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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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now footage from the government house. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today on the agenda of the government meeting is an issue that concerns the continuation of the comprehensive integration of new regions. until january 1, 26 , a transition period has been established for the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions, during which everything necessary must be done for their inclusion in.
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economic, financial, into the legislative system of the russian federation and at this time the government has developed special benefits, they will help residents and businesses register rights to intellectual property, patents, trademarks or geographical indications; now inventors and companies from different industries independently submit applications directly to rospatent or through the state services portal today.
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to be strong, self-sufficient and competitive in all key vectors of progress. the work of the era technopolis, which was created 6 years ago by decision of the head of state, is also aimed at these goals. at dozens of enterprises, there more than a thousand specialists, hundreds of scientists are working, among their achievements are an artificial intelligence system, robotic conveyors, special fabrics that reflect thermal electromagnetic radiation. radiation
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, the government has prepared the necessary amendments to the legislation that expand state support for residents of this innovation center; subject to a number of conditions, they will be exempt from paying value added taxes for 10 years; income taxes will be able to apply reduced insurance rates contributions, such measures will help the technopolis, attract even more participants, and will provide them with additional opportunities for...
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cultural potential for the diversity of natural and climatic zones, we have no competitors in the world at all, and that means you can engage in any type of recreation and travel. the government pays special attention to improving the quality of tourism services, creating, most importantly, appropriate infrastructure; last year more than 55 billion rubles were allocated to solve such problems, funds were also used for construction modern hotels, construction of modular hotels. and campsites in the most diverse, picturesque, beautiful corners of our country. in gornoaltaisk and during the corresponding strategic session, we discussed this area in detail, as well as the development of ski resorts in sochi, the caucasus, altai, sakhalin, kamchatka, and especially since the number of tourists there is growing every year. today we will allocate another billion rubles for the development of these complexes, thanks to which companies will be able to receive loans at a preferential rate, these resources. can be used for
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the construction of new facilities, for the modernization of cable cars, equipment of routes, and the purchase of the necessary equipment. by the way, we and the ministry of industry and trade have been quite actively working on the issue of ensuring that the production of the necessary equipment for such relevant elements of recreation is russian, and here i also ask you to look at what problems there are in this way, but as they reported, we have all the capabilities for such production increase its focus primarily on quality, we expect that this measure will increase the attractiveness of the tourism sector for investors, and most importantly, people... the strike on belgorod is another act of terrorism by the kiev regime, this was stated in the russian media, according to official representative of the department maria zakharovo and moscow will bring the incident to
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the un security council for consideration. today , five civilians, including a child, became victims of the ukrainian strike on belgorod; 18 were injured, five of them children. houses and cars. with our correspondent alexander korobov reports the scene of events. another dark day for belgorod. the ukrainian armed forces again launched a missile attack on the city center. our air defense worked, at least fourteen targets were shot down, but unfortunately the shot down rockets landed in a dense residential area. one of the tragedies took place here near the shopping center. the downed rocket fell just a few places away. meters from the building on the porch and nearby in the parking lot there were people , three people died immediately, also severely the building was damaged, fragments scattered around here, there were wounded people, they were taken away by ambulance, everything was cut by damaging elements
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, the building itself, small shopping centers nearby, fragments flew to residential buildings, several windows were damaged, there are exactly the same episodes throughout the city, residential buildings , educational buildings, and social facilities were also damaged. all services are working on the spot, investigators are collecting all the necessary information, carrying out investigative actions, teams have already arrived to eliminate the consequences of this shelling, everything operational services are on the ground, but door-to-door visits continue to clarify all the consequences of this barbaric shelling. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, host belgorod. well, according to the latest data , 15 people were hospitalized in belgorod after the ukrainian shelling, this was reported in the emergency department of city hospital number 2, eight people are in intensive care. we are closely monitoring incoming information and returning to this topic throughout our broadcast. for now, on to other events.
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vladimir putin answered my question colleagues of pavel zarubin, discussed in particular the interview of the russian president with the american journalist tucker carlos, but the assessments given to this conversation in the west. by the way, there will be an opportunity. the fact that they are watching, listening is good, but the fact that they are distorting what i say is bad, and distorting the map, why, because i didn’t say anything like that, i didn’t say that the beginning of our special military operation in ukraine, is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia, where it is in my interview, and there is a recording, let them show where exactly i said this. i was talking about something else, i was talking about the fact that we were constantly deceived from the point of view of nato’s non-expansion to the east. by the way, this was said primarily through the mouth of the then secretary general of nato, and he was a representative of the federal republic of germany. this is what he said, inches to the east.
