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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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this is russia 24 facts and we work at vdnh. 50 million russians listened to lectures and speeches by educators of the knowledge society. as part of the exhibition, russia, the country's largest public organization, sums up the results of its activities. so, development prospects are being discussed in moscow today. knowledge society at vdnkh held a meeting of the supervisory board, more than 450 people took part in it, these are public and government figures, heads of state corporations, regional delegations. i would like to note that 3 years ago, 3 years ago, due to urgent the needs of the educational organization have relaunched a modern digital platform, so it is actively working, of course, not only offline, but on the internet. the first deputy opened the meeting of the supervisory board.
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to give birth to a russian knowledge society, over these 3 years we have realized that it is very important for young people to talk not only with professional teachers or specially trained popularizers, it is very important for them to talk with people who are an example for them. after the meeting of the supervisory board , the fourth congress of the russian knowledge society began its work, it united delegates from russian... regions, government officials, senators, university rectors, representatives of the scientific and educational community, well, in general, the scale is clear. on the agenda: discussion of the results of the knowledge society's activities, approval of a new edition of the organization's charter, as well as elections of governing bodies. so, a highlight at vdnkh as a whole today will be the ceremony of awarding the best educators in the country. she will pass 2 6 february, the names of 28 laureates for winning the main educational award will be announced.
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one thing remains unchanged: people learn from people, our journey of revival began with the restoration of the lecture community. and on february 15, at the russian exhibition within the framework of the forum of national achievements, a thematic day of culture is being held. at vdnkh, the organizers hold conferences, one of them, for example, is dedicated to the development of modern libraries. and as part of the business program, a plenary meeting was held, its pro...
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we don’t just introduce them to our heritage, we allow them to feel involved in the preservation of monuments, in the largest events, and this is very important, the cultural volunteers program is developing along with our national project, i said earlier that we already have half a million people with us, and the numbers days: more than 10 million people have already used the pushkin card, that’s 2/3 of older russians. from 14 to 22 years old, the program is intended specifically for them, which , as you know, allows you to attend performances, exhibitions, and concerts for free. well, it opened in moscow a unique medical complex, non- pulmonology, where the entire spectrum
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of respiratory diseases will be treated. the center will become the main center in the field of respiratory pathology, rehabilitation of patients who have suffered from covid, as well as the leading institution in russia for the treatment of chronic diseases. to conduct it, it is important that such purposeful work, purposeful science, i repeat once again, makes it possible for our patients to continue living, the center is already working effectively, and has managed to implement
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all the best that exists in domestic medicine and pulmonology in the world’s best clinics, huge potential of scientific departments. introduce, well, methods of virtually space surgery, on the one hand, microscopic, on the other hand, allowing several groups of complementary specialists to work at once. russia stands for stability in key regions of the planet, this was stated by valentina matvienko, speaker of the federation council, who spoke at a meeting of the heads of parliaments of the group’s member countries. friends of neutrality. in the context of the emerging multipolar world order, the relevance of tasks to ensure stability and security. parliaments undoubtedly play an important role in this,
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performing a largely stabilizing function for the entire system of international relations. and therefore it is very important that these words. parliamentary cooperation, peace and dialogue are the motto of today's meeting. russia has always advocated, and will continue to advocate, for the inadmissibility of outside interference in the affairs of sovereign states. the growth of the russian economy is higher than the european average, vyacheslav stated this at a plenary meeting of the state duma volodin. the chairman of the state duma also emphasized that this is precisely the poet.
