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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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if they start fighting against the dagestanis tomorrow, it means that they will take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that our country is not the same, that we should be infinitely ashamed because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war. hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we... are the creators of the russia
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2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. now we return to the visit of the russian leader to yekaterinburg. vladimir putin arrived to the ural-car factory. the president arrived at the enterprise in nizhny tagil. during the inspection of the ural carriage plant, vladimir putin will get acquainted with the new workshop, the production of armored vehicles, and talk with the workers.
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presidential press secretary dmitry peskov spoke about this earlier. then, as expected, the russian president will head to verkhnyaya pyshma, where he will visit the ural locomotives plant and hold a meeting on the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. we are following the president’s agenda in the sverdlovsk region. russia plans to place nuclear weapons in space for use against. satellites. the western media are now making headlines like these. all because the united states authorities suddenly announced that russia allegedly has such intentions. the topic was immediately picked up, for example, by abc television, citing sources. she noted that a certain threat to us national security may be associated with this. this threat was discussed a day earlier. information began to spread rapidly among legislators and led to new accusations against our country.
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however, in the united states itself, the reaction to all these statements is ambiguous, for example, speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson said that he sees no reason for public alarm in light of the assertion that there is a threat to the country’s national security, well, the new york times stated that the words the us is using the threat solely to convince congress to approve aid to ukraine, because turner, who made the threat statement, is a big fan of the idea increasing funding for kyiv. it was decided to discuss everything related to the topic today at a closed briefing, which will be conducted by assistant to the president of the united states for national security, jake salevan. the scheme is absurd, in principle, very simplified, that is, let's give money to ukraine, and ukraine will restrain russia from releasing nuclear weapons into space, as far as that is concerned.
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the russian federation has always complied and complies with international agreements; we have never launched or intended to launch nuclear weapons into space orbit. well reaction moscow is much more stable, according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, the publication of the russian federation's plans for nuclear weapons in space is simply a us ploy. encourage congress to vote on a bill appropriating money. however, he refused to make any other comments for now and called for waiting for salevan’s briefing. deputy head of our foreign policy department sergei rebkov said that all these false accusations in the united states should at least be accompanied by evidence, at least. it fits in the trend of the last decade, when americans engage in malicious writing and attribute all sorts of things to us. or other kinds of claims, at least
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accompany them with evidence, so let’s see what will develop further in this plot. well, it’s worth remembering that the idea of ​​​​placing weapons in space originally belonged to the americans and they still haven’t abandoned this idea. the same attempts to create a common missile defense system also apply to this. you can also recall the so-called strategic ronald reagan's defense initiative, also known as star wars, was launched in the mid-eighties. this program was supposed to develop a large-scale missile defense system with space-based elements. in the end, no rockets appeared in space, but the propaganda effect from it was enormous.
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it is believed that star wars was partly facilitated by negotiations with the soviet union, and disarmament influenced the outcome of the cold war. britain and latvia will lead a new coalition to support kiev, as reported by the british ministry of defense, as part of the cooperation it is planned to transfer several thousand new drones to ukraine. the department also noted that london has already spent more than 2.5 billion pounds on the conflict. what else does alika komarova know about upcoming deliveries? nato countries create the illusion of victory for ukraine. brussels said that the alliance members have already signed.
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in germany, the military potential is critically weakened, according to journalists, now the bundeswehr is armed many times worse than before the ukrainian conflict, and the publication specter harshly mocks european armies, which... according to journalists, can only hold the line during a snowball fight. they mock the exorbitant ambitions of the kiev regime. the financial times reports that the decision to stubbornly defend avdiivka in the face of a shortage of people and ammunition may turn out to be extremely costly for ukraine. instead of retreating from avdievka, where
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soldiers are constantly running out of ammunition amid supply shortages, the new commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, alexander syrsky , sent reinforcements there. transition to reminds us of the fortification of avdeevka. the persistent but ultimately completely unsuccessful defense of bakhmut last year. meanwhile , ukraine is already actively prophesying the fate of kosovo, which, at one time, became a successful investment for american companies, but lost significantly in socio-economic terms. in the european union , against the backdrop of another blocking of anti-russian sanctions in hungary, they announced the existence of a certain loophole, thanks to which it would be possible to allocate even more money to help kiev. allegedly officials will quoting these tranches as funds for...