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then five expansions, a complete deception, we were, of course, worried and worried about the possibility of retraction. vladimir putin also spoke on the issue of the attitude of european leaders to a possible trump's return to the post of head of the white house. this is what the president said. trump was always called a non-system politician, right? he has his own view on the topic of how
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the united states should develop relations with its allies. and well, it sparked before. here, take it, take it. the withdrawal of the united states from the kyoto agreements in the field of ecology, and what is the difference between trump’s position in this sense, and fundamentally nothing, he wanted to force the europeans... to increase their defense spending, or, as he said, let then they pay us for protecting them, for opening an atomic umbrella over their heads , and so on, well, i don’t know, let them figure it out themselves, that’s their problem, well, probably, from his point of view there is some kind of... then there is logic, from the point of view of europeans there is no logic, but they would like... the united states to continue to carry out free of charge some functions that
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have developed since the formation of nato, this is their business, i believe that nato in general there is no point in anything anymore, there is only one sense, this is an instrument of us foreign policy, but if the united states believes that we do not need this instrument, well, this is their decision. moscow today is setting records for traffic jams and the height of snowdrifts, for more than 5 hours in the capital. points it continues to snow in the city. forecasters predict that up to 20% of the monthly precipitation will fall in one day. our correspondent alexander perfilyeva is in direct contact with the studio. alexander, greetings again, tell us what the situation is at this moment? yes, yuri, i welcome you again, but i’ll be honest that the situation has improved a lot over the next 3 hours, today is really the strongest snowfall in moscow, the streets are like this.
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please tell me, how do you like the weather in general , wonderful, wonderful, winter is the way it should be, we live in russia after all, tell me, how do you like the weather, the weather is wonderful, a real russian winter, you were not covered in snow while you were walking to work, it was snowy, absolutely snowy, i dug myself out and came, well, the weather is generally beautiful, not cold, yes, well , better than yesterday, the galolet was, how do you like this weather in general, yes, i generally like it. russian winter, that’s it, thank you, that’s why i live here, there’s still so much snow,
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the weather is simply fabulous, now it’s -10° outside, by the way it’s warmed up by 3°, according to weather forecasters, it’s all about the anticyclone that came from the north-west of the country, in the next hours, intensely... precipitation will decrease, but nevertheless less snow, the frontal section will bring quite a lot, if this morning in the capital the height of the snow cover reached 54 cm, then by the end of the day, the height of the snowdrifts can reach about a record 60-63 cm. but today the temperature. will rise to -8°, but on the weekend it will warm up to zero, here
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actually, this is the information for this hour, yuri, yes, alexander, thank you, there were minor problems with communication, i apologize to the audience, perhaps the reason was just that snowfall. let me remind you once again that my colleague alexandra perfilyeva spoke about the snowfall in the capital. deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko presented government awards in the field of tourism for 2023. 10 projects were highly rated. the selection took into account their social and economic significance, as well as their contribution to the development of tourism, industry and hospitality, among the laureates of the irkutsk professional skills competition, a sports project for children with disabilities, development in the field of safety of tourism activities in the arctic zone of russia. we see that the winners of the award were projects to recreate unique historical sites, new digital services, educational projects, promotion of event events, creation of tourism products, including taking into account a barrier-free environment. our president
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vladimir vladimirovich putin was still twenty in the first year , the national project is now being successfully implemented. tourism and industry, hospitality, it is obvious that tourism is now one of the highest priority sectors for the state, and we see that this is already a serious and important driver of our economy. the european union avoided an economic recession in the fourth quarter of 2023, the european commission recognized today, but great britain and japan failed to do so. my colleague anna lazareva will talk about the situation in the global economy and the likelihood of a global recession. financial authorities around the world are summing up the results of the past year, and the results are not encouraging. in the fourth quarter of 23 , the uk economy entered a technical recession. this is evidenced by the report of the national statistical office. gdp contracted 3% from september to december. from july to september the drop was 10. the data turned out to be weaker than forecast. a fall in the fourth quarter
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was recorded in all major sectors of the uk economy, in services and manufacturing. we are indeed in a recession, although they say it will last not for long, it was inevitable, simply because rising interest rates were pushing us into recession, it slows down business, growth, slows down investment, it actually drives up inflation, raising interest rates does not help control food prices, raw material fuels and in the process slows down the economy . japan's economy is also going through hard times. for the first time in 5 years, it entered a recession. the country's gdp fell by 10% in the fourth quarter. analysts had expected growth of 3. in the third quarter, the economy shrank by 8%. as a result , the composition of the top three economies in the world changed and japan lost
