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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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vladimir putin came to the sverlovsk region, in nizhny tagil the president visited the ural carriage works and talked with employees of the enterprise, and verkhny pyshme held a meeting at the site of the ural locomotives enterprise on the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. details from elizaveta kharamtsova. the steel heart of russia, the development of the urals is the focus of the president’s attention. vladimir putin began his working trip to the sverdlovsk region from the urals. he is always interested in people, not
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only in what conditions they work, but and how the city is developing. the plant’s employees thanked the head of state for his attention to tagil, and vladimir putin separately noted that the ural specialists not only do an excellent job directly at the plant, but also go to the front-line zone to help our soldiers repair equipment. for uralvagonzavod workers , the opportunity to bring victory closer in a special military operation is a matter of not only professional honor, but also a deeply personal one. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, 12 were evacuated here to the urals enterprises, including factories from kharkov and mariupol, and already in december 1941 , the first 25 t-34 tanks were sent to the front from the newly created ural tank plant. many ukrainian specialists came with their families and stayed in the urals. after the end of the war. many of the evacuated
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ukrainians stayed to work here, started families here, put down roots, it was with the urals that they connected the history of their generations, well , let’s not go far, probably many of us have family ties in one way or another ukraine, and the more monstrous it was for all of us to watch what was happening there in recent years, how neo-nazism flourished there, how people were dying, the worst thing was children dying, something that has never happened and never will happen in russia.
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the legendary t-34 is recognized as the best medium tank of the second world war, and those armored vehicles that are being produced here now in the northern military district have once again proven that they are the best. vladimir putin once again emphasized that the t-90 simply has no competition. a tank with an upgraded turret, reinforced armor and engine dominates the battlefield, but it is important do not stop, the president emphasized, technology must develop continuously. they set their tasks in the zone of a special military operation, but we don’t have a large civilian travel, well, for example, we will now discuss issues related to the development of high-speed railways, but there will be a need for a large amount of modern rolling stock, because the trains they will cross the roads at a speed of 400 km/h, they need their own - modern at the level
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of world standards, or maybe one step forward, new equipment, here is railway equipment, as far as i understand, your company makes equipment specialized for russian railways, yes, this equipment will also be in demand. the rich history of the ural carriage plant is closely connected with the fate of several generations of togel residents; more than one labor dynasty works at the legendary enterprise. one of the workers suggested it to the president. the opportunity to create a state award in russia for families who connect their lives with one enterprise and vladimir putin called excellent this idea. many of the largest plants and factories in the world were once famous for their labor dynasties, but in the west these values ​​have long been lost, we couldn’t help but talk about supporting young families so that specialists would not leave the region, it seems like a pretty good subsidy, from 30 to 33% of the loan repayment . taken for - for the purchase of housing,
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it is in great demand and i don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion it’s 14 and a half billion. last year we financed this program, this one is planned to be about the same amount, in my opinion, a little more than 14.7 billion, but in general, of course, supporting young families, especially families with children, is an absolute priority, but if we want to survive, you know, if we want to survive as an ethnic group, or as ethnic groups in the population .
