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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the majority of those who lived in ukraine, and the absolute equal majority who lived in russia, always believed that this was actually the same thing, but after the great patriotic war, you just said, some of these nationalists and nazi elements who they collaborated with the giter, they fled abroad, fled to the states, to canada.
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on the side of the world, these are the nazi bandits who handed over our citizens, their fellow citizens, betraying their own sons, while i will tell you this, europe has never treated us differently, so vladimir vladimirovich and i talked several times about the topic, you can just take newspapers from any war, you can take newspapers from a hundred years ago.
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which instantly heals the head is called victory. i will repeat it a million times. on may 9 , 1945, all germans woke up as anti-fascists. they suddenly understood everything at once. and there should be no illusions here. there must be victory, but not at any cost. therefore, those who are now hot-headedly say: “come on quickly, take avdievka.
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well, if anyone throws such incendiary calls, then please, attack in the first line , attack with a rifle, show by personal example , inspire, here is mikhailovich, you know what ’s interesting, now there is no rifle, no first line, now you walk on your belly for a long, long time, then you crawl for a long, long time to first position, and all the mud is heavy, we say this figuratively, just for... the war
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has so nothing in common with cinema that it’s downright surprising, to understand the urgency of the moment, well , of course, we haven’t yet said about the brass band and the fluttering banners drumming, psychic attack, so no fpron with i can’t keep my mind off things, so in any case, you throw out incendiary appeals, please inspire by personal example, this is the only way, in the united states, by the way, they are very concerned about the problem of placement. nuclear weapons in space, at least some of our representatives of the expert community voice this problem like this, in fact, everything is not quite like that, and yet in washington they believe that this is one of the most real threats to the national security of the united states, which has formed recently. it seemed would be, if we have a powerful nuclear missile potential, this is its ground component, and sea, and evolutionary. what, what will change
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a few nuclear weapons, well , hypothetically placed in space, but not everything, well, actually, here the matter is a little different, the matter is a little different, so realistically speaking, it will change everything. no, well, by the way, when a ballistic missile flies towards the target, because it rises to an altitude of thousands of kilometers, well, where can it go further, it seems like the very, very, that is not space, then the problem is somewhat different, since we have some people mistranslate this point and interpret it incorrectly, the fact is that the most vulnerable point of the united states is the orbital constellation of spacecraft;
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naturally, our ministry of defense has not received any information on this matter, but according to their data, they, by the way, , not everything was declassified even in front of their deputies, there congressmen, senators, that russia is at the stage of deploying an anti-satellite system, that is, precisely the system that will fight, in
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the future, with spacecraft the united states, and there either it will use nuclear weapons, this is one of the options against these satellites, or it will... use nuclear power plants, well, it is quite possible that some kind of even nuclear engines in the future, although this is so far at this stage we can only assume, since a satellite fighter, it must still have a certain maneuverability, the transition from one orbit to another, from one target to another, in general, can hit these spacecraft with some kind of nuclear ammunition, it’s not worth it, since a small-caliber... rapid-firing cannon can handle them, since in conditions of weightlessness and lack of air, it shoots very far very accurately, but the americans were very concerned, and what’s the problem with recoil, well, that’s another question, well , in any case, some of our orbital stations were already equipped with such guns, that is
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, for us to install a gun on a spacecraft is not a solution, it’s not a binomial after all, why are they so concerned, that’s what we have to do we are pleased to note that apparently this is... work in progress, we have some breakthrough results, which really made them very worried, but what can we do, since we can only express some things here in the form of hypotheses and assumptions , but nevertheless we should, well, if so, then we should note this fact exclusively with deep satisfaction, that if they are seriously concerned about our capabilities to create an anti-satellite group to combat their cosmic deep. express an alternative point of view, what is the distance from the satellite platform to the ground, at what altitude is it all, and it all depends on the type and purpose of the spacecraft,
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the greatest distance is, as a rule, satellites located in geostationary orbits, it is almost 37 km, that is companion to study. component, if there is one, it only adds, the idea of ​​​​using nuclear weapons in space as such leads to the fact that not only american, but all satellites disappear, including chinese, indian and unique , but what worries me much more, well, i understand a little how
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the americans think, is that for quite a long time they have been flying various complex ships like boeings, it is not clear with what, under the murmur, under the phrase that the russians can withdraw nuclear weapons. a modern democratic state, i want to remind you of some things, but
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by and large the broadest layers of our public, in general, probably don’t even know about this, that’s when the soviet union collapsed, an independent ukrainian state began to form state, then they immediately began to swear in those units of the formation, the personnel that ended up on the territory of ukraine, some were accepted by military personnel, others were not accepted, well, that’s not even the point. the fact is that during this period of time, starting from the second half of 1991, basically it was the ninety-second year, the beginning of the ninety-third year, they carried out in the armed forces of ukraine, well, a real ethnic cleansing, of course, who could not prove their ukrainian roots from mazepa and hetman sagaidachny, everyone was dismissed from leadership positions, but how did syrsky survive then, and he apparently was not yet in a leadership position, in this, well... yes, it is quite possible, or or after all, he proved that he was happening from some ancestors
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of the sich riflemen, it is quite possible that he compiled the necessary biography, well, nothing can be ruled out here in this regard, but he really never learned the language, that is, his slovenian is worse than that of avakov, so yes, and that concerns another point in the activity modern democratic ukraine, well , since it has no history of its own, it cannot be separated from the history of the russian state.
