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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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japan and china in particular, who invested huge amounts of money in this... it turned
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out that, well, in general, all these offices are not needed, so now we have to reduce their cost by 20, 40, 50%, this of course hits american banks according to many financial institutions in asia, which made money from this, or tried to make money, yes, the energy industry is growing quite actively in america, of course, we’ll see how long it will last, but nevertheless it is growing , the problems with the military-industrial complex are really quite complex, yes on the one hand they earned for twenty second. the twenty-third year saw record profits, many companies export arms, but indeed for many new programs, yes, the creation of new weapons, as was rightly noted, there are the same new b-21 bombers, american military corporations are incurring losses, and a decent one, here for example, from these bombers, in my opinion , they lost 2.5 billion dollars, that is, this is, well, not such a weak blow for the norman corporation, but that is, there are really a lot of problems, but... banks are now the it sector again
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began to cut the workforce quite seriously, and formally the unemployment rate is not growing, because this is covered by the creation of temporary jobs, in the service sector itself, that is, here one thing overlaps the other, but nevertheless such imbalances exist, and of course the question is in limbo about when america will start printing dollars again, yes, because i ’ll remind you that for almost 2 years america has shut down all these printing presses. raised the rate, now the rate is still 5.5%, and it is not decreasing, because inflation could not be completely controlled, yes, inflation is now 3%, and is not falling, partly also because of global instability, because of geopolitics, because of the war in the red sea , as i understand it, there will be no fed rate cut again in march, and perhaps there won’t be any in may either, but this will of course create problems for american business, for american corporations and banks, and of course for. .. the private sector
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and just those who buy mortgages, because this rate is really very high, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to service the national debt in this situation, well, that’s okay, that is, i think that in fact america will somehow get through 24 without a recession, most likely there may be problems in 2025, but especially if trump wins, i think that he will certainly create problems on all fronts. let's say a few words about david cameron or lord cameron, which he has now become, because i will remind you that he was appointed to the house of lords in order to make the head of the forrain office, but he has been for a long time. i haven’t been elected anywhere for a long time, since i left politics, from the house of commons in 1916, from the position of prime minister, well, to be honest, i hope that this is this composition of the eton mafia, he is living out his last days, because if we look to all the other comrades, yes, boris johnson is now busy working off the remaining money of ukrainian wabists and advertising weight loss products, george osburn has actually landed somewhere in the city, weight loss products they don’t advertise in their own way. but it’s popular now
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in the west, he continues to do pr, and george osbarn has landed somewhere in the city, lord ashcraft will be involved in the next tory election campaign, which they will lose disastrously, i hope this one will also go somewhere into the red sunset, well and david cameron, lord cameron, you need to understand, yes, he is serving out his last months as head of the forain office, although he was not so long ago appointed... but i think that sometime in october, when elections are held in britain, the conservatives will lose miserably, he in general he will retire quite calmly and will also engage in some kind of lobbying, now of course he is trying to acquire additional connections, he was actually hired precisely because of his connections, and he actually had quite extensive connections there with the chinese, including, here and i think that there really wasn’t a person there who could help to a greater extent as a conservative in foreign policy, but another thing is that, of course, he doesn’t really help in any way, i’m talking about this essay... sum it
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up some kind of agenda, but like boris johnson, i think that he has this very...
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polls show that the majority of americans are rather against separating from the ranch, and there in the region 2/3 of the republican electorate is also against it, because in south carolina all his sociology comes out, this is lincegrem’s home state , where he is elected from, he understands all this very well, so now he sees the right moment when it’s worth
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jumping off this hot ukrainian train, nevertheless, nevertheless, if tomorrow we imagine, what is the house of representatives for? takes it up for discussion , puts it to a vote, this... the very bill on the allocation of ukrainian tranches, the majority, they most likely, most likely, most likely recruit, that is, well , firstly, the majority of democrats paravote in favor, except for the very, very left ones, whom i am outraged by the allocation of a tranche to israel, well, there are very few of them, literally dozens, for example, but 2/3 of the republicans, i think, will vote against, but somewhere around 1/3 will most likely vote in favor, that is, they will get about 250 votes, that's it, but nevertheless speaker mike johnson is still that i’m not ready to put this one to a vote. but he understands very well that these same trumpists will not forgive him for this, but if this happens, if he is accepted in his current form, but then simply the same marjarie taylor greene will begin the procedure for recalling the speaker and mike johnson will be thrown out of office, just like kevin
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mccarthy was thrown out not so long ago, because the procedure there is now very simplified, and in order to declare no confidence in the speaker, five legislators and congressmen are enough to start procedures, then they will vote against mike johnson during the...