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trains launched here connect cities, towns and villages from kaliningrad to vladivostok. vladimir putin was shown the newest composition of finist. in fact, this is the swallow that russians love so much, but it is import-substituted, that is, the components were produced in our country. finnists is available in two options for the suburbs and for long-distance transport. this type of train first entered the ekaterinburg-kamensko-uralsky route at the end of last year. and vladimir putin saw the new locomotive malachite and sat behind the wheel. this russian development can travel 80 km without connecting a contact network, and it is also environmentally friendly transport, and another important topic is the development of a high-speed transport system. the meeting was devoted to this direction. construction of a high-speed
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highway between moscow and st. petersburg - this is just the beginning. in the future , the organization of such communication in the direction of kazan, burg, adler, as well as the capital of belarus and minsk, is completely natural, completely feasible. as for minsk, we discussed this issue with the president of belarus, alexander grigorievich lukashenko, and he also supports it. dedicated, high-speed routes will help significantly increase railway capacity , relieve airport congestion, and will... contribute to the growth of domestic tourism and business activity. for the highway between moscow and st. petersburg will need 44 high-speed electric trains, the president was told at the meeting. and for promising areas, two and a half hundred trains may be needed. this year , ural locomotives plan to complete
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the technical design of the train. it is expected that the eight-car train will be able to reach a maximum speed of up to 400 km. the two capitals will be separated by just over two hours of travel, which... will relieve congestion at airports and provide additional development to domestic tourism. soon the routes between moscow and in st. petersburg we will almost halve the time from 4 hours to 2:15 minutes. and between moscow and tver the travel time will be only 39 minutes. and st. petersburg and veliky novgorod will take citizens only 29 minutes. trains will run every 10-15 minutes. russia will be brought to a new technological level, thousands of jobs will appear, and of course, many
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opportunities will open up for the residents of the country. vladimir putin signed a decree: by july 1 of this year , the federal artificial intelligence project will include a national project to create a data economy, so... thus it will be extended until the thirtieth year, the document is published on the official portal of legal information. in belgorod, the consequences of the attack in the control center are being eliminated. the ukrainian militants targeted residential buildings and shops. according to the latest data, seven people died, including a one-year-old girl. 18 city residents were injured, more than 130 apartments and several dozen private houses were damaged. washington has officially announced what exactly the serious threat to national security is, it became known on wednesday and secret briefings sent by the government to the congressional leader. according to white house spokesman jom kirby, russia is allegedly developing anti-satellite weapons. moscow has rejected these accusations.
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deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov noted: americans regularly attribute to our country actions that do not suit them. russia demands evidence and... in order to still force the house of representatives to approve $60 billion in military aid to ukraine. ekaterina radaeva talks about how the western political press comments on the course of the conflict. dozens of romanians pretended to be ukrainian refugees and traveled to germany to receive benefits and housing. the problem arose when the germans realized that these needy people did not speak ukrainian. as a result, an entire criminal network was uncovered. an investigation has begun. it turned out that more than 1,300 people live in the southwest of the country alone who
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are not natives of ukraine. the german media also note that the treasury is rapidly emptying. they write that some municipalities are openly wasting tax money on projects such as unused houses for refugees. meanwhile, disputes continue over aid to ukraine. british foreign minister david cameron published an article calling on american legislators to support the new project. assistance to ukraine compared the refusal with the policy of appeasement of nazi germany before the start of world war ii. in response to congresswoman's article, taylor greene suggested that cameron look for nazis in the ukrainian army. at the same time, the congresswoman did not mince words. i really don't care what david cameron had to say. i think this is a gross insult. i'm not a fan of this kind of expression.
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run by a guy who easily gives away $60 billion every time someone asks him to. we don't need to do this. they laugh at us as a stupid country because of our leadership. the north atlantic alliance has already announced plans to supply kiev with a million drones. we agreed to create a training center for the ukrainian military in poland under the auspices of nato. previously , the military bloc avoided such decisions, fearing escalation in relations with russia. individual countries of the alliance were involved in training ukrainians. the nato secretary general called on them to further increase the capacity of the defense industry.
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we discussed increasing the production of ammunition to replenish our warehouses and continue to support ukraine. we must move from the leisurely pace of peacetime to the high rate of production that conflict requires. meanwhile, representatives of the alliance have already begun to gather for the munich security conference. it is expected that an agreement will be concluded on the sidelines to strengthen cooperation between germany and ukraine. the list of participants has not yet been disclosed, but the visit was confirmed by emmanuel macron and un secretary-general antonio guterres. it is noteworthy that the us delegation will be represented not by the eighty-one-year-old leader of the country, but by vice president kamala haris, who has already arrived in bavaria. ekaterina radaeva, anton dadykin, lead. notes and it became known that the house of representatives of the us congress canceled the discussion of all issues and went on vacation until february 28. thus, there will be no vote on the allocation of aid to ukraine. remained in the russian presidential elections
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month before the opening of polling stations. voting will begin on march 15, and from february 17 , candidates will be able to begin campaigning in the media. today the central election commission distributed free space in print media. the candidates themselves and their proxies continued to meet with voters. in moscow and regions. read more about this, zenaida kurbatova. representatives of periodicals gathered at the central election commission to provide presidential candidates with the opportunity to post their election materials free of charge. 13 people took part in the draw publications the candidates and the parties that nominated them raffled off print space for campaigning. we allocate 16 a2 format pages, half of them to the presidential candidates, half to the parties. who nominated candidates, thus, from kaliningrad to vladivostok, despite
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any weather, even the worst in moscow today, the materials of all candidates, platforms, programs will be delivered to our readers on time. one small request: we treat everyone equally, with respect, we also ask parties to respect deadlines for submitting your materials. we are having a frank conversation, there are no cameras here, but there are. vladimir mashkov, co-chairman of putin’s election headquarters , has been meeting with activists in sevastopol for the second day, today with a theater theater.