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russian deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko presented the government awards in the field of tourism for 2023. 10 projects received high marks. the selection took into account their social and economic significance, as well as their contribution to the development of tourism and the hospitality industry. among the laureates. irkutsk professional skills competition, a sports project for children with disabilities, development in the field of safety of tourism activities in the arctic zone of russia. we we see that the winners of the award were projects to recreate unique historical objects,
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new digital services, educational projects, promotion of event events, creation of tourism products, including taking into account. barrier-free environment, our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, back in the twenty- first year, instructed that the national tourism and hospitality industry project is now being successfully implemented. that tourism is now one of the priority sectors for the state, and we see that this is already and a serious important driver of our economy , the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day for repairs, putty day and international wallpapering day, do not limit yourself,
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where nature itself fills milk with energy, this is where belibeevsky is made, and where so much energy comes from, from cheese, belibeevsky cheese, this is how it begins, a good day. dear ladies, i ’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, nazon cashback 3% on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give, buy gifts on azon, psbp is profitable, register on, bright, maneuverable, functional from rub 2,479,900. liven x6 pro, give a new start. they told me, you will dance with this house of culture, what? everyone danced and danced together in the renovated cultural center in the city of
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orekhovo-zoevo and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. divide in half. prices on yandex market, discounts up to 50%. when paying with an alfa bank card. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card and... first the rule of the hunt, it starts at any second, the second rule of the hunt, the prey goes to the one who pursues it, a new game hunting, a draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct, 100 lotto, holiday discounts in the magnet, oil brestlitovsk 1699. alyon , let me help, thank you, but you have a whole package
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drink enjoy your favorite dishes in tablet or powder format for warm , classic provençal flavor from the brand i love to cook. it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one. i like to cook. dear ladies, i am not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming soon. interest on sbp on everything, no matter what you want to give, this, this, or even this, the main thing is that the gift is profitable, get your phone numbers, buy gifts on azon ssbp at a profit, register on, cashback, 3% of sbp . well, now there is news of the last minutes marked
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urgently, a court in moscow arrested the actor in absentia alexei panin, who in russia is recognized as a foreign agent by the ministry of justice of our country , was arrested in absentia for calls for terrorism, a message citing sources in the court, the americans will try. reassure the europeans, the head of the kiev regime will again ask for money, and residents of western countries no longer consider russia the main threat, this is the situation before the munich security conference. it starts on february 16, and heads of about 50 states and governments are expected to attend. the american president will not be among them. will come to munich instead of biden vice president kamala harris. she, as the media write, has a difficult mission. together with secretary of state antony blinken, he will convince europeans that there is no need to take
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donald trump’s recent statements too seriously that the states will allegedly not defend europe. when. if someone attacks it, since the eu countries supposedly spend too little on the collective defense of nato. the heads of france and germany, to whom trump’s harsh statements were primarily directed, will be at the conference, as will the ukrainian the president. some kind of ukraine-german security agreement is expected, and zelensky will also speak to the participants and probably ask for even more money for weapons. moscow believes that the munich format has long since exhausted itself. is degrading and russia expects nothing from the conference. well, on the eve of the conference, a report called the security index was released, this is a study of mood in western countries. so, at least in europe, in europe russia is no longer perceived as the main threat. germans and the french consider
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mass migration and radical islamism much more dangerous phenomena. for western european countries, russia is not even among... the top three on the list of threats; americans, by the way, are also most afraid of cyber attacks, as well as political splits, a crisis of power in the country, and also residents of china and india are among the main threats called climate change. a year ago there was a lot of speculation regarding a possible escalation of the conflict; now, of course, other problems are emerging that one way or another, whether we like it or not, they begin to gradually move away. states, well, the conference was founded
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in munich in 1962 by a german publicist. from the countries of central and eastern europe, as well as business representatives. the form traditionally hosts numerous informal personal meetings of politicians who discuss new initiatives in the field of security policy. an important, and in many ways, even a turning point in the history of the conference, not only it, was the speech of vladimir putin in 2007. clarification on the terrorist attack in belgorod, peaceful residents, six people, one of whom
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was a child, died, one man died in the operating room, doctors fought for his life until... the last one, the name of the deceased child was also established, this is a one-year-old girl named valentina, the head of the city also wrote that we are grieving with our relatives and the relatives of the victims , expressed sincere condolences, i understand that there are no words that can now console this grief, for the wounded, 17 injured residents, including four children, are all currently... in hospitals under the supervision of doctors, in serious condition condition with shrapnel wounds of different parts of the body, six people, nine victims were in moderate condition, two boys , seven and 15 years old, with concussion with a bruised shoulder after the assistance provided, doctors released them for outpatient treatment. it is also reported that
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a team of specialists from federal medical centers has been sent to belgorod to help their colleagues, and so we have another video, yes, it’s true that it’s marked 18 plus, but an eyewitness published a video from the scene of a ukrainian missile hitting a school stadium, we won’t go into full detail show it, to other topics, cryptocurrencies. years have begun to be used more often as part of foreign economic activity, as stated by deputy chairman of the bank of russia olga polikova at the cybersecurity in finance forum, but their share in the russian financial market is still not large. christina kuruma joins the facts live with details. kristina, welcomes whether domestic banks are interested in purchasing cryptocurrency through foreign exchanges.
