money, were recruited from a detachment of fighters for the faith, the mujahideen, received appropriate ideological indoctrination, received fairly good combat training, which was carried out by the american...
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versions, for example, poisoned water in wells . the people who fought against us were those who lived precisely in this territory, they were experienced warriors, i can say so, very experienced, and therefore worthy. as for mines, the situation was very difficult, specifically mine situation, it was heavily mined, it was cunningly mined, it was not only mined, as a rule, it could be a gorge, yes, but the slopes of the mountain were also mined, so we had to move not along the mountain slopes, not along the gorge, but... in the middle mountains in order not to get blown up. the spirits stage cunning attacks on columns of our vehicles, when they blow up the first one, the column stops, and the remaining vehicles are shot. the main road from kabul to the north is the panjer gorge; the valley's terrain is convenient for guerrilla warfare. here, soviet convoys that deliver military
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and civil cargo from the ussr to afghanistan are attacked by fighters of the field commander akhmat shah massoud. there are constant bloody operations there; during the entire war, our troops, together with the forces of the democratic republic of afghanistan, carried out, according to some estimates, nine, and according to others, six combined arms operations. this was the story of pansher, the second pansher, and the column is large, we are going, we young guys don’t know how to behave, and the commanders also said, there is no way to serve there. does not leave the column, even if the column stops , because there were cases, here we had a case when they reported on the radio that a fighter was blown up when he... wanted to move aside in need, then we went into the mountains, very far away, came under fire, and then
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you run , as soon as you manage to raise your legs, then the bullet falls. vadim ufaev from tver served since 1984 in the kabul artillery regiment, was engaged in repairing artillery and self-propelled guns, escorting convoys with cargo, and during shelling the task was to discover the answer. fire, evacuate equipment, wounded, killed, he recalls our losses in pansher , there were shellings in pansher, we had heavy losses, well, i would not like to remember this, we were shelled, mortars fired, rocket launchers, i don’t remember now how many people, but about 10 people -15 , probably my colleague recently reminded me of this, and you say that you forgot how you and i stuffed the boys into armored personnel carriers, how... well, yes, i remembered when i evacuated everyone, i took off my boots and from there blood flowed, the boots were stuffed, covered in blood, uh, for these
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30 there, well, let's count 40 years that have passed, well , three times i woke up with the taste of blood in my mouth. our soldiers, especially at the initial stage of hostilities in afghanistan, died more often. not from wounds, but from illness. soviet doctors recommended keeping military personnel near our southern border for some time, for example, in the city of kushka, and then sending them to afghanistan, but this did not always work out. we found that as a result of extreme factors in the oridal zone, and the oridal zone is highlands and heat, very unfavorable microbiological factors, water and so on, dirty, contaminated, very common. the incidence of illness in soldiers under stress, so it was proven that this is all due to the fact that the surface membranes of immune
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cells are damaged first, and it was necessary to restore and strengthen the immune system before sending soldiers to such hard work, both military stress and environmental funds. soviet pilots have complete air supremacy, but in 1983 they pose a threat to our helicopters and attack aircraft. helicopters flew over the gorge on at low altitudes, they could be shot down at any moment; if the pilot was shot down, then the spirits did not take him to the maple. at the second stage of military operations , the soviet military began to train the afghan government army to fight. it wasn't easy. a soldier of the government army could come to visit koradney majahed. share information. on july 13, 1985, an extremely unpleasant incident for the ussr occurred. two armed
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mi-24d helicopters equipped with special electronic equipment for flying in the mountains were hijacked to pakistan by afghan pilots who studied before this in the ussr. the american side promised a million dollars for this hijacking. having received the helicopters, the americans got acquainted with our latest weapons. ours in afghanistan. the army completed all the tasks assigned to it, excellent operations were carried out, such as battles in the gorge, salang, the capture of the torobora fortress, it was a stronghold and transshipment base of the majahideen high in the mountains. this is not a fortress, this is a gorge, it was built in the mountains, there were vines, there were rooms knocked out, there were usually 500 to 600 dushmans there, they had their own water at depth. 70 m, clean, good, calm water , i drank this water, we took this gibberish literally three times, and
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already on the fourth day we simply defended it, blew up all these passages, approaches, tunnels and so on, but, unfortunately, after six months they again restored, we had to take it again, again we took it in 4 days, but the americans took the gibberish for literally about two months. but the political processes that began to occur like an avalanche in the soviet union, perestroika, the collapse of the country led to the fact that it was decided to withdraw troops from afghanistan. it was a well-thought-out, executed operation, developed by the commander of the fortieth army, boris gromov. here are famous shots, chronicles. on a predetermined day, february 15, at the designated location of the soviet border, the friendship bridge, built by soviet builders, across the river. the formation of part of the limited contingent of soviet troops was withdrawn to the territory of the soviet union in full force.
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the army commander, journalist artyom borovik photographed the coffin of igor likhovich, a guy from the airborne reconnaissance company, it turned out that likhovich was named the last killed in afghanistan. our guys returned to their hometowns to their families. when i came home , the doorbell rang, or rather not me, but my friends, i stood around the corner and my mother came out, she’s been here for 2 years. that’s when i realized that where i came from, my mother and father had aged thoroughly, it was a shock and shelling for me, it’s all scary, that’s when you realize that it affects your loved ones, this is worse, along with a limited contingent soviet scientists also came to afghanistan, builders, doctors, factories, tunnels, roads appear, the kabul polytechnic university was built by soviet
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specialists, at the same time...
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my neck will be cut off. the guys from our city began to settle into a peaceful life. here is a documentary from 1989. in it we see said tulakov at a meeting with former comrades. he managed to enter leningrad university upon entering the university. afghans had benefits. after the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan , monuments began to be erected throughout the country, because in every city, every small town had its own mournful list of the dead. during that war, this is a monument in the south of st. petersburg, here on ten stellas are the names of natives of leningrad and the region who died in afghanistan fulfilling their international duty. but for a long time, afghan veterans tried to find their missing comrades; only in the 20th century was it possible to establish the exact number of our soldiers who died in that war, 14,446 people.
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guys, thank you, i am proud that i commanded real heroes, and may you not wear the gold stars of a hero, but you are still heroes of your fatherland, and the afghan is gathering dust along the road, the mountains slowly give way, we are home on... we are a little sad, it’s even strange that joy hurts, we are home, but we are sad, a little , it’s even strange that joy hurts.
3:00 pm
good afternoon, dear colleagues, today on the agenda of the government meeting is an issue that concerns the continuation of the comprehensive integration of new regions, until january 1 of the twenty-sixth year for the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, a transition period has been established during which everything necessary must be done to include them in...


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