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third place to germany in terms of nominal gdp. but not everything is smooth in germany. based on the results of the twenty- third. gdp fell for the first time since the covid -19 twentieth year by 3%, exports fell by 1.8%, and imports by 3%. moreover, if the eu introduced a complete ban on energy imports from russia, the country’s economy would immediately collapse by 2.2%. and the total economic losses over 2 years would amount to 220 billion euros, german economists warned. as for germany and france. and more developed countries that we have always considered to be the locomotives of the european union, then deprived of cheap russian energy, deprived of markets - very much because of the sanctions wars, this is creating problems for ourselves with china in relations with china, because the united states continues
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the trade war with china and europe will disappear there is nowhere to go, but deindustrialization is happening, so... i think that the imf is too optimistic about europe, there will not be any one percent growth there. if we talk about the economy of the region in general, the european commission admitted that the entire european union is barely avoided a recession in the fourth quarter of '23 . the eu's economic recovery is slower than expected. we narrowly avoided a recession in the fourth quarter following a strong post-pandemic recovery year. the european economy has practically not grown; growth in the eu and eurozone is estimated at half a percent, which is even slightly lower than in our autumn forecast. but what about the largest fast-growing economy in the world, china, is also slowing down; repeating the result of 23rd year, when gdp grew by 5.2%, will be almost impossible. nobel laureate in economics paul krugman
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said on this occasion that china's economy is entering an era of stagnation and disappointment. there is deflation, a real estate bubble, and high unemployment. everyone has problems, but developing countries are still in a better position, experts say. russia, by the way, yes, is one of the leaders, if we take such large, significant countries as the brix countries, which have surpassed the big seven in terms of their share in global economic potential now this hegemony. including the united states, uh, is changing not only politically, but, it seems to me, economically, and i would, if we talk about some kind of perspective, maybe not close, maybe relatively distant, well, i would say it would seem that most likely some new leader will emerge, yet a recession in the global economy is not yet threatening, since the organization
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for economic cooperation and development even improved the forecast for world gdp in the twenty -fourth year to + 2.9%, the world bank expects growth of almost 2.5%. american journalist ecker carlson again shares his impressions of his trip to moscow, but he posted new videos on the internet.
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this is how you go into one of the supermarkets and see the prices, this can turn you radically against our authorities. this is how i feel now. the next stop is one
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of the calling cards of moscow - the metro. our subway is a mandatory part of excursions for all foreigners who come to russia. tucker carlson also went down there. one way to better understand a society is to see its infrastructure. places where there is great crowds of people where trips are made is. always says a lot, now we are standing at the kievskoye metro station, not far from the station , the station was built by joseph stalin, let's see how it works 70 years later, we checked, it shocked us, no graffiti, no dirt, no unpleasant smells of homeless people, drug addicts, rapists who would like to push you onto the tracks to kill you, everything there is perfectly clean and tidy, the final stop on carlson’s walk is russian fast food, which came for a shift...
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where the president answered all the questions of an american journalist, in 6 days it collected hundreds of millions of views on various social networks. natalya goncharova, lead. now economic news, briefly. russia has reduced exports of oil and petroleum products, but increased revenues from such supplies. in january , the country received more than $15.5 billion. this is stated in the latest iea report. the agency cites rising prices as the reason. the cost of eurols jumped 10% over the month, to $66 per barrel. in terms of global demand, the iea expects a record 103
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million barrels per day. growth will come primarily from india, china and brazil. the european union is not interested in extending russian gas supplies through ukraine. this was stated by eu energy commissioner kadri simpson. according to her, a return to usual trade relations with russia is impossible. after the destruction of... on the northern stream, the transit line through ukraine remains the only route for gas supplies to western and central europe. as for the current contract between naftogaz and gazprom, it is already expiring this year. the board of directors of the dutch yandex nv unanimously approved the sale of its russian assets for 475 billion rubles. this is stated in the company's report. the main owner will be consortium first, led by yandex managers. the co-owners of the fund will. they plan to close the deal in two stages: the first before july of this year, the second after another 7 weeks. the share of foreign
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investment in russian capital. decreased to 7%. over the year, the figure decreased by 2%, the central bank reports. by january, such investments amounted to about 237 billion rubles. at the same time, general the authorized capital is 3.400 billion. although the share of foreign investment has decreased. russian banks increased their income. in the twenty- third year they earned a record 3.300 billion rubles. it was economic news. short.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious,
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rosary beads work in russia. a clear signal whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you want reached? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure? dear friends, i invite you to watch our new release of the author’s program. sagun tv, which will be called "chronicle of diminishing fertility." i hope you understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you.
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russia is the largest country in the world, 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote in almost 100 thousand polling stations at home or online. every voter’s vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected, and about 1 million election organizers help with this. observers! video surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting, the state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting, elections in russia, important, fair, convenient! dear ladies,
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point. it's the same one!


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