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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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this is the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. a smart speaker with berbo mini as a gift when buying a smartphone in bambi and eldorado, i start it with a filter, an oil filter, a filter by car brand, oh, and for mine there is one, i opened the application, selected the car brand, avita will select everything. for that - with a free vtb debit card, 10% cashback on everything. there is enough cashback for everyone. when you give russian lotto tickets for a holiday, it may turn out that you gave a million rubles. or a mega jacuzzi. a wardrobe like a star and even 101 poodles. who knows what the money will be spent on. but we know for sure that every second ticket wins. give to those.
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3% of sbp, more than one and a half million people across the country are already using the application, it will probably be useful for you too. we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program what functions it has and how to use it. instructions, but first about
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where it can be found, in all application stores for your devices, there is a version and for android and ios, the application works in all regions of russia. in order to take advantage of all functions, you need to register. to register , you will need a verified account on government services, so you can really make sure that you are you, all requests and other actions that you do through the application will be valid.
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housing and communal services information system, with its help you can learn a lot of interesting things about your home, it will receive notifications about planned repairs, accidents and forecasts to eliminate them. through government services.dom you can transmit meter readings to find out the current tariffs. it will also remind you when the calibration period for measuring instruments expires. by the way, with the application it is very easy to check whether the numbers on paper payments coincide with the expected ones or not. if not. this is a reason to write to the management organization of your home. application requests cannot be ignored. the company is obliged to respond within a specified time frame, no more than a week. through the application you can discuss problems at the entrance or at home and even conduct a legally significant vote and a general meeting of owners. with electronic voting, it is much easier to gather a quorum and even change the management company if the apartment owners don’t like it. how to carry out legally significant ones.
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voting using gizx can be learned from a special webinar, its recording is on the service website, the video shows how to initiate and conduct a general meeting of owners remotely. the government services.dom application has exactly the same functions, you can ask some questions through it to vote and decide on the dates . the system itself will count the votes and inform all participants of the results. you can even do it in the app. neighborhood chats consist only of people who are related to the house, thanks to logging in through government services, no bots will interfere with the discussion of issues that concern the owners. neighborhood chats are a joint project of the public service house and vkontakte messenger; only people can go to the neighbor's chat.
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from a discussion in a neighbor's chat, you can go straight to solving the problem. so, let’s repeat the main thing, the state services application. the house helps homeowners. with its help, you can not only pay for services and communicate with neighbors, but also conduct voting. the application is integrated with the state information system, so it is easy to find a lot of useful information in it. want to learn more about how to automate the transmission of meter readings or how to form a partnership.
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car history according to 25 criteria. it’s safer to buy from the auto library on avito auto. give gifts with free credit vtb card. 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without interest. i ate something wrong, what should i do? in case of poisoning, entermin, a new generation entersorbent, removes toxins while preserving beneficial substances. a smart solution against poisoning. for dad, for mom, for brother , for grandma, for the navigator in the car, for the tablet, for the smart watch, for home security, for the gate in the garage, it ’s dad who plays like that, it’s dad who has everything in the overall balance, with beeline you can forget about paying for different numbers, add them to the total balance,
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top up only one number and all the others will be paid automatically, conveniently it no longer fits into the bear, it fits into the overall balance, beline is on your side. wow, this is the universe! and these are our own farms and production. this is where the minced meat comes in, from which you prepare your favorite dishes. cosmically delicious. cherkizova - minced meat from our own farms. sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. sportmaster media is articles, videos and podcasts from experts about sports and outdoor activities. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. divide in half, prices on yandex market, discounts up to 50%, when paying with an alpha bank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. this is
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the same smartphone, the top smartphone, the top grill, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. thunder robot gaming laptop for only 69,990. bright, maneuverable, functional from rub 2,479,900. liven x6 pro, give a start to the new. when you give russian lotto tickets for a holiday, it may turn out that you gave a million rubles. or a mega jacuzzi. a wardrobe like a star and even 101 poodles. who knows what the money will be spent on. but we know for sure that every second ticket wins.
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for hangovers, enterum entersorbent of a new generation removes toxins, preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or get rid of credit card debts are easy, good afternoon, my name is victor and i’m an entrepreneur, last year i didn’t have time to connect to...
