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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 15, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and he will certainly fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the russian national project sign is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national projects of russia. decision of the president. they promise 2 million rubles. for a single piece of equipment. this is an initiative of the russian analysis center, technology strategy, which i am ready to provide a truly large monetary reward to those of our military who manage to bring such a thing from the northern military district zone. the temis uav ground platform , produced in estonia, seems to represent. for
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domestic specialists of particular interest, since the reward was appointed earlier, but in the amount of 1 million, accordingly, now the rate has been doubled, the main thing is to capture an unmanned vehicle in more or less good condition, so that employees of the relevant departments can study properly. in general, additional motivation is provided to russian fighters, because serious men’s work really requires serious pay. well , why is the notorious themis so valued as a potential trophy?
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means from both sides, these are fpv drones, and copters with resets, and so on. the task of supplying ammunition, food, water, and transporting the wounded turns into a very dangerous mission. the crawler platform carries up to 750 kg of any cargo, two diesel engines and two batteries, two generators, which charge them. clearance up to 60 cm and it works. this machine is 15 hours old, the manufacturer’s website indicates options for using the robot, for example, for logistics a basic platform is sufficient, it will support dismounted troops, can deliver a small mortar, the combat theme will be equipped with a javelin or a thirty-millimeter automatic cannon, for reconnaissance the platform will be equipped with a heavy multicopter or a launcher for the destruction of subtle targets, and the engineering theme, will finally neutralize an explosive object and perhaps... main
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a feature is a secure control and transmission channel, a system of sensors that recognize, for example, the terrain, evaluate it, these are certain brains that can not only, let’s say, receive an image, but most importantly - somehow broadcast this image, and most importantly the main thing is to do this through a secure channel, because the main problem of all this robotic equipment in... euros, seven vehicles were delivered to ukraine for transporting goods and evacuating the wounded and seven for clearing mine routes, a rare animal, but the hunt for the banderamobile will not only be difficult for this reason, but the dryers are taking care of it. nato
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equipment, statistics from the armor lost research project, including the trophies that were pulled from the battlefield during the war, one swedish infantry fighting vehicle, one french heavy armored vehicle, one us infantry fighting vehicle, one british wheeled armored personnel carrier, of course, the number there are many times more destroyed samples. those situations are probably the most promising areas for capturing such a machine. when the ukrainian armed forces garrison is in in one place or another there will be a supply line under very close fire control of ours; they will be forced to use similar means to supply the encircled group, given that an extremely small number of them were supplied, but most likely it will not be so easy; perhaps the armed forces will deliberately take care of this platform , while the private company tsast will pay money only on the condition that the car does not... suffer during the capture,
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temis is unlikely to become the most desired trophy. over the past year, our fighters destroyed 4,415 units of ukrainian western military equipment and for each received a payment from the ministry of defense. there is a pre-list, it is officially established. although the money is less, the probability of knocking out some ukrainian cossack, for example, is much higher than looking for this bandera cart. it is also not obvious that it is very useful for borrowing technologies. it has a conventional machine vision system, that is, it has cameras, lidars, that is, which allows, let’s say, not just to be controlled from a remote control, for example, work using radio tags, go from... well, follow the unit, although i must say that i saw similar developments at the army exhibition at the training ground, just like similar combat platforms of our production were rolling around like that for years, well, i don’t know, well, at least five years ago.
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the myth about the superpowers of nato equipment has long been dispelled, and its share in the structure of losses has reached 45%. western armored vehicles are replacing simple but reliable soviet ones. the dependence of the ssu on supplies is increasing, and their prospects are becoming increasingly cloudy. single samples like bandera-cart temis is shown to be supplied to kiev rather for testing the technology. within 24 hours, fighters of the russian group troops center repelled two attacks by ssu attack aircraft and improved their own position along the front line in the krasno-limansk direction of the special operation. as the ministry of defense clarifies, enemy losses near the settlements of yampolovka and chervono-debrova are included. more than 300 manpower, among the destroyed equipment there is an american bradley infantry fighting vehicle from the polish sao-krab. last contact, report by alexander katsuba. our assault units are moving forward. artillery crews and troop groups in the center
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support the infantry with dense artillery fire. the deeply armored defense of the ukrainian armed forces in this section of the serebryansky forestry has been broken through. here. that is, you can’t really see the birds, damn it, even in three rolls, they are insulated, the most important thing is that they are dug out to their full height, camouflaged on top, they could have survived the winter, but you didn’t let them, well, yes, our guys did a good job, the militants dug up the entire kremen forest, turning it into a continuous fortified area, a line of full-length trenches extending hundreds of meters in different directions , here is a branch, and here is the command post, the headquarters dugout, this is where they left the gas
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mask, well, here is the command post of the ukrainian armed forces, from where they conducted observation, having rolled deep to the rear, the artillery of the ukrainian armed forces .
