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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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the subversive work that is carried out within the country, such as, for example, what happened in dagestan, this is a riot at the airport or in bashkiria, where they hit the most painful points, where migrations are directed from there, i don’t understand where such pagan horror from the phrase comes from fifth column, fifth column - this is generally an idiom, this is the name of the fascist agents of general franco during the civil war in spain
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and he doesn’t dare, answering me, he writes, exterminate some, others will immediately appear, who will be ordered to be called enemies of the state, fifth a column is not a goal, it’s a process , the fifth column is the justification for terror and nothing more, what kind of terror, what kind of terror, what kind of terror are you talking about, anatoly, who they put up walls like that, or terror is what was excommunicated from the state trough, i
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i think, for the time of the participants in a naked party, or the fact that a murderer, a terrorist is being tried, or someone is awarded the title of foreign agent, by the way, copied from american laws, what kind of terror if the deputy director of the yeltsin center for scientific affairs, mr. nikita sokolov was recognized as a foreign agent on the eighth attempt, on the eighth, moreover. that it was possible to recognize him as a foreign agent on the first try and for a long time, we showed him in our besagons, listen, for the most part, almost never, those people who really fought against the soviet regime were not rehabilitated, these are dissidents of the forties, dissidents of the thirties, which were really real combat groups, they were not rehabilitated, although they did nothing.
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these are vlasovites, this is a big social problem, recognize mr. sokolov a foreign agent while he works in the yeltsin center, this is kind of not a comelfo, not very much, but somehow considering who is protecting the elsin center. in the twenty-second year, mr. sokolov fired, and eight times after that, this is a powerful lobby. excuses him from the possibility of being recognized as a foreign agent, this only happened for the eighth time, can you imagine what power, can you imagine what influence this has? now i can’t help but draw your attention, listen to a few quotes from his networks: the outbreak of russia’s war against ukraine is a shame, we are not we believe that the ukrainian people are under the rule of the nazis and need to be...
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liberated, these people who signed such a petition, they didn’t see torchlight processions, they didn’t see the executions of our prisoners, they didn’t see chevrons, they didn’t see how the azov people zigged , they didn’t see swastikas, tattoos, fascist ones, they didn’t see this, but how to relate to the words of women who serve in the ranks of the ssu, alina sornatskaya, that’s what she says, the smaller the world...
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why we can't guess what exactly for these reasons , a patriot of the ukrainian junta, an il-76 plane with ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange, was shot down by an american missile, why? why doesn’t anyone want to understand this, and why , when asked by journalists, the american press secretaries of one or another organization , they answer that they don’t have... we simply don’t have enough information to comment on this, this plane crash, we we've seen posts about this, we're trying to get more information, but it would be imprudent for me to speculate beyond that, i i simply cannot confirm the authenticity of these messages, precisely because the foundation of all
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this is a global lie, which we are fighting against. do the ukrainian people need liberation from, so to speak, the nazi game, very eloquently, by the way, he writes about this, you know, the newspaper is so serious and not such a friend of ours, gardi. on february 2 , an article was published about what was happening in the prisons of ukraine in relation to those who sympathized with or were reported to have sympathized with the russians, look.
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in just 2023 in yekaterinburg, now let's return to the topic of vladimir putin's trip to chelyabinsk, the president got acquainted with the production of industrial robots at the robot plant, the head of state spoke about the company's development plans, the president inspected the
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assembly machining areas, as well as samples of finished products from the testing area robots. at the end of the inspection, vladimir putin got acquainted with the personnel training program for the plant. well, now the continuation of the besagon tv program. 288 thousand migrants registered for migration this is 18.7% of the total population of the city, two questions arise: how many of them have passed the legal procedure? first question, second question: if they are close to the federal migration service, that means... someone is protecting them, that means someone is protecting them. timofey zhukov, a city duma deputy who returned from a military operation, wrote about this scheme for trading russian citizenship. now attention. another deputy of the regional legislative assembly, vyacheslav
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wegner, reacted to his words. he wrote: “this will end badly, comrade.” that is, a deputy of the legislative assembly. for information which was given by another deputy of the city duma, who talked about the sale of illegal citizenship to migration, wrote, regulated, comrade will end badly, what does this mean, and isn’t it possible to assume that mr. wegner himself is taking part in this scheme, since he so openly warns how this could... end for his colleague, immediately after this the news comes that mr. wegner left the country, fled, as they say, to azerbaijan, which, in principle, can indirectly confirm that he really took part in this diagram, but doesn’t this suggest such
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an argument? very often we were told, when we started talking about emigration, that it is impossible to do without immigration, that these are working hands. very, i would say, convincing arguments, one cannot but agree with them, and so on and so on and so on and so on, but it does not catch the eye, very... interesting information, this is what the governor of the amur region, vasily orlov, says, here listen, despite the closeness with china, 5 years ago, from the moment our team started working, the command was prohibited from using foreign labor, i emphasize, these are not only chinese citizens, but in general any foreign labor force, including citizens of the cis, for example, in agriculture, in gold mining, so we made this decision, it was painful for many farmers, because it literally sounded like...