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in the urals, as befits a communist, he went to the factories, talked with the working class, here he is in the workshops of the joint-stock company machine-building holding, asked about salaries, recalled soviet times, but there is no conclusion at the exit, there is, there is soviet times, kharitonov said about import substitution, praised the ural enterprise , but said that questions remain, the average age, promising age went through the workshops, which means personnel potential, which means... and what he said and told, and the salary seems to be decent at the level, which means and the goods do not sit in warehouses, they are practically sold, there are good successful contracts, but it is no secret, yesterday and today the question, therefore, raises about the machine tool industry in the whole country, with machine tool industry it is necessary to accelerate, because
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that is where we were in the workshops, practically old machines are working, the ldpr presidential candidate decided to deal with the engineers of human souls, at the round table the issue of the social status of the writer, sick leave pensions was discussed, slutsky spoke about the corresponding bill, he could include the supervising writer in the government body. leonid slutsky, perhaps unwittingly, called for a return to the soviet system, when such a body existed called the union of soviet writers, the ldpr insists on...
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talked to students of several universities, they say that it’s realistic to replace a third of officials with artificial intelligence, believe me, we will have less corruption, less expenses, and there will be a more clear system of how you can get everything you need from the state. the supreme court rejected both claims of boris nadezhda. a former presidential candidate from the civic initiative party, tried to challenge the requirements of the central election commission for the collection of signatures for registration in the presidential elections in russia and the election procedure. on february 8, the central election commission refused to register for the elections nadezhdin due to the high percentage of defects in the given signatures. based on the results of an audit of 60 thousand signatures, 15% were declared invalid.
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and according to the law, for registration, the proportion of invalid signatures should not exceed 5%. zina kurbatova to lead. moscow will give regions access to its medical services that use artificial intelligence. this was reported by sergei sabyanin. a special platform has been created for this at the moscow center for diagnostics and telemedicine. how does it work and what does it give to the regions? anastasia panko found out. moscow in the region computer vision in medicine is a leader in the country among the first in the world. neural networks help doctors; they have already processed more than 12 million studies. artificial intelligence recognizes almost 40 diseases on x-ray images, including oncology, pneumonia, signs of stroke or coronary heart disease. it is important that moscow actively shares its experience and helps other regions. the center for diagnostics and telemedicine has created a special platform that provides
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everyone with access to the capital’s artificial intelligence service. research from medical organizational autonomous. districts are received on the platform, then sent by the service and returned back to the region, the result of artificial intelligence, in the form of a marked series, which displays the findings that the artificial intelligence algorithms found, and text conclusions, where the algorithm interprets the pathology found. regional doctors will be able to receive the results of radiation studies using the latest algorithms, so they can make a diagnosis faster and more accurately. to work with artificial yamalaninsky has already joined in with his intellect. assistance, for this they are actively updating equipment, building modern clinics and hospitals; in moscow they have purchased 50,000 units of modern equipment in 5 years and will double this number
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in the next few years. on wednesday, sergei sobyanin reported to vladimir putin on the work to improve the quality of medical care for muscovites and all residents of russia. we have decided to completely update the medical infrastructure of moscow. over the past 5 years, we... have created a single digital healthcare circuit in moscow, all medical institutions work in a single system, as a result , the overall mortality rate has already reached a historical minimum, the latest achievements are also used in the diagnosis of tumors, in moscow they have completely switched to an electronic format in the pathomorphological determination of cancer cases, for patients this is... a quick and high-quality diagnosis, saving time and strength in addition, it allows you to conduct an online consultation of different specialists. studies are stored digitally and allow you to track the dynamics
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of treatment results. it is based russian development onecl. this is a telemedicine platform with artificial intelligence, which also makes it possible to expand its application throughout the country. we can very quickly and widely apply artificial intelligence technologies. develop on the basis of this archive. various services, neural networks, which will help the pathologist in the future to analyze and prompt him in making decisions. in january, patients were given access to information about their treatment; a person always has at hand a plan for further stages of diagnosis. currently about 22 have been created million electronic cards, this is another step towards the advancement of modern technologies. the electronic medical record is very convenient, understandable, and easy to understand. everything there with the doctor is convenient to communicate with the patient , i really like it, i will recommend it to other patients, the first center for remote description of radiation studies in russia has been created,