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hello, at the moment the central bank assesses the involvement of the sector as low. the central bank does not consider cryptocurrencies as a means of payment on the territory of russia, however, for cross-border payments, they can be useful. regulators at the ministry of finance are working on a law that provides. possibility within the framework of the experiment. the market request has become especially relevant under sanctions. those companies, our russian companies, who sell something abroad and either buy from abroad. it is clear that we are talking about some state-owned companies here, but first of all we are talking about private companies, since there really are difficulties with bank transfers, cryptocurrencies are just an alternative solution. meanwhile, the total value of investments in bitcoin has exceeded $1 trillion, more than half of the us cryptocurrency market. an unexpected boom among private investors occurred after the successful
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launch of etf funds. wall street doesn't just like bitcoin, they love it. 80% of the entire bitcoin circulation is not in the market, there is only $200 billion, and these etfs have absorbed 5%. one of the main problems of cryptocurrencies is high volatility. bitcoin the most popular of them, over the course of a decade, its price skyrocketed from almost nothing to $60,000. the amount of bitcoin cryptocurrency is specifically limited, and mining is extremely energy-intensive. and coins that are tied to the rate of fiat money, goods or other cryptocurrency are called stable coins. it’s difficult to talk about their stability; the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, binence , delisted its own stablecoin, busd. of course, it attracts primarily
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volatility, attracts primarily the opportunity to quickly earn a lot of money is one of these options, the second, of course, is decentralization , pseudo-anonymity, so-called, that is, in fact... attracts not only investors. the central bank said that last year, a significant part of the financial pyramids operating on the internet were associated with cryptocurrencies. almost one and a half thousand fraudulent projects accepted contributions to them, while others advertised investments in crypto assets. this year our country will test digital ruble.
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from the account are essentially non-cash, the same will apply to the digital ruble, from the point of view of the existence of any risks for ordinary citizens - there is really no risk in the emergence of a digital ruble, why? because it will be the same form of money as the same, for example, non-cash rubles. central banks have already warned that it will be possible to pay with digital rubles at favorable rates, but there will be no interest on the account balance. and there will still be no digital loans, the widespread introduction of the electronic ruble is planned for 2025-2027, then all russians will be able
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to open wallets and freely use the digital analogue of the national currency. it companies began to refuse the services of relaxants, preferring to hire workers from the regions. domestic programmers ask for less money and it is easier to apply for them. taras kucherenko studied the market and found out why you still can’t do without relaxants and how are salaries determined in the industry? former printing house employee maxim gofiatulin decided to become a programmer in order to earn more and learn new skills i decided on my profession on my own, i didn’t study at a specialized university, i didn’t take courses, i was hired for my first job without experience, maxim completed the test task, but they paid about 35 thousand, not much money for a programmer. soon he moved to a second company, then a third, each time his salary grew, and about 2 and a half times from the initial one. i settled on the basis that i wanted
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to grow. in wages and in general there is some level in the market, so i announced wages, and the employer, that is, actually agreed to this salary. maxim says that this is an eternal question, what salary to ask for, he also takes into account his experience, the standard of living in the region, he is in yekaterinburg and has been working as a programmer for only 2 years, such specialists today form the backbone of many companies, they are cheaper than those who went abroad to work remotely. often employees who are abroad, they may cost a little more, he may request additional surcharges there for rental housing, for example, infrastructure, yes, if we are talking about children, there are school fees and so on, kindergartens, if we compare in numbers, then the difference can be up to 30%, within one profile within one position, one in the
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softline group employs about 8 and a half . thousands of employees are involved in writing programs, developing cloud services, cybersecurity issues, choosing who to hire, softline also prefers local programmers. the last time we considered candidates, for example from belarus, it was more expensive, even if we agreed on his relocation. at the same time , the industry has a large shortage of personnel, according to the president of the russian association of software developing companies. russians in the country lack about a million it specialists. if we can use the resources of universities, which currently do not train all programmers correctly. if we use the resources of companies that can help universities train more programmers, many more people will pass through their training centers than now. from the main we use the personnel resource in friendly countries, i think we.
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let's reduce it a little, according to russoft, relaxants are needed, they , for example, can actively engage in projects of the brix countries, opening a representative office in the participating countries. russia with a staff of programmers will work both on the growth of exports and the development of domestic software products, but for this, first of all, it is necessary create a unified payment platform with settlements in national currency, the development of such a system is underway, until this time it companies are forced to reduce the number of relaxants and not only because high... chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you
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understand why we named the program this way. i'm looking forward to seeing you. vladimir putin arrived today in the sverdlovsk region, where he will visit the ural-vagonzavod in nizhny tagil, where he will show the president combat vehicles ready to be sent to the troops. the ural carriage works, the flagship of the domestic tank, is a building where the head of state is expected to communicate with the workers of the enterprise. vladimir putin will also visit the ural locomotives plant in verkhnyaya pyshma and hold a meeting on
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implementation of the construction project. high-speed railway moscow-st. petersburg. our channel will definitely show everything live. do not miss. moscow calls on the international community to condemn the attack by the ukrainian armed forces on peaceful areas of belgorod. this is stated in a statement by the russian foreign ministry. the ukrainian armed forces struck the city today. one of the shells hit a shopping center. six people died. among the victims of the ukrainian attack is a one-year-old child. 17. civilians were injured, doctors assess the condition of six of them as severe, the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov announced. about the situation in belgorod, our correspondent alexander korobov. the ukrainian armed forces again attacked belgorod. it is known that they fired from the vampire's backfire rocket system. according to the ministry of defense, 14 targets flying towards residential areas were intercepted.


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