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hello, young lady, good afternoon, connect me to subscriber a245, no dialing dials , only live communication with the telephone operator who is on the switchboard and provides communication, this is how they called at the end of the 19th century, and to connect you had to turn the inductor handle, well and speak loudly, slowly and sometimes ask again what has changed since then?
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but there is simply no 5g, 5g standard base stations should appear in all cities where more than 1000 people live, for this only domestic products will be used equipment, in mobile communications alone , traffic consumption per person per month has increased significantly from 9 gb in 2019 to 19 in 2023, while new tasks are emerging, the development of robot technology, the data economy of unmanned vehicles, for this... the country has absolutely hard-to-reach areas,
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what to do there? the design engineer's pass is reliable and fast internet, but in the huge anton sevkov serial number nine was one of the first to come to this private space company; a team of innovators has been creating a low-orbital spacecraft for russia since 2020 satellite constellation, went from a research project to create a global broadband data transmission system to the first satellites in orbit. once upon a time , the space genius sergei korolev worked here on the territory of the rassvet plant.
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new residents are changing the world again. in the summer of 2023 , the launch of three satellites of our own production and a high- speed communication session. the internet got there. the most important thing, of course, is the team, yes, we already have more than a thousand people. the goal is, of course, the creation of a full-fledged, global commercial groups. we are getting the necessary expertise, creating large-scale production, when will you start serial production? and the sirens were launched in the twenty-fifth year, how much cheaper will each device be in this case? when compared with classical satellites that are currently in gestational orbits, the difference can reach a hundred times. tell us what's going on here, we are. in a unique place, this is a mission control center, such a mini one, we can see satellites here too, yes, that is, if
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you twist this glo, if you are an engineer, we can look how they look, oh, what a beauty, right, and this is the same orbit , yes, that is the same orbit, and now we see one device, there are three spacecraft right after each other, you see how tightly they go, everything is according to plan , as far as i understand, if we learn to produce in such volumes in the hundreds, then we will be able to increase them if it works by the thirtieth year. here on a scale there are 700,800 devices, then you can scale further depending on demand, they are all very compact and you need a lot, for them to be large and it would be necessary a large means of conducting, they would be very expensive, critical for the development of low-speed aircraft is the low cost of launching a kilogram of cargo, the cheaper, the more economically efficient the grouping, so to speak , this launch cost has already been calculated, why will this be?
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planet. the elimination of the digital divide is in full swing, even in small settlements ranging from 100 to 500 people. finally 2023 almost 5,000. such settlements have gained access to modern communications and the internet, and what support measures have already how they work and how they help not only provide communications anywhere in russia, but also introduce advanced technologies for business. elbrus attracts approximately half a million tourists a year. in 2018 , the
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highest base station in eastern europe and russia appeared here at 3.888 m. communication reaches to the very top. five-thousander, 4 years later , a subsidiary of the same operator decided to take a new height and begin producing russian equipment for 5g networks. this is not a base station, this is only a transmitter, this is a piece of it, this is its reception transmitter, so quite a lot, this is the same thing, this is a transmitter that seems to be standing on the roof, an antenna is attached to it, here it is, this is the 5g range, this is an application that changes the speed on the network, here is the 4g operator, here.. 5g, we see that the speed is different, well, by about 10 times. dmitry lakontsev, general director of the developer of telecommunications equipment, about sixty new generation stations have already been assembled here, mostly test samples so far, but the plan for this year is to release them into series a thousand 4g and 5g base stations, and then constantly increase the volume by several times. all
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production, well, if we talk about development, program code, then it’s all domestic, it all belongs to us. according to plans at the turn of the twenty-seventh year, we must reach a serial production of 15 thousand base stations per year, which the company, the business that installs 5g receives, yours, compared to what it was before, they are already at the limit, they have practically exhausted well, its safety margin, this means that the network is very unstable to various emergency situations and 5g will provide that extra reserve that will allow it to be stable and handle the traffic flow if something happens. that we are transitioning like russia a little later will allow us to introduce our own equipment, not all countries in the world can afford this, and russia can enter this narrow circle of manufacturers who do not depend on other countries and can build their own set. the company's products are included in the roadmap for the development of mobile communications. within 3 years they will receive 5.4 billion rubles from the state for development