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is crazy, the only president over the last 5 years who has not given anything to russia is donald trump. biden will give them ukraine. washington tried to shift public opinion from a real problem to a mythical one. the new york times, citing intelligence sources, reported that russia is allegedly trying to launch nuclear weapons into space in order to blind american intelligence agencies. and this despite the fact that the states themselves, due to lack of money, canceled all their programs for the development of secret military satellites. alek komarov, lead. well, now to the farmer protests in europe, in spain alone over the past week local police have detained at least 40 people. large-scale strikes are taking place in greece, moldova and poland. there, farmers are blocking
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the capital with tractors. well, in germany and france, farmers are demanding that the authorities ban or at least limit the import of cheap ukrainian agricultural products and strengthen support for the eu agricultural sector. instead of... exposing weapons to kiev, our european correspondent, anastasia popova, will continue the topic. they buzzed and whistled so much that they could barely hear each other. bibirah. dozens of tractors lined the roads, blocking access to the concert hall; a spontaneous rally of farmers in germany dumped a large pile of manure in front of it. the greens were supposed to gather inside, their annual political meeting, where big guests were expected. it was impossible to drive or get to the building. on roads, cobblestones and sandbags. police came to the aid of officials and two vehicles tried. lead through the crowd, one of them broke the glass. pepper gas, copious amounts of
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face, then they began to pacify the protesting farmers with batons, and arrests began. amid talk of increasing the military budget and the need to reduce the social budget, the degree of discontent is only growing. according to polls, almost half of german citizens are against allocating money for weapons to ukraine. farmers do not want to see cheap ukrainian goods on the european market. next week the czechs will join the already striking farmers. this despite the fact that the country, among the most active supporters of supporting ukraine, mass demonstrations, blocking of border crossings, blocking of highways with heavy equipment. these are the first of the planned actions. in agen, france, they again pour on vosouri. they promised to change, but so far nothing has gone beyond words. representative.
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spanish farmers in barcelona are against the import of foreign products. pontos are blocking highways and lighting fires, demanding changes to european legislation to protect european agriculture. well, the japanese authorities decided to make another sop to the kiev regime, they agreed provide grant assistance in the amount of about 16 billion euros, this is about 10 million dollars , a quote for the emergency restoration of ukraine, for what else, the attitude of japanese citizens themselves to such spending of budget funds can be judged by a survey published by the sputnik agency on social networks. here is a message that japan has promised such and such money, a direct question
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whether japan should provide new financial assistance to ukraine, only 4% of respondents answered in the affirmative, now i will show this survey, where, well, there is not much here understandable, but believe me, we translated, the overwhelming majority, more than 58%, were categorically against such spending, they say, in japan in general. and there are enough problems of their own. the americans will try to reassure the europeans. the head of the kiev regime will again ask for money, and residents of western countries no longer consider russia the main threat. this is the situation ahead of the munich security conference. it starts on february 16th. heads of about 50 states and governments are expected to arrive. the american president will not be among them. will go to munich instead of biden vice. trump, that the united states allegedly will not
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defend europe if someone attacks it, since the eu countries spend too little on nato’s comprehensive defense. the heads of france and germany, to whom trump’s harsh statements were primarily directed, will attend the conference like ... at least in europe, russia is no longer perceived as the main threat. the germans and
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french consider mass migration and radical islamism much more dangerous phenomena. russia is not even among the top three threats for western european countries. u americans, by the way, are also most afraid of cyber attacks, as well as political splits and a crisis of power in the country. well, also, residents of china and india named climate change among the main threats. a year ago there was a lot of speculation regarding a possible escalation of the conflict, now, of course, other problems are emerging, which one way or another, whether we like it or not, they are beginning... gradually pushing old problems into the background, in the current conditions after all the problems of the middle east will come to the fore in connection with the latest events in the gas sector, and i admit that latently, of course, there will be a lot of talk around political processes within the united states. now the economic news is short:
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russia has reduced the export of oil and petroleum products, but increased revenues from such supplies. in january, the country received more than $15 billion, as stated in the latest iea report. the agency cites rising prices as the reason; the cost of urals jumped by 10% in a month, to $66 per barrel. in terms of global demand, expect a record 103 million barrels per day this year. growth will come primarily from india, china and brazil. the share of foreign investment in the capital of russian banks decreased to 7%. over the year, the figure decreased by 2%, the central bank reports. by january , such investments amounted to about 237 billion rubles. at the same time, the total authorized capital is 3.400 billion. although the share of foreign investment has decreased, russian banks have increased their income. in the twenty- third year they earned a record 3.300 billion rubles. board of directors of the netherlands