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of our common state of the soviet union, it was in our state, with its capabilities, with its potential, that he was able to realize all his ideas, or, for example, the same ukrainians are again redrawing history, they are trying to cross out some facts, others, to expose a show like, no, if we’re already talking about the queen, april 12 for ukraine is not cosmonautics day, cosmonautics, then the first ukrainian cosmonaut flew on the spastl spacecraft, so...
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not humanly, can we do something today? well, besides the fact that
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we can certainly destroy them. i will remind you that once upon a time, the nazi regiment , on whose territory zoya kosmodemyanskaya was killed, was ordered by stalin’s personal order not to be captured, not to be taken, and until the end of the war they were not captured alive, there are practically no veterans of this regiment , who, as they say, survived until the end of the war not on our territory. i believe that in our ukrainian artillerymen should not be captured, you understand, because we all know this bastard very well, they have been hitting our cities for 10 years, and theirs for 10 years. ears are hitting our cities, their reactive systems, you know, they all know perfectly well what they are doing, so the question of whether to take them prisoner or not, in my opinion, should be decided unequivocally, well, you shot from a gun, well, to god don’t even know where, they were given the coordinates, they don’t understand that these are coordinates, you know, the commander knows, and those who service the gun, they
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they may not even understand what they told him, this is a favorite german excuse.
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military genius, at least if we take into account intelligence data that at the moment more than seven battalions have been deployed to the northern phase of avdievka, then we can expect attempts on the part of the ukrainian armed forces to somehow carry out some kind of unblocking strike, well, of course it’s good , that if we talk about this in the studio, then our commanders, our units are also ready for this, but we must understand that syrsky can confirm his well-known nickname, that is, throw more seven battalions into this meat grinder. it is quite possible that he will do this, because well, again, he needs to show himself somehow, he needs to do something, he needs to prove himself somehow, now just losing avdeevka for the syros is, well, what is called , to lower oneself very much in the eyes of a ukrainian, well, if he has a brain, he would start with this, he would say that he drove everyone there, and i need to save the troops,
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i need to build a line of defense, so the condition under which i am the first envelope. on zaluzhny, this is also interesting, i note, what this means was at least decided at some other level, because it was not ramstein at the munich conference, ramstein was at munich yesterday from the sixteenth to the nineteenth, that is, i think this is what they are waiting for, so you need to understand that he is here too as if he is not a person who can calmly point out who was guilty before him, he has his own role, it is obvious that if, again, as we have said here more than once,
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zaluzhny was brought out before the fall of avdievka, that is, this means that zaluzhny has his own big plans. and accordingly, in this case, it’s still a cheese to shovel it all out. the second point that is connected with this, of course, is that, in general, ours are working, for example, today i corresponded in a chat with the famous now resurrected, well, his group destroyed, what, 114 people in february alone, ukrainian fighters, who , as they say, are fighting against us, so... they say, sometimes sunday gives great miracles, in this case we can only congratulate his efficiency, his groups, his militancy, it is important for us. secondly, i must say a huge thank you today, literally today on the air, we read a story about how there is
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a whole plant near moscow, the guys created it themselves with their own money, they didn’t ask anyone for anything, in tow. excavators , which are just like a bomb at the front, literally after the broadcast they received a call from the administration of the moscow region, they said that literally in a matter of days everything would be connected, they could finally move to this plant, and not do it all on their knees in old garages, and will work, so of course deepest gratitude, and for them it’s just, well, everything was very simple, i read your post, sent andreevichav, andreevich right there. gave all the necessary orders, they didn’t contact them, the guys didn’t contact the governor, they would have let the issues with the russian networks be resolved themselves, now the administration has gotten involved, i think everything will work out. this is simply the main example of how, in principle , the system of both public administration and the military-industrial complex has been built and is working now , which is not only, say,
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a large military-industrial complex, a state-owned a lot is being done, but that very small military-industrial complex, which plays no less a role, sometimes is even much more important for those people who work, because today i know that from our again famous regiment 14:30 has already reached them already ordered the product from them.
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my best german equipment, in the end , was either destroyed or became trophies , during the time i was traveling, well, i formed a circle of friends who fought, commanded, one of them
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ilya, he is a colonel there, a wonderful guy, several times i showed it on his broadcasts, and we sometimes write in the morning and evening, and i ask how things are, and what i like, that a person constantly thinks, let’s go there, it didn’t work out, rudolfich, don’t worry, we ’ll come up with something now, this one constantly...
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in general, what is war and how does it all move there and how does it all work? so that’s what i’m talking about, this is zelensky, this is ermak, 15 of his best friends who have no idea about this at all, but they have ideas about how to sell ukrainians for a very high price, that’s them we learned how to do it, through mobilization, through you you asked a question about avdiivka, to get it out of avdiivka, listen, you need to understand
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what comes after.
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an expert right away, you will immediately benefit from this, now regarding the seventeenth, poroshenko planned to attend the munich conference on the 17th, who was not allowed there due to security issues, the gur made such a decision, i actually klitschko is threatening his life there, and his life, i i don’t know if klitschko is his name, klitschko probably doesn’t threaten him, most likely it threatens zelensky, and you know an amazing thing, it means poroshenko is...


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