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in principle, it fulfills all its tasks, that’s good, shot! the advanced units of the center group of troops continue to push back the enemy along the entire front line. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and leonid sharov, lead the krasno-limanskaya direction. and further
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information from the ministry of defense, the department confirmed the fact of a group strike on numerous objects in the rear of the kiev regime, including the military-industrial complex, where they produced components for enemy equipment, as well as ammunition. but, however, even without an official statement , it was quite clear that russian high-precision weapons arrived at the right addresses this morning, powerful explosions thundered in ivanofrankovskaya, lvovskaya, dnepropetrovskaya, khmelnytskyi, and many others. regions, meanwhile, zelensky’s propaganda in his usual style screams about an attack on civilian infrastructure, including residential buildings, and , allegedly, has acquired such visual evidence of the allegedly criminal power of our missiles, they say they simply leave giant craters, demolishing literally everything within a radius of almost an entire block, although it is easy to notice that this video was not shot at all, it was not filmed at all within the city limits, for that matter, it does not reinforce, but strictly on the contrary refutes the ukrainian narrative, vadim zavodchin will explain why. surgical precision missile strike that penetrated the main line
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defense of the nazi regime, information footage from the kiev region. an impressive crater with a diameter of tens of meters, about 7 m in depth, the forest around the kitchens was burned, whatever was in this place was turned to ash? russian missiles, russian bombing. is carried out exclusively on military infrastructure, on objects, the relocation of this crater confirms this conclusion that there is no civilian infrastructure nearby, it is located on the gun, which suggests that this place could be a good location for a radar stations of the kyiv region air defense. spectacular footage was picked up by ukrainian publics, not understanding what he was doing.
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it is immediately obvious, experts say, that strike weapons are, firstly, much more powerful, and
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secondly, they are specially designed for guaranteed destruction of targets on the ground, anti-missiles work on a different principle: they explode in the air, scattering damaging elements in all directions, therefore , flying over the city causes large-scale but weak damage to ground infrastructure, sometimes, of course, it happens like this, this too. where in at least one of the ukrainian cities, be it kiev, lvov, or some other ukrainian city, where there were similar craters, in cities such... there have never been such, although they claimed that they were churning something there in the cities, that’s right, but they
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never showed us such craters, in the forest somewhere near kiev such a crater appeared, a contradiction, a vivid example of dill propaganda, dnepropetrovsk a year ago, here the destruction was more serious, an entire section of a large high-rise building collapsed, but even this is too modest for a cruise missile, journalists, however pump up the audience no less. the russians are to blame, the viewer, i agree, god, it is impossible to imagine how these people feel, i hate you kotapi, be damned, burn the water, our condolences to the relatives, eternal memory to the dead. after some time , the office of the president of ukraine admitted, sorry, it was our air defense, but they had already added fuel to the fire of hatred. and when we see the work of the kiev media, we must understand that they publish only what they are allowed to publish. only what is beneficial to them, they have military censorship, self-censorship, there is now
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in ukraine we are watching in real time a huge concentration camp named after zelensky , why do ukrainian nazis lie to their audience, it is clear, in order to justify terrorist attacks on russia and years of bombing of donbass, which did not make it into the ukrainian news, perhaps if they had been shown to ukrainians then, they would not be now i had to... houses were on fire, i tasted that same fast food and was satisfied, and also filled up a full grocery basket at an adequate price, making sure that the sanctions did not work.