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initial original plan, to carry out migration reform and approve external tranches, migration reform, they simply want to return all the practices of the trump era, that is, about the deportation of illegal migrants, and at the same time highlight ukraine has not 60 billion, but 40 billion, well, like a third less, as if it would be easier to implement, i’m not sure that the democrats will agree with such a reform project, but this is like another plan c, let’s say, if the plan b won't work well, plan d, which we also already talked about, and there i continue to believe that... of the most likely scenarios, if it doesn’t work out with b and c, then the next option is simply in the month of march, when the next federal budget will be discussed, to include directly in it, literally the us federal budget, these same military tranches, well, maybe not in full, not all 60 billion, well, i fully
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admit 20-30, they can include, then there are many different procedural tricks, yes with the help of which this money can be allocated, that is, we need to be prepared for the fact that suddenly congress will agree on this, even if in the end this does not happen, when they are ready, we will need to do what ? well, we just shouldn’t be upset, we should do what we shouldn’t, we shouldn’t be upset that this happened, at least, yes, that is, emotionally. i believe that they, firstly, i believe that they already give them, yeah, through other channels, but they supply everything that they need it is necessary, and then, let them find ways , there is also a plan e, this one that biden highlights, in fact, simply the logistical part from the warehouses of the us army, of course, exceeds the official powers of the twenty- fifth amendment, well, let's just dump it all, don't lie like that, but nevertheless, yes, let's say, in general. there will be no plan yo yes, well , they didn’t come out in alphabetical order, the point is that even if these 60
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billion are agreed upon, i think that no catastrophe will happen, that is, you need to understand that firstly, they are 30 billion the pentagon directly goes to replenish everything everything everything all all the equipment that has already been spent in ukraine, only 15 billion goes to new military tranches for ukraine, and this is until september twenty-fifth, that is, 700 million per month, not those amounts that were allocated in the twenty-second year. or at the beginning of the twenty-third, when ukraine was being prepared for the so-called counter-offensive, the rest of the money was either humanitarian aid, or some direct tranches, already the financial ukrainian budget, or what was allocated for the training of ukrainians in the west, but the point is that in any case, since this same bill is planned for a year and a half in advance, the money is not that big, and it doesn’t cover all the issues for the ukrainian lobbyists, although they were of course happy when it was in the senate accepted, that’s why you shouldn’t be afraid, don’t panic, if this is the case...
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but the strengthening of the institution ultimately led to the fact that the leaders generally degenerated as
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such and well, there are none, where are there any leaders today in the west with whom you can conduct a dialogue, of course, like vladimir vladimirovich said, i’m not a doctor, yes, i can’t make an appropriate diagnosis, but in this case we must state the fact that we have no one to dialogue with, this is very important, the second point, due to the fact that these same leaders have degenerated - the west does not see the shores, it does not understand what is possible and what is not possible in the system of international relations. and secondly, which is very important: in this regard, there was a break in all existing international legal norms, they were simply swept away by the west, and at the same time the question arises, why there are some houthis there, someone else must comply with these same rules, norms, if the west does not comply with them, and no one will comply with them, what is the point in them if they do not comply with one of the sides, what? this is the crisis in which we find ourselves, and why it is terrible, in addition to the lack of understanding of this
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crisis on the part of the west, this crisis is terrible because the system of international relations - the elements of the state, the connections between them and the international political environment, all states are in a difficult stage crisis, connections between states are completely degraded, and the further it goes, the worse it gets, worse and worse, moreover, there are actors, there are states that deliberately undermine ties.
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russia is at the forefront of the struggle for a better future for the world, we are precisely synonymous with this very best future, the preservation of humanity, conservation, creation - this is it.
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there is no need to reach out, why reach for these pseudo-values, who will reach for them? well, economically, americans can still put pressure on the system in a certain way, but again this has limits, this has limits, limits of possibility, in this regard, here foreign affairs comes out, an article came out that gases and the end of the rules-based world, yes, it’s not about gas, it’s that this is the end of the rules-based world, but the point is ...
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the configuration of the islamic the world, how he sees this configuration, this, like many other things, what is happening in the non-west, in the space of the non-west, is the basis of the future world with which we have to work, and how can erdogan collect when he does not have the main thing, that once again, he doesn’t have the main strength, but when china gathers, he
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collects on the basis of fantastic economic power, when russia is collected, assembled on the basis of military power, what is erdogan’s problem with the protracted. economic crisis in the absence of real military victories with such eternal maneuvering, he has grown competitors in the islamic world, who are told: of course, effendi, we respect you very much, but there are nuances, but we will buy bayraktar, but bayraktar is no longer interesting, iraq has removed bayraktar, good, but that is, iraq with its line showed that, well, bayraktar is second the largest army in nato is, after all, the second most honorable army in nato, it cannot be discounted. they tried to enter the territory of syria, they did not achieve anything, they tried to solve problems in libya, they did not achieve , that’s right, because there are a lot of ambitions, but not enough resources, what are we talking about, that is , when they look at them, they say: you offer prosperity, where it? then, tomorrow, yes, you don’t have it yourself, where is it, but we do, and we have the saudis nearby, and they are doing well, and there is more money, there is no prosperity, the saudis,
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prosperity, everything in common is prosperous, those who are subjects are prospering, well, there are certain problems there now. such a moment when you are trying to collect, earlier there was a speech that we are the turkic world there, he says, well, well, it’s no longer profitable, china has already come and says, the turkic world , he says, yes, china, they scared the turkic world, yes, what suddenly it became clear that what the basis was, where the power was, for a long time erdogan had beautiful rhetoric, which captivated everyone, the military was on the rise, it seemed that there were, it seemed that there were colossal military successes, and then suddenly they are not... of course, this is not the case, it cannot be in paminia, and there is a large amount of ambition there , which is not backed up by a sufficient amount of resources, this is indisputable, but in exactly the same way these growing powers cannot be written off, they must be in agenda , they should be, they are doing all this, of course, i ’m just saying that erdogan needs to get his act together a little, because he needs to learn to correlate ambitions with realistically, no, just
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bring something to the end, for example, choose the side of russia and ukraine, well, for example, choose a side. i’m selling weapons to neither one nor the other, it’s impossible , then a problem immediately arises, then both here and there are not very good, choose a side in the gas sector, if you say no, i won’t allow it, i will fight, don’t sell anything to israel, you can’t , and at the same time, the economy still didn’t get anything from it, because the economy is in crisis, the lira is in crisis, so where is the economic miracle from political maneuvering, it’s not there, yeah, that’s the problem, well, somehow it’s still holding on . well, he’s playing there, he’s playing in his own clearing among these players, but in order to break away from this to reach a high international level, but his competitors will tell him: well, okay, they took the swede.