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yandex nv unanimously approved the sale of its russian assets for 475 billion rubles. this is stated in the company's report. the main owner will be consortium one, led by yandex managers. the co-owners of the fund will have shares from 10 to 35%. they plan to close the deal in two stages: the first before july of this year, the second after another 7 weeks. and the european economy barely avoided recession in the fourth quarter. gdp growth was below expectations. at the end of the year it amounted to half a percent. this was stated by the european commissioner for economic affairs. paolo gentileoni. according to him according to him, the slowdown in growth is due to the economic consequences of the conflict in ukraine, the situation in the middle east, tensions in the red sea and the upcoming elections in europe and the united states. it was economic news. short. it companies began to refuse the services of relaxants, preferring to hire workers from the regions. domestic
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programmers ask for less money and it is easier to apply for them. taras kucherenko studied the market and found out why you can’t do without... anyway and how are salaries formed in this industry? former employee of the printing house maxim gofiatulin i decided to become a programmer in order to earn more , i decided to master a new profession on my own , i didn’t study at a specialized university, i didn’t take courses, i was hired for my first job without experience, maxim completed the test task, but they paid about 35 thousand for a programmer, not a lot of money, he soon switched to the second company, then the third, each time his... pay grew, and about 2 and a half times from the initial one. i got a job based on the fact that i want to increase my salary and the overall market level some kind, so i announced the salary, and the employer, that is, has already actually agreed to this salary. maxim says it is an eternal question of what salary
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to ask for; he also takes into account his experience of the standard of living in the region. he is in yekaterinburg and has been working as a programmer for only 2 years. such specialists today form the backbone of many companies; they are cheaper than those who went abroad to work remotely. often for employees who are abroad, they may cost a little more, and he may request additional surcharges there for rent of housing, for example, infrastructure, yes, if we are talking about children, there is payment for school and so on, kindergartens, if we compare in numbers, the difference can be up to 30%. within one profile, within one, one position, the softline company group employs about 8 thousand employees, they are engaged in writing programs, developing cloud services, cybersecurity issues, choosing who to hire, softline also prefers local programmers. last looked at candidates, for example from belarus, he was
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more expensive, even if we agreed on his relocation. at the same time, the industry has a large shortage of personnel; according to the president of the russian association of companies developing russian software, the country lacks about a million it specialists. if we are able to use the resource of universities, which currently do not train all programmers correctly, if we use the resource of companies that can help universities train more programmers, many more people will pass through their training centers, than now. the main thing is that we use personnel resources in friendly countries, i think that we will reduce this deficit a little, in my opinion, relaxants are needed, they, for example, can... actively engage in projects of the brix countries, opening a representative office in the participating countries russia with a staff of programmers will work both on the growth of exports and the development of a domestic
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software product, but for this , first of all, it is necessary to create a unified payment platform with settlements in national currency, the development of such a system is underway, before that nowadays, it companies are forced to reduce the number of relaxants, and not only because of high salaries, but also because of sanctions to transfer money to banks in other countries. today is a whole adventure. taras kuchurenko, nikolay lomakin, yulia sokolova, news. the yellow danger level has been extended in moscow and the region until saturday; due to icy conditions, it is very snowy on the roads of skolskaya. in just a few hours , a fifth of the monthly rainfall fell. snowdrifts and traffic jams are growing. alexandra perfilyeva joins us live again. i hope this attempt, sazh will be there will be a more successful, more stable connection. what is the situation on the roads at these moments? yes, natalya, greetings, it’s really true, today because of the snowfall even ours, yes, i
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’m still without a hat, out of respect for the audience , i took it off, but i worked all day today with a hat and a scarf, but i want to note that today , of course, the weather forecasters promised us fifty-five centimeter snowdrifts, but in fact this is about a meter, here i am about 62 meters, well... well, about a meter approximately, these are the snowdrifts we have in moscow now, according to regarding the traffic, of course, it is difficult, now the traffic on the road is still eight points, this was from 2 o’clock in the afternoon, when i was preparing for the live broadcast, i even looked, closer to 7-8 in the evening the traffic jams would reach 10 points. we talked, of course, with the drivers; according to even professional drivers, it was not easy to get to our final destination today. is it hard to travel? well, let’s say, it can be worse, when we got to the car yesterday, we defrosted it for just
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an hour, that is, the car was like candy, like a monpossier, you know, but today it’s like, but today she was just like a sugru, how do you like the weather, what are the general conditions on the roads, and you ’ve just driven off and it’s blowing, everything is flying, the windshield wipers don’t have time to control, it’s you now. did you reach your final destination or did you decide to finish your meal by car or public transport? tell me, how long did it take to get to the end point today? 2 s2 hours, how long do you usually travel? well, about 40 minutes. where did you come from for so long? from the moscow region. the moscow department of transport today, of course, recommends that you still transfer from personal transport to public, but road services, as i said earlier. they are actively removing snow now, more than 14 thousand units of equipment are involved , according to the deputy mayor of moscow, the city is ready for such a weather challenge, at