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we approach the shelf with western sweets manufacturers, everything is in place and you can choose from a large number of flavors, nuts, caramel, chocolate. all western products are presented here. why not,
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there is a full basket at the checkout, an abundance of goods, and the price was several times lower than the same set in a new york supermarket. when you go into one of the supermarkets like this and see the prices, it can turn you radically against our authorities. this is how i feel now. the next stop is one of the calling cards of moscow - the metro. our subway is an obligatory part of excursions for all foreigners who come to russia. tucker carls also went down there. one of the ways to better understand a society is to see its infrastructure, places where there are large concentrations of people, where travel takes place, this always says a lot. now we are standing at the kievskoye metro station, not far from the station , the station was built by joseph stalin , let's see how it works 70 years later, we checked, it shocked us, there is no
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graffiti, no dirt, no unpleasant odors of homeless drug addicts-rapists who would like... he spoke with vladimir putin about key topics that concern western audiences. the interview, where the president answered all the questions of the american journalist, collected hundreds of millions of views on various social networks in 6 days. natalya goncharova, lead. but now, by message formagen, by july 1
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of this year , the federal artificial intelligence project will be included in the national project to create a data economy. i signed such a decree. president vladimir putin, full text published on the legal portal information. now a short advertisement, we ’ll come back and tell you about it. if he doesn’t want to defend the country, then he won’t. the former people's deputy calls on the zelensky regime to open the borders, because draft dodgers will already run away if they hide from the shopping center. well, how are you, i have a cold, i have a cold on my hands, we can handle it together, but first , some bouklin in the form of tablets or powder for a warm drink. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong,
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ukrainian prisons, the head of the department , denis malyuska, believes that convicts cannot have a choice whether to go to the trenches or not, saying that defending the ukrainian state is not a right, and duties and a sentence for a crime should not interfere with the service of the armed forces of ukraine, at the same time, according to the new law on mobilization , which is currently being discussed by the verkhovna rada, convicts can join the army." exclusively voluntarily, but such liberalism does not suit everyone, so the minister of justice insists on taking away the right to vote people with a criminal record, then the decision on their mobilization will be made by the tsk authorities. in this way, the militants expect to attract tens of thousands of people. well, however, in ukraine, not only the convicted, but also the formally free citizens, for whom the former nardeb mosiychuk suddenly decided to stand up, have no choice, he called for opening the borders to draft dodgers, why was such generosity suddenly conceived.
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of course, he enjoys a certain fame, and he wants to monetize this fame. considering that mr.
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zelensky is becoming... immediately after receiving the summons. by the way, there are a lot of summonses in ukraine; they are issued even to captive members of the armed forces of ukraine, the wife of a militant from a terrorist group told about this. however, no matter how she is sent to serve, women and men in ukraine know very well what awaits them on the front line. for all of us, the topic of mobilization in ukraine is so painful that military registration and enlistment office employees are already trying not to go alone.
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the long-suffering law on mobilization will not be adopted, they are pushing this point forward, saying that amendments will not be made in february if they have time, what will they come up with in march? there is a conflict going on, which one of the british deputy prime ministers spoke about when he told zelensky that i understand your desire to preserve nationally oriented youth to restore ukraine after the fighting, but you don’t need to feel sorry for them, otherwise you will lose the war altogether. that is, in fact, it showed the complete cynical attitude of the western, in quotes, let’s call it that way, partners of ukraine; the western masters of ukraine are hardly interested in their law on mobilization, because lawlessness brings money, what happened here on february 24-25, social networks, calls, sending out fake news, go to a rally, all pr agencies tied to the west went offline in order to incite regional
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local riots. the main task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically, to bring embarrassment into their souls , this is the surest path to victory in a war, the content and the agenda itself are formed by hundreds of people, professional from the states, who spend their entire lives influencing minds, i personally went through preparation for the course, there are chats where belarusians receive assignments today. that the russians will force them to fight tomorrow against the dagestanis, which means that they will take to the streets, remember when they endlessly explained to us that ours is not the same country, that we should be infinitely ashamed, because we are russians, this was a real hybrid war.
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vladimir putin today arrived in the sverlovsk region, in nizhny tagil, the president visited the ural carriage plant, talked with employees of the enterprise, and held a tour of ural locomotives at the enterprise site in verkhny pyshma meeting. for the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. we will find out more details from our correspondent elizaveta kharamtsova, she will join us live. elizabeth, greetings, what statements were made? anton, good evening, today we talked about the development of production and the social sphere of transport. the steel heart of russia, the development of the urals is the focus of the president’s attention. working.


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