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the leader of syria, uh-huh, everything will still remain on the sidelines and he will go back, he said to nothing that grievances do not last forever, that he was offended, you are offended, stop, let me drink coffee, yes, yes, yes, what is there to be offended about, vladimir franovich, you know, today is a date that probably cannot be avoided, february 15, 35 years ago troops were withdrawn from afghanistan, yeah, this is a date that we always remember with bitterness, because it lesson, lesson, when our army...
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grateful, because somehow in life these guys were there all the time, when the generation of winners of the great patriotic war was weakening, passing away, for me personally, i think for very many, that was example , because of these guys i knew, no one doubted the fairness of his mission, that he was paying off his debt to the country, and for them international debt was not some empty phrase, so i would just i wanted to thank you, their fates turned out differently, but for our country it’s important, and even somewhere... we must learn bitter lessons, but i would like to return to what the president of russia spoke about today, about an attempt to rehabilitate fascism with various insinuations, yeah, but
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a whole industry of this rehabilitation has been created, this isn’t just some kind of debate, you’re right or you ’re wrong, tricks have been created, special tricks have been created, he named one of them, you know this one, well, he’s there, like the nazis arrested him there. listen, hitler, for example, spent the night of long knives, he repressed many fascists, did they this is why they became anti-fascists, or what? then, i remember, in the nineties this terminology was popular and is still popular among some, you know, well, this is nazism, you use the correct term, national socialism, suporom socialism, but fascism is something else for what? in order to hide these right-wing fascist movements and, as it were , abound in them, remember how popular pinochet was with many of our liberals, but this is such a way? to liberal fascism or these legal tricks of reading nybergsky sentence, for example, in the baltic states, he says: no, no, not all sss were bad, not all, there
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you have to transport it like this, here they wrapped the fish, four translations, we’ll look at each one, it turns out that it’s not to blame, or the germans until now, many are sure that everyone has found a figure of silence for themselves, the wehrmacht was not to blame, here in 1944, in january, such a camp was liberated, unfortunately. less people know about this than about the tragedy of khatyn, you need to know the camp that the wehrmacht created on purpose, you need to read this, the ninth army of the wehrmacht zarichi, 50 thousand belarusians were driven into three concentration camps were explained very cynically, you just compare with modern documents what they are talking about, about our country, they are talking about ukraine, they mean there they say, well, we have a front, we need to feed these people, let’s drive them to camps and writes a report, one of the german officers, listen, they solved the problem, moved into their houses. then an attempt to compare the soviet union with germany,
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this is all a conscious policy, for which, and moreover, they are consistently dismantling their anti-fascist heritage, okay, our feat of our ancestors, anti-fascist legacy, that de gaulle, his glory is as great as it once was, but nothing like it, and the old man foresaw that once... pétain died, george pompedou came to him and said: pétain died. dagol thought for a moment and said, yes, marshal died, to which george pompedu said: “the matter is over.” he said, "no, this is a great historical drama, great historical dramas never end." and the west would like the matter to be over. fascism, the second world war, would become such figures of silence, something something like this from comics, along with medieval knights, they constantly tell us, why do you always remember about that war, well , something like a war, well... why do you need it? macron appears and one of his first political actions, he was only president for a little over a year in the eighteenth year, he actually rehabilitated pitein.
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pushilin, it would seem that there are so many problems, they are creating houses of knowledge, creating a network of lectures, because knowledge in the current system is no less important, and maybe equally important, as good tank.
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welcome to asia here.
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she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special powers, who you look at all the time, well, here’s a girl, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who killer, yes, just look without any initiative, stay in place, don’t move,
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that’s what i... for some reason believed. ann medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. sasha, turn on the morning playlist. i turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take a deputy. sasha, how many of you are i meeting? at 15:00 sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this yourself, together.


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