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the moment there are about 14,500 units of various equipment engaged in cleaning and removing snow, approximately 165 thousand workers are working, this including machinery. motorists, and this work will continue throughout the period until we cope with the consequences of the snowfall. well, do pedestrians like this weather, no question is it snowy, they answer, but what kind of winter should it be in russia, how do you like the weather, it’s generally gorgeous, you feel good, high five, oh, please tell me how you like it... the weather in general, wonderful, wonderful, winter is like this, what it should be like, we live in russia after all , well, tell me, how do you like the weather, the weather is wonderful, a real russian winter, it didn’t
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snow you while you were walking to work, it was snowy, absolutely snowy, i dug myself out and came, that it’s a real winter, russian, for us i really like it, the snowdrifts don’t scare me, they don’t scare me, i really love winter, i myself returned to the moscow region just yesterday, it was just fabulous there. well , as the girl told us, it’s such a fabulous winter in the moscow region, according to her, and, of course, they took measures there too. municipal and regional equipment is working on the roads, more than one and a half thousand units of equipment, and accordingly, they will do everything around the clock to keep the roads clean. there is a special burden on municipal utilities, because everything that concerns the porch. courtyard, interblock passages also require special attention, well, now in moscow it’s -10°, which, by the way, is 3° warmer,
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than it was... traffic jams form. the next round of bad weather is moving from the office towards the home, so of course we will discuss the central region right now with the leading specialist of the fob center, with alina kotelevskaya, she is live again. alina, hello, is it already known how much precipitation has fallen, how much more will fall, is this the peak
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of snowfall? well, of course , there are already preliminary estimates and measurements were made in the morning, by 9 am in some areas of moscow, the height of the snowdrifts, as we predicted, increased by 10 cm, heavy snow continued until middle of the day. the next snow depth measurements will be taken tomorrow, then it will be possible to sum up the preliminary results of today's snowfall. the m4 highway in the moscow region stood up this afternoon, just like it did during the last heavy snowfall on february 7th. then, let me remind you what happened on the highway. a blockage involving 29 cars in the stupino area. now in the same place there was an accident involving two buses. three passengers were injured. later, due to an accident with a truck, the kashirskoye highway, through which a detour was organized, was also stopped. trucks are often they began to skid in the snow porridge. behind them, many kilometers of traffic jams idled, including road equipment that had gone out to fight the snow. i’m slowly crawling, there’s a car driving in front of me, but
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there’s something missing here. then i look, behind me , there’s a convoy of equipment, it turns out, driving, the case when walking is faster, there are more pedestrians today, taxi prices in the snow have increased two to three times, but even the taxi companies themselves offer to use public transport, because due to gusts of south-east wind, in built-up conditions pedestrians had to deal with such snow whirlwinds. in moscow , the maximum increase in snow this morning was recorded by the msu weather station. here, in one day , the snowdrifts grew by 10 cm. at the same time, in the east of the smolensk region, 100 km from mozhaisk, they grew by 12 cm, in tver by 10. precipitation did not fall in the form of snow everywhere. varla is eliminating the consequences of freezing rain, which left 343 settlements without electricity
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and made them impassable. the diameter of the ice deposits this morning reached 12 mm. numerous accidents today in st. petersburg are also explained by the fact that the snow here was mixed with supercooled precipitation. ice rain at around 4 am was recorded by sensors of the western high-speed diameter of the intra-city toll st. petersburg highway. tomorrow the synoptic situation on the russian plain will not undergo significant changes. the anticyclone still occupies most of it, and the frontal sections are forced to move along it. periphery, so that precipitation tomorrow will occur in the south-west of the european part of the country, in mainly in the form of snow and small and moderate , and only in a narrow strip in the black soil in the northern caucasus, in some places they can be strong. meanwhile, in northern europe , the cyclone is gaining strength; over the weekend it will bring heavy snowfalls with blizzards to the leningrad, arkhangelsk, vologda, mormon regions and karelia. freezing rain is also forecast in some places.
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snowfall continues in moscow, although its intensity... has decreased significantly, due to the proximity to a cold anticyclone, an unpleasant southeast wind remains in the winds of 7-10 m/s, and the temperature rises very slowly, in the middle of the day - 11 degrees below zero, in the evening it only reaches -8. it will snow tomorrow, the temperature will remain the same, but on the weekend, with the approach of the cyclone, warming will gain momentum in the capital, possibly a short-term thaw. precipitation will increase on sunday. what are the forecasts for this minute? vladimir putin is on a working trip to the sverdlovsk region today; the president has already arrived in nizhny tagil, where he is visiting the ural carriage works. the head of state, as his press secretary, dmitry peskov, previously reported, will show combat vehicles ready to be sent to the troops. ural carriage works, the flagship of the domestic tank industry.


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