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technologies. the business itself will invest approximately the same amount. the company's development is included in the register of domestic software. this gives vat zeroing priority in government procurement and allocation of frequencies. the developer is already collaborating with enterprises, deploying 5g networks there using native equipment. sergey anatolyevich, what benefits does digitalization of infrastructure, including communications infrastructure, give to your company? in our age, the speed of information transfer becomes critical if we take drone projects, no matter what we do, how wonderful we were with this technology without infrastructure. work is impossible. digital navigation and machine vision systems operate 22 hours a day on the driver’s road. last year, unmanned tractors delivered more than 12,000 tons of cargo along the m-11 highway. now 12 more such kamaz trucks will be on the route. but new generation communications are also needed by those who choose familiar trucks. our
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car is the k5 series. this is the first equipment to come off the assembly line. immediately connected to the internet, we receive a huge amount of information on our servers, how the car behaves, what’s wrong with it, how i’m broadcasting for our consumers , one of the problems that concerns the driver’s fuel efficiency, let it not go away, that is, it will no longer be possible to cheat, without the connection system, we would not be able to make an assessment of how widespread this or that problem is, this was often cited because we were not struggling with what needed attention, the data collection system allowed us to quickly react and solve these very childhood diseases. the 5g direction is actively developing, but will there be a duplication of functions? 5g is needed where it grows traffic and you need to ensure fast speed , which means in any village, along the road you
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can use a train, an airplane, you can use fast satellite internet, well, in large cities, where there is a huge con... at domestic base stations, what is needed for this? we have many development centers here in russia, colleagues are consolidating the team, i really hope that in the twenty-fifth we will already have mass production organized, from the twenty-sixth we will begin to actively install in megacities again, that is, it is already active, not even testing, not an experiment, but use. there is a very great need, all the operators of our big four , all signed strict binding forward contracts with manufacturers, and what volumes are needed, before the thirtieth year, telecom operators contracted more than 100 billion russian rubles. it is we who have to do it in a very short time , this is like a lag in the development of our own technologies eliminate, well, because we must have all the best, but does
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business expect what you are working on now, what business will receive, why is it interested? several industries have already confirmed their interest at the moment, including oil production enterprises and transport enterprises. both land and sea routes, the northern sea route, air carriers are interested in having service communication channels anywhere on the planet, as well as a service, well, let’s call it, internet on board for passengers. the digital communications infrastructure is developing, including thanks to the national digital economy project. russian ecosystems in this area are growing by a quarter a year. to date, 2,500 km of telecommunication quantum networks have been built. more than 600 high-tech jobs have been created in the equipment sector; well , there are full-cycle domestic companies on the market that work from idea to serial
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production. in the twenty-second year, production was modernized, now it can produce almost any type of motherboard for digital devices. and this is a board for a future tablet; about 2,000 of them are being produced here.
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technological lines in shuya were launched last in the summer with the support of the industrial development fund. now they can produce almost any type of motherboard. in 2022, demand has increased sharply. here is a new server, a model released in the second half of 23, the same line of switches. and if we talk about, here it was and became in terms of the number of products produced, how can you calculate this? the number has probably doubled or tripled. in what directions? in every direction. for one of the largest it manufacturers in russia, 2022 became the year when customers began to literally line up, and support measures from the state helped not to miss the chance. in 2022, we launched
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a second site in tver. from the point of view of measures of support, this is also a change, probably, in the speed and quality of dialogue with regulators, this was very significant, for example, what was it? first of all, it started working quickly. we are moving from a digital economy to a data economy, and this data needs to be correctly created, processed, stored, transmitted, data becomes a significant value, at the personal level, at the level of each of enterprises, at the level, probably, of the country too, a task for the future that solves... today to create data transmission at high speeds with minimal delays to anywhere on the earth, and this is a convenient service not only for individual consumers, but also for all real sectors economy.
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large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and the future, touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country, 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia fascinates you, immerse yourself in an incredible... atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you looking at? well , there the girl is standing buried. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. don’t move, for some reason i trust you, anna medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
1:00 am
in nizhny tagil, the president visited the ural carriage works and talked with employees of the enterprise; in verkhny pyshma, at the site of the ural locomotives enterprise, he held a meeting on the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. details from elizaveta kharamtsova. the steel heart of russia, the development of the urals is the focus of the president’s attention. vladimir putin began his working trip to the sverdlovsk region from the urals.


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