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last year its specialists processed 5 million studies, which is twice as much as the year before. the new model reduced the average time for describing studies by 16 times. center became the scientific basis for the development of the introduction into clinical practice of advanced solutions for radiation and instrumental diagnostics. anastasia panko, lead. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on february 16, 1568, the spanish inquisition declared the entire population of the netherlands heretics and sentenced them to death. this is a unique case in world history. then, for 2 years , a rebellion against spanish rule was raging in the united provinces, as the netherlands were called. these lands brought spain huge income. industry developed here, wealth flowed here from many countries of the world, including india and america. and the bourgeoisie, which did not want to put up with the power of backward feudal
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spain and exorbitant taxes, grew stronger. the dutch rallied under the banner of protestantism, accusing the catholic church of greed, ignorance and moral corruption. churches were plundered and burned, icons and other religious objects were destroyed. then king philip ii of spain. sent a punitive expedition here led by the duke of alba, who brutally executed about 20 thousand people , destroy the entire population, then 3 million people failed, there simply weren’t enough funds for the genocide that the inquisition dreamed of, but the war for the independence of the netherlands continued for almost 80 years, and the casualties on both sides were enormous. on february 16 , 1916, the battle for erzurum, one of the largest, ended with a russian victory. erzurum, a city in northeastern turkey, was of great strategic importance; it was a stronghold for the troops of the ottoman empire. it was strengthened by
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german engineers, 13 stone forts with artillery, a system of defensive ramparts, ditches, trenches and pillboxes, all in difficult-to -passable mountains. but the russian commander, general nikolai yudenich, used the factor of surprise. the enemy did not expect an offensive in deep snow in winter. in the rear, we worked out all the details of the assault with guns, machine guns and sopers. aviation reconnaissance made it possible to draw a map of enemy fortifications. the attack began in the evening in the dark. the turks, it must be said, resisted desperately, only on the fifth day the city was taken. after this, our army advanced another 150 km, occupied trebizond and other cities. but then a revolution occurred in russia. the bolsheviks supported the turkish republic, gave up everything they had won and even some. lands that were formerly part of the russian empire. february 16, 1976 from
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the main gathering. in chelny in 609 they began to build a complex of automobile factories. the design concepts from the truck itself were developed at the moscow zil. engineers alexander setranov, sevolot vyazmin and georgy fest. the result was a saddle rod. with a cabover layout, a comfortable cabin, a five-speed gearbox, with divider, center differential lock. the yaroslavl motor plant developed diesel clutch engines and gearboxes, the odessa automobile assembly plant and the head design bureau in balashov, saratov region, made trailers and semi-trailers: the minsk automobile plant, a dump truck, all these developments were transferred to the new enterprise, and
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the first-born became an onboard one. for countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere and fight global warming. the average temperature on our planet may rise in the next century by at least 6°, ice will melt, the level of the world's oceans will rise, natural disasters will begin, but saving the earth has not yet been possible. rich countries bought pollution quotas and went beyond the established limits. the obligations of the kyoto protocol were provided only for developed countries,
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but for developing ones. china and india, one of the largest producers on the planet, were exempted from them. the americans, by the way, signed the protocol, but did not ratify it. russia joined the kyoto protocol and even exceeded its obligations in 2015 signed the paris climate agreement, which replaced the protocol, which covers all members of the world community and should prevent global temperatures from rising by more than 2° by the year 200. here. kim was this day in history, we will skate cleanly on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win, tadyukha, tadyukh, dad!
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kiss, kiss already, well, going out on the ice beautifully is a skill, come on, shank, all hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes, leaving beautifully, a whole art, well, you we can’t lose it either, because irkutsk loves you, you’re an inflatable nevka, coach, now my colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look.
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