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and there will be no need to replace him with a migrant, and there will be no need for these schemes with fictitious marriages, there will be no need for illegal immigrants, these terrible showdowns, i have a question, maybe we should still adopt or try to adopt the experience of vasily orlov , try to interest your citizen in work, paying him worthy... money, probably losing something, probably cutting yourself off in some way, but if
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you play the long game, as our western colleagues do, maybe it makes sense to think about it, about the future, and not about earning money now, and then leaving with the earned money and even though the grass won’t grow, no, i’m used to it, they write to us, well, how can it be, you say, but...
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in general, this is talked about periodically, firstly , i do this periodically, secondly, i periodically organize collections, my fees go to ukraine, of course, when they kill russians, i’m offended, but i have no complaints against you, just as i have no complaints against israel regarding gaza, well, in general, i’m very proud that i can be useful to you in some way, if you published a book, we if the entire fee would be spent on drones, yana...
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we collected money specifically for expression, first of all for drones, in general, everything that is needed is amazing, this is my hero, the point is that we collected money specifically for needs a certain detachment, everything i can do for you, i am happy to do, i don’t even know who needs it more, that’s why i do my best open and ready for anything, as they say, is this what awaits us if we win? people with bright faces, the writer dmitry bykov zerbeltrud predicts this for us, listen,
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there will never be forgiveness for those who rejoiced after the events in bucha and declared them an american fake, no, and there will be no forgiveness either during life or after death, to those who rejoiced after mariupol, to those who went there and said, there will be a new theater here, i will head it, to those who sculpted zeds on their own and wanted my family to be publicly hanged on red square, not me, to hell with me, my family, my children were killed on red square, it didn’t work out for you, i took them away , there is no forgiveness for you from me, and there never will be, and my literature will not build bridges with shit, stalin once said such a catchphrase:
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cadres decide that's all, that's what you think... the bzhons or warriors who are fighting in the donbass or their relatives might think when, for example, they see such a picture as, for example, the head of the main department of body support of the federal customs service, this is the federal customs service, lieutenant general oleg zavgorodniy, arranges a drunken riot in kaliningrad, in the five -star crystalhouse hotel in a room costing... 250 thousand rubles per day, and after that he continues the same brawl at the police station, threatening employees on duty, connect what is happening there and what is happening in the rear, and not with homeless people, not with migrants, no,
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with responsible people, as a result, general zavgorodny was dismissed from service. fair, absolutely, but what do you think, if this story had not received such national publicity, he would have been dismissed from service, i don’t know, i don’t think, but how many cases, when this publicity does not happen, is that why? a vile act ceases to be vile, no, it is simply swept under the rug , why am i saying this, this is not about revenge, this is not about punishment, this is about an inner sense of dignity, this is about how much a person
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understands how responsible he is for that , what... is happening in the country personally, how responsible is he, someone will say that morality, this worries me, this is exactly what i talk about in play 12 in the last monologue, which turns the whole story upside down, this worries me, despite the fact that, of course, you need to distinguish one from the other: an accident, little happened, a misfortune, i understand everything. circumstances, you need to understand them, but you cannot use what the state gave you in order to be irresponsible in relation to this state. once a brilliant writer, satirist, mikhail evgrafovich,
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soltykov shchedrin, wrote: “there are legions of tomboys.” who have the state on their tongue, a pie with government filling on their minds, and they don’t have to go far, here’s another example for you, dmitry ovsyanikov, he was a federal inspector for the udmur republic, one of the most important regions for the military-industrial complex, then was deputy director of the pervsky motor plant, which makes engines for aviation, then was the governor of sevastopol. then deputy minister of industry and trade, was fired in 2020 after an ugly scandal at izhevsk airport, when he refused to present his boarding pass. immediately after this, he turned to the eu court of justice with a request to lift the sanctions against him. the sanctions against him are lifted. this is a rare case. and then in
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january of this year the news appears that he... is detained in his london home by the british police, what does this mean? which means that he is now in the hands of british intelligence with all the secrets, with all the information, with everything that he has dealt with over the past years, working in the most responsible positions, in classified enterprises. but this is not a may day, this is not a name day for mi-6, tell me, that’s all, what we are talking about now... is it not part of that very fifth column that we are talking about, and now another , it seems to me, a very important and subtle thought, here
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these people themselves that we are talking about, they understand the degree of degradation of those with whom they are in one way or another connected, or for whom they work in one way or another, don’t we see that these... do not know how to keep their word, saying one thing and doing something else, isn’t this so, isn’t this the very same diminishing fertility of the civilized world, this is what andrei ilnitsky, advisor to the minister of defense of the russian federation, writes about this. look, it's very interesting, and it's very accurate. so that the ruling elites act not in the national, in the interests of globalists, already for about three to four decades
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, the process of elite degradation induced by imitation of democratic procedures was induced. tomorrow's dream world of the global hegemon is a world of total irresponsibility, where people not only will not be able to, but after a while... and will not want to influence the authorities to participate in it, all these macrons, scholz, berbocks and other lisa tras play the role of puppets in the liquidation commission established by deep state, a deep state for nation states. the western world, its national state, having undermined christian foundations of their civilization. have become hail on the sand, sliding under the pressure of the mud flow of neoliberal values ​​into the historical abyss. and
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the french historian we talked about, emmail toth, who once predicted the collapse of the ussr, today predicts the collapse of the western world. i don’t know how or in what form this will happen. but we see how it is already beginning to shake. this whole house of cards, look, texas, biden, trump, the united states national debt, the european economy and so on and so on and so on, the lack hopes, complete confusion in the brain, a feeling of hopelessness and a search for an enemy in order to at least somehow explain to oneself the emptiness in which there is today. a civilized person lives, i want to remind you of one phrase from my speech at the forum in st. petersburg, listen, i will say more
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than that, i will probably say a terrible thing, realizing that it is unpopular, but god sent us a special military operation so that we are finally talking about...
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that the politician is focusing on the next elections, and the statesman is focusing on the next generations thinks about the future of the country, that’s why it’s so important for all of us now to be on the right side of this conflict, well, at the end i want to give you a gift, you remember we had a wonderful song in one of the besogons. young singer nastya ivanova, she sent us her new song, it’s called warrior of the spirit, i really want you to listen to it, because i’m
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absolutely convinced that this song is just for those who stand on our side of the barricade. the snow covers up what i dreamed about, the wind flies through the leaves, my thoughts are in silence, the starry sky. velvet carpet , weave the sky, i’ll splash out my pattern there, i’ll splash out bright colors on the mantle to revive the sima and add light, in quiet prayer in the temple in... the soul sports, the old window
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frame, i’ll lean against breathing, only the light that saves me, commanded, there is no fear, i will straighten the skrel into flight, take away the spirit, with a sphere on... on the lips, it will cover the earth, it will raise hopes, the flag, even if it fell and i was lucky enough to go, and you live among the rocks, don’t let me eat it, beech was behind you. from the bright bridges of the umsk path
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you will go out into the sun, you are only brighter than me wings will be called, i will spread your spirit, i believe on... on your lips, you will tame the earth, you will lift up the hopeless, well, after such a song it’s a sin. not to fulfill our
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tradition, i would, of course, like to drink to this song, but indirectly it will also be about it, because as always, i propose to raise a glass to victory, to our victory.
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vladimir putin is on a working trip to chelyabinsk today, the president got acquainted with the production of industrial robots at the robot plant, the head of state spoke about the company’s development plans, the president. personnel for the plant. 14 people who were injured during the vsso attack on belgorod remain in hospitals, four serious patients were taken to moscow for treatment, their condition was reported to the russian ministry of health.


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