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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 8:30pm-8:59pm MSK

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there are more and more stakes, their prospects are becoming more cloudy. single samples, like the bandera-cart temis shown, are supplied to kiev rather for testing the technology. egor grigoriev, hunting for an estonian. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. the big bang from which truth is born. what did this fly to the positions of the militants? and how the appearance of such footage exposes the main lie of dill propaganda.
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cashback 10%. for all. there is enough cashback for everyone. well, now, back to the information of the defense department, the department has confirmed the fact of a group strike on numerous objects of the photo-lugiev regime, including military-industrial complex enterprises where they produced components for enemy equipment, as well as ammunition. well, however, even without an official statement , it was quite clear that russian high-precision weapons arrived at the right addresses this morning, powerful explosions thundered in ivanofrankovskaya and lvovskaya. dnepropetrovsk, khmelnitsky, yes and many other areas. meanwhile, zelensky’s propaganda, in its usual style , screams about an attack on civilian infrastructure, including residential buildings. and, as stated, it has provided such visual evidence that the supposedly criminal might of our missiles simply leaves a giant crater, demolishing literally everything within a radius
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of almost an entire block. although it is easy to notice that this video was not filmed in the city at all; for that matter, it does not support, but strictly on the contrary, refutes the ukrainian narrative. why explain? zavodchenkov, vadim, greetings, well, it seems that under the guise of anti-russian evidence, the junta has given out evidence against itself. yes, alexey, after this arrival, cracks began to appear in the canopy of ukrainian propaganda. a surgically precise missile strike that penetrated the main line of defense of the nazi regime. information footage from the kiev region. impressive crater diameter.
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that this place could be a good location for a radar station in the kiev region and was picked up by ukrainian publics, not realizing that they were making a mistake, yes, that’s it this is what the craters look like after the arrivals of russian cruise missiles, and you know how the arrivals don’t look, for example, this is a typical video from ukrainian cities, carefully selected ukrainian propaganda for demonstration in a single telethon, a noticeable difference, the affected area is huge, but... the damage itself is weak, windows are broken in residential buildings, there are traces of fire, but in general the buildings
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are standing and even repairable, people are cynically lying, they say these are also russian missiles. moscow does not defeat the city. if someone hits around the city, we know that this is, first of all , the air defense of ukraine, the forces are getting confused and the anti-aircraft guns are hitting their high-rise buildings in their own way. the population that has arrived, a cruise missile or an air defense missile, can immediately see, experts say: strike weapons, firstly, are much more powerful, and secondly, they are specially designed for guaranteed destruction of targets on the ground. anti-missiles work on a different principle: they explode in the air, scattering damaging elements in all directions, so large-scale explosions are caused over the city, but weak. damage to ground infrastructure, sometimes, of course, it happens like this, this
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is also kiev, the missile hits directly at the house, the speed and condensation trail clearly indicate the air defense system, but even from such a direct hit the building does not collapse and no craters are formed, i don’t remember i remember not a single publication even in the media of the kiev regime, where in at least one of the ukrainian cities, be it... kiev, lvov, or some other ukrainian city, where there were similar craters. there have never been such craters in cities, although they claimed that they were something there they churned it up in the cities, that’s right, but they never showed us such funnels. and in the forest somewhere near kiev, such a crater appeared, a contradiction. a striking example of ukrainian propaganda, dnepropetrovsk a year ago. here the destruction is more serious, an entire section collapsed. a large high-rise building, but even this is too modest for a cruise missile,
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journalists nevertheless pump up the audience, the russians are to blame, the viewer agrees, god, it’s impossible to imagine how these people feel, i hate you, kotsaps, be damned, burn the water, our condolences to the relatives, eternal memory of the dead, after some time in the office of the president of ukraine they admitted, sorry, this was ours...
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they got caught. perhaps if they had shown their donbass back then, which was shown to non-ukrainians on ukrainian news, now they wouldn’t have to look at burning houses. vadim zavochenkov, and precision weapons. well, and also combat reports from the south donetsk front, where our group of troops of the east is performing tasks. its units carried out a series of effective attacks in enemy concentration areas. a total of up to 200 it is necessary to act precisely, the ukrainian militants have their say, in situations where special assault troikas speak, eduard punigov became familiar with their work. we drive from primorye to the position of the fifth army attack aircraft from primorye in an army truck, about 5 km before the line of combat contact we are asked to get out of the car, it is too dangerous to go any further. a maneuver assault group is working in the most dangerous sectors of the front, the soldiers have just received the next task, a sniper, a marksman,
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a machine gunner are collecting equipment and preparing go to the line of combat contact. assault troikas are on duty along the entire front line. now they most often work in the south donetsk direction. on the front line, they try not to crowd together, keep a distance from each other, but at the same time the whole team acts coherently. as a rule, the machine gunner is dense. fire distracts his main attention, at this moment the sniper can calmly work on targets, remaining unnoticed. combat missions, tell me , first i need to find a good fish, well, i know where i’m going to work, i’m located. behind a convenient position, i lay it out in advance, i’m already waiting for the next command, i warned the guys that i’m ready, the machine gunner is always covered by a gunner, helps him quickly react to sudden threats, retreat, retreat, after a machine-gun burst the enemy usually immediately starts returning fire, it’s impossible to stay in one position work for a long time, since i have a loud weapon, let’s say i run, took a position,
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fired, well, 100 rounds, ran to another position, fired 100 rounds there. all actions of attack aircraft must be corrected from the air, always nearby drone operators are on duty, who immediately inform the group of any danger, and if necessary, can provide fire support. our task is to identify the enemy, inflict fire damage using drop systems and then monitor their movement and also coordinate the remaining people from the group and smoke and distract, that is, they are distracted by the drones by the sound of the drones, by the opportunity to drop something else, so they begin to scatter and more often ... look around, only the air is up. after each assault group sortie analyze mistakes and analyze the enemy’s weak points. during the special operation , the attack aircraft of the vostok group accumulated vast experience and learned to take even the most fortified positions without losses. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. i tasted this very fast food and was satisfied, and also filled up a full
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grocery basket at an adequate price, making sure that the sanctions do not work. all this is the impression of a trip to moscow.
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he spoke with vladimir putin about key topics that concern western audiences. the interview, where the president answered all the questions of the american journalist, collected hundreds of millions of views on various social networks in 6 days. natalya goncharova, lead. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. if he doesn’t want to defend the country, then he won’t. the former people's deputy calls on the zelensky regime to open the borders, because draft dodgers will already run away if they hide from the shopping center. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. custom jewelry, who
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will pick up everything for that. nobody plans to ask them. the position of the ministry of justice on the forced mobilization of men in ukrainian prisons. the head of the department, denis malyuska, believes. that convicts cannot have a choice whether to go into the trenches or not, to say that defending the ukrainian state is not a right , and duties and a sentence for a crime should not interfere with service in the armed forces of ukraine, while, according to the new law on mobilization, which is currently being discussed by the verkhovna rada, convicts can only join the army voluntarily, but such liberalism does not suit everyone, so the minister of justice insists on taking away the right to vote from people with a criminal record, then the decision on their mobilization will be made by the tsk bodies. he called for
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opening the borders to draft dodgers, why suddenly such generosity, anastasia ivanova thought, anastasia, greetings, but if the borders are opened, won’t everyone run away? hello, alexey, but the kiev terrorists will probably come up with something, have they deployed a barrier detachment on the front line? this is no longer the case. stop corruption at the border, open them up. will zelensky, the regime’s main papoose, listen , no matter how former people’s deputy igor masiychuk laments, he is unlikely
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to correct the situation. rather, he himself advertised a way for ukrainians to avoid mobilization. masseychuk named the price 100 euros, for i sent instructions to the forum. what, what does this all mean? has anyone really thought about the people in ukraine? while masiychuk is making the groundwork for the future on social networks, his compatriots are dying, some at the front, others at the border. romanian rescuers found the body of a ukrainian in the mountains, his
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guides were detained, reports. that the dead guy left immediately after receiving the summons. by the way, there are a lot of summonses in ukraine, even to captured vsushniks, the wife of a militant from a terrorist group told about this. however, how not to serve it sent, women and men in ukraine know very well what awaits them on the front line. for all of us, the topic of mobilization in ukraine. so painful that the employees of the military registration and enlistment offices try not to go alone, on weekends or on vacation, they don’t appear on the streets in uniform, i’m even at the military registration and enlistment office in horozhden, why? well, because i’m afraid that someone will hit me with a bottle, because i also thought that they were carrying a story, it’s a shame, it’s a shame to wear a uniform for those who serve at the military registration and enlistment office, and soon i’ll have to run away as a military commissar, although in europe there may be difficulties, some ukrainians are perplexed, new passports...
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the expulsion of some ukrainian refugees from europe, yes, first of all, of course, we are talking about men of military age, it is not surprising that the first who announced that we are ready to extradite ukrainian refugees , at the end of last year there was the head of the ministry of internal affairs of estonia, because the estonians are excellent and other instruments are well understood.
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nationally oriented youth to restore ukraine after the fighting, but you don’t need to feel sorry for them, otherwise you’ll lose the war altogether, that is, in fact it showed the complete cynical attitude of ukraine’s western, in quotes, so to speak, partners. the western masters of ukraine are hardly interested in their legal mobilization, because lawlessness brings money. anastasia ivanova escape from... death. russia already produces the best tanks in the world that dominate the battlefield, but is ready to master fundamentally new technologies in order to fight even more effectively for its interests and the safety of our people. i